Request for Confidentiality

0793-EX-CN-2018 Text Documents

Raytheon Missile Systems


       Raytheon Missile Systems Experimental License Modification Application
                             Request for Confidentiality
                   Application File Number: 0793-EX-CN-2018

Raytheon Missile Systems is requesting confidentiality for experimental license
application number 0793-EX-CN-2018 to the extent allowed by the Commission’s Rules,
47 C.F.R. §0.459. Should the Commission be unable to grant this confidentiality request,
the applicant requests that the Commission contact the applicant as soon as possible.

The radio operations proposed under this application are for the testing of proprietary
technology under research and development to serve some interests expressed by federal
agencies in the US. While the Commission’s Rules automatically protect some national
security information from public disclosure under 47 C.F.R. §0.457, the application
submitted here does not fit into the specific provisions of Section 0.457. Therefore,
Raytheon Missile Systems is seeking to protect the information submitted here under the
provisions of Section 0.459 of the Commission’s Rules. The request for confidentiality is
intended to protect proprietary and sensitive information about how this technology is
being developed and how it might operate. Protecting this information will protect
Raytheon’s proprietary technology from unwarranted exposure.

Additionally, this application includes technical trade secret information which Raytheon
wishes to keep secret from its competitors, in addition to shielding the sensitive
information from general release. The details in the exhibit include information that
could lead competitors to learn about some of Raytheon’s proprietary innovations in
factory development using spectrum. Keeping the design and operation of this facility
confidential is essential to maintaining the totality of the trade secrets related to
Raytheon’s factory innovations and how they work.

This request for confidentiality requests that the Commission withhold from public view
any information related to the description of use of spectrum and all exhibits filed with
this application. Protection of this information is essential to preserve Raytheon Missile
Systems ability to fulfill its responsibilities to its Department of Defense customers and
to protect the American public.

In accordance with the OET Electronic filing system requirements, a point by point
explanation of the request under section 0.459 of the Commission’s Rules is set forth
below. Raytheon Missile Systems hereby requests confidential treatment of this
application and, in particular, confidential treatment of the exhibits.

       Subsection (b) (1): information to be kept confidential – all information in the
       exhibit to application and as much of the application as can be kept confidential;
       Subsection (b) (2): This application is submitted as required by law to seek
       authorization to operate, however the circumstances of the operation require that

       this confidentiality request be filed in the interests of national security and to
       protect trade secrets. This explanation is provided more fully above.
       Subsection (b) (3): Some aspects of the system under development are protected
       trade secrets, and as such, confidential treatment of this application will protect
       from the public some of the tools and techniques that Raytheon keeps secret to
       advance the development of its products.
       Subsection (b)(4): N/A
       Subsection (b)(5): N/A
       Subsection (b)(6): Only this submission with the accompanying confidentiality
       request has been made public, the rest of the information is at a secured facility
       and held as company proprietary trade secrets;
       Subsection (b)(7): The underlying information is available only to individuals
       with the authority to access the information at the relevant secured facilities.
       Subsection (b)(8): National security requires that this information be kept
       confidential during processing AND for the duration of any license, and license
       renewal, that is issued.
       Subsection (b) (9): N/A

Please contact Anne Cortez with any questions, 520-360-0925 or

Document Created: 2018-10-02 13:55:10
Document Modified: 2018-10-02 13:55:10

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