Explanation of Experiment

0209-EX-CR-2018 Text Documents

Raytheon Missile Systems


Raytheon Missile Systems
Experimental License Renewal Application
File Number: 0209-EX-CR-2018

           Explanation of Experiment & Procedural & Coordination Information


Raytheon Missile Systems (Raytheon) is a company that develops innovative technologies that
have both defense and civilian uses. Raytheon draws on the expertise of its varied engineering
departments to develop technologies that address previously unsolvable problems.

This application is for renewed authorization for the launch and operation of a micro-satellite
that incorporates a number of commercial-off-the-shelf technologies to prove a concept of how
one could build and quickly launch an inexpensive satellite to address short-term, immediate
imaging needs. The launch has been delayed, so that this filing is needed to keep Raytheon
authorized for when it may finally be able to launch. The proposed operations have not changed
to the best of our current knowledge.

Procedural and Coordination Information:

IARU Coordination:

In accordance with FCC requirements, Raytheon, as part of its initial filing, conducted prior
coordination of its proposed operations with the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).

NOAA Imagery Licensing:

On October 22, 2015, Raytheon received a license for satellite imaging from the NOAA office of
commercial remote sensing requesting a license for satellite imaging. That license remains in

Orbital Debris Assessment Report:

As part of its initial filing, Raytheon has submitted its Orbital Debris Assessment Report,
containing information about the projected effects of the launch of this satellite.

Explanation of Experiment

In the sections below, Raytheon provides an explanation of the experimentation.

Satellite System

       System Name: SeeMe Satellite System; Number of Satellites: 1

        Number of Ground Stations: one primary command and control station based in Aurora,
Colorado. Raytheon is also seeking authorization for operation of backup command and control
stations at other locations.

Spectrum Requested

       Command (uplink and downlink) frequencies: 437.425 and 437.450 MHz             half-duplex

       Mission data (downlink) frequencies: 2425 MHz with 2 MHz bandwidth

Figures 1 and 2 below show the anticipated signal coverage for the transmitters on the satellite.

                          Figure 1: Satellite UHF Frequency coverage

                     S-Band Coverage
                                   Ground Coverage = 84,280 km2

   Figure 2: Downlink Beam Coverage at 2425 MHz; Downlink data rate: ranges between 1
                        MBPS and 2 MBPS (more likely 1 Mbps)

Explanation of Operations

This project is intended to demonstrate the capabilities of a small, quickly deployable satellite to
provided advanced imaging and communications. It uses an inclined low earth orbit to be able to
make multiple passes each day. The demonstration model is attempting to show how the images
can be captured, downloaded, and moved to a central point to be of use. The demonstration is
planned to be short-lived, and the controls built in to the satellite and network ultimately will
disable the satellite if there are any technology failures.

Communication between the control ground station in Aurora, Colorado and the satellite will use
the 437 MHz half duplex links.

Raytheon expects that the system will operate successfully for at least 180 days and possibly
continue for up to two years.

Launch Segment Information

   1. Launch Schedule:

       Currently, the satellite launch is scheduled for October to November 2018, depending on
       delivery of the space vehicle, weather, and other factors that are not in the control of the
       applicant. This launch has been delayed numerous times due to issues beyond the control
       of the applicant – such as rocket issues and export matters.

   2. Launch vehicle source:

      SpaceX SSA space vehicle

   3. Launch site:

      Vandenberg, California, to the best of our knowledge

   4. Anticipated operational date:

      The Raytheon system will be operational about 3 weeks after launch. Raytheon’s use of
      the frequencies requested in this application will NOT start until the satellite is released
      into free flight.

   5. Range of orbits and altitudes:

      Nominal apogee: 720 km;
      Nominal perigee: 450 km.

   6. Inclination angle:


   7. Orbital period:

      90 minutes, however given the elliptical nature of the orbit and the altitude changes, the
      orbital period could range between 90 and 95 minutes.

Anticipated System Lifetime

      This is a demonstration project. It is planned to test a variety of parameters for up to 180
      days. Therefore, the anticipated system lifetime is 180 days after release into free flight.
      Raytheon expects to disable the satellite after that time. The technology built into the
      satellite is capable of being used for up to 2 years, at which point the embedded
      electronics will begin to fail. If there is still some utility, the program will be continued
      for up to 2 years. Orbital decay is expected to take place in year 7, which is based on the
      mass of the satellite which is 27 kg.

Ground Station Network Architecture

            a. Primary Command and Control ground station location: Raytheon secure
               facilities, Aurora, Colorado

               The Aurora ground station will be used to send command and control signals to
               the satellite.

               437 MHz frequencies: The ground station will communicate with the satellite to
               verify the health and proper functioning of the satellite components every time the
               satellite orbit passes over the Aurora ground station.

               The 437 MHz frequencies will be used for both uplink and downlink of command
               and control, acknowledgement of command and control and reports on satellite

           b. Other ground station locations:
                  i. Raytheon facilities, two locations Tucson, Arizona
                 ii. St. Petersburg, Florida
                iii. Sterling, VA
                iv. Waimea, Kauai
                 v. Virginia Beach, Virginia

               2425 MHz telemetry frequency: This frequency is only going to be used as a
               downlink to transmit images from the satellite to one of the ground stations.

               Contingency planning: If there is a system failure in Aurora, Colorado, or if there
               is an emergency need to uplink commands when the satellite is not in range of the
               ground station at Aurora, Colorado, each of the remote ground stations is
               equipped with the technology to allow it to be used as a “back up” command and
               control station.

Time of Use

The spectrum will be in use only sporadically and – due to the nature of the orbital period – only
for short times.

The satellite is expected to orbit above the Aurora, Colorado ground station at least once every
24 hours. During every orbital pass, the ground station will attempt to communicate with the
satellite to verify satellite operational health and to confirm proper operations.

Because of the low earth orbit, the satellite will pass over ground stations quickly. In an
estimated 16 orbits per day, the satellite is only expected to be in range of the ground stations for
10 of those orbits. Therefore, image download over the 2425 MHz link will be sporadic. Once
images are captured, it is expected to take several orbits to get the first image downloaded.


Raytheon has been developing technology for a small, temporarily deployable satellite system.
The system is intended to provide customers with quickly deployable capabilities. The small
satellite being tested here, known as SeeMe, will be the first of its kind. Its size, weight, and
capabilities are all the subject of testing to see how the system will perform

If there are any questions about this application or any of the attachments, please contact Bart
Turner, Spectrum Manager, Raytheon Missile Systems, 520-794-0227 or
Bartholomew.d.turner@raytheon.com, or Anne Linton Cortez, Counsel, WFS, 520-344-8525 or

Document Created: 2018-04-30 13:57:41
Document Modified: 2018-04-30 13:57:41

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