Explanation of Experiment

0312-EX-CR-2018 Text Documents

Raytheon Missile Systems


Raytheon Missile Systems
Experimental License Renewal Application
Call Sign: WI2XKD
File Number: 0312-EX-CR-2018

                                    Explanation of Experiment


Raytheon Missile Systems (Raytheon) is a defense contractor that builds missile systems for the US
government and select, US government approved foreign customers. This application seeks
renewed authorization for testing of radio technology to be incorporated into several of these
missile systems to deliver higher performance to the customer.

Technical Synopsis:

Spectrum Needed:               420-450 MHz
Power level Requested:         100W, and 100 W ERP
Area of Operation:             all operations will be indoors
Limited time of use:           work days, only occasionally will there be over-the-air transmission

Description of Proposed Operations:

These radios are incorporated into a missile system. This is part of a feasibility study for exploring
how to deliver much better data to the warfighter in real time. The goal is to deliver automatic real-
time position information to the warfighter on the battlefield.

The radios installed need to be tested to determine how they are performing.

This testing is not about developing a new radio but it will examine the usefulness of incorporating
this existing radio in these systems. Raytheon will be incorporating its RT1915 radio into some of
its other products to work on delivering the data needed on the ground.

Area of Operation:

All of the proposed testing takes place in various Raytheon labs, as the radio is incorporated and the
engineers undertake a feasibility study. All operations are indoors. It is possible, based on the
parameters being studied, that the prototypes could be moved from one lab to another between
tests. That is the reason for the radius of operations. The radios will not be in motion while
operating, but they may move from lab to lab for different studies.

Time of Use is Limited:

The proposed feasibility study incorporates the radios into the Raytheon product. Most of the
testing will use a hard wire connection to the product to study the data transfer. However, in some
rare instances, the radio transmissions need to be tested to determine performance and cost-
effectiveness. Only in those instances will the radio spectrum be in use. The over-the-air testing is

in use less than 10% of the time needed for the feasibility study. In other words, the spectrum is in
use less than 4 hours out of a typical 40 hour work week.

Power Level Requested:

The radios are not configurable. They are designed to operate at 100 W with 100 W ERP. So, there
is no way to curtail the transmit power.

Characteristics of the Radios – spectrum use is very limited:

These radios are frequency hopping, spread spectrum radios. The radios use from 2-8 channels in
the 420-450 MHz band, not all of the band. Because of the nature of frequency hopping, the radios
must listen before they transmit to ensure that the radio has hopped to an open channel. Therefore,
the chance of any interference to any other spectrum user in this band is extremely limited.

Stop Buzzer Point of Contact:

       Bart Turner, Spectrum Manager
       520-794-0227 (office)


Raytheon is seeking to renew its experimental license to study the feasibility of incorporating one of
its radios into a range of its missile system products. The purpose of the testing is to determine if
the radios can economically deliver the performance required by Raytheon’s customers. The radios
transmit over the air on a very limited basis. Furthermore, the radios are listen-before-transmit,
which minimizes the chance of any interference to other users of this spectrum. All operations are

Should there be any questions about this application, please contact either Anne Cortez, WFS,
alc@conspecinternational.com or 520-360-0925.

Document Created: 2018-06-26 06:19:23
Document Modified: 2018-06-26 06:19:23

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