Experiment Description

0383-EX-CN-2018 Text Documents

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc


                                                                                     FCC Form 442

             25.5-26.3 GHz Experimental License Application

1 Introduction
Qualcomm’s technologies powered the smartphone revolution and connected billions of people.
We pioneered 3G and 4G – and now we are leading the way to 5G and a new era of intelligent,
connected devices. Our products are revolutionizing industries, including automotive, computing,
IoT, healthcare and data center, and are allowing millions of devices to connect with each other in
ways never imagined. Qualcomm Incorporated includes our licensing business, QTL, and the
vast majority of our patent portfolio. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm
Incorporated, operates, along with its subsidiaries, all of our engineering, research and
development functions, and all of our products and services businesses, including, our QCT
semiconductor business. For more information, visit Qualcomm’s website, OnQ blog, Twitter and
Facebook pages.

Qualcomm is conducting 5G R&D tests using prototype base-station (BS) and mobile device
(MD) equipment in milli-meter wave bands and is requesting this experimental license to assist it
further in developing, validating, and demonstrating this new technology.

The requested frequency band occupies 800 MHz between: 25.5-26.3 GHz.

2 Transmitter Information
Experimental tests will be conducted in the immediate vicinity of Qualcomm buildings and roads
within a 1km range from the centers located at and depicted in figures 1 and 2:

       Qualcomm HQ: Sorrento Valley, San Diego, California
       Qualcomm Building A: Bridgewater, New Jersey

Up to 4 base-stations and 3 associated mobile devices per base-station may operate within the
highlighted contours at any time.

                Figure 1. Sorrento Valley, San Diego, CA region of operation.

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                                                                                              FCC Form 442

                       Figure 2. Bridgewater, New Jersey region of operation.

Base-station transmitters use highly directional antennas to steer their beams to small service
areas at ground level for reception by user equipment. They are physically small and may be
fixed to lamp-posts, mounted on mobile laboratory test vans or fixed to building roof tops or walls
and always remain in tilted down configuration.

Up to 3 mobile devices communicate to each base station over an expected range of 200m.

Table 1 indicates the site and antenna information and table 2 the carrier information.

Site     Location of                         Latitude         Longitude
                              County                                           Beam      Azimuth    Elevation
 #         BS/UE                             (center)          (center)

                            San Diego,
 1        Base station                     32° 53' 46'' N   117° 11' 44'' W
       and mobile device
                                                                                         BS/MD:      to -30° or
        bounded by any                                                        BS: 0.7°
                                                                                         0-360°       greater
        location within 1                                                     MD:12°
 2         km radius                       40° 35' 6'' N    74° 37' 26''W
                            New Jersey                                                              MD: ± 40°

                                 Table 1 Site and antenna information

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                                                                                    FCC Form 442

                                         Peak EIRP

                     Frequency                        W                Emission
         Type                      dBm     dBW               W ERP                  Modulation
                       (GHz)                         EIRP             designator

      Base station
                     25.5-26.3      60       30      1,000   1,000    800MW7XFW    OFDM/TDD
         device      25.5-26.3      36       6        4        4      800MW7XFW    OFDM/TDD

                             Table 2 Transmitted carrier Information

3 Interference Coordination
Immediate requests for Qualcomm to stop transmission should be emailed to
qualcomm.transmitter.shutdown@qualcomm.com. Alternatively, a shutdown request can be
communicated to John Forrester of Qualcomm who can be contacted at 858-845-7428 and

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Document Created: 2018-05-10 16:24:37
Document Modified: 2018-05-10 16:24:37

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