Experiment Description

0705-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc


                                                                                             FCC Form 442

3400-3550 MHz Experimental License Application for 5G Development

1 Introduction
Qualcomm’s technologies powered the smartphone revolution and connected billions of people. We
pioneered 3G and 4G – and now we are leading the way to 5G and a new era of intelligent, connected
devices. Our products are revolutionizing industries, including automotive, computing, IoT, healthcare and
data center, and are allowing millions of devices to connect with each other in ways never before
imagined. Qualcomm Incorporated includes our licensing business, QTL, and the vast majority of our
patent portfolio. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, operates, along
with its subsidiaries, all of our engineering, research and development functions, and all of our products
and services businesses, including, our QCT semiconductor business. For more information, visit
Qualcomm’s website, OnQ blog, Twitter and Facebook pages.

This experimental license request is in support of a small 5G R&D development and demonstration
network contained planned for operation within a 0.5-mile radius of Qualcomm’s campus in Sorrento
Valley area of San Diego, California. The R&D network will utilize a 100 MHz transmission bandwidth
within the frequency range of 3.4-3.55 GHz.

The requested frequency range of 3.4-3.55 GHz is for technology development purposes only and not
targeted for future wireless communication deployment in the United States.

2 Experiment Description
The network supported by this experimental license is critical for Qualcomm to develop, validate, and
then demonstrate 5G technology wireless communications systems.

Qualcomm designed the network to generate the smallest amount of RF interference to incumbents in the
requested frequency range while also providing the RF coverage area required for engineering
development and showcasing advanced wireless technology for indoor, outdoor, static and mobility user
environments. The network is required to support both conventional passive antennas configurations as
well as advanced beam forming technologies that will be utilized by 5G networks.

Deliberate placement and positioning of directional antennas limit the usable engineering RF test
coverage area to a 0.5-mile radius with a goal of also limiting the network RF footprint to below the
thermal noise floor off the coast of San Diego. Although the EIRP for the fixes sites has been reduced
below target EIRP values proposed by 5G network operators, Qualcomm anticipates the carefully
designed network will still provide the required engineering value need for the technology development

The network utilizes four fixed sectors to provide the RF coverage area to a maximum of 30 mobile
devices anywhere within the 0.5-mile coverage area. Three of the locations utilize one directional
antenna while the third site has two directional antennas. The mobile devices can be used in static
locations, in vehicles, or in human mobility scenarios. Most mobile testing occurs at ground level but
some mobiles may on occasion be located inside buildings exceeding one story.

The intent is to operate the networks 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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                                                                                                        FCC Form 442

   3 Transmitter Information
   The test network utilizes a single TDD 100 MHz channel bandwidth transmitted in the range of 3.4-3.550
   GHz at a fixed center frequency. The license requests a frequency range wider than a 100 MHz
   frequency span to provide center frequency flexibility if needed to address technical or interference
   challenges that may occur during testing. Both fixed and mobile transmitters use OFDM modulation with
   a FCC emission designator of 100M00W7W.

   Table 1 describes the technical parameters of the four fixed sites required for the network that are located
   on three different buildings. Building “AY” has two directional antennas while the other three sites have
   only one directional antenna. The EIRP in Table 1 represents the highest EIRP MIMO beamforming
   operation mode of operation resulting from the achieved beamforming array gain. The EIRP is lower
   when operating in a non-beamforming mode.

   The directional fixed site antennas planned for use have not been selected but are planned to follow the
   antenna pattern shown in Figure 1 when operating in a beamform configuration. In the beamforming
   mode, the 3dB beamwidth is anticipated to be approximately 8° in elevation and approximately 2° in
   azimuth while tracking a target receiver. Without beamforming, the 3dB beamwidth is approximately 8° in
   elevation and approximately 74° in azimuth. In both cases, the front to back lobe ration is expected to
   exceed 20dB. Mobile devices use omni directional antennas.

   Figures 2 shows the test network area location in San Diego and Figure 3 provides a visual of the
   resulting RF coverage area required for the engineering activities.

                  Table 1 Transmitter Information in the frequency range of 3.4-3.550 GHz
                                                      Ant.                                     EIRP /     ERP /
                                          Ant.       Height                  Total    EIRP /    100        100    EIRP / 1
                     Longitude           Height       (m)      Azimuth        Tilt   100 MHz    MHz       MHz        Hz
Site Name             Latitude          [m] AGL      AMSL         [°]         [°]     [dBm]     [W]        [W]     [dBm]
 Bldg_N      32 53 46 N 117 11 43 W       53          148        35           8        65      3162       1919      -15
Bldg_AY_1    32 54 6 N / 117 11 35 W      26          123        285          4        65      3162       1919      -15
Bldg AY_2    32 54 6 N / 117 11 34 W      26          123        120          0        65      3162       1919      -15
Q_Parking    32 54 11 N / 117 11 58 W     17          124        60           0        65      3162       1919      -15
                  0.5-mile radius       Varies       Varies     Omni         Omni      26      0.40       0.24      -54

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                                                                     FCC Form 442

                  Figure 1 Anticipated Beamforming Antenna Pattern

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                                                            FCC Form 442

                                                                    Zoom showing
                                                                      Valley and
                            0.5-mile                                   fixed site

                                                             San Diego Area

                  Figure 2 Test Network Area in San Diego

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                                                                                  FCC Form 442

                                                                                Site locations
                                                                                  depict the
                                                                              antenna azimuths

                             Figure 3 Intended Test Coverage Area

4 Interference Coordination
Immediate requests for Qualcomm to stop transmission should be emailed to
3.4GHz.OTA.shutdown@qualcomm.com. Alternatively, a shutdown requested can be submitted through
John Forrester who can be contacted at 858-845-7428 or jforrest@qti.qualcomm.com

August 28, 2017                    Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.                       Page 5 of 5

Document Created: 2017-08-28 12:02:42
Document Modified: 2017-08-28 12:02:42

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