Experiment Description

0095-EX-CN-2019 Text Documents

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc


                                                                                      FCC Form 442

                    60 GHz Experimental License Application

1 Company Introduction
Qualcomm’s technologies have powered the smartphone revolution, connecting billions and
billions of people. We pioneered 3G and 4G technologies – and now we are leading the way to
5G technology and a new era of intelligent, connected devices. Our products are revolutionizing
industries, including automotive, computing, IoT, smart cities, and healthcare, and are allowing
devices to connect with each other in ways never before imagined.

Qualcomm Incorporated includes our licensing business, QTL, and the vast majority of our patent
portfolio. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, operates, along
with its subsidiaries, all of our engineering, research and development functions, and all of our
products and services businesses, including, our QCT semiconductor business. For more
information, visit Qualcomm’s website, OnQ blog, Twitter and Facebook pages.

2 Experiment Overview
Qualcomm is conducting research into radar technologies for use in vehicular applications. This
license is required as the planned experiments require customized hardware restricted to the
frequency range of 57-71 GHz.

The goal of these experiments is not to develop the 57-71 GHz band for application in automotive
applications, but instead to use RF equipment that operates in this unlicensed band to develop
radar applications that will operate in other bands and be designed to improve roadway safety
and save lives. To be clear, commercial application of the radar technology developed via these
experiments will use different frequency bands that are allocated for vehicular applications.

The experimentation will include two vehicles equipped with an experimental 60 GHz radar
system installed on the first vehicle facing the front and/or rear of the second vehicle. The
vehicles will be parked or in motion in one of the two possible geographic areas:
    1) Within 2 km (1.3 miles) around Qualcomm buildings defined in Table 1
    2) Within 3 km (1.8 miles) around the coordinates in Table 1 that are not located near any
        commercial or public facilities.

3 Transmitter Information
Experimentation will be conducted in the immediate vicinity of the area described in Table 1 and
Figure 2. As described in Table 2, the frequency range used for the experiments will be 57-71
GHz with a transmission bandwidth of 1.76 GHz and 100% duty cycle when active.

Up to 2 vehicles outfitted with 60GHz radar transmitters may operate within the operational area.
The vehicles will be outfitted with a multi-element beamformed array using an EIRP of 41 dBm or

Vehicular radar transmitters use a highly directional antenna to steer its beam at ground level for
measuring the reflection from other vehicles as shown in Figure 1. The scan parameters are
listed in Table 1. The radar antennas are physically small (i.e., diameter less than 15 cm) and will
be mounted to the body of the test vehicle, either in the front bumper, on the rear bumper, or on
the roof. The narrow beam mitigates the risk of interference to other devices while the radars are

February 11, 2011              QUALCOMM Technologies Incorporated                        Page 1 of 2

                                                                                                              FCC Form 442

                                          Figure 1: Vehicle Radar Beam

                                                                                           +/- 45 deg

          Figure 2: Sorrento Valley, San Diego, CA region of experimental operation.

                              Table 1 Experiment Area and Antenna Parameters
Ta                                                                                           Antenn
                                                                                                        Antenna      Antenna
b         Location of                                Latitude               Longitude         a 3dB
                                 County                                                                  Scan          Scan
Site        BS/UE                                    (center)                (center)         Beam
                                                                                                        Azimuth      Elevation
 #                                                                                            width
         Vehicular radar
         operating range        San Diego,                                                      2
 1                                                 32° 53’ 46’’ N      117° 11’ 44’’ W                  +/ 45 deg    +/- 10 deg
        bounded by each          California                                                  degrees
       test location within
           2 km radius

        2 mile radius in        San Diego,                                                      2
 2                                                 32° 52’ 16’’ N           117° 5’ 4” W                +/ 45 deg    +/- 10 deg
           Miramar                 CA                                                        degrees

                              Table 2 Transmitter Frequency/Power information
                                                    Peak EIRP

                           Frequency                                 W                      Emission
            Type                          dBm           dBW                     W ERP                        Modulation
                             (GHz)                                  EIRP                   designator
                                                                                                             Time domain
                                                                                                            sequences e.g.
          vehicular        57-71 GHz          41         30         1,000        1,000       1G76L0N

4 Interference Coordination
Immediate requests for Qualcomm to cease all transmission under this experimental operation
should be emailed to qualcomm.transmitter.shutdown@qualcomm.com. Alternatively, a
shutdown request can be communicated to John Forrester of Qualcomm who can be contacted at
858-845-7428 and jforrest@qti.qualcomm.com.

February 11, 2011                      QUALCOMM Technologies Incorporated                                           Page 2 of 2

Document Created: 2019-02-14 09:45:22
Document Modified: 2019-02-14 09:45:22

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