0081-EX-RR-2013 Text Documents

Regents of the University of California


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The Regents of the University                                                               O—Fige or
  of California                                                                               TeE
c/o The Office of the General                                                               CENcAaL
  Counsel                                                                                   SCiSEL
590 University Hall
2200 University Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94720

Re:        Request for Confirmation of Exempt
           Status under Section 501 (c) (3) of
           the Internal Re enue Code of 1954

This is in reference to your letter of July 13, 1982 requesting                 confirmation
of the exe pt status of The Regents  of the University of California under
section 501(c) (3)of the Internal RevefiuCode of 1954.

In our letter of September 14, 1939, Code IT:P:T:l CQ, it was held fhat
you were entitled to exe ption under the provisions of S@““*Ofl 101 (6)of
the Revenue Act of 1938 .

A determination           or ruling letter issued to an organization granting
exemption under      nt            1e Code of 1954 or under a prior or
subsequent Revenue Act remains in effect untilexe pt status has been
terminated, revoked or modified.

Our records indicate that you are the reqgularly constituted state universit;
of the State of California originally cor ated by a state legislatue act of
1868; that you are engaged 1n
                            eauca_iefla act1v1gleu, that your income.is
derived f                es       s
and that y                0

In addition, it appears from»*              !lcluding the. information ss.xkmitted
                                                             c —
                                                   —och to

with your letter of Julj 13,       7       here has been no, hange in your
organization‘s exe pt stxatus Ad ording;',   our letter of September 14, 1939
is still in effect. This letter does not constitute @ rns charge examination

      au              on 501l{(c) (3)of            al                         was deri ed
      fu                        itho              e c}                        f section
      (6)                                          9 C                        letter   of
      tem                                          it                         your
 onst                                             pti                         described
in se

                                               you as provi
                                               erly section

Document Created: 2019-02-17 10:29:25
Document Modified: 2019-02-17 10:29:25

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