Type Approval Application/Certificate/Exhibit

2039-EX-RR-1993 Text Documents



                                                           Japan Radio Co., Ltd.
                                                                          Mitaka Plant
                                                                   5—1—1 Shimorenjaku Mitaka—shi,        TEL : +81—422—45—9547
+ iubiNeThie Tc y e ,

                                                                         Tokyo 181 JAPAN                 FAX : +81—422—45—9957

                             YOUR REF :
                             OUR REF :
                                           .                                                        TOKYO May
                             Federal Communication Commission
                             7435 Oakland Mills Road
                             Columbia, MD. 21046

                             Subject : Type Approval Application for Inmarsat—M Mobile Earth Station

                             Model : JUE—200M                  |

                             This equipment has been tested in accordance with the Inmarsat—M System Definition Manuals

                             issued by Inmmarsat as well as those contained in the appropriate commission regulations.
                             The necessary measurements have been made by Japan Radio Co., Ltd. (The copy of the
                             Inmarsat approval particulars is attached.)

                             These tests have been performed using measurement procedures consistent with industry of
                             commission standards and demonstrate that the equipment complies with these technical
                             requirements and regulations.
                             FEach unit manufactured, imported or marketed, as defined in the commission‘s regulations, will
                             conform to the sample(s) tested within the variations that can be expected due to quantity

                             production and testing on a statistical basis.
54 3

                                                                                      Yours sincerely,

                                                                                      Z. Okabe
                                                                                      Assistant General Manager
                                                                                       1st Engineering Department

                                                                                                                                                   CerifcateNo _                           1T—04—008—01 ~.*,

                                                                                                                     |     Marnunle Mobile Earth Station Model identified
demonstrates that said M                                                                                           pfuso with                98NMARSAT Satellite Communications
operating in the enviropm®                                                                                                              (
application dated 9               J         _        app.   ertechnioal   >                                                §                   ;
requirements for use withih§(NMA                             jonfenttons ~~—       Inte                                                     atellite Organization
System, as issued by INMARS                           EP      d*System"****                              _ eff
Definition Manual for the Stand

unit subjected to test and that the results,                8 HOAB‘e      o                            gétor General
said Maritime Mobile Earth Station Model and othef             yAMma      . P                  gezn    l                 291.
provide the capabilities of a Class 2 Maritime Mobile Ear          j           §

        a)      2—way message transfer;                                            7
                                                                                   NOTE,              HOWEVER:
                                                                                   1. This certificate does not authorlss the operation of the marliime mobile earth station in the INMARSAT
        b)      Distress Alerting; and                                             System. Such authorizallon requires commissloning after Installation, in accordance with commissioning
                                                                                   procedures established by INMARSAT. In addition, the operation of the markime mobile sarth station may also
                                                                                   be subject to natlonal licencing requiremonts,
        c)    . Enhanced Group Calling.
                                                                                   2. This certlficate is Intended only as formal notlfication to the manulacturer that INMARSAT has determinad, on
                                                                                   the basts of data submitted by the manulacturer, that markime mobile earth stations of the type IWentilied harein
                                                                                   moot the standards for use with the INMARSAT System. This cortliicate is not a warranty and INMAASAT
                                                                                   h;vlolbycoxprloso}y disclalms any and all !tabilty arlsing out of or In connection with the Issuance, use, or misuse
                                                                                   of this Cortflcate.

                                INMARSAT—M MARITIME MOBILE EARTH STATION

                                                   MOBILE                                      . /
                                 JUE'ZOOM MARITIME

        Mobite Communications                                                              TYPE APPROVED

                      elght scmaie mechamsm
                      and IME connected via a single coaxial cable.
                      act handset with liquid crystal display, dialing and, menu keys and speaker.
                   f§gned to meet the latest INMARSAT—M System Definition Manual.

            W SPECIFICATIONS                                                              B DIMENSIONS & WEIGHTS
    P        + Frequency Range : TX 1626.5 to 1646.5MHz                                    EME
                                            RX 1525.0 to 1545.0MHz                         Weight : 37.5kg
             + EIRP :                       27dBW +2,—3dB(high select)                                  es2o
    i                                       21dBW +2,—3dB(low select )
             + G/T:                         —10dBK or more
             + Antenna :                    Beam steerable phased array
                                            antenna right—hand circular polariza—
                                            tion and 2—axis stabilization pointing
             + Modulation :                 TX 3kbps BPSK
                                                 Skbps O—QPSK
                                            RX 6kbps BPSK                                                             Oe~
                                                 Skbps O—QPSK
             + Coding :                     BPSK convolutional code
                                            OQPS}((R=1/2|IK=7)                             IME
                                              —         convolutional code                       ight        :
                                                      (R=3/4,K=7)                          Weight : 17he                                                     qa08)
             + Primary Power supply : 100/120/200/220V AC+10%                                           in————=w— [p——r————H
             + Environmental Conditions                                                                  i          i                    | rowen supmiy unit                        |
                Temperature :     —25 to +50°C(EME)—                                                     ressmmmnmny                     esmm
                                            operational                                                  |                       i       |                                  |
                                            0 to +45°C (IME)—operational                                                                         Yerminac.. conthot. uniT
                                            —40 to +85°C(EME/IME)—
                                            storage                                                                                      }
                  Humidity :                Up to 95% at 40°C                                                                            e                                              o
                  Vibrations :              INMARSAT specifications                                                          c               c                                  i
                  Ship Motions :            Roll*#30° ; Pitch*15° ; Yaw*8°                 Telephone Set
                                            Surge+0.28g ; Sway +0.2¢ ;                     Welght > 0.tke
                                     Heave+£0.5g ; Turnig rate
                                     £12*/s ; Headway 3Oknots
                 DTE Interface :     RS—232C,RS—422A(Option)
                 Card Reader Interface : RS—232C,RS—422A(Option)
                 Printer Interface : Centronics
                 GPS Interface :     NMEAO183 or JRC standard
                                     format                                                                                ——— —fh   .
            N STANDARD COMPOSITIONS                                                        Voice Distress Button
:            + Externally Mounted Equipment(EME)                                           Weight : 04kg
i            * Internally Mounted Equipment(IME]                                                     iB _                                                    motg—:
             + Single coaxial Cable                                                                              rli—ili‘———-fl                               [       p——
                  (Standard : 50m ; Option : upto 100m)                                                               ==g==——— fk“]*
             *« Telephone Set                                                                                      &         #!     ‘                                @
             + Voice Distress Button(VDB)                                                                                            C           alsls       \E
        ~   RoPTIONS                                                                                              s
                                                                                                                              oo     9c  4        i              r
             + Remote Telephone Set (Up to 4 sets)                                                                E_e_U                                          ‘
             + Facsimile Interface Unit(FIVU)                                                                                                    lt
             +« G3 Facsimile(240O0bps)
             + Data Terminal Equipment(DTE)
             « Card Reader
             + Printer
             +« Buzzer Box (Up to 4 units)                                                Note : COMSAT‘s Mobile Link®" Service.COMSAT‘s Link®" service, available
             + Voice Distress Button(AvailabIe for each                                                 in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean regions through the Inmarsat §atellite
                                     Telephone Set)                                                     system and COMSAT‘s Southbury, Conn. and Santa Pavla, Calif. land
                           .             P                                                              earth stations, now offers any vessels as small as 35ft. the abvantage of
             + Hand—free MICI’OphOne                                                                    voice, fax and data communications at the lowest price ever. Through
             +   GPS Receiver                                                                           Mobile Link®, users can have voice, fax and data communications at
             *                                                                                          sea are same as those in the office or home. For COMSAT‘s services,
                 DC/AC Converter                                                                        call 1—301—428—2222.

            Note : JRC reserves the right to change the design and specificatios             .                         .
                  of the equipment for improvement without notice.                   For further information, contact:

                                                                                         JRC) Fapan Radio Co. Itd.                                       @


                                                                                        Main Office:                        Akasaka Twin Tower(Main}),
                                                                                                                            17—22, Akasaka 2—chome,
                                                                                                                            Minato—ku, Tokyo 107, JAPAN
                                                                                                                            Telephone:Tokyo(03)3584—8789, 8836
                                                                                                                             Facsimile: Tokyo (03)3584—8795, 8878
                                                                                                                            Telex: 2425420 JRCTOK J
                                                                                                                             Cable: JAPANRADIO TOKYO
                                                                                       Overseas Branches: London, New York
                                                                                       Liaison Offices:   Jakarta, Bangkok, Manila, New Delhi,
                                                                                                          Hudson, Salgal;y, Rio. de Janeiro,

Document Created: 2001-08-04 10:25:28
Document Modified: 2001-08-04 10:25:28

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