Explanation of Experiment

0302-EX-CR-2019 Text Documents

Raytheon Missile Systems


Raytheon Missile Systems
Experimental License Application
Renewing WB2XGB
File Number: 0302-EX-CR-2019

                                Explanation of Experimentation


The license being renewed is for the experimental use of the frequencies from 80-86 GHz, 92-100
GHz, and 102-105 GHz to develop new radar technologies that operate in these millimeter wave

Technological experimentation and development have been in progress on these frequencies for
over 10 years. The work continues. Additional experimentation is required to help develop the
antennas, receivers, and other components until the technology catches up with the theoretical
possibilities of using this spectrum for radar applications.


   •   Frequencies Requested: 80-86 GHz, 92-100 GHz, and 102-105 GHz
   •   Operations have been ongoing; no interference has resulted from ongoing operations;
   •   Use of these millimeter wave frequencies requires extensive research;
   •   The pulse width of the transmission is narrow, and the average power is much lower than
       the peak power (ERP) listed on the application;

Project Description:

The experimentation requires use of a fixed transmitter where testing is conducted on the ground,
using a transmitter attached to the roof of a Raytheon Missile Systems’ building. That testing is
done outdoors to track the motion of “targets”. Then, the experiment takes the technology under
development and loads it onto an aircraft that is flown up to altitudes of 10,000 ft AGL within a 75
mile radius around Raytheon’s Tucson facility. As the testing continues, the technology is refined to
help Raytheon achieve specific technological objectives. Each iteration brings the technology closer
to the goals, but the testing and experimentation process needs to continue to advance the
development of the various system components until complete, reliable, effective operations are

Raytheon Missile Systems
Experimental License Application
Renewing WB2XGB
File Number: 0302-EX-CR-2019
Page 2 of 3

Technical Parameters:

The radios are operated using the frequencies in the 80-86 GHz band, 92-100 GHz band, and 102-
105 GHz band. Any or all of the frequencies may be selected in a pre-determined sequence.

    •   Transmitter power: The peak power level at the transmitter is 5 kW;
    •   Duty Cycle: The duty cycle ranges from a low of 1% to a high of 10%;
    •   Average Power: The average power is only 500 W;
    •   Antenna Gain: 41 dB;
    •   Total Peak ERP: 50 MW (77 dBW). The average ERP is only 5 MW.
    •   Pulse Width: .001 to 1.0 microseconds
    •   Pulse Repetition Frequency: 1 to 1000 kHz
    •   Necessary Bandwidth: 2.0 GHz
    •   Emission Designator: 2G0D1N

Only two prototype radios have been built for use in this testbed. The testing continues because
there is a great deal of refining necessary to make the technology function as required.

Potential for Interference:

There are few radio operations in this spectrum. The primary uses are for radio-astronomy and
radiolocation. The use of the spectrum for development of radar falls within the category of
radiolocation use of the spectrum. The proposed use is just a continuation of operations that have
been ongoing for a decade. There have been no complaints of any type of interference in the past
10 years, and it is not anticipated that there will be any in the next five years. To the extent that
there are some federal users who utilize the 92-100 GHz spectrum for cloud profiling radar, it is
important to note that the area around Tucson has very little cloud cover, and so it is not likely to be
the site of the NASA and Air Force testing of their systems, thus minimizing any potential for the
creation of harmful interference.

Therefore, based on the lack of interference from past operations and the localized nature of the on-
going experimentation, it is unlikely that renewing this authorization will result in the chance of any
harmful interference.

Raytheon Missile Systems
Experimental License Application
Renewing WB2XGB
File Number: 0302-EX-CR-2019
Page 3 of 3

Stop Buzzer Point of Contact:

        Jim Ortega, Spectrum Manager
        Raytheon Missile Systems
        (520) 794-0227 – office


Raytheon Missile Systems requests that the Commission renew its experimental license WB2XGB to
allow for the continued testing and development of radar systems in this spectrum.

For any questions, please contact Anne L. Cortez, Conspec, 520-360-0925 or

Document Created: 2019-05-30 12:51:22
Document Modified: 2019-05-30 12:51:22

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