Explanation of Experiment

0368-EX-RR-2015 Text Documents

Raytheon Missile Systems


Raytheon Missile Systems
Renewal Application Exhibit
Redstone Arsenal Facility GPS Re-radiation Systems
Call Sign: WF2XVU
File Number: 0368-EX-RR-2015

                         Exhibit 1 – Overview and Explanation

Overview:       Raytheon Missile Systems is filing this application to request renewed
authorization to use GPS re-radiation systems at its production facility in Redstone
Arsenal, Alabama. In recent years, virtually every product developed by Raytheon
Missile Systems incorporates one or more GPS receivers, so the need to use GPS re-
radiation systems to test those receivers has proliferated across the company and now
includes many more programs, including all of the programs working at the Redstone
Arsenal facility. This application is being filed renew authorization for GPS re-radiation
systems for all of the programs that are operating in the Redstone Arsenal building.

There are seven locations requested in this application. The locations, all indoors, are
listed in a chart that follows this Exhibit. The chart has essential information regarding
the location, whether the installation will be hooded, and how much time the GPS re-
radiation system will be in use. The chart is followed by a separate link budget for each
location. The Raytheon facility at the Redstone Arsenal Army Base has one large
building with a main building area and six separate production areas. Because the
building is large, Raytheon will be installing seven separate re-radiation systems, and
their locations are far enough apart that each has its own distinct geographic coordinates.
Each installation is listed as a separate location.


   •   All seven locations are indoors, at a secure Raytheon facility at Redstone Arsenal.
   •   All GPS re-radiation systems are used for GNSS testing.
   •   Power level (EIRP) at 100 feet from the re-radiating antenna is -160.8 dBm for L1
       and -158.6 dBm for L2. Link budgets are attached.
   •   Raytheon Missile Systems has posted signs that GPS re-radiation is in use.
   •   The Stop Buzzer point of contact is Thomas J. Fagan, 520-794-0227.

General compliance with NTIA section 8.3.28: set forth below are Raytheon’s responses
to the requirements of 8.3.28 as those answers apply across all the locations. For any
information that must be provided on a site-specific basis and for the link budgets, that
information follows Attachment A and the information is provided on a location by
location basis.

Raytheon Missile Systems
Redstone Arsenal GPS Re-Radiation System Renewal Application
File No: 0368-EX-RR-2015
Call Sign: WF2XVU
Page 2 of 5

For any questions about this application, please contact Tom Fagan, Spectrum Manager,
Raytheon Missile Systems, 520-794-0227 or tjfagan@raytheon.com, or Anne Linton
Cortez, 520-360-0925 alc@conspecinternational.com.

Compliance with the Requirements of NTIA Manual Section 8.3.28

    1. Individual authorization is for indoor use only and is required for each
       device at a specific site.

        Each installation listed in the location chart is an indoor installation, and the
        location of each is specified in the chart in Attachment A. This application is
        requesting individual authorizations for each device.

    2. Applications for frequency assignment should be applied for as an XT station
       class with a note indicating the device is to be used as an “Experimental
       RNSS Test Equipment for the purpose of testing GPS receivers” and
       describing how the device will be used.

        Raytheon requests the assistance of the FCC and NTIA to properly classify the
        frequency authorizations. All of the proposed installations will be used for the
        testing of GPS receivers installed on Raytheon products. Attachment A indicates
        for each location whether the GPS re-radiation system will be used with the re-
        radiating antenna hooded and what percentage of the time the GPS re-radiation
        system will be in use.

    3. Approved application for frequency assignment will be entered in the GMF.

        Raytheon requests the assistance of NTIA and the FCC in entering this data into
        the GMF.

    4. The maximum length of the assignment will be two years, with possible

        Raytheon is seeking renewal of WF2XVU for two years, and it will seek renewals
        when timely.

    5. The area of potential interference to GPS reception (e.g., military or
       contractor facility) has to be under the control of the user.

        All of the installation locations listed on Attachment A are in a building at the
        Raytheon facility located on the Redstone Arsenal Army Base. As such, all of the

Raytheon Missile Systems
Redstone Arsenal GPS Re-Radiation System Renewal Application
File No: 0368-EX-RR-2015
Call Sign: WF2XVU
Page 3 of 5

        Raytheon facilities are secured facilities, and each building is under the control of
        Raytheon, no unauthorized visitors are permitted.

    6. The maximum equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) must be such
       that the calculated emissions are no greater than -140 dBm/24 MHz as
       received by an isotropic antenna at a distance of 100 feet (30 meters) from
       the building where the test is being conducted. The calculations showing
       compliance with this requirement must be provided with the application for
       frequency assignment and should be based on free space propagation with no
       allowance for additional attenuation (e.g., building attenuation.)

        Link Budgets: For each location listed in Attachment A, there are L1 and L2 link
        budgets attached to this application showing the calculations applicable to that
        proposed installation of a GPS re-radiation system.

        Location in building: Each installation is inside a building at a Raytheon plant
        site. All installations are far from any outside wall of the building. The attached
        link budgets for each location show that the signal strength at 100 feet from the
        re-radiating antenna is far below -140 dBm/24 MHz. Thus, the signal strength at
        100 feet from the building is significantly lower still, but Raytheon wanted to
        ensure that the signal strength was attenuated so much that there would be no
        chance of interference.

        Power levels are very low: The link budgets provide information on the signal
        strength at 1 meter from the re-radiating antenna. This information is provided
        because at each installation, the antennas being tested are never more than 1 meter
        from the re-radiating antenna. The calculations then show the signal strength at
        100 feet from the re-radiating antenna as well.

        One installation will be hooded to further protect from interference: In the Main
        Building, the GPS re-radiation system will be operated under a hood. The hooded
        re-radiating antenna is positioned merely inches from the receive antennas for

    7. GPS users in the area of potential interference to GPS reception must be
       notified that GPS information may be impacted for periods of time.

        Raytheon will post signs in each location where a re-radiation system is installed
        alerting those in the area that there are GPS re-radiation systems in use in that

    8. The use is limited to activity for the purpose of testing RNSS

Raytheon Missile Systems
Redstone Arsenal GPS Re-Radiation System Renewal Application
File No: 0368-EX-RR-2015
Call Sign: WF2XVU
Page 4 of 5

        Raytheon is requesting authorization to use re-radiation systems at these locations
        specifically for testing of GPS systems on its products.

    9. A “Stop Buzzer” point of contact for the authorized device must be identified
       and available at all times during GPS re-radiation operation of the device
       under any condition.

        The Stop Buzzer point of contact for all these devices is:

                Thomas J. Fagan, Spectrum Manager, Raytheon Missile Systems
                520-465-7087 (cell)
                520-794-0227 (office)

        Mr. Fagan will keep a list of each location and the telephone number for the
        operator at each location with him at all times, so that he can initiate shut off a
        GPS re-radiation system at any time.

For questions regarding this application, please contact Thomas J. Fagan, Spectrum
Manager, Raytheon Missile Systems or Anne Cortez, Counsel, 520-360-0925 or

Raytheon Missile Systems
Redstone Arsenal GPS Re-Radiation System Renewal Application
File No: 0368-EX-RR-2015
Call Sign: WF2XVU
Page 5 of 5

         ATTACHMENT A – Locations of GPS Re-radiation Kit Installations
                             File Number:

        The Huntsville GPS re-radiation locations being renewed are set forth in the table
below. Each location is in a different part of the building at 7745 Eagle Road, Redstone
Arsenal, Alabama. The last two columns show A) how much the re-radiation system is used
over the air, rather than being hard-wired to the receiver in the Raytheon product under test,
and B) whether some or all of the use of the re-radiation system is hooded, which provides
additional shielding to further attenuate the GPS signal and prevent it from being perceived
in the immediate vicinity of the hooded testing.

                                                                 % of Time         Hoods in
Site Number:         Latitude:             Longitude:
                                                                 in Use            use
Main Building        34-37-38              86-35-43              20%               Yes
Site 1               34-37-41.96           86-35-45.72           20%               No
Site 2               34-37-43              86-35-42.6            20%               No
Site 3               34-37-42              86-35-39              20%               No
Site 4               34-37-40              86-35-37              20%               No
Site 5               34-37-37              86-35-37              20%               No
Site 6               34-37-35              86-35-39              20%               No

Link budgets for each of the sites listed in the table above are attached below.

Location: Main Building, Latitude 34-37-38 N Longitude 86-35-43 W
Use: Re-radiation system will be hooded and used for testing installed antennas

                                       GPS Signal Analysis - L1 Link Budget
Frequency                                                          1575.42 MHz                 Signal Level
Wavelength                                                     0.19042541 meters      dBm       Watts picoWatts
GPS Input Signal Level                                                -130 dBm         -130      1E-16      0.0001
GPS Receive Antenna amplifier gain                                       38 dB          -92      6E-13         0.63
GPS RF Amplifier gain                                                    23 dB          -69      1E-10      125.89
GPS RF Attenuator                                                       -22 dB          -91      8E-13         0.79
LMR400 Coax loss per foot                                           -0.067 dB
Coax Length                                                            100 feet
Total Coax Loss                                                        -6.7 dB         -97.7     2E-13       0.170
GPS Transmitting Antenna Gain                                             3 dB         -94.7     3E-13       0.339
Distance from transmit antenna                                            1 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                  3.2808399 feet
Pathloss to unit under test                                  -36.38969194 dB          -131.1     8E-17    7.78E-05
Signal level at unit under test EIRP to ERP                                           -133.2     5E-17    4.75E-05
Distance from transmit antenna                                       30.48 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                100.0000002 feet
Pathloss to 100 ft                                           -66.06999119 dB          -160.8     8E-20    8.38E-08
Signal level at 100 ft ERP                                                            -162.9     5E-20    5.12E-08

                                       GPS Signal Analysis - L2 Link Budget
Frequency                                                            1227.6 MHz                Signal Level
Wavelength                                                    0.244379277 meters      dBm       Watts picoWatts
GPS Input Signal Level                                                 -130 dBm        -130      1E-16      0.0001
GPS Receive Antenna amplifier gain                                        38 dB         -92      6E-13         0.63
GPS RF Amplifier gain                                                     23 dB         -69      1E-10      125.89
GPS RF Attenuator                                                        -22 dB         -91      8E-13         0.79
LMR400 Coax loss per foot                                            -0.067 dB
Coax Length                                                             100 feet
Total Coax Loss                                                         -6.7 dB        -97.7     2E-13       0.170
GPS Transmitting Antenna Gain                                              3 dB        -94.7     3E-13       0.339
Distance from transmit antenna                                             1 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                   3.2808399 feet
Pathloss to unit under test                                  -34.22290244 dB          -128.9     1E-16 0.000128
Signal level at unit under test EIRP to ERP                                           -131.1     8E-17 7.83E-05
Distance from transmit antenna                                        30.48 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                100.0000002 feet
Pathloss to 100 ft                                            -63.9032017 dB          -158.6     1E-19    1.38E-07
Signal level at 100 ft ERP                                                            -160.7     8E-20    8.43E-08

     Huntsville GPS rerad site main building renewal 2013
     Application File No.: 0368-EX-RR-2015

Location: Site 1, Latitude 34-37-42 N Longitude 86-35-46 W

                                      GPS Signal Analysis - L1 Link Budget
Frequency                                                        1575.42 MHz             Signal Level
Wavelength                                                    0.19042541 meters     dBm    Watts picoWatts
GPS Input Signal Level                                               -130 dBm        -130 1E-16       0.0001
GPS Receive Antenna amplifier gain                                      38 dB         -92 6.3E-13       0.63
GPS RF Amplifier gain                                                   23 dB         -69 1.3E-10     125.89
GPS RF Attenuator                                                      -22 dB         -91 7.9E-13       0.79
LMR400 Coax loss per foot                                          -0.067 dB
Coax Length                                                           100 feet
Total Coax Loss                                                       -6.7 dB        -97.7 1.7E-13      0.170
GPS Transmitting Antenna Gain                                            3 dB        -94.7 3.4E-13      0.339
Distance from transmit antenna                                           1 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                 3.2808399 feet
Pathloss to unit under test                                 -36.38969194 dB         -131.1 7.8E-17   7.78E-05
Signal level at unit under test EIRP to ERP                                         -133.2 4.8E-17   4.75E-05
Distance from transmit antenna                                      30.48 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                               100.0000002 feet
Pathloss to 100 ft                                          -66.06999119 dB         -160.8 8.4E-20   8.38E-08
Signal level at 100 ft ERP                                                          -162.9 5.1E-20   5.12E-08

                                      GPS Signal Analysis - L2 Link Budget
Frequency                                                         1227.6 MHz             Signal Level
Wavelength                                                   0.244379277 meters     dBm    Watts picoWatts
GPS Input Signal Level                                               -130 dBm        -130 1E-16       0.0001
GPS Receive Antenna amplifier gain                                      38 dB         -92 6.3E-13       0.63
GPS RF Amplifier gain                                                   23 dB         -69 1.3E-10     125.89
GPS RF Attenuator                                                      -22 dB         -91 7.9E-13       0.79
LMR400 Coax loss per foot                                          -0.067 dB
Coax Length                                                           100 feet
Total Coax Loss                                                       -6.7 dB        -97.7 1.7E-13      0.170
GPS Transmitting Antenna Gain                                            3 dB        -94.7 3.4E-13      0.339
Distance from transmit antenna                                           1 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                 3.2808399 feet
Pathloss to unit under test                                 -34.22290244 dB         -128.9 1.3E-16 0.000128
Signal level at unit under test EIRP to ERP                                         -131.1 7.8E-17 7.83E-05
Distance from transmit antenna                                      30.48 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                               100.0000002 feet
Pathloss to 100 ft                                           -63.9032017 dB         -158.6 1.4E-19   1.38E-07
Signal level at 100 ft ERP                                                          -160.7 8.4E-20   8.43E-08

     Huntsville GPS rerad site 1 renewal 2015
     Application File No.: 0368-EX-RR-2015

Location: Site 2, Latitude 34-37-43 N Longitude 86-35-43 W

                                       GPS Signal Analysis - L1 Link Budget
Frequency                                                           1575.42 MHz             Signal Level
Wavelength                                                      0.19042541 meters     dBm    Watts picoWatts
GPS Input Signal Level                                                 -130 dBm        -130 1E-16        0.0001
GPS Receive Antenna amplifier gain                                        38 dB         -92 6.3E-13         0.63
GPS RF Amplifier gain                                                     23 dB         -69 1.3E-10      125.89
GPS RF Attenuator                                                        -22 dB         -91 7.9E-13         0.79
LMR400 Coax loss per foot                                            -0.067 dB
Coax Length                                                             100 feet
Total Coax Loss                                                         -6.7 dB        -97.7 1.7E-13      0.170
GPS Transmitting Antenna Gain                                              3 dB        -94.7 3.4E-13      0.339
Distance from transmit antenna                                             1 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                   3.2808399 feet
Pathloss to unit under test                                   -36.38969194 dB         -131.1 7.8E-17   7.78E-05
Signal level at unit under test EIRP to ERP                                           -133.2 4.8E-17   4.75E-05
Distance from transmit antenna                                        30.48 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                 100.0000002 feet
Pathloss to 100 ft                                            -66.06999119 dB         -160.8 8.4E-20   8.38E-08
Signal level at 100 ft ERP                                                            -162.9 5.1E-20   5.12E-08

                                       GPS Signal Analysis - L2 Link Budget
Frequency                                                            1227.6 MHz             Signal Level
Wavelength                                                     0.244379277 meters     dBm    Watts picoWatts
GPS Input Signal Level                                                 -130 dBm        -130 1E-16        0.0001
GPS Receive Antenna amplifier gain                                        38 dB         -92 6.3E-13         0.63
GPS RF Amplifier gain                                                     23 dB         -69 1.3E-10      125.89
GPS RF Attenuator                                                        -22 dB         -91 7.9E-13         0.79
LMR400 Coax loss per foot                                            -0.067 dB
Coax Length                                                             100 feet
Total Coax Loss                                                         -6.7 dB        -97.7 1.7E-13      0.170
GPS Transmitting Antenna Gain                                              3 dB        -94.7 3.4E-13      0.339
Distance from transmit antenna                                             1 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                   3.2808399 feet
Pathloss to unit under test                                   -34.22290244 dB         -128.9 1.3E-16 0.000128
Signal level at unit under test EIRP to ERP                                           -131.1 7.8E-17 7.83E-05
Distance from transmit antenna                                        30.48 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                 100.0000002 feet
Pathloss to 100 ft                                             -63.9032017 dB         -158.6 1.4E-19   1.38E-07
Signal level at 100 ft ERP                                                            -160.7 8.4E-20   8.43E-08

     Huntsville GPS rerad site 2 renewal 2015
     Application File No.: 0368-EX-RR-2015

Location: Site 3, Latitude 34-37-42 N Longitude 86-35-39 W

                                       GPS Signal Analysis - L1 Link Budget
Frequency                                                           1575.42 MHz             Signal Level
Wavelength                                                      0.19042541 meters     dBm    Watts picoWatts
GPS Input Signal Level                                                 -130 dBm        -130 1E-16        0.0001
GPS Receive Antenna amplifier gain                                        38 dB         -92 6.3E-13         0.63
GPS RF Amplifier gain                                                     23 dB         -69 1.3E-10      125.89
GPS RF Attenuator                                                        -22 dB         -91 7.9E-13         0.79
LMR400 Coax loss per foot                                            -0.067 dB
Coax Length                                                             100 feet
Total Coax Loss                                                         -6.7 dB        -97.7 1.7E-13      0.170
GPS Transmitting Antenna Gain                                              3 dB        -94.7 3.4E-13      0.339
Distance from transmit antenna                                             1 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                   3.2808399 feet
Pathloss to unit under test                                   -36.38969194 dB         -131.1 7.8E-17   7.78E-05
Signal level at unit under test EIRP to ERP                                           -133.2 4.8E-17   4.75E-05
Distance from transmit antenna                                        30.48 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                 100.0000002 feet
Pathloss to 100 ft                                            -66.06999119 dB         -160.8 8.4E-20   8.38E-08
Signal level at 100 ft ERP                                                            -162.9 5.1E-20   5.12E-08

                                       GPS Signal Analysis - L2 Link Budget
Frequency                                                            1227.6 MHz             Signal Level
Wavelength                                                     0.244379277 meters     dBm    Watts picoWatts
GPS Input Signal Level                                                 -130 dBm        -130 1E-16        0.0001
GPS Receive Antenna amplifier gain                                        38 dB         -92 6.3E-13         0.63
GPS RF Amplifier gain                                                     23 dB         -69 1.3E-10      125.89
GPS RF Attenuator                                                        -22 dB         -91 7.9E-13         0.79
LMR400 Coax loss per foot                                            -0.067 dB
Coax Length                                                             100 feet
Total Coax Loss                                                         -6.7 dB        -97.7 1.7E-13      0.170
GPS Transmitting Antenna Gain                                              3 dB        -94.7 3.4E-13      0.339
Distance from transmit antenna                                             1 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                   3.2808399 feet
Pathloss to unit under test                                   -34.22290244 dB         -128.9 1.3E-16 0.000128
Signal level at unit under test EIRP to ERP                                           -131.1 7.8E-17 7.83E-05
Distance from transmit antenna                                        30.48 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                 100.0000002 feet
Pathloss to 100 ft                                             -63.9032017 dB         -158.6 1.4E-19   1.38E-07
Signal level at 100 ft ERP                                                            -160.7 8.4E-20   8.43E-08

     Huntsville GPS rerad site 3 renewal 2015
     Application File No.: 0368-EX-RR-2015

Location: Site 4, Latitude 34-37-40 N Longitude 86-35-37 W

                                       GPS Signal Analysis - L1 Link Budget
Frequency                                                           1575.42 MHz             Signal Level
Wavelength                                                      0.19042541 meters     dBm    Watts picoWatts
GPS Input Signal Level                                                 -130 dBm        -130 1E-16        0.0001
GPS Receive Antenna amplifier gain                                        38 dB         -92 6.3E-13         0.63
GPS RF Amplifier gain                                                     23 dB         -69 1.3E-10      125.89
GPS RF Attenuator                                                        -22 dB         -91 7.9E-13         0.79
LMR400 Coax loss per foot                                            -0.067 dB
Coax Length                                                             100 feet
Total Coax Loss                                                         -6.7 dB        -97.7 1.7E-13      0.170
GPS Transmitting Antenna Gain                                              3 dB        -94.7 3.4E-13      0.339
Distance from transmit antenna                                             1 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                   3.2808399 feet
Pathloss to unit under test                                   -36.38969194 dB         -131.1 7.8E-17   7.78E-05
Signal level at unit under test EIRP to ERP                                           -133.2 4.8E-17   4.75E-05
Distance from transmit antenna                                        30.48 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                 100.0000002 feet
Pathloss to 100 ft                                            -66.06999119 dB         -160.8 8.4E-20   8.38E-08
Signal level at 100 ft ERP                                                            -162.9 5.1E-20   5.12E-08

                                       GPS Signal Analysis - L2 Link Budget
Frequency                                                            1227.6 MHz             Signal Level
Wavelength                                                     0.244379277 meters     dBm    Watts picoWatts
GPS Input Signal Level                                                 -130 dBm        -130 1E-16        0.0001
GPS Receive Antenna amplifier gain                                        38 dB         -92 6.3E-13         0.63
GPS RF Amplifier gain                                                     23 dB         -69 1.3E-10      125.89
GPS RF Attenuator                                                        -22 dB         -91 7.9E-13         0.79
LMR400 Coax loss per foot                                            -0.067 dB
Coax Length                                                             100 feet
Total Coax Loss                                                         -6.7 dB        -97.7 1.7E-13      0.170
GPS Transmitting Antenna Gain                                              3 dB        -94.7 3.4E-13      0.339
Distance from transmit antenna                                             1 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                   3.2808399 feet
Pathloss to unit under test                                   -34.22290244 dB         -128.9 1.3E-16 0.000128
Signal level at unit under test EIRP to ERP                                           -131.1 7.8E-17 7.83E-05
Distance from transmit antenna                                        30.48 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                 100.0000002 feet
Pathloss to 100 ft                                             -63.9032017 dB         -158.6 1.4E-19   1.38E-07
Signal level at 100 ft ERP                                                            -160.7 8.4E-20   8.43E-08

    Huntsville GPS rerad site 4 renewal 2015
    Application File No: 0368-EX-RR-2015

Location: Site 5, Latitude 34-37-37 N Longitude 86-35-37 W

                                       GPS Signal Analysis - L1 Link Budget
Frequency                                                           1575.42 MHz             Signal Level
Wavelength                                                      0.19042541 meters     dBm    Watts picoWatts
GPS Input Signal Level                                                 -130 dBm        -130 1E-16        0.0001
GPS Receive Antenna amplifier gain                                        38 dB         -92 6.3E-13         0.63
GPS RF Amplifier gain                                                     23 dB         -69 1.3E-10      125.89
GPS RF Attenuator                                                        -22 dB         -91 7.9E-13         0.79
LMR400 Coax loss per foot                                            -0.067 dB
Coax Length                                                             100 feet
Total Coax Loss                                                         -6.7 dB        -97.7 1.7E-13      0.170
GPS Transmitting Antenna Gain                                              3 dB        -94.7 3.4E-13      0.339
Distance from transmit antenna                                             1 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                   3.2808399 feet
Pathloss to unit under test                                   -36.38969194 dB         -131.1 7.8E-17   7.78E-05
Signal level at unit under test EIRP to ERP                                           -133.2 4.8E-17   4.75E-05
Distance from transmit antenna                                        30.48 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                 100.0000002 feet
Pathloss to 100 ft                                            -66.06999119 dB         -160.8 8.4E-20   8.38E-08
Signal level at 100 ft ERP                                                            -162.9 5.1E-20   5.12E-08

                                       GPS Signal Analysis - L2 Link Budget
Frequency                                                            1227.6 MHz             Signal Level
Wavelength                                                     0.244379277 meters     dBm    Watts picoWatts
GPS Input Signal Level                                                 -130 dBm        -130 1E-16        0.0001
GPS Receive Antenna amplifier gain                                        38 dB         -92 6.3E-13         0.63
GPS RF Amplifier gain                                                     23 dB         -69 1.3E-10      125.89
GPS RF Attenuator                                                        -22 dB         -91 7.9E-13         0.79
LMR400 Coax loss per foot                                            -0.067 dB
Coax Length                                                             100 feet
Total Coax Loss                                                         -6.7 dB        -97.7 1.7E-13      0.170
GPS Transmitting Antenna Gain                                              3 dB        -94.7 3.4E-13      0.339
Distance from transmit antenna                                             1 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                   3.2808399 feet
Pathloss to unit under test                                   -34.22290244 dB         -128.9 1.3E-16 0.000128
Signal level at unit under test EIRP to ERP                                           -131.1 7.8E-17 7.83E-05
Distance from transmit antenna                                        30.48 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                 100.0000002 feet
Pathloss to 100 ft                                             -63.9032017 dB         -158.6 1.4E-19   1.38E-07
Signal level at 100 ft ERP                                                            -160.7 8.4E-20   8.43E-08

    Huntsville GPS rerad site 5 renewal 2015
    Application File No: 0368-EX-RR-2015

Location: Site 6, Latitude 34-37-35 N Longitude 86-35-39 W

                                      GPS Signal Analysis - L1 Link Budget
Frequency                                                        1575.42 MHz             Signal Level
Wavelength                                                    0.19042541 meters     dBm    Watts picoWatts
GPS Input Signal Level                                               -130 dBm        -130 1E-16       0.0001
GPS Receive Antenna amplifier gain                                      38 dB         -92 6.3E-13       0.63
GPS RF Amplifier gain                                                   23 dB         -69 1.3E-10     125.89
GPS RF Attenuator                                                      -22 dB         -91 7.9E-13       0.79
LMR400 Coax loss per foot                                          -0.067 dB
Coax Length                                                           100 feet
Total Coax Loss                                                       -6.7 dB        -97.7 1.7E-13      0.170
GPS Transmitting Antenna Gain                                            3 dB        -94.7 3.4E-13      0.339
Distance from transmit antenna                                           1 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                 3.2808399 feet
Pathloss to unit under test                                 -36.38969194 dB         -131.1 7.8E-17   7.78E-05
Signal level at unit under test EIRP to ERP                                         -133.2 4.8E-17   4.75E-05
Distance from transmit antenna                                      30.48 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                               100.0000002 feet
Pathloss to 100 ft                                          -66.06999119 dB         -160.8 8.4E-20   8.38E-08
Signal level at 100 ft ERP                                                          -162.9 5.1E-20   5.12E-08

                                      GPS Signal Analysis - L2 Link Budget
Frequency                                                         1227.6 MHz             Signal Level
Wavelength                                                   0.244379277 meters     dBm    Watts picoWatts
GPS Input Signal Level                                               -130 dBm        -130 1E-16       0.0001
GPS Receive Antenna amplifier gain                                      38 dB         -92 6.3E-13       0.63
GPS RF Amplifier gain                                                   23 dB         -69 1.3E-10     125.89
GPS RF Attenuator                                                      -22 dB         -91 7.9E-13       0.79
LMR400 Coax loss per foot                                          -0.067 dB
Coax Length                                                           100 feet
Total Coax Loss                                                       -6.7 dB        -97.7 1.7E-13      0.170
GPS Transmitting Antenna Gain                                            3 dB        -94.7 3.4E-13      0.339
Distance from transmit antenna                                           1 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                                 3.2808399 feet
Pathloss to unit under test                                 -34.22290244 dB         -128.9 1.3E-16 0.000128
Signal level at unit under test EIRP to ERP                                         -131.1 7.8E-17 7.83E-05
Distance from transmit antenna                                      30.48 meters
Distance from transmit antenna                               100.0000002 feet
Pathloss to 100 ft                                           -63.9032017 dB         -158.6 1.4E-19   1.38E-07
Signal level at 100 ft ERP                                                          -160.7 8.4E-20   8.43E-08

     Huntsville GPS rerad site 6 renewal 2015
     Application File No: 0368-EX-RR-2015

Document Created: 2015-08-12 11:29:54
Document Modified: 2015-08-12 11:29:54

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