Explanation of Experiment and Need for STA

1159-EX-ST-2019 Text Documents

Raytheon Missile Systems


Raytheon Missile Systems
Experimental License STA Application
File Number: 1159-EX-ST-2019

                        Explanation of Experiment and Need for an STA

Raytheon Missile Systems (Raytheon) is the primary missile manufacturer in the US, supplying
ordinance ready to operate to the US military. This application seeks authorization for the use of a
variety of radio systems that are used in the development and testing of its advanced missile systems,
to deliver automatic real-time position information to the warfighter on the battlefield.

Need for an STA:

Raytheon is working on just-in-time development of advanced radio performance. Raytheon needs
to expedite its testing to meet autumn demonstration deadlines. An STA will assist in accelerating
the process. This STA request is filed for operations at Raytheon’s facilities in Tucson and at a
testing contractor site in Tempe, AZ.

Technical Synopsis:

Spectrum requested:                     420-450 MHz
Limited time of use:                    sporadic use, when hard-wired connections are detached
Limited area of operations:             operations are limited to Raytheon plant site
Power level is low:                     5W
Operations protect other users:         frequency hopping, listen-before-transmit radios

Description of Operations:

Raytheon is working on the advanced development of radio systems incorporated into its missiles.
Raytheon’s customers are requesting ever more data from the missile systems while those systems
are in operation, to provide the warfighter with local, just-in-time information. The radios being
tested here will use a 6 MHz wide channel to provide a variety of data.

Testing will be limited to the lab, to see if the radios in question can deliver the performance being
requested by the customers.

Limited Time of Use:

Most testing will be hard-wired. However, on occasion, it will be necessary to test over-the-air
transmissions to validate the effectiveness of the radio operations. The time of use of these
frequencies is expected to be less than 2 hours per week.

Locations of Testing:

Testing will be conducted at two locations. One is at Raytheon facilities in Tucson. The other
location is at a testing contractor site in Tempe, AZ. All testing is indoors.

Stop Buzzer Point of Contact:

       Jim Ortega, Spectrum Manager
       Raytheon Missile Systems
       520-794-0227 (office #, forwards to cell)


Raytheon is seeking an STA for operations to advance the development of communications systems
that are being incorporated into its missile systems. The proposed operations will take place
indoors, and for less than 2 hours per week.

If there are any questions about this proposed operation, please contact Anne E. Cortez, counsel,
Washington Federal Strategies, at 520-360-0925 or alc@conspecinternational.com.

Document Created: 2019-06-25 07:06:35
Document Modified: 2019-06-25 07:06:35

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