Mission description

0677-EX-ST-2014 Text Documents

Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems


                AESA Radar STA For Demonstration Request

1. Purpose of Operation
During Railgun Live Fire Exercise Raytheon will conduct testing and developing definitions of
Vertical Scan Type, Vertical Scan Speed, and Vertical Scan Rate as applied to this antenna with
software adapted electronic beam scanning. The basic operation of the antenna is mechanical
rotation in azimuth, at a selectable 20 rpm or 30 rpm. In addition, the antenna beam can be
scanned in azimuth electronically over +/- 45 degrees from its instant physical position. The
antenna beam can be electronically scanned in elevation from – 10 degrees to + 55 degrees.
Electronic scanning can take place to any angle within the azimuth and elevation limits
from one transmission dwell to the next. Each dwell transmitted at one beam position
lasts for time durations in the region from 0.7 to 4 milliseconds, and the transition to the
next dwell at any other azimuth/elevation position is 10 microseconds. So, the maximum
scan speed could be 90 degrees per 10 microseconds.

                            Files Number: 0677-EX-ST-2014
                            _ Class of Station: FIXED
                            _ Station Location: FIXED
                            _ Effective Date: 08/12/2014
                            _ Expiration Date: 09/01/2014

2. Experimental Explanations
During Railgun Live Fire Exercise Raytheon will conduct developmental testing and evaluation
on the radar system Most of the time, programmed search scanning is within the vertical region
of 0 to 15 degrees, covering a vertical sector of sequential beams in about 13 milliseconds.
scanning is interrupted by individual beams placed anywhere within the electronic scan
volume as necessary to maintain track on previously detected aircraft or projectiles

Document Created: 2014-07-28 15:57:19
Document Modified: 2014-07-28 15:57:19

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