Explanation of Experiment

0193-EX-CR-2017 Text Documents

Raytheon Missile Systems


Raytheon Missile Systems
Experimental License KA2XAG Renewal Application
File No: 0193-EX-CR-2017

                                     Tucson Test Facility
                        Explanation of Experiment and Use of Spectrum


This application is filed to renew experimental license KA2XAG to continue operations at the radar
cross section testing facility (Tucson Test Facility or TTF) operated by Raytheon Missile Systems
(RMS) in Tucson, Arizona. This application is for RMS to use this spectrum for independent
research and development (IRAD) of products. The same facility is used for identical testing by
RMS pursuant to government contracts. The use of the facility for government contractual purposes
is the subject of parallel Navy frequency assignment requests. After numerous meetings with both
the Navy and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2008, 2009, and 2011, RMS was
instructed that this facility requires both the Navy frequency assignment and an FCC experimental
license, as it has in the past. A modification to the existing license was granted very recently, and
this renewal application seeks to renew the operations authorized under the modified license,

Description of the Research Project:

RMS builds systems used for national security and defense. Creating products and systems that are
difficult to detect is an important part of developing new technologies that keep our nation safe.
While much of the company’s work is performed on government contracts, some work is done
independently to develop new ideas that may be useful to RMS’s customers. That IRAD testing
requires use of the Tucson Test Facility, and an experimental license is required for operation. The
nature of the research is to determine the radar cross section of various objects under test. Radar
pulses are narrowly focused to bounce off those objects, and the radar returns are evaluated to
determine the profile of the object. There is no way to measure the radar cross section of an object
without using a radar, the purpose of the facility for which this license renewal is being filed.

This facility has had an experimental license, KA2XAG, from the FCC for over 20 years. This
renewal application proposes to extend ongoing operations at the TTF.

The spectrum will continue to be used in the same way: stepped frequency radar testing. The object
under test is placed on a pylon down range from the radar transmitter; the pylon rotates in 0.1
degree azimuth increments, and at each increment the radar systems step through the authorized
frequencies, measuring both polarizations to determine the return from the object.

The signal generator requires some measurable time between pulses to avoid overheating, and each
pulse has a maximum duration of 70 nanoseconds. Table 1 below presents information on total test
time, total time on a frequency and other data that helps to illustrate the brevity of the RF signal use.

At its most productive, the range can only test six to eight objects per day, allowing for changing the
object aspect, cooling the signal generator, and performing the requisite computations that must be
run between pulses. Normally, the range only tests one or two objects per day.

KA2XAG Renewal Application                                                                        Page | 1


    •   Test Range: Used for radar cross section testing.
    •   Frequency usage: Tests step across frequency bands in 10 MHz steps.
    •   Time of Use: 70 nanoseconds per frequency step, very short pulse duration.
    •   Spectrum needed: 100 MHz to 18 GHz, and 32 to 39 GHz, as limited on license.
    •   Azimuth of operations: 237 degrees, beamwidth of about 2 degrees
    •   Range design: Antennas are directional & tilted downward to minimize spatial dispersion of
        the radiated power.

Technical Details of Testing:

TTF operates a low power instrumentation test range. Most testing currently steps across the 100
MHz - 18 GHz and 32-39 GHz bands, as limited by the license. The transmissions are made in 10
MHz steps, with a pulse width of 70 nanoseconds and the beam narrowly focused to illuminate the
test objects. Although the power level and antenna gain for these transmissions appear to be high,
the narrow beamwidth and downward tilt of the antennas serve to minimize any potential
interference effects associated with the test transmissions; furthermore, the duration of the pulses is
so short that they will not be detected by typical radio receivers.

As far as the measurement procedure is concerned, the test object is put on a turntable down range
from the radar, and the transmitter is pulsed to capture complete data on the return from the object.
The radar receiver acquires the reflected signal, which is subsequently processed to determine the
time-domain response of the object under test.

Test Time:

Tables 1 and 2 below show how Raytheon calculated the maximum time of use for any frequency
used on one day as well as the maximum total amount of time that RF may be emitted within a
single day. Regardless of how many frequencies are being tested, the total amount of time that any
frequency would be in use on a single day is never more than 387 milliseconds.

Table 1 shows the total amount of time spectrum is in use while testing is being conducted across
the combined range consisting of the existing licensed spectrum and the spectrum requested under
this modification application: that is, 100 MHz – 18 GHz and 32 – 39 GHz. Table 2 shows the
theoretical total amount of time of spectrum would be in use when testing is conducted only on the
additional spectrum requested under this modification application, 100 MHz to 2 GHz. Given the
license restrictions, the spectrum use will be even less than that calculated in Table 2.

All testing steps through authorized frequencies, pulsing at 10 MHz intervals, with each pulse being
70 nanoseconds in duration.

KA2XAG Renewal Application                                                                       Page | 2

                                                                             Calculations show use of a single
                                 All Spectrum: 100 MHz - 18 GHz and 32
           Table 1                                                       frequency and total time of spectrum use
                                                - 39 GHz
                                                                                         per day

            Factor:                          Amount                                         Notes
# of test angles                                              3600

# of radar sweeps through all                                            Multiple Sweeps needed for Fast Fourier
frequencies/angle                                              128       Transform

total number of                                                          a pattern is the full set of sweeps through
sweeps/pattern                                             460800        every angle and at each frequency
Number of polarizations                                          2       vertical and horizontal

pulse width (sec) - per                                                  70 ns pulses, time of use of the frequency
frequency                                               0.00000007       per sweep
Time (sec) on a frequency
per pattern (all 460800
sweeps)                                                   0.064512
maximum number of patterns
run each day (different
objects or different parts of
an object)                                                       6       Typical use is 6 patterns per day
Total time per day on a single
frequency, in seconds
(maximum use is 6 patterns
per day)                                                  0.387072       387 milliseconds total use per day

interval between frequencies                                             testing steps across spectrum, pulsing for
tested (MHz)                                                    10       70 ns every 10 MHz

Number of frequency steps                                                the system steps through the frequencies
for all spectrum                                              2490       in 10 MHz steps, for a total of 2490 steps
Maximum spectrum use per
day - all frequencies included                                           Total spectrum time used during a day of
(sec)                                                    963.80928       testing
Maximum spectrum use per
day, including all frequencies
(minutes)                                                16.063488

KA2XAG Renewal Application                                                                                    Page | 3

                                 Spectrum in use: 100 MHz - 2 GHz       Calculations show use of a single
           Table 2               (theoretical maximum, since the    frequency and total time of spectrum use
                                      license has limitations)                      per day

            Factor:                        Amount                                      Notes
# of test angles                                           3600

# of radar sweeps through all                                       Multiple Sweeps needed for Fast Fourier
frequencies/angle                                           128     Transform

Total number of                                                     a pattern is the full set of sweeps through
sweeps/pattern                                           460800     every angle and at each frequency
Number of polarizations                                        2    vertical and horizontal

Pulse width (sec) per                                               70 ns pulses, time of use of the frequency
frequency                                            0.00000007     per sweep
Time (sec) on a frequency
per pattern (all 460800
sweeps)                                                0.064512     460,800 sweeps and 2 polarizations
Maximum number of patterns
run each day (different
objects or different parts of
an object)                                                     6    Typical use is 6 patterns per day
Total time on a single
frequency, in seconds
(maximum use is 6 patterns
per day)                                               0.387072     387 milliseconds total use per day

Interval between frequencies                                        testing steps across spectrum, pulsing for
tested (MHz)                                                 10     70 ns every 10 MHz

Number of frequency steps                                           the system steps through the frequencies
for this sub-spectrum                                       190     in 10 MHz steps, for a total of 190 steps

Maximum spectrum use per                                            73.54 seconds of total spectrum use in a
day - all frequencies included                                      day, if 6 patterns are collected on the 100
(sec)                                                  73.54368     MHz to 2 GHz sub-band.
Maximum spectrum use per
day, including all frequencies
in the sub-band (minutes).                             1.225728     Total time of RF use for a day, in minutes

Description of the Test Plan:

The time of RF use for data collection for any given test object is short. An object is placed on the
test range 520 feet from the transmitting antennas; and for most of the testing, the transmitter is
pulsed at each frequency, from 100 MHz to 18 GHz and 32 to 39 GHz, in 10 MHz steps (as noted
above, each pulse is 70 nanoseconds in duration). The radar pulses at a single frequency 128 times
for the system to correlate the signal using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Then, it steps to the
next frequency, pulses again 128 times, and steps on to the next frequency. After a complete set of
frequency steps has been performed, the polarization is changed and the frequency stepping is
repeated at the same angle. The object on the turntable is rotated thru 360 degrees in 1/10 degree
increments, with the frequency stepping at both polarizations repeated at each angle. Figure 1 below
shows graphically the 1.2% duty cycle on a single frequency, and Figure 2 shows the overall duty
cycle on a frequency for a single day which is below 0.006%.

KA2XAG Renewal Application                                                                               Page | 4

                    Figure 1. Illustration of Duty Cycle for 128 Pulses at a Frequency

                    Figure 2. Illustration of Daily Overall Duty Cycle of a Frequency

KA2XAG Renewal Application                                                               Page | 5

If the weather is perfect, up to 6 items, or patterns, can be tested each day. On windy or rainy days,
or when there are nearby thunderstorms, there is no testing because of safety issues. Typically, six
patterns are completed in a day. The RF is in use, across all frequencies, for a total of 16 minutes.
The total time of RF use for any single frequency is only 387 milliseconds spread across an entire

Evaluation of Interference Potential

Raytheon has run tests using a spectrum analyzer to measure the signals from the TTF range, and
the spectrum analyzer did not register use of spectrum at all, because the pulse width of the signals is
so short.

Geography Limits Interference Potential:

TTF is located in a relatively unpopulated area, which also minimizes the possibility of any potential
interference. At the request of the FCC and others, RMS researched numerous questions, including
whether there was potential impact on FM radio reception from test. RMS was also requested to
provide additional theoretical analyses of the signal strength in the surrounding area.

Azimuth of Operations:

The system is designed to use narrow radio beams, utilizing antennas with high gain. The antennas
are pointed at azimuth 237, which is nearly perpendicular to the runway at nearby Tucson
International Airport. This direction was selected because it makes the best use of geometry:
pointing toward unpopulated desert, but also shielding the backlobe with a building and protecting
airport operations. The narrow beamwidth minimizes any radiation in the side lobes.

Voice Communications Equipment and FM Receivers Receive No Interference:

Raytheon’s research indicates that voice communication equipment will not respond to 70
nanosecond signals because the signal duration is too short for a typical receiver to process. In
addition, FM receivers normally reject pulsed signals, and the squelch on most commercial receivers
rejects signals that are shorter than one millisecond in length. One frequency sweep from the TTF
has less effect on a voice communications radio than a lightning strike. FM receivers are designed to
reject amplitude variations in the received signals, which further reduces the likelihood of
interference. Motorola, which makes a variety of handheld and fixed-location voice communication
products, stated that voice communications equipment will not respond to 70 nanosecond RF

In the past, Raytheon has verified that TTF does not interfere with voice communications
equipment operating on or near the spot frequencies. RMS engineers tested using a Motorola
handheld radio on the TTF range. The radio was tuned to 155 MHz and placed in the TTF main
antenna beam with the TTF transmitter also set to 155 MHz. As expected, the radio did not
respond to the maximum-power emissions from TTF’s test system. The tests were repeated on 815
and 1300 MHz, and in all cases the radios registered absolutely no response to the transmitted
signals. Because of the stepped nature of the proposed testing, no interference is expected in the
frequency bands 100 MHz to 2 GHz. The pulse width of 70 nanoseconds is so short that it will not
affect receivers on these frequencies.

KA2XAG Renewal Application                                                                       Page | 6

Raytheon put FM radios on the pylons on the range, turned on the TTF transmitters, and there was
no interference.

Raytheon also tested aircraft radios, AM radio receivers, and commercial band radios in the 400
MHz band: there was no interference to any of those radio receivers from operation of the TTF

Need for Continuous Spectrum:

RMS needs continuous spectrum for its testing to get valid information concerning the radar cross
section of its new products. Thus, the testing is mostly conducted at 10 MHz intervals.

Spectrum Plots Show Very Weak Signals beyond the Test Range:

To illustrate the rapid drop off of the signal in all frequency bands, RMS ran theoretical spectrum
analyses using Hertz Warfare software. The Hertz Warfare plotted predictions do NOT take into
account the attenuating effect of buildings around the transmitters. The plots show significantly
more signal propagation than actually occurs in the real world, because the surrounding buildings
absorb signal power and attenuate propagation.

The spectrum plots below indicate that the signal levels would never be greater than -58 dBm
beyond the test range. These plots were generated with the latest version software and show more
detail of signal propagation, although they still do not account for building attenuation. With the
short pulse width, the possibility of harmful interference to any other radio use is minimal.
Moreover, because the spectrum analyses do not take into account the attenuating effects of
buildings, they predict much stronger signals than will actually be present during a test.

On each of the spectrum plots shown below, the power level is 100 W, and the antenna gain is
factored into the signal propagation. The color scale varies for each frequency due to the nature of
the software. A note regarding the color scale is presented below each plot.

KA2XAG Renewal Application                                                                     Page | 7

                               200 MHz signal propagation:
                                   (Scale: 1 inch = 3 km)

                             Note on Scale: dark blue is -102 dBm

KA2XAG Renewal Application                                          Page | 8

                                325 MHz Signal Propagation
                                    (Scale: 1 inch = 3 km)

                             Note on Scale: dark blue is -106 dBm

KA2XAG Renewal Application                                          Page | 9

                                800 MHz Signal Propagation:
                                    (Scale: 1 inch = 3 km)

                             Note on Scale: dark blue is at -114 dBm

KA2XAG Renewal Application                                             Page | 10

                                  1400 MHz Signal Propagation:
                                       (Scale: 1 inch = 3 km)

                              Note on Scale: dark blue is at -119 dBm

The Hertz Warfare plots indicate that the signal strength from the TTF operations is generally
weaker than -70 dBm once the signals go beyond the TTF range. Analysis of the spectrum plots,
coupled with Raytheon studies of radio noise floor data, indicate that the TTF signal will blend into
the local radio noise. As shown in previous applications RMS has filed for operations at this test
range, the radar returns used at the range are down in the noise, which has led to the extensive
testing performed to use correlation data to discern the real signals from the radio noise. Given the
predicted weakness of the proposed radio signals, it would be reasonable to expect that a grant of
this renewal request will not lead to harmful interference to any of the surrounding area.

KA2XAG Renewal Application                                                                    Page | 11

Further, the scattering of the energy will reduce any chance of interference. The plots do not
account for the attenuating effect of buildings; as a result the real signals will be much weaker.
Finally, studies have shown that most commercial communications systems are not subject to
interference from any signals weaker than -60 dBm. When the weak signals are assessed in
combination with the short pulse width, the chance of harmful interference nears zero.

No Harmful Interference to GPS:

The FAA has carved out the GPS bands from those that Raytheon is authorized to use. No testing
will be conducted on GPS frequencies, therefore there is no expected harmful interference to GPS.

Occupied Bandwidth and Pulse-Width:

The calculated occupied bandwidth of 10 MHz is used for most of the transmissions at the test
facility. The measurement system was designed to ensure that each test gives an accurate picture of
the radar cross section of the test object for each specified 2 MHz of spectrum. The transmissions
were tested to show that the radar pulses use very narrow bandwidth, about 1 MHz at 3 dB down
from peak power and less than 2 MHz at 20 dB down from the peak power.

A 70 nanosecond pulse-width was selected to ensure an accurate measure of the object being tested.
The pulse needs to be wide enough to create an RF envelop that illuminates the extent of a typical
test object, and it must be narrow enough to ensure that the return signals arrive within a specified
time window. All of the calculations presented in this filing are based upon a pulse-width of 70
nanoseconds. There are some objects for which the pulse-width used is actually shorter, as little as
30 nanoseconds. Typically, the pulse-width is 60 ns, but Raytheon based its calculations on a “worst
case scenario.”

Stop Buzzer Point of Contact:

Should there be any instances of interference, the stop buzzer point of contact is:

        Thomas J. Fagan, Spectrum Manager
        Raytheon Missile Systems
        520-794-0227 (office)
        520-465-7087 (cell)

Procedural History and Coordinations:

As noted earlier in this exhibit, Raytheon filed an application to modify KA2XAG on April 22,
2014. That modification was granted on April 22, 2015 – one year later. In the course of seeking
that modification to include the use of some frequencies between 100 MHz and 2.0 GHz, Raytheon
sought and obtained consent or concurrence from a number of parties including AFTRCC and

Further, Raytheon was required to get consent from FirstNet, prior to the processing of the
application. FirstNet was not operational in Arizona in 2014, so FirstNet required Raytheon to seek
the consent of the state and local public safety licensees. Those licensees include the Arizona
Department of Public Safety and the committee of public safety licensees that is run by the Arizona

KA2XAG Renewal Application                                                                       Page | 12

Department of Public Safety. Raytheon successfully sought and obtained the required consent from
the state-wide and local licensees. That consent was submitted as an attachment to the 2015
renewal, 0206-EX-RR-2015.

If necessary, Raytheon will coordinate again to secure the required concurrences/consents for
approval of this renewal request.


In order to acquire the directional RF transmission radiated by the TTF radar, a receiver would
actually have to be looking for it: the receiver would have to be located in the forward plane of the
transmitting antenna, with a major antenna lobe facing toward TTF. The receiver would also need
to be looking to acquire the radar pulse at precisely the frequency and instant that the radar is
transmitting, and it would need to be sufficiently sensitive to detect the short duration and extremely
attenuated signal. Standard radio receivers are not designed to process signals at the pulse width
used by the test facility, thus any detected RF signal will be filtered out by receivers that are sensitive
enough to detect signals at such low levels.

For questions about this application, please contact Tom Fagan, 520-794-0227 or
tjfagan@raytheon.com, or Anne Linton Cortez, 520-360-0925 or alc@conspecinternational.com.

KA2XAG Renewal Application                                                                        Page | 13

Document Created: 2017-04-25 15:32:05
Document Modified: 2017-04-25 15:32:05

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