Exhibit B Antenna and ASI data

0216-EX-PL-2005 Text Documents

RaySat, Inc.


Raysat, Inc. Experimental Authorization Request

Exhibit B – Antenna Patterns and Adjacent Satellite Interference Analysis

The effective main beam gain of this antenna is 26.5 dBi. The off-axis gain at angles up
to +/-7 degrees is shown in the attached Fiigure 1. The maximum RF power to be used
by the system is -14.7 dBW/4 kHz. Figure 1 below shows the antenna pattern under
normal and worst case operating conditions. The antenna operation will be kept to a
maximum of +/-0.5 degree pointing error under any operating conditions. The worst case
skew angle is at 45 degrees. The antenna pattern does not comply with FCC Part 25.209
under worst case pointing error and worst case skew by 0.6 dB at +/-1.9 degrees, as can
be seen in Figure 1 and Table 1 below. Figure 2 shows the off-axis EIRP density for
angles between +/- 7 degrees. Also, Tables 2-4 show the off-axis gain, power, and EIRP
and compares them to the FCC Part 25 limits, for normal and worst case operations. As
can be seen for all off-axis angles to 7 degrees the Raysat system will be compliant with
FCC Part 25 antenna sidelobe and off-axis EIRP emissions.

                                 Simulated 45 Degree Skew With 0.5 Degree Pointing Accuracy





                                                      10.00                                                       0 deg
                                                                                                                  -0.5 deg

                                                                                                                  +0.5 deg
                                                          5.00                                                    FCC

      -7.0   -6.0   -5.0      -4.0   -3.0   -2.0   -1.0           0.0   1.0   2.0   3.0   4.0   5.0   6.0   7.0




                           Figure 1 – Normal and worst case antenna patterns versus FCC requirement

                                              Worst Case Off-Axis PSD For 45 Degree Skew




           -7.0   -6.0   -5.0   -4.0   -3.0     -2.0   -1.0           0.0   1.0   2.0   3.0   4.0   5.0   6.0   7.0

                                                              -5.00                                                   0 deg

                                                                                                                      -.5 deg
                                                                                                                      +0.5 deg
                                                         -10.00                                                       FCC Limit





                          Figure 2 – Normal and worst case off-Axis EIRP density versus FCC requirement

Table 1 - RaySat EagleRay Antenna Pattern
Off-Axis Antenna Gain FCC Reference        Antenna Gain   Meet or Exceeds Antenna         Meet or Exceeds
Angles (dBi)          Pattern              (dBi)           FCC 25.209     Gain (dBi)       FCC 25.209

           (0 degree                       -0.5 degree                      +0.5 degree
(Deg)      Skew)           (dBi)           pointing error (Y/N) Margin dB   pointing error (Y/N) Margin dB
                                           45 degree                        45 degree
                                           skew                             skew
    -5.2            8.41           11.10             10.65 Y                       -12.21    Y
    -5.1            8.61           11.31             11.27 Y                        -6.98    Y
      -5            8.61           11.53             11.77 N      -0.24             -2.31    Y
    -4.9            8.40           11.75             12.16 N      -0.42              0.91    Y
    -4.8            7.96           11.97             12.45 N      -0.49              3.31    Y
    -4.7            7.26           12.20             12.64 N      -0.45              5.18    Y
    -4.6            6.24           12.43             12.73 N      -0.30              6.71    Y
    -4.5            4.80           12.67             12.71 N      -0.04              7.97    Y
    -4.4            2.75           12.91             12.58 Y                         9.03    Y
    -4.3           -0.33           13.16             12.33 Y                         9.91    Y
    -4.2           -5.45           13.42             11.94 Y                        10.65    Y
    -4.1          -11.23           13.68             11.40 Y                        11.27    Y
      -4           -4.13           13.95             10.66 Y                        11.77    Y
    -3.9            1.04           14.22              9.67 Y                        12.16    Y
    -3.8            4.36           14.51              8.35 Y                        12.45    Y
    -3.7            6.74           14.79              6.55 Y                        12.64    Y
    -3.6            8.54           15.09              3.94 Y                        12.73    Y
    -3.5            9.94           15.40             -0.33 Y                        12.71    Y
    -3.4           11.03           15.71            -10.59 Y                        12.58    Y
    -3.3           11.87           16.04             -7.41 Y                        12.33    Y
    -3.2           12.48           16.37              1.57 Y                        11.94    Y
    -3.1           12.90           16.72              6.10 Y                        11.40    Y
      -3           13.12           17.07              9.19 Y                        10.66    Y
    -2.9           13.14           17.44             11.55 Y                         9.67    Y
    -2.8           12.96           17.82             13.47 Y                         8.35    Y
    -2.7           12.53           18.22             15.08 Y                         6.55    Y
    -2.6           11.82           18.63             16.47 Y                         3.94    Y
    -2.5           10.75           19.05             17.68 Y                        -0.33    Y
    -2.4            9.17           19.49             18.75 Y                       -10.59    Y
    -2.3            6.77           19.96             19.71 Y                        -7.41    Y
    -2.2            2.72           20.44             20.57 N      -0.13              1.57    Y
    -2.1           -7.05           20.94             21.34 N      -0.40              6.10    Y
      -2           -4.68           21.47             22.04 N      -0.57              9.19    Y
    -1.9            4.63           22.03             22.67 N      -0.64             11.55    Y
    -1.8            9.28           22.62             23.24 N      -0.62             13.47    Y
    -1.7           12.44           23.24             23.76 N      -0.52             15.08    Y
    -1.6           14.84           23.90             24.22 N      -0.32             16.47    Y
    -1.5           16.77           24.60             24.63 N      -0.03             17.68    Y
    -1.4           18.37           25.35             24.99 Y                        18.75    Y
    -1.3           19.73           26.15             25.32 Y                        19.71    Y
    -1.2           20.90           27.02             25.60 Y                        20.57    Y

Table 1 - RaySat EagleRay Antenna Pattern
Off-Axis Antenna Gain FCC Reference           Antenna Gain   Meet or Exceeds Antenna         Meet or Exceeds
Angles (dBi)          Pattern                 (dBi)           FCC 25.209     Gain (dBi)       FCC 25.209

              (0 degree                       -0.5 degree                      +0.5 degree
(Deg)         Skew)           (dBi)           pointing error (Y/N) Margin dB   pointing error (Y/N) Margin dB
                                              45 degree                        45 degree
                                              skew                             skew
        1.2           20.90           27.02             20.57 Y                        25.60    Y
        1.3           19.73           26.15             19.71 Y                        25.32    Y
        1.4           18.37           25.35             18.75 Y                        24.99    Y
        1.5           16.77           24.60             17.68 Y                        24.63    N     -0.03
        1.6           14.84           23.90             16.47 Y                        24.22    N     -0.32
        1.7           12.44           23.24             15.08 Y                        23.76    N     -0.52
        1.8            9.28           22.62             13.47 Y                        23.24    N     -0.62
        1.9            4.63           22.03             11.55 Y                        22.67    N     -0.64
          2           -4.68           21.47              9.19 Y                        22.04    N     -0.57
        2.1           -7.05           20.94              6.10 Y                        21.34    N     -0.40
        2.2            2.72           20.44              1.57 Y                        20.57    N     -0.13
        2.3            6.77           19.96             -7.41 Y                        19.71    Y
        2.4            9.17           19.49            -10.59 Y                        18.75    Y
        2.5           10.75           19.05             -0.33 Y                        17.68    Y
        2.6           11.82           18.63              3.94 Y                        16.47    Y
        2.7           12.53           18.22              6.55 Y                        15.08    Y
        2.8           12.96           17.82              8.35 Y                        13.47    Y
        2.9           13.14           17.44              9.67 Y                        11.55    Y
          3           13.12           17.07             10.66 Y                         9.19    Y
        3.1           12.90           16.72             11.40 Y                         6.10    Y
        3.2           12.48           16.37             11.94 Y                         1.57    Y
        3.3           11.87           16.04             12.33 Y                        -7.41    Y
        3.4           11.03           15.71             12.58 Y                       -10.59    Y
        3.5            9.94           15.40             12.71 Y                        -0.33    Y
        3.6            8.54           15.09             12.73 Y                         3.94    Y
        3.7            6.74           14.79             12.64 Y                         6.55    Y
        3.8            4.36           14.51             12.45 Y                         8.35    Y
        3.9            1.04           14.22             12.16 Y                         9.67    Y
          4           -4.13           13.95             11.77 Y                        10.66    Y
        4.1          -11.23           13.68             11.27 Y                        11.40    Y
        4.2           -5.45           13.42             10.65 Y                        11.94    Y
        4.3           -0.33           13.16              9.91 Y                        12.33    Y
        4.4            2.75           12.91              9.03 Y                        12.58    Y
        4.5            4.80           12.67              7.97 Y                        12.71    N     -0.04
        4.6            6.24           12.43              6.71 Y                        12.73    N     -0.30
        4.7            7.26           12.20              5.18 Y                        12.64    N     -0.45
        4.8            7.96           11.97              3.31 Y                        12.45    N     -0.49
        4.9            8.40           11.75              0.91 Y                        12.16    N     -0.42
          5            8.61           11.53             -2.31 Y                        11.77    N     -0.24
        5.1            8.61           11.31             -6.98 Y                        11.27    Y
        5.2            8.41           11.10            -12.21 Y                        10.65    Y

Table 2 - Off-Axis EIRP Calculations for Normal Operation Conditions , 0 degree skew
Data in support of claim that proposed operation meets off-axis criteria of 1986 Declaratory Order
ID Applicant:                                            Date of Application:           07/29/05
a1   Antenna Manufacturer:      RaySat     c   main bore gain                                         26.50   dBi
a2          Antenna Model:      RaySat     d   frequency at which gain was measured                   11.95   GHz
a3             Antenna ID:       Ant1      e   maximum input power density (dBw/4KHz)                -14.70   dBw/4Khz
b        Transmit band (b):   11950 MHz

                       1.0 to 7 degrees calculated maximum difference in off-axis eirp density: -2.50      dBw/4Khz
TABLE               1.0 to 180 degrees calculated maximum difference in off-axis eirp density:  -2.50
  EIRP for Antenna Conforming                  Gain and EIRP for Antenna Not Conforming to 25.209(a)
  to 25.209(a) operating at 25.212              operating at stated maximum power density
  power density limits
      1.0           2              3                  4               5               6                   7
     Angle    25.209 Gain Off-Axis EIRP         Gain relative      Actual      Off-Axis EIRP         Difference
   (degrees)      (dBi)        Density for      to main bore        Gain         Density for         in Off-Axis
                                 -14.00           gain (dB)        in dBi         input of        EIRP Density
                                dBw/4Kz                                            -14.70          (6) minus (3)
         -5.0         11.53           -2.47             -21.70            4.80            -9.90     -7.42
         -4.9         11.75           -2.25             -23.75            2.75           -11.95     -9.70
         -4.8         11.97           -2.03             -26.83           -0.33           -15.03   -13.00
         -4.7         12.20           -1.80             -31.95           -5.45           -20.15   -18.35
         -4.6         12.43           -1.57             -37.73          -11.23           -25.93   -24.36
         -4.5         12.67           -1.33             -30.63           -4.13           -18.83   -17.50
         -4.4         12.91           -1.09             -25.46            1.04           -13.66   -12.58
         -4.3         13.16           -0.84             -22.14            4.36           -10.34     -9.50
         -4.2         13.42           -0.58             -19.76            6.74            -7.96     -7.38
         -4.1         13.68           -0.32             -17.96            8.54            -6.16     -5.84
         -4.0         13.95           -0.05             -16.56            9.94            -4.76     -4.71
         -3.9         14.22            0.22             -15.47           11.03            -3.67     -3.89
         -3.8         14.51            0.51             -14.63           11.87            -2.83     -3.34
         -3.7         14.79            0.79             -14.02           12.48            -2.22     -3.01
         -3.6         15.09            1.09             -13.60           12.90            -1.80     -2.89
         -3.5         15.40            1.40             -13.38           13.12            -1.58     -2.98
         -3.4         15.71            1.71             -13.36           13.14            -1.56     -3.27
         -3.3         16.04            2.04             -13.54           12.96            -1.74     -3.78
         -3.2         16.37            2.37             -13.97           12.53            -2.17     -4.54
         -3.1         16.72            2.72             -14.68           11.82            -2.88     -5.59
         -3.0         17.07            3.07             -15.75           10.75            -3.95     -7.02
         -2.9         17.44            3.44             -17.33            9.17            -5.53     -8.97
         -2.8         17.82            3.82             -19.73            6.77            -7.93   -11.75
         -2.7         18.22            4.22             -23.78            2.72           -11.98   -16.20
         -2.6         18.63            4.63             -33.55           -7.05           -21.75   -26.38
         -2.5         19.05            5.05             -31.18           -4.68           -19.38   -24.43
         -2.4         19.49            5.49             -21.87            4.63           -10.07   -15.56
         -2.3         19.96            5.96             -17.22            9.28            -5.42   -11.38
         -2.2         20.44            6.44             -14.06           12.44            -2.26     -8.70
         -2.1         20.94            6.94             -11.66           14.84             0.14     -6.81
         -2.0         21.47            7.47              -9.73           16.77             2.07     -5.41
         -1.9         22.03            8.03              -8.13           18.37             3.67     -4.36
         -1.8         22.62            8.62              -6.77           19.73             5.03     -3.59
         -1.7         23.24            9.24              -5.60           20.90             6.20     -3.04
         -1.6         23.90            9.90              -4.59           21.91             7.21     -2.69

-1.5   24.60   10.60    -3.72    22.78     8.08    -2.51
-1.4   25.35   11.35    -2.96    23.54     8.84    -2.50
-1.3   26.15   12.15    -2.30    24.20     9.50    -2.65
-1.2   27.02   13.02    -1.74    24.76    10.06    -2.96
 1.2   27.02   13.02   -14.06    12.44    -2.26   -15.28
 1.3   26.15   12.15   -17.22     9.28    -5.42   -17.57
 1.4   25.35   11.35   -21.87     4.63   -10.07   -21.41
 1.5   24.60   10.60   -31.18    -4.68   -19.38   -29.98
 1.6   23.90    9.90   -33.55    -7.05   -21.75   -31.65
 1.7   23.24    9.24   -23.78     2.72   -11.98   -21.22
 1.8   22.62    8.62   -19.73     6.77    -7.93   -16.55
 1.9   22.03    8.03   -17.33     9.17    -5.53   -13.56
 2.0   21.47    7.47   -15.75    10.75    -3.95   -11.42
 2.1   20.94    6.94   -14.68    11.82    -2.88    -9.82
 2.2   20.44    6.44   -13.97    12.53    -2.17    -8.61
 2.3   19.96    5.96   -13.54    12.96    -1.74    -7.70
 2.4   19.49    5.49   -13.36    13.14    -1.56    -7.05
 2.5   19.05    5.05   -13.38    13.12    -1.58    -6.63
 2.6   18.63    4.63   -13.60    12.90    -1.80    -6.43
 2.7   18.22    4.22   -14.02    12.48    -2.22    -6.43
 2.8   17.82    3.82   -14.63    11.87    -2.83    -6.65
 2.9   17.44    3.44   -15.47    11.03    -3.67    -7.11
 3.0   17.07    3.07   -16.56     9.94    -4.76    -7.83
 3.1   16.72    2.72   -17.96     8.54    -6.16    -8.87
 3.2   16.37    2.37   -19.76     6.74    -7.96   -10.33
 3.3   16.04    2.04   -22.14     4.36   -10.34   -12.37
 3.4   15.71    1.71   -25.46     1.04   -13.66   -15.38
 3.5   15.40    1.40   -30.63    -4.13   -18.83   -20.23
 3.6   15.09    1.09   -37.73   -11.23   -25.93   -27.02
 3.7   14.79    0.79   -31.95    -5.45   -20.15   -20.95
 3.8   14.51    0.51   -26.83    -0.33   -15.03   -15.54
 3.9   14.22    0.22   -23.75     2.75   -11.95   -12.18
 4.0   13.95   -0.05   -21.70     4.80    -9.90    -9.85
 4.1   13.68   -0.32   -20.26     6.24    -8.46    -8.14
 4.2   13.42   -0.58   -19.24     7.26    -7.44    -6.86
 4.3   13.16   -0.84   -18.54     7.96    -6.74    -5.90
 4.4   12.91   -1.09   -18.10     8.40    -6.30    -5.22
 4.5   12.67   -1.33   -17.89     8.61    -6.09    -4.76
 4.6   12.43   -1.57   -17.89     8.61    -6.09    -4.52
 4.7   12.20   -1.80   -18.09     8.41    -6.29    -4.48
 4.8   11.97   -2.03   -18.48     8.02    -6.68    -4.65
 4.9   11.75   -2.25   -19.09     7.41    -7.29    -5.03
 5.0   11.53   -2.47   -19.93     6.57    -8.13    -5.65

Table 3 - Off-Axis EIRP Calculations for Worst Case Operation +0.5 Pointing Error and 45 degree Skew
Data in support of claim that proposed operation meets off-axis criteria of 1986 Declaratory Order
ID Applicant:                                           Date of Application:            08/02/05
a1   Antenna Manufacturer:     RaySat     c   main bore gain                                     26.50   dBi
a2          Antenna Model:    EagleRay    d   frequency at which gain was measured               14.25   GHz
a3             Antenna ID:      Ant1      e   maximum input power density (dBw/4KHz)            -14.70   dBw/4Khz
b        Transmit band (b):    14 GHz

                       1.0 to 7 degrees calculated maximum difference in off-axis eirp density: -0.06      dBw/4Khz
TABLE               1.0 to 180 degrees calculated maximum difference in off-axis eirp density:  -0.06
  EIRP for Antenna Conforming                  Gain and EIRP for Antenna Not Conforming to 25.209(a)
  to 25.209(a) operating at 25.212              operating at stated maximum power density
  power density limits
      1.0           2              3                  4               5               6                   7
     Angle    25.209 Gain Off-Axis EIRP         Gain relative      Actual      Off-Axis EIRP         Difference
   (degrees)      (dBi)        Density for      to main bore        Gain         Density for         in Off-Axis
                                 -14.00           gain (dB)        in dBi         input of        EIRP Density
                                dBw/4Kz                                            -14.70          (6) minus (3)
         -5.0           8.00          -6.00             -28.81           -2.31           -17.01   -11.01
         -4.9         11.75           -2.25             -25.59            0.91           -13.79   -11.53
         -4.8         11.97           -2.03             -23.19            3.31           -11.39     -9.36
         -4.7         12.20           -1.80             -21.32            5.18            -9.52     -7.71
         -4.6         12.43           -1.57             -19.79            6.71            -7.99     -6.42
         -4.5         12.67           -1.33             -18.53            7.97            -6.73     -5.40
         -4.4         12.91           -1.09             -17.47            9.03            -5.67     -4.59
         -4.3         13.16           -0.84             -16.59            9.91            -4.79     -3.95
         -4.2         13.42           -0.58             -15.85           10.65            -4.05     -3.46
         -4.1         13.68           -0.32             -15.23           11.27            -3.43     -3.11
         -4.0         13.95           -0.05             -14.73           11.77            -2.93     -2.88
         -3.9         14.22            0.22             -14.34           12.16            -2.54     -2.76
         -3.8         14.51            0.51             -14.05           12.45            -2.25     -2.75
         -3.7         14.79            0.79             -13.86           12.64            -2.06     -2.85
         -3.6         15.09            1.09             -13.77           12.73            -1.97     -3.06
         -3.5         15.40            1.40             -13.79           12.71            -1.99     -3.39
         -3.4         15.71            1.71             -13.92           12.58            -2.12     -3.83
         -3.3         16.04            2.04             -14.17           12.33            -2.37     -4.40
         -3.2         16.37            2.37             -14.56           11.94            -2.76     -5.13
         -3.1         16.72            2.72             -15.10           11.40            -3.30     -6.02
         -3.0         17.07            3.07             -15.84           10.66            -4.04     -7.12
         -2.9         17.44            3.44             -16.83            9.67            -5.03     -8.47
         -2.8         17.82            3.82             -18.15            8.35            -6.35   -10.17
         -2.7         18.22            4.22             -19.95            6.55            -8.15   -12.37
         -2.6         18.63            4.63             -22.56            3.94           -10.76   -15.39
         -2.5         19.05            5.05             -26.83           -0.33           -15.03   -20.08
         -2.4         19.49            5.49             -37.09          -10.59           -25.29   -30.78
         -2.3         19.96            5.96             -33.91           -7.41           -22.11   -28.07
         -2.2         20.44            6.44             -24.93            1.57           -13.13   -19.57
         -2.1         20.94            6.94             -20.40            6.10            -8.60   -15.55
         -2.0         21.47            7.47             -17.31            9.19            -5.51   -12.98
         -1.9         22.03            8.03             -14.95           11.55            -3.15   -11.18
         -1.8         22.62            8.62             -13.03           13.47            -1.23     -9.85
         -1.7         23.24            9.24             -11.42           15.08             0.38     -8.86
         -1.6         23.90            9.90             -10.03           16.47             1.77     -8.13

-1.5   24.60   10.60    -8.82    17.68     2.98    -7.62
-1.4   25.35   11.35    -7.75    18.75     4.05    -7.29
-1.3   26.15   12.15    -6.79    19.71     5.01    -7.14
-1.2   27.02   13.02    -5.93    20.57     5.87    -7.15
 1.2   27.02   13.02    -0.90    25.60    10.90    -2.12
 1.3   26.15   12.15    -1.18    25.32    10.62    -1.53
 1.4   25.35   11.35    -1.51    24.99    10.29    -1.05
 1.5   24.60   10.60    -1.87    24.63     9.93    -0.67
 1.6   23.90    9.90    -2.28    24.22     9.52    -0.38
 1.7   23.24    9.24    -2.74    23.76     9.06    -0.18
 1.8   22.62    8.62    -3.26    23.24     8.54    -0.08
 1.9   22.03    8.03    -3.83    22.67     7.97    -0.06
 2.0   21.47    7.47    -4.46    22.04     7.34    -0.13
 2.1   20.94    6.94    -5.16    21.34     6.64    -0.30
 2.2   20.44    6.44    -5.93    20.57     5.87    -0.57
 2.3   19.96    5.96    -6.79    19.71     5.01    -0.94
 2.4   19.49    5.49    -7.75    18.75     4.05    -1.44
 2.5   19.05    5.05    -8.82    17.68     2.98    -2.07
 2.6   18.63    4.63   -10.03    16.47     1.77    -2.86
 2.7   18.22    4.22   -11.42    15.08     0.38    -3.84
 2.8   17.82    3.82   -13.03    13.47    -1.23    -5.05
 2.9   17.44    3.44   -14.95    11.55    -3.15    -6.59
 3.0   17.07    3.07   -17.31     9.19    -5.51    -8.58
 3.1   16.72    2.72   -20.40     6.10    -8.60   -11.32
 3.2   16.37    2.37   -24.93     1.57   -13.13   -15.50
 3.3   16.04    2.04   -33.91    -7.41   -22.11   -24.15
 3.4   15.71    1.71   -37.09   -10.59   -25.29   -27.00
 3.5   15.40    1.40   -26.83    -0.33   -15.03   -16.43
 3.6   15.09    1.09   -22.56     3.94   -10.76   -11.86
 3.7   14.79    0.79   -19.95     6.55    -8.15    -8.95
 3.8   14.51    0.51   -18.15     8.35    -6.35    -6.86
 3.9   14.22    0.22   -16.83     9.67    -5.03    -5.25
 4.0   13.95   -0.05   -15.84    10.66    -4.04    -3.99
 4.1   13.68   -0.32   -15.10    11.40    -3.30    -2.98
 4.2   13.42   -0.58   -14.56    11.94    -2.76    -2.17
 4.3   13.16   -0.84   -14.17    12.33    -2.37    -1.53
 4.4   12.91   -1.09   -13.92    12.58    -2.12    -1.03
 4.5   12.67   -1.33   -13.79    12.71    -1.99    -0.66
 4.6   12.43   -1.57   -13.77    12.73    -1.97    -0.40
 4.7   12.20   -1.80   -13.86    12.64    -2.06    -0.25
 4.8   11.97   -2.03   -14.05    12.45    -2.25    -0.21
 4.9   11.75   -2.25   -14.34    12.16    -2.54    -0.28
 5.0   11.53   -2.47   -14.73    11.77    -2.93    -0.46

Table 4 - Off-Axis EIRP Calculations for Worst Case Operation -0.5 Pointing Error and 45 degree Skew
Data in support of claim that proposed operation meets off-axis criteria of 1986 Declaratory Order
ID Applicant:                                           Date of Application:            07/29/05
a1   Antenna Manufacturer:     RaySat     c   main bore gain                                     26.50   dBi
a2          Antenna Model:    EagleRay    d   frequency at which gain was measured               14.25   GHz
a3             Antenna ID:      Ant1      e   maximum input power density (dBw/4KHz)            -14.70   dBw/4Khz
b        Transmit band (b):    14 GHz

                       1.0 to 7 degrees calculated maximum difference in off-axis eirp density: -0.06      dBw/4Khz
TABLE               1.0 to 180 degrees calculated maximum difference in off-axis eirp density:  -0.06
  EIRP for Antenna Conforming                  Gain and EIRP for Antenna Not Conforming to 25.209(a)
  to 25.209(a) operating at 25.212              operating at stated maximum power density
  power density limits
      1.0           2              3                  4               5               6                   7
     Angle    25.209 Gain Off-Axis EIRP         Gain relative      Actual      Off-Axis EIRP         Difference
   (degrees)      (dBi)        Density for      to main bore        Gain         Density for         in Off-Axis
                                 -14.00           gain (dB)        in dBi         input of        EIRP Density
                                dBw/4Kz                                            -14.70          (6) minus (3)
         -5.0         11.53           -2.47             -14.73           11.77            -2.93     -0.46
         -4.9         11.75           -2.25             -14.34           12.16            -2.54     -0.28
         -4.8         11.97           -2.03             -14.05           12.45            -2.25     -0.21
         -4.7         12.20           -1.80             -13.86           12.64            -2.06     -0.25
         -4.6         12.43           -1.57             -13.77           12.73            -1.97     -0.40
         -4.5         12.67           -1.33             -13.79           12.71            -1.99     -0.66
         -4.4         12.91           -1.09             -13.92           12.58            -2.12     -1.03
         -4.3         13.16           -0.84             -14.17           12.33            -2.37     -1.53
         -4.2         13.42           -0.58             -14.56           11.94            -2.76     -2.17
         -4.1         13.68           -0.32             -15.10           11.40            -3.30     -2.98
         -4.0         13.95           -0.05             -15.84           10.66            -4.04     -3.99
         -3.9         14.22            0.22             -16.83            9.67            -5.03     -5.25
         -3.8         14.51            0.51             -18.15            8.35            -6.35     -6.86
         -3.7         14.79            0.79             -19.95            6.55            -8.15     -8.95
         -3.6         15.09            1.09             -22.56            3.94           -10.76   -11.86
         -3.5         15.40            1.40             -26.83           -0.33           -15.03   -16.43
         -3.4         15.71            1.71             -37.09          -10.59           -25.29   -27.00
         -3.3         16.04            2.04             -33.91           -7.41           -22.11   -24.15
         -3.2         16.37            2.37             -24.93            1.57           -13.13   -15.50
         -3.1         16.72            2.72             -20.40            6.10            -8.60   -11.32
         -3.0         17.07            3.07             -17.31            9.19            -5.51     -8.58
         -2.9         17.44            3.44             -14.95           11.55            -3.15     -6.59
         -2.8         17.82            3.82             -13.03           13.47            -1.23     -5.05
         -2.7         18.22            4.22             -11.42           15.08             0.38     -3.84
         -2.6         18.63            4.63             -10.03           16.47             1.77     -2.86
         -2.5         19.05            5.05              -8.82           17.68             2.98     -2.07
         -2.4         19.49            5.49              -7.75           18.75             4.05     -1.44
         -2.3         19.96            5.96              -6.79           19.71             5.01     -0.94
         -2.2         20.44            6.44              -5.93           20.57             5.87     -0.57
         -2.1         20.94            6.94              -5.16           21.34             6.64     -0.30
         -2.0         21.47            7.47              -4.46           22.04             7.34     -0.13
         -1.9         22.03            8.03              -3.83           22.67             7.97     -0.06
         -1.8         22.62            8.62              -3.26           23.24             8.54     -0.08
         -1.7         23.24            9.24              -2.74           23.76             9.06     -0.18
         -1.6         23.90            9.90              -2.28           24.22             9.52     -0.38

-1.5   24.60   10.60    -1.87    24.63     9.93    -0.67
-1.4   25.35   11.35    -1.51    24.99    10.29    -1.05
-1.3   26.15   12.15    -1.18    25.32    10.62    -1.53
-1.2   27.02   13.02    -0.90    25.60    10.90    -2.12
 1.2   27.02   13.02    -5.93    20.57     5.87    -7.15
 1.3   26.15   12.15    -6.79    19.71     5.01    -7.14
 1.4   25.35   11.35    -7.75    18.75     4.05    -7.29
 1.5   24.60   10.60    -8.82    17.68     2.98    -7.62
 1.6   23.90    9.90   -10.03    16.47     1.77    -8.13
 1.7   23.24    9.24   -11.42    15.08     0.38    -8.86
 1.8   22.62    8.62   -13.03    13.47    -1.23    -9.85
 1.9   22.03    8.03   -14.95    11.55    -3.15   -11.18
 2.0   21.47    7.47   -17.31     9.19    -5.51   -12.98
 2.1   20.94    6.94   -20.40     6.10    -8.60   -15.55
 2.2   20.44    6.44   -24.93     1.57   -13.13   -19.57
 2.3   19.96    5.96   -33.91    -7.41   -22.11   -28.07
 2.4   19.49    5.49   -37.09   -10.59   -25.29   -30.78
 2.5   19.05    5.05   -26.83    -0.33   -15.03   -20.08
 2.6   18.63    4.63   -22.56     3.94   -10.76   -15.39
 2.7   18.22    4.22   -19.95     6.55    -8.15   -12.37
 2.8   17.82    3.82   -18.15     8.35    -6.35   -10.17
 2.9   17.44    3.44   -16.83     9.67    -5.03    -8.47
 3.0   17.07    3.07   -15.84    10.66    -4.04    -7.12
 3.1   16.72    2.72   -15.10    11.40    -3.30    -6.02
 3.2   16.37    2.37   -14.56    11.94    -2.76    -5.13
 3.3   16.04    2.04   -14.17    12.33    -2.37    -4.40
 3.4   15.71    1.71   -13.92    12.58    -2.12    -3.83
 3.5   15.40    1.40   -13.79    12.71    -1.99    -3.39
 3.6   15.09    1.09   -13.77    12.73    -1.97    -3.06
 3.7   14.79    0.79   -13.86    12.64    -2.06    -2.85
 3.8   14.51    0.51   -14.05    12.45    -2.25    -2.75
 3.9   14.22    0.22   -14.34    12.16    -2.54    -2.76
 4.0   13.95   -0.05   -14.73    11.77    -2.93    -2.88
 4.1   13.68   -0.32   -15.23    11.27    -3.43    -3.11
 4.2   13.42   -0.58   -15.85    10.65    -4.05    -3.46
 4.3   13.16   -0.84   -16.59     9.91    -4.79    -3.95
 4.4   12.91   -1.09   -17.47     9.03    -5.67    -4.59
 4.5   12.67   -1.33   -18.53     7.97    -6.73    -5.40
 4.6   12.43   -1.57   -19.79     6.71    -7.99    -6.42
 4.7   12.20   -1.80   -21.32     5.18    -9.52    -7.71
 4.8   11.97   -2.03   -23.19     3.31   -11.39    -9.36
 4.9   11.75   -2.25   -25.59     0.91   -13.79   -11.53
 5.0   11.53   -2.47   -28.81    -2.31   -17.01   -14.54

Document Created: 2005-08-02 15:07:48
Document Modified: 2005-08-02 15:07:48

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