Exhibit 1 Interference study

0105-EX-ST-2005 Text Documents

Raysat Inc.


Raysat, Inc. Special Temporary Authority Request

Exhibit 1 - Adjacent Satellite Interference Analysis

The effective main beam gain of this antenna is 26.2 dBi. The off-axis gain at angles up
to +/-8 degrees is shown in the attached figures. The maximum RF power to be used by
the system is -14 dBW/4 kHz. The following chart shows the off-axis gain, power, and
EIRP and compares them to the FCC Part 25 limits. As can be seen for all off-axis
angles to 6 degrees the Raysat system will be compliant with FCC Part 25 antenna
sidelobe and off-axis EIRP emissions.

Data in support of claim that proposed operation meets off-axis criteria of 1986 Declaratory Order
ID Applicant: RaySat                                    Date of Application:            02/24/05
a1   Antenna Manufacturer:       RaySat     c   main bore gain                                       26.20    dBi
a2          Antenna Model:        2.4m      d   frequency at which gain was measured                 14.25    GHz
a3             Antenna ID:       RaySat     e   maximum input power density (dBw/4KHz)               -14.00   dBw/4Khz
b        Transmit band (b):     14250.00

                         1.0 to 7 degrees calculated maximum difference in off-axis eirp density:  -1.69     dBw/4Khz
TABLE                  1.0 to 180 degrees calculated maximum difference in off-axis eirp density:  -1.69
     EIRP for Antenna Conforming                  Gain and EIRP for Antenna Not Conforming to 25.209(a)
     to 25.209(a) operating at 25.212             operating at stated maximum power density
     power density limits
          1            2             3                   4              5               6                   7
       Angle     25.209 Gain Off-Axis EIRP         Gain relative     Actual      Off-Axis EIRP         Difference
     (degrees)       (dBi)       Density for       to main bore       Gain         Density for         in Off-Axis
                                   -14.00            gain (dB)       in dBi          input of        EIRP Density
                                  dBw/4Kz                                             -14.00         (6) minus (3)
            1.00         29.00          15.00               -4.24         21.96               7.96    -7.04
            1.25         26.58          12.58               -7.60         18.60               4.60    -7.98
            1.50         24.60          10.60              -11.30         14.90               0.90    -9.70
            1.75         22.92           8.92              -14.80         11.40              -2.60  -11.52
            2.00         21.47           7.47              -24.20           2.00            -12.00  -19.47
            2.25         20.20           6.20              -18.70           7.50             -6.50  -12.70
            2.50         19.05           5.05              -14.60         11.60              -2.40    -7.45
            2.75         18.02           4.02              -12.50         13.70              -0.30    -4.32
            3.00         17.07           3.07              -12.40         13.80              -0.20    -3.27
            3.25         16.20           2.20              -13.20         13.00              -1.00    -3.20
            3.50         15.40           1.40              -15.70         10.50              -3.50    -4.90
            3.75         14.65           0.65              -19.80           6.40             -7.60    -8.25
            4.00         13.95          -0.05              -26.80          -0.60            -14.60  -14.55
            4.25         13.29          -0.71              -35.00          -8.80            -22.80  -22.09
            4.50         12.67          -1.33              -22.70           3.50            -10.50    -9.17
            4.75         12.08          -1.92              -19.80           6.40             -7.60    -5.68
            5.00         11.53          -2.47              -17.70           8.50             -5.50    -3.03
            5.25         11.00          -3.00              -16.90           9.30             -4.70    -1.70
            5.50         10.49          -3.51              -17.40           8.80             -5.20    -1.69
            5.75         10.01          -3.99              -18.30           7.90             -6.10    -2.11
            6.00           9.55         -4.45              -20.30           5.90             -8.10    -3.65

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Document Created: 2005-02-24 14:07:35
Document Modified: 2005-02-24 14:07:35

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