GPS Rerad File Exhibit

0049-EX-CN-2019 Text Documents

Raytheon IIS


Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Services
Experimental License Application
File Number: TBD

                                Exhibit 1 – Overview and Explanation

U         U    Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Services (Raytheon) is filing this
application for use of a GPS re-radiation system in its facility at 9020 South Sandy Parkway,
Sandy, Utah. This facility utilizes GPS for positioning information and timing technologies for
test equipment for ground station receivers. The GPS re-radiation system is required for the
testing of GPS technologies that are embedded into the communications systems that Raytheon
is developing in this lab.

General compliance with NTIA section 8.3.28: set forth below are Raytheon’s responses to the
requirements of 8.3.28 as those answers apply for this location.

For any questions about this application, please contact Brian Kavalar, Raytheon IIS Spectrum
Manager, 317-517-998,
                         30TU                            U30T

Compliance with the Requirements of NTIA Manual Section 8.3.28

    1. Individual authorization is for indoor use only and is required for each device at a
        specific site.

         This GPS re-radiation system will be installed indoors in a laboratory with access that
         is limited to Raytheon authorized personnel only.

    2. Applications for frequency assignment should be applied for as an XT station
        class with a note indicating the device is to be used as an “Experimental RNSS
        Test Equipment for the purpose of testing GPS receivers” and describing how
        the device will be used.

        Raytheon requests the assistance of the FCC and NTIA to properly classify the
        frequency authorizations.

    3. Approved application for frequency assignment will be entered in the GMF.

        Raytheon requests the assistance of NTIA and the FCC in entering this data into the

4. The maximum length of the assignment will be two years, with possible renewal.

    Raytheon is seeking an authorization for two years, and it will seek renewals when

5. The area of potential interference to GPS reception (e.g., military or contractor
   facility) has to be under the control of the user.

    The proposed installation will be inside the Raytheon facility at Sandy, Utah. Access to
    the facility is limited to Raytheon personnel and limited authorized visitors. The
    building is a secure facility, and no unauthorized visitors can enter.

6. The maximum equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) must be such that
   the calculated emissions are no greater than -140 dBm/24 MHz as received by an
   isotropic antenna at a distance of 100 feet (30 meters) from the building where
   the test is being conducted. The calculations showing compliance with this
   requirement must be provided with the application for frequency assignment and
   should be based on free space propagation with no allowance for additional
   attenuation (e.g., building attenuation.)

   Link Budget: The link budget for the L1/L2 re-radiation is attached to this exhibit, and it
   shows the calculations applicable to this proposed installation of a GPS re-radiation

   Location in building: The re-radiation device will be installed inside Raytheon building at
   Sandy, Utah. The installation is on the third floor of the building. The attached link
   budget shows that the signal strength at 100 feet from the re-radiating antenna is below
   -140 dBm/24 MHz. Thus, the signal strength at 100 feet from the building is going to be
   significantly lower still, but Raytheon wanted to ensure that the signal strength was
   attenuated to the point that there would be no chance of interference.

7. GPS users in the area of potential interference to GPS reception must be notified
   that GPS information may be impacted for periods of time.

   Raytheon will post signs in the lab where the re-radiation system is installed alerting
   those in the area that there are GPS re-radiation systems in use in that area.

8. The use is limited to activity for the purpose of testing RNSS equipment/systems.

   Raytheon is requesting authorization to use a re-radiation system specifically for testing
   of GPS systems on its products.

9. A “Stop Buzzer” point of contact for the authorized device must be identified and
   available at all times during GPS re-radiation operation of the device under any

   The Stop Buzzer point of contact for all these devices is:

   Mark J. Murray, Raytheon IIS

   703-869-6549 (cell)
   30T                             30T

   Mr. Murray can initiate shut off the GPS re-radiation system at any time.

              Raytheon IIS — Sandy, Utah GPS Reradiation Link Budget
                                    PS Sinat Anatyis
Fequney— oSE                                      imirchas              SigaiLeva
Waydength                                             02ilnctes dn Waus IncoWana
PS input SigrlLevel                                   —isolarm     1| ir—10| ooo                 *Specifeation perGPS Perfomance Sandard,dated eb 25, 2007
PS Receve Antema sam onroot                             se          1| zen|__      020           *33 4B gain GSource antemn onteot
PS RF Anpliiesam                                        zle         ai| cenl      pss            "GPS Sowrce L1L2 Meto Repestes Masimun AnpliierDoverGain
BE Anemuster                                             ce           m Ge l      inss           *Noadtivinslatensston
LNR10 Coneioss perfoot                             noule                                         *Typicalloss pefoot t OPSequencis, commectorcouplrloss notincuded
Coontengh                                              10]fec
ToulConntoss                                          cuales      srel ssrl coi
                                                         3                                       "G75 ib signalndaredpower
Distancrom trensnitantenna                              Tolmetes
Distancerom mt antemna infect                       srailie
Pathlossto ob recivactive antema                     sules       nsl srearl saeos
Signallevelatlsb eceveactveantemnsEP toERP                         «ass| a2e20| 3w09
PS reciveantemna gainintad                               ole       "ss| a2e20| 3w09              "GPS Sowrce L112 passiveantenna
Signlleveat itunderestEP toERP                                   cmril 1se.0| roseos
Distancrom traminitantemna in metes                 305(nctes
Distancrom rminitantenna infect                      1000}fee
Erecspace pathlossto 100R                            assle
EP Signllevela: 108from TX antemns                               cussl sezul sareag
[ERP Snatleveat 100from TX antemna                               crscel sazc10| 3u09
NTA 83.28 conplant ICEIR® tgnalleve at 100 is ess than 240 dBm
                                   PS Sinat Anatyis
Erequemey . oPs L1                              IGomis                     SigaiLeval
Waydength                                            019/ncte     dn        Waus      IncoWana
PS input SigrlLevel                                  —isolaem      1|         ir—10| ooo         *Specifeation perGPS Perfomance Sandard,dated eb 25, 2007
PS Receve Antema sam onroot                            se           1|        zen|__     020     *33 4B gain GSource antemn onteot
PS RF Anpliiesam                                       zle          ai|       cenl     pss       "GPS Sowrce L1L2 Meto Repestes Masimun AnpliierDoverGain
RF Atensater                                            oc          ai|       cenl     is        "Noadttionalatensation
LNR10 Coneioss perfoot                            soule                                          *Typicalloss pefoot t OPSequencis, commectorcouplrloss notincuded
Coontengh                                             10 fec
ToulConntoss                                         siles         aal exr—l            enc
                                                        sle        i) nenl              130      "G75 ib signalndaredpower
Distancrom trensnitantenna                             Tolmetas
Distancrom trninitantemna infect                     Saslfeet
Pathlossto ob recivactive antema                    seales        cussl     aser     ameos
Signallevelatlsb eceveactveantemnsEP toERP                        crel      1ze.0|   urseos
PS reciveantemna gainintad                              ale       [corel    17e0|    urseos      "GPS Sowrce L112 passiveantenna
Signlleveat itunderestEP toERP                                    sss|      ie|      oseos
Distancrom traminitantemna in metes                305(nctes
Distancrom traminitantenna infect                   1000}fee
Erecspace patiossto 1008                            asile
EP Signal Levelat 1008fron TX antemns                             cusal Sen| soreag
[ERP Snatleveat 1008from T3 antemna                               cursl 19e10] 1sseod
NTTA 83.28 conplant ICEIR® signalleveat 00 is ess than 240 dBm

Document Created: 2019-01-31 07:59:59
Document Modified: 2019-01-31 07:59:59

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