AFTRCC Receipts

1380-EX-ST-2017 Text Documents

RF Film Inc


                                                                                                               Date              Invoice #
                                                                                                             9/17/2017            F07017

                         616 E 34th Street N
                          Wichita KS 67219

       Bill To
    RF Film Inc
    10500 Airpark Way Unit M-3
    Pocoima, CA 91331

                                                                                            Purchase Order               Terms

                                                                                                                      Due on receipt

  Quantity                                        Description                                         Rate                    Amount

                 1 F07017-RFFilm-Rosamond,CA[09262017-09272017]AudioProjectFilming(STA-B)                     200.00                   200.00
                   Application Fee
                 8 "S" Band Frequencies @ $10/MHz                                                              10.00                    80.00
                 1 Station/Location Fee                                                                       100.00                   100.00

Thank you for your business.
                                                                                                   Total                               $380.00

                                                                                                             Date              Invoice #
                                                                                                           9/17/2017            F07018

                         616 E 34th Street N
                          Wichita KS 67219

       Bill To
    RF Film Inc
    10500 Airpark Way Unit M-3
    Pocoima, CA 91331

                                                                                          Purchase Order               Terms

                                                                                                                    Due on receipt

  Quantity                                        Description                                       Rate                    Amount

                 1 F07018-RFFilm-MammothLakes,CA[09262017-10252017]BrightonFallsFilming(STA-                200.00                   200.00
                   Application Fee
                 8 "S" Band Frequencies @ $10/MHz                                                            10.00                    80.00
                 1 Station/Location Fee                                                                     100.00                   100.00

Thank you for your business.
                                                                                                 Total                               $380.00

                                                                                                         Date              Invoice #
                                                                                                       9/17/2017            F07019

                        616 E 34th Street N
                         Wichita KS 67219

       Bill To
    RF Film Inc
    10500 Airpark Way Unit M-3
    Pocoima, CA 91331

                                                                                      Purchase Order               Terms

                                                                                                                Due on receipt

  Quantity                                      Description                                     Rate                    Amount

              1 F07019-RFFilm-Atlanta, A[09202017-10192017]CherryBlueFilming(STA-B)                     200.00                   200.00
                Application Fee
              1 S Band - 2360-2395 MHz                                                                  180.00                   180.00
              1 Station/Location Fee                                                                    100.00                   100.00
             16 "L" Band Frequencies @ $10/MHz                                                           10.00                   160.00

Thank you for your business.
                                                                                             Total                               $640.00

                                                      Payment Receipt

Aerospace & Flight Test Coordinating Council Inc
616 E 34th Street N
Wichita, KS 67219

Received From:
RF Film Inc
RF Film Inc
10500 Airpark Way Unit M-3
Pocoima, CA 91331

         Date Received        09/17/2017                                Payment Amount   $1,400.00
         Payment Method       MasterCard
         Check/Ref. No.       F07017-F07019

Invoices Paid

      Date                Number                   Amount Applied
   09/17/2017                 F07017                                 -$380.00
   09/17/2017                 F07018                                 -$380.00
   09/17/2017                 F07019                                 -$640.00

                                                            Page 1

Document Created: 0830-04-24 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0830-04-24 00:00:00

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