Explanation of Experiment

0519-EX-CN-2019 Text Documents

Raytheon Missile Systems


Raytheon Missile Systems
Experimental License Application
File Number: 0519-EX-CN-2019

                                    Explanation of Experiment


Raytheon Missile Systems (Raytheon) develops, tests, and builds a number of advanced technology
systems that are sold to the US government and selected foreign governments. This application
seeks authorization for the testing of such a system before delivery to an approved foreign customer.
In January 2019, Raytheon sought authorization for testing to integrate an optical system with a
radar system. Those operations were authorized under WN9XVR.

Originally, the testing was strictly for demonstration to a foreign government. The demonstration
went well, and there is now new interest in developing the technology for additional customers. For
that reason, Raytheon is filing this application to extend its testing.

Technical Synopsis:

Spectrum Requested:     10175-10500 MHz
Time of use:            less than 4 hours daily, during business days
Power:                  80 W, with 27 dBi gain
Operations:             Indoors, in hangar and adjacent to hangar

Description of Operations:

Raytheon is seeking to test the integration of the airport radar with an optical tracking system to
advance the functionality of Raytheon’s products.

The radar system has three operating modes:

Mode one: is a 1 kHz wide signal that is used for TX F1 CW. This mode help to send out TX
transmit frequency. It will be in use off and on throughout the entire day.

Mode two: is a 4 MHz wide signal that is used for TX F2 CW. This mode helps to send out TX
transmit frequency (along with the 1 kHz simultaneously). It will be in use off and on throughout
the entire day.

Mode three: is a 300 MHz wide signal that is used for TX FM-CW modulation. This mode helps as
the alternate from mode two proving a FM-CW modulation. It will be in use off and on throughout
the entire day.

The goal of the experimentation, testing, and integration is to integrate a COTS radar system with an
optical scanning system to be able to detect threats at airports. The radio system is not
experimental, but the work being done will involve testing various configurations to optimize
performance of the integrated system.

The radar system will have its directional antenna oriented down. The image below is a generic
version of the proposed testing vehicle.

                      Figure 1. Quadcopter with testing technology mounted underneath

Power Levels, no interference likely:

The nominal power level is 80 W with an ERP of 24.4 kW. The beamwidth of the antenna is
approximately 7 degrees.

                               Figure 2. Approximate beamwidth of antenna

This is a highly directionalized antenna which operates above 10 GHz with the antenna directed
downward. Because signals at this high frequency are subject to significant attenuation, it is unlikely
that any of the proposed operations would cause harmful interference to any other operations.

Area of Operations:

The area of operations is limited to a discrete portion of the Moriarty Municipal airport. Moriarty is
a town 35 miles east of Albuquerque with a population of about 2,000 people. The location was
selected because it is close to the Raytheon facilities in Albuquerque but protected from operations
in the city. Because of the nature of the project, the radio will be incorporated onto a quadcopter
drone to allow for very limited mobility, to simulate actual operating parameters that would be used
by the Australian government. The quadcopter, in keeping with FAA regulations, will be flown by a
licensed pilot and remain below 400 feet in elevation.

The area is less than 1 km in diameter. Below is an aerial view of the area of operations.

               Figure 2. Moriarty Airport – area of operations is circled, radius of about 300 ft.

Natural terrain features will prevent the signal from propagating very far from the area of
operations, because of building attenuation, the downward directionality of the antenna, and natural
features such as the Sandia Mountains, which have an average elevation over 7,000 feet. The Sandia
Mountains will protect Albuquerque Sunport, New Mexico’s largest commercial airport, which is
about 35 miles away.

                  Figure 3. Mountains between Moriarty Airport and Albuquerque SunPort

New Mexico has very mountainous terrain. The Santa Fe Mountains, to the north and rising to over
8000 feet, will prevent signal propagation that direction. While the area to the east of the airport is
predominantly flat and sloped downwards, the nearest major airport is over 200 miles away in
Amarillo, Texas.

Time of Use:

The time of use is limited each day. The quadcopter on which the radar will be mounted is battery-
powered as is the radio. Thus, operations are limited to the duration of the battery. Then, the
systems will be recharged, and possibly run again during the day. This means that testing is expected
to last no more than 4 hours per day. Should Raytheon need to coordinate these operations with
others, it is possible to set up a schedule.

Stop Buzzer Point of Contact:

       Jim Ortega, Spectrum Manager
       (520) 794-0227


Raytheon is seeking authority to continue testing the installation and operation of a commercial off-
the-shelf radar system with an optical tracking system for threat detection. The operations will be
contained at the Moriarty airport. The time of use of the radios is limited. Should there be any
questions about the proposed operations, please contact Anne E. Cortez, 520-360-0925 or

Document Created: 2019-06-26 13:44:59
Document Modified: 2019-06-26 13:44:59

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