Purpose of Experiment

0675-EX-PL-2007 Text Documents

Regents of the University of California


1     Why a STA is required
The use of a highly directional high gain antenna operating in the unlicensed
57-64 GHz band is desired as part of prototype to realize a communication link
between RF-ID like cheap wireless sensors and the base station, which is both
the transmitter and ultimate receiver. The proposed transceiver exceeds the
radio emission limits specified in Part 15.255 of the FCC rules and regulations,
therefore requiring a STA for experimentation during development of the pro-
totype. However, care will be taken to prevent any humans entering the regions
of principal radiation by maintaining the emission levels below those specified
in Bulletin 65, for the 3 locations described in detail in Section 4.

2     Purpose of Operation
We have proposed a novel architecture for data extraction from a network of
low-power sensors with limited communication and computation capabilities
that we term an ‘Imaging Sensor Net’. Unlike in conventional multihop sensor to
sensor communication, the sensors communicate directly with the collector/base
station node using a line of sight channel. Since the origin of the sensed data
is critical in many applications, this architecture utilizes a radar-like round trip
delay estimation to additionally locate the sensors.
    The collector node transmits a RF ‘beacon’, which is a long aperiodic pseudo-
random noise sequence to initiate the communication using a highly directional
high gain antenna. The sensors that are illuminated by the beacon electronically
reflect the collector node’s beacon, modulating the return with low rate data
and frequency translation to avoid backscatter or ground return. The collector
proceeds to sweep the entire field with overlapping illuminations of sensors. The
received signals from these multiple illuminations are then jointly processed
using techniques similar to Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing to extract the
data, and locations of the corresponding sensors.
    The 60GHz millimeter wave band was chosen for this prototype, since there is
unlicensed bandwidth available and also at this frequency, multipath effects are
at a minimum due to significant attenuation during reflections, which is desired
to make the delay estimation algorithm accurate. We consider two possible
architectures for the sensors - one in which the sensor reflects the beacon with
no gain(similar to RF-ID sensors) at the sensor and the other, where the sensor
amplifies the signal before reflection. In the RF-ID like sensors, the collector
node must provide enough power in the beacon in order to compensate for the
attenuation in both the down and up links, which necessitates large transmit
powers at the collector. The transmitter emission characteristics are provides
in the next section.

3     Radio Emission Characteristics
We now estimate the transceivers in band and out of band emission for the
different deployment sites.

3.1    In-band Emissions
The transceiver Cassegrain transmit antenna used in the collector radio has the
following specifications:


 Operating Frequencies(Wavelength λ)         =   59 GHz(5.1 mm) to 62 GHz(4.8 mm)
 Antenna Input Power(P)                      =   200 mW(23 dBm)
 Directivity(G) with 3dB antenna loss        =   40 dB
 EIRP                                        =   2 kW
 Diameter(D)                                 =   30 cm
 Peak to average Power ratio                 =   5dB
 Main Lobe Width                             =   2◦ azimuth & zenith
   FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletion 65(OET-65) provides
guidelines and methods for evaluating compliance with FCC’s human exposure
regulations[1]. Emission limits for operation in the the desired unlicensed 57-64
GHz band are specified in [2].
   The power densities are now calculated at 60GHz or 5mm wavelength. The
near field boundary is defined by[1] as

                                   D2    (0.3)2
                         Rnf =        =           = 4.5m
                                   2λ   4 ∗ 0.005
and the power density in the near field is

                       16ηP   16 ∗ η ∗ 10−0.7
               Snf =        =                 = 1.13η mW/cm2
                       πD2       π ∗ 0.32
where η is the aperture efficiency give by

                            Gλ2     104 ∗ 0.0052
                       η=         =              = 0.2814.
                            π2 D2    π 2 ∗ 0.32
Therefore, in the near field(for distances less than Rnf ),

                                Snf = 318 µW/cm2 .

For distance greater than Rf f ,

                                0.6D2   0.6(0.3)2
                       Rf f =         =           = 10.8m
                                  λ       0.005
the power density at a distance R is

                        PG          30 ∗ 104
              Sf f =       2
                             =                   = 238.732 W/R2 ,
                       4πR     4 ∗ π ∗ 1002 ∗ R2
for e.g. with R = 1m, Sf f = 238.732 W/m2 = 23.8 mW/cm2 . The emission
levels for operation of RF devices in 57-64 GHz band are 9 µW/cm2 average and
18 µW/cm2 peak measure at 3 m from the antenna. The power density for the
Cassegrain used is 318µW/cm2 average and 954µW/cm2 peak power density (in
the near field).

3.2    Out of band emissions
The out-of-band radiations are minimized by a combination of a transmit band-
pass filter and the inherent high-pass filter characteristics of millimeter-wave
waveguides. The rectangular V-band waveguides(e.g. Aerowave 15-1205) in
the transmitter has a cut-off frequency of 40GHz below which any out-of-band
signals from the transmitter are attenuated very strongly. In the 2” length of
waveguide, the loss at 38 GHz exceeds 100 dB. The RF transmit filter(Quinstar


QFB-6103V0) used has an insertion loss of 1dB in the passband of 59-62 GHz.
The transmit filter has a stopband (< 57 and > 64 GHz) with attenuation of
atleast 25dB i.e. power transmitted in the stopband is less than 1 mW even
under the extreme worst-case assumption of 100% of the transmitter output
power being out-of-band.

4    Test Sites
We intend to use 3 different test sites all in the vicinity of the Engineering
Sciences Building on campus. The 3 locations are desired to test the system for
short, medium and long ranges. Figure 1 shows the test sites on an enlarged
campus map. In Figures 2, 3 and 4, plan and elevation views of the 3 test sites
are shown. The figures also present the power density at the sensor nodes and
the maximum power densities on humans standing in the main lobe or on a
side-lobe of the antenna. Note also that the peak and average power densities
are the same for this system. It can be seen that power densities are below
the 1 mW/cm2 legally permissible limit for human exposure in all 3 sites even
for humans on the main lobe of the antenna. We would also like to assure the
FCC that we would take care to cordon off the experimental areas or perform
experiments during weekends as far as possible to further reduce the exposure
to humans in the area. Figures 5,6 and 7 are pictures of the 3 sites looking from
the ‘eye’ marked on figures 2, 3 and 4.

Figure 1: Reference schematic for emission specification for different transmitter

 [1] Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Ra-
     diofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, FCC Office of Engineering & Technol-
     ogy, Bulletin 65, August 1997


[2] Section
               15.255, Part 15, FCC Rules and Regulations, FCC Office of Engi-
    neering & Technology, February
                              Balcony 2006

                                                     Sensor Field
             P = 23 dBm


                                       Main Lobe
                                                           318 µW/cm 2 @ 7.1m

                          Off Axis
    4.2 m

                                                                       3.2 m
                               0.032 µW/cm 2 @ 5m
                                                                                  26.5 µW/cm 2 @ 30m

                                                              29 m

             PLAN VIEW               Figure 2: Site A for short range testing

                                                                                Sensor Field

             P = 23 dBm



                                        Main Lobe

                          Off Axis
     4.2 m

                                 0.32 µW/cm 2 @ 5m
                                                                                   318 µW/cm 2 @ 10m

                   3m                                                                          Sensor

                                 Figure 3: Site B for medium range testing


              PLAN VIEW

                                                                                            Sensor Field

          P = 23 dBm



                                       Main Lobe

                          Off Axis
     3.35 m

                                0.32 µW/cm 2 @ 5m
                                                                      14.5 µW/cm 2 @ 40m   9.5 µW/cm 2 @ 50m

                   3m                                                                             Sensor
                                                    40 m
                                                               50 m

                                     Figure 4: Site C for long range testing

Figure 5: Site A for short range testing (looking from the ‘eye’ in the plan view
of site A)


Figure 6: Site B for medium range testing (looking from the ‘eye’ in the plan
view of site B)


Figure 7: Site C for long range testing (looking from the ‘eye’ in the plan view
of site C)


Document Created: 2019-02-17 08:26:38
Document Modified: 2019-02-17 08:26:38

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