Dove 3 Orbital Debris Assessment Report

0548-EX-PL-2012 Text Documents

Planet Labs Inc


                                                                                            Dove 3
                                      Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

  Dove 3 Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)
This report is presented in compliance with NASA-STD-8719.14, APPENDIX A.

                       Report Version: 2, 10/9/2012

                          Document Data is Not Restricted.
This document contains no proprietary, ITAR, or export controlled information.

                 DAS Software Version Used In Analysis: v2.0.1

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                                                                                      Dove 3
                                Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)


                           Chris Boshuizen

*Approval signatures indicate acceptance of the ODAR-defined risk.

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                                                                                                                                           Dove 3
                                                                  Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

                                                             Table of Contents

Self-assessment of the ODAR using the format in Appendix A.2 of NASA-STD-8719.14: .............. 3!
Comments .................................................................................................................................................. 4!
Assessment Report Format: ................................................................................................................... 5!
ODAR Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview ....................................................... 5!
ODAR Section 2: Spacecraft Description .............................................................................................. 6!
ODAR Section 3: Assessment of Spacecraft Debris Released during Normal Operations .............. 7!
ODAR Section 4: Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and Potential for Explosions. .. 8!
ODAR Section 5: Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On-Orbit Collisions .............................. 11!
ODAR Section 6: Assessment of Spacecraft Post-mission Disposal Plans and Procedures ........... 14!
ODAR Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards ......................................................... 16!
ODAR Section 8: Assessment for Tether Missions............................................................................. 21!

Self-assessment of the ODAR using the format in Appendix A.2 of NASA-STD-
A self assessment is provided below in accordance with the assessment format provided in Appendix
A.2 of NASA-STD-8719.14.

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                                                                                                                 Dove 3
                                                        Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

                         Orbital Debris Self-Assessment Report Evaluation: Dove 3 Mission

                                       Launch Vehicle                                  Spacecraft
     Requirement #
                                               Incomplete      Non
                                                                                                    Incomplete                       Comments
     4.3-1.a                                                                                                      No Debris Released in LEO. See note 1.
     4.3-1.b                                                                                                      No Debris Released in LEO. See note 1.
       4.3-2                                                                                                      No Debris Released in GEO. See note 1.
       4.4-1                                                                                                      See note 1.
       4.4-2                                                                                                      See note 1.
       4.4-3                                                                                                      No planned breakups. See note 1.
       4.4-4                                                                                                      No planned breakups. See note 1.
       4.5-1                                                                                                      See note 1.
       4.5-2                                                                                                      No critical subsystems needed for EOM disposal
     4.6-1(a)                                                                                                     See note 1.
    4.6-1(b)                                                                                                      See note 1.
     4.6-1(c)                                                                                                     See note 1.
       4.6-2                                                                                                      See note 1.
       4.6-3                                                                                                      See note 1.
       4.6-4                                                                                                      See note 1.
       4.6-5                                                                                                      See note 1.
       4.7-1                                                                                                      See note 1.
       4.8-1                                                                                                      No tethers used.
1.     This launch has several spacecraft manifested and the Cosmogia spacecraft are not the primary mission.

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                                                                                                    Dove 3
                                                  Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

Assessment Report Format:
ODAR Technical Sections Format Requirements:
As Cosmogia Inc. is a US company, this ODAR follows the format recommended in NASA-
STD-8719.14, Appendix A.1 and includes the content indicated at a minimum in each section 2
through 8 below for the Dove 3 satellite. Sections 9 through 14 apply to the launch vehicle
ODAR and are not covered here.

ODAR Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview
Project Manager: Chris Boshuizen
Foreign government or space agency participation: Russia and Ukraine share ownership of
ISC Kosmotras, who operate the Dnepr space launch vehicle.
Schedule of upcoming mission milestones:
       FRR:                                        November 2012
       Launch:                                     No Earlier Than February 2013

Mission Overview:
Dove 3 will be ejected from an ISIPOD 3U CubeSat dispenser into a planned elliptical orbit
of 800 x 597 km at 97.8 degrees. The experiment will operate for a maximum duration of 24
ODAR Summary: No debris released in normal operations; no credible scenario for
breakups; the collision probability with other objects is compliant with NASA standards; and
the estimated nominal decay lifetime due to atmospheric drag is under 25 years following
operations (12.2 years after 2 years of nominal operations, as calculated by DAS 2.0.1).
Launch vehicle and launch site: Dnepr, Yasny/Dombarovskiy, Russia
Proposed launch date: No Earlier Than February 2013
Mission duration: Maximum Nominal Operations: 24 months, Post-Operations Orbit lifetime:
12.2 years until reentry via atmospheric orbital decay (14.2 years in total).
Launch and deployment profile, including all parking, transfer, and operational orbits
with apogee, perigee, and inclination:
       The Dnepr rocket, being able to restart to perform orbit changing maneuvers, will be
       dispensing more than 20 payloads to various orbits close to a circular 600km sun-
       synchronous orbit.
       The Dove 3 satellite will deploy to, and decay naturally from, an elliptical orbit defined
       as follows:
               Apogee: 800 km
               Perigee: 597 km
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                                                                                                   Dove 3
                                                 Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

               Inclination: 97.79 degrees
       Dove 3 has no propulsion and therefore does not actively change orbits. There is no
       parking or transfer orbit.

ODAR Section 2: Spacecraft Description
Physical description of the spacecraft:
Dove 3 conforms to the 3U CubeSat specification, with a launch mass of 5.2 kg. Basic physical
dimensions are 100mm x 100mm x 340mm, with two 260mm x 300mm deployable solar arrays.
The Dove 3 load bearing structure is comprised of three 100mm x 100mm skeleton plates, with
L rails along each 300mm corner edge. The solar arrays are spring-loaded and burn-wire
Power storage is provided by Lithium-Ion cells. The batteries will be recharged by solar cells
mounted on the body of the satellite and on the two deployable solar panels.
Dove 3 attitude is approximately determined using the magnetic field vector, measured by
onboard magnetometers. Dove 3 attitude will be controlled by a 3-axis magnetorquer controller.
Total satellite mass at launch, including all propellants and fluids: ~5.2 kg.
Dry mass of satellites at launch, excluding solid rocket motor propellants: ~5.2 kg
Description of all propulsion systems (cold gas, mono-propellant, bi-propellant, electric,
nuclear): None.
Identification, including mass and pressure, of all fluids (liquids and gases) planned to be
on board and a description of the fluid loading plan or strategies, excluding fluids in sealed
heat pipes: None
Fluids in Pressurized Batteries: None. Dove 3 uses unpressurized standard COTS Lithium-Ion
battery cells. Each battery has a height of 65mm, a diameter of 14mmm and a weight of 26

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                                                                                                    Dove 3
                                                  Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

Description of attitude control system and indication of the normal attitude of the
spacecraft with respect to the velocity vector:
Dove 3 utilizes 3 coil magnetorquers,
which allow the satellite to despin
after initial satellite deployment, 'lock'
to the magnetic field, and perform 3-
axis control. The nominal attitude will
be flying 'edge on', with the bus' long
(3U) axis nadir-pointing and two solar
arrays laying in the orbital plane,
facing towards the sun vector (A). At
the end of operations, the 3-axis
controller will be used to rotate the
satellite into maximum drag
configuration, which is also           Figure 1: A - 'edge on' attitude during operations
the dynamically stable                        B - 'max drag' attitude at End of Mission (v = velocity)
orientation (B).

Description of any range safety or other pyrotechnic devices: No pyrotechnic devices are
Description of the electrical generation and storage system: Standard COTS Lithium-Ion
battery cells are charged before payload integration and provide electrical energy during the
mission. The cells are recharged by solar cells mounted on the deployable arrays. The battery
cell protection circuit manages the charging cycle.
Identification of any other sources of stored energy not noted above: None.
Identification of any radioactive materials on board: None.

ODAR Section 3: Assessment of Spacecraft Debris Released during Normal
Identification of any object (>1 mm) expected to be released from the spacecraft any time
after launch, including object dimensions, mass, and material: There are no intentional
Rationale/necessity for release of each object: N/A.
Time of release of each object, relative to launch time: N/A.
Release velocity of each object with respect to spacecraft: N/A.
Expected orbital parameters (apogee, perigee, and inclination) of each object after release:
Calculated orbital lifetime of each object, including time spent in Low Earth Orbit (LEO):
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                                                                                                   Dove 3
                                                 Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.3-1 and 4.3-2 (per DAS v2.0.1)
4.3-1, Mission Related Debris Passing Through LEO: COMPLIANT
4.3-2, Mission Related Debris Passing Near GEO: COMPLIANT

ODAR Section 4: Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and
Potential for Explosions.
Potential causes of spacecraft breakup during deployment and mission operations:
       There is no credible scenario that would result in spacecraft breakup during normal
       deployment and operations.
Summary of failure modes and effects analyses of all credible failure modes which may
lead to an accidental explosion:
       In-mission failure of a battery cell protection circuit could lead to a short circuit resulting
       in overheating and a very remote possibility of battery cell explosion. The battery safety
       systems discussed in the FMEA (see requirement 4.4-1 below) describe the combined
       faults that must occur for any of seven (7) independent, mutually exclusive failure modes
       to lead to explosion. The deployment of the three solar arrays will feature a simple spring
       and stopper system, released by a simple burn-wire. The probability of a detachment
       during deployment is negligible.
Detailed plan for any designed spacecraft breakup, including explosions and intentional
       There are no planned breakups.
List of components which shall be passivated at End of Mission (EOM) including method
of passivation and amount which cannot be passivated:
       None. The 8 batteries will not be passivated at End of Mission due to the low risk and
       low impact of explosive rupturing. The maximum total energy stored in each battery is
Rationale for all items which are required to be passivated, but cannot be due to their
       Dove 3 battery charge circuits include overcharge protection and a parallel design to limit
       the risk of battery failure. However, in the unlikely event that a battery cell does
       explosively rupture, the small size, mass, and potential energy, of these small batteries is
       such that while the spacecraft could be expected to vent gases, most debris from the
       battery rupture should be contained within the vessel due to the lack of penetration

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.4-1 through 4.4-4:
       Requirement 4.4-1: Limiting the risk to other space systems from accidental
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                                                                                           Dove 3
                                         Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

explosions during deployment and mission operations while in orbit about Earth or the

For each spacecraft and launch vehicle orbital stage employed for a mission, the
program or project shall demonstrate, via failure mode and effects analyses or equivalent
analyses, that the integrated probability of explosion for all credible failure modes of
each spacecraft and launch vehicle is less than 0.001 (excluding small particle impacts)
(Requirement 56449).

       Compliance statement:

               Required Probability: 0.001.
               Expected probability: 0.000.

       Supporting Rationale and FMEA details:
       Battery explosion:
       Effect: All failure modes below might theoretically result in battery explosion
       with the possibility of orbital debris generation. However, in the unlikely event
       that a battery cell does explosively rupture, the small size, mass, and potential
       energy, of the selected COTS batteries is such that while the spacecraft could be
       expected to vent gases, most debris from the battery rupture should be contained
       within the vessel due to the lack of penetration energy.
       Probability: Extremely Low. It is believed to be a much less than 0.1%
       probability that multiple independent (not common mode) faults must occur for
       each failure mode to cause the ultimate effect (explosion).

       Failure mode 1: Internal short circuit.
       Mitigation 1: Qualification and acceptance shock, vibration, thermal cycling, and
       vacuum tests followed by maximum system rate-limited charge and discharge to
       prove that no internal short circuit sensitivity exists.
       Combined faults required for realized failure: Environmental testing AND
       functional charge/discharge tests must both be ineffective in discovery of the
       failure mode.

       Failure Mode 2: Internal thermal rise due to high load discharge rate.
       Mitigation 2: Cells were tested in lab for high load discharge rates in a variety of
       flight-like configurations to determine like likelihood and impact of an out of
       control thermal rise in the cell. Cells were also tested in a hot environment to test
       the upper limit of the cells capability. No failures were seen.
       Combined faults required for realized failure: Spacecraft thermal design must be
       incorrect AND external over-current detection and disconnect function must fail
       to enable this failure mode.
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                                                                                      Dove 3
                                    Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

 Failure Mode 3: Excessive discharge rate or short circuit due to external device
 failure or terminal contact with conductors not at battery voltage levels (due to
 abrasion or inadequate proximity separation).
 Mitigation 4: This failure mode is negated by a) qualification-tested short circuit
 protection on each external circuit, b) design of battery packs and insulators such
 that no contact with nearby board traces is possible without being caused by some
 other mechanical failure, c) obviation of such other mechanical failures by proto-
 qualification and acceptance environmental tests (shock, vibration, thermal
 cycling, and thermal-vacuum tests).
 Combined faults required for realized failure: An external load must fail/short-
 circuit AND external over-current detection and disconnect function failure must
 all occur to enable this failure mode.

 Failure Mode 4: Inoperable vents.
 Mitigation 5: Battery vents are not inhibited by the battery holder design or the
 Combined effects required for realized failure: The final assembler fails to install
 proper venting.

 Failure Mode 5: Crushing.
 Mitigation 6: This mode is negated by spacecraft design. There are no moving
 parts in the proximity of the batteries.
 Combined faults required for realized failure: A catastrophic failure must occur
 in an external system AND the failure must cause a collision sufficient to crush
 the batteries leading to an internal short circuit AND the satellite must be in a
 naturally sustained orbit at the time the crushing occurs.

 Failure Mode 6: Low level current leakage or short-circuit through battery pack
 case or due to moisture-based degradation of insulators.
 Mitigation 7: These modes are negated by a) battery holder/case design made of
 non-conductive plastic, and b) operation in vacuum such that no moisture can
 affect insulators.
 Combined faults required for realized failure: Abrasion or piercing failure of
 circuit board coating or wire insulators AND dislocation of battery packs AND
 failure of battery terminal insulators AND failure to detect such failure modes in
 environmental tests must occur to result in this failure mode.

 Failure Mode 7: Excess temperatures due to orbital environment and high
 discharge combined.
 Mitigation 8: The spacecraft thermal design will negate this possibility. Thermal
 rise has been analyzed in combination with space environment temperatures
 showing that batteries do not exceed normal allowable operating temperatures
 which are well below temperatures of concern for explosions.
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                                                                                                  Dove 3
                                                Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

             Combined faults required for realized failure: Thermal analysis AND thermal
             design AND mission simulations in thermal-vacuum chamber testing AND over-
             current monitoring and control must all fail for this failure mode to occur.

      Requirement 4.4-2: Design for passivation after completion of mission operations while
      in orbit about Earth or the Moon:

      Design of all spacecraft and launch vehicle orbital stages shall include the ability to
      deplete all onboard sources of stored energy and disconnect all energy generation
      sources when they are no longer required for mission operations or postmission disposal
      or control to a level which can not cause an explosion or deflagration large enough to
      release orbital debris or break up the spacecraft (Requirement 56450).

             Compliance statement:
             Dove 3 battery charge circuits include overcharge protection and a parallel design
             to limit the risk of battery failure. However, in the unlikely event that a battery
             cell does explosively rupture, the small size, mass, and potential energy, of these
             small batteries is such that while the spacecraft could be expected to vent gases,
             most debris from the battery rupture should be contained within the vessel due to
             the lack of penetration energy.

      Requirement 4.4-3. Limiting the long-term risk to other space systems from planned

             Compliance statement:
             This requirement is not applicable. There are no planned breakups.

      Requirement 4.4-4: Limiting the short-term risk to other space systems from planned

             Compliance statement:
             This requirement is not applicable. There are no planned breakups.

ODAR Section 5: Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On-Orbit Collisions
Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.5-1 and 4.5-2 (per DAS v2.0.1,
and calculation methods provided in NASA-STD-8719.14, section 4.5.4):
      Requirement 4.5-1: Limiting debris generated by collisions with large objects when
      operating in Earth orbit:
      For each spacecraft and launch vehicle orbital stage in or passing through LEO, the
      program or project shall demonstrate that, during the orbital lifetime of each spacecraft
      and orbital stage, the probability of accidental collision with space objects larger than 10
      cm in diameter is less than 0.001 (Requirement 56506).

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                                                                                            Dove 3
                                          Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

Large Object Impact and Debris Generation Probability:
Dove 3;         Collision Probability: 0.000011;             COMPLIANT.

STK Close Approach Analysis
The above analysis results are a product of NASA's DAS 2.0.1 software. Members of the
Cosmogia team have previously worked at NASA researching debris and the risks
thereof, and we therefore choose to do some further analysis of the debris threat posed by
this mission. We used STK's Conjunction Analysis Toolkit (STK/CAT) to perform a
close approach analysis for the Dove 3 orbit. This analysis compares the Dove orbit
against the orbits of all of the objects in the US Space Catalog (debris, satellites and
human space missions e.g. ISS), reporting all close approaches (within 5 km). This
analysis is deterministic rather than statistical, but can be used as a point reference to
validate the DAS results.
To approximate the collision probability from the above STK analysis we assume that the
orbits in the US space catalog have a covariance that results in a fixed threat volume
ellipsoid defined as 10km tangential (along track), 2km cross-track and 1km normal
(radial) to the trajectory. We then assume hard spheres of diameter 1m for Dove 3 and
2m for all other objects in the catalog (these are very conservative). This allows
estimation of the probability of collisions with any object in the catalog. This is done for
the two year analysis period and then extrapolated to 14.2 years to give an approximation
of the absolute upper bound of collision probability (since it assumes no atmospheric
decay and the collision probability reduces with altitude below 800km). These collision
risk estimates are higher than those calculated by DAS, but are still compliant to
Requirement 56506:
Dove 3, P = 2.1577e-006, or approx 0.00046 over the 14.2 year lifetime.

STK Threat to Active Payloads Analysis

Since Dove 3's insertion apogee is 800 km, it passes through a relatively dense orbital
regime, including through the Iridium constellation (see the figure below, taken from
NASA's Debris Quarterly newsletter). Although both STK and DAS show that the
collision probability to be compliant with NASA standards, we strive for a further level
of fidelity by performing analysis on the threat to active payloads posed by Dove 3 in this

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                                                                                            Dove 3
                                          Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

Figure 2: Spatial distribution of catalogued objects for two dates (courtesy NASA).

The Dove 3 orbit was propagated with STK's Astrogator tool until the apogee altitude
decayed to 740km (this was approximately 4 years). Dove 3 and the objects in the
catalog were assigned a threat volume ellipsoid, which allowed STK/CAT to determine
close approaches. This threat volume was defined as a fixed size ellipsoid, 10km
tangential (along track), 2km cross-track and 1km normal (radial) to the trajectory.
STK/CAT then looked for ellipsoid intersections with all satellite payloads in the US
Space Catalog. By assuming hard spheres of diameter 1m for Dove 3 and 4m for objects
in the catalog (these are conservative), STK/CAT also calculated collision probabilities.

Over the four years, there was a total collision probability of 1.12e-4 or 1:8921 with other
active payloads. On average, any single conjunction had a maximum collision probability
of 5.62e-8. These statistics imply a maximum annual collision probability of 0.00003
with other active payloads, translating to less than 0.0004 over the whole mission

These statistics imply a larger collision probability than that shown by the close approach
analysis above and that shown by DAS, but the conservative sizing of the hard satellite
spheres and the choice of ellipsoid size play a role in calculating probabilities.

Ultimately, by all metrics, we are confident that Dove 3 is compliant with NASA debris
risk mitigation standards, poses a very low risk of debris generation due to collisions, and
poses a very low threat to other active satellites.

Requirement 4.5-2: Limiting debris generated by collisions with small objects when
operating in Earth or lunar orbit:
For each spacecraft, the program or project shall demonstrate that, during the mission of
the spacecraft, the probability of accidental collision with orbital debris and meteoroids
sufficient to prevent compliance with the applicable postmission disposal requirements is
less than 0.01 (Requirement 56507).
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                                                                                                   Dove 3
                                                 Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

       Small Object Impact and Debris Generation Probability:
       Dove 3;      Collision Probability: 0.00001;  COMPLIANT.

       Identification of all systems or components required to accomplish any postmission
       disposal operation, including passivation and maneuvering:
       To actively place the satellite in the final "maximum drag" configuration requires the
       flight computer and ADCS subsystems to be working. However, this configuration is the
       dynamically stable state for satellite, so even in the event of system failure this attitude
       will eventually be achieved.

ODAR Section 6: Assessment of Spacecraft Post-mission Disposal Plans and
6.1 Description of spacecraft disposal option selected: The satellite will de-orbit naturally by
    atmospheric re-entry. At the end of Dove 3's operational life (i.e. at EOM) the attitude control
    system will stop counteracting the aerodynamic disturbance torques and will rotate the
    satellite into the maximum drag configuration. This will result in Dove 3 gradually assuming
    a dynamically stable configuration. To determine this stable orientation, an in-house
    developed aerodynamic simulation based on free-molecular flow with a simplified
    particle/surface interaction model (NASA SP-8058 eq 2-2) was used to compute force and
    moment coefficients for the spacecraft in all attitudes. One stable and several unstable
    equilibrium attitudes were found. The spacecraft is stable aerodynamically when the velocity
    vector is aligned with the +Y (panel normal) body axis (the “high drag” configuration). This
    is suitable for a rapid de-orbit at end of mission. Gravity gradient torques act to align the Z
    body axis (3U long) axis with zenith/nadir; this does not act to oppose the aerodynamic
    stability torque. The combination of gravity gradient and aerodynamic torques results in a
    fully-constrained 3-axis attitude with +Y along the velocity vector, + or - Z at nadir, and X
    perpendicular to the orbit plane. This is the maximum drag configuration, and to accelerate
    the orbital decay we plan to orient the satellite in this configuration at the end of operations.

6.2 Plan for any spacecraft maneuvers required to accomplish postmission disposal:
   The stable drag/gravity gradient configuration enables aerodynamic reentry. To accelerate the
   orbital decay we plan to orient the satellite in this maximum drag configuration at the end of
6.3 Calculation of area-to-mass ratio after postmission disposal, if the controlled reentry
    option is not selected:
       Spacecraft Mass: ~5.2kg
       Cross-sectional Area: 0.19 m2 (dynamically stable)
       Area to mass ratio: 0.037 m2/kg (dynamically stable)

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                                                                                             Dove 3
                                            Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

6.4 Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.6-1 through 4.6-5 (per
DAS v 2.0.1 and NASA-STD-8719.14 section):
Requirement 4.6-1: Disposal for space structures passing through LEO:
A spacecraft or orbital stage with a perigee altitude below 2000 km shall be disposed of
by one of three methods:
(Requirement 56557)
a. Atmospheric reentry option:
    • Leave the space structure in an orbit in which natural forces will lead to
        atmospheric reentry within 25 years after the completion of mission but no more
        than 30 years after launch; or
    • Maneuver the space structure into a controlled de-orbit trajectory as soon as
        practical after completion of mission.
b. Storage orbit option: Maneuver the space structure into an orbit with perigee altitude
greater than 2000 km and apogee less than GEO - 500 km.
c. Direct retrieval: Retrieve the space structure and remove it from orbit within 10 years
after completion of mission.

Analysis: The Dove 3 satellite reentry is
COMPLIANT using method “a”.

Satellite Name         Dove 3
BOL Orbit              800 x 597 km
EOM Orbit*             799 x 596 km
Total Lifetime         14.2 years
Post-ops Life          12.2 years
* EOM orbit was calculated using STK's
astrogator, taking into different attitude
configurations during the various phases of the

 Figure 5: Dove 3 (right) orbit history with
   apogee (brown) & perigee (red) plotted

Requirement 4.6-2. Disposal for space structures near GEO.
Analysis: Not applicable.

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                                                                                                    Dove 3
                                                  Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

        Requirement 4.6-3. Disposal for space structures between LEO and GEO.
        Analysis: Not applicable.

        Requirement 4.6-4. Reliability of Postmission Disposal Operations
        Analysis: The maximum drag configuration is the aerodynamically stable state, meaning
        that even under massive subsystem failure we would eventually assume this orientation.

ODAR Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards
Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirement 4.7-1:
        Requirement 4.7-1: Limit the risk of human casualty:
        The potential for human casualty is assumed for any object with an impacting kinetic
        energy in excess of 15 joules:
        a) For uncontrolled reentry, the risk of human casualty from surviving debris shall not
           exceed 0.0001 (1:10,000) (Requirement 56626).

        Summary Analysis Results: DAS v2.0.1 reports that Dove 3 is compliant with the
        requirement. There is a low probability of the Invar telescope tube reaching the ground
        (see DAS input data below for input parameters). However, the DAS software does not
        allow explicit modeling of a thin cylindrical tube wall (inputs are cylinder shape and
        thermal mass), so these numbers are expected to be larger than anticipated. Total human
        casualty probability is reported by the DAS software as 1:156200 for Dove 3. This is
        expected to represent the absolute maximum casualty risk, as calculated with DAS's
        limited modeling capability.

        Analysis (per DAS v2.0.1):
06 19 2012; 16:57:25PM DAS Application Started
06 19 2012; 16:57:25PM Opened Project D:\dove3\
06 19 2012; 16:57:35PM Processing Requirement 4.3-1:       Return Status : Not Run

No Project Data Available

=============== End of Requirement 4.3-1 ===============
06 19 2012; 16:57:52PM Processing Requirement 4.3-2: Return Status : Passed

No Project Data Available

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                                                                                                    Dove 3
                                                  Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

=============== End of Requirement 4.3-2 ===============
06 19 2012; 16:57:57PM Requirement 4.4-3: Compliant

=============== End of Requirement 4.4-3 ===============
06 19 2012; 16:58:03PM Processing Requirement 4.5-1: Return Status : Passed

Run Data


       Space Structure Name = Dove 3
       Space Structure Type = Payload
       Perigee Altitude = 597.000000 (km)
       Apogee Altitude = 800.000000 (km)
       Inclination = 97.790000 (deg)
       RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
       Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
       Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)
       Final Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.036538 (m^2/kg)
       Start Year = 2012.880000 (yr)
       Initial Mass = 5.200000 (kg)
       Final Mass = 5.200000 (kg)
       Duration = 2.000000 (yr)
       Station-Kept = False
       Abandoned = False
       PMD Perigee Altitude = 595.700000 (km)
       PMD Apogee Altitude = 799.000000 (km)
       PMD Inclination = 97.790000 (deg)
       PMD RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
       PMD Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
       PMD Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)


       Collision Probability = 0.000011
       Returned Error Message: Normal Processing
       Date Range Error Message: Normal Date Range
       Status = Pass


=============== End of Requirement 4.5-1 ===============
06 19 2012; 16:58:10PM Requirement 4.5-2: Compliant
06 19 2012; 16:58:23PM Processing Requirement 4.6   Return Status : Passed

Project Data

              Once this document has been printed it will be considered an uncontrolled document.
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                                                                                                    Dove 3
                                                  Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

       Space Structure Name = Dove 3
       Space Structure Type = Payload

       Perigee Altitude = 597.000000 (km)
       Apogee Altitude = 800.000000 (km)
       Inclination = 97.790000 (deg)
       RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
       Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
       Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)
       Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.036538 (m^2/kg)
       Start Year = 2012.880000 (yr)
       Initial Mass = 5.200000 (kg)
       Final Mass = 5.200000 (kg)
       Duration = 2.000000 (yr)
       Station Kept = False
       Abandoned = False
       PMD Perigee Altitude = 595.700000 (km)
       PMD Apogee Altitude = 799.000000 (km)
       PMD Inclination = 97.790000 (deg)
       PMD RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
       PMD Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
       PMD Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)


       Suggested Perigee Altitude = 595.700000 (km)
       Suggested Apogee Altitude = 799.000000 (km)
       Returned Error Message = Passes LEO reentry orbit criteria.

       Released Year = 2029 (yr)
       Requirement = 61
       Compliance Status = Pass


=============== End of Requirement 4.6 ===============
06 19 2012; 16:59:04PM *********Processing Requirement 4.7-1
        Return Status : Passed

 Item Number = 1

name = Dove 3
quantity = 1
parent = 0
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 5.200000
Thermal Mass = 5.200000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.340000
Height = 0.100000
              Once this document has been printed it will be considered an uncontrolled document.
                                                Page 18 of 21

                                                                                                    Dove 3
                                                  Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

name = Camera
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.370000
Thermal Mass = 0.370000
Diameter/Width = 0.060000
Length = 0.080000
Height = 0.060000

name = Batteries
quantity = 8
parent = 1
materialID = 46
type = Cylinder
Aero Mass = 0.026000
Thermal Mass = 0.026000
Diameter/Width = 0.014000
Length = 0.065000

name = Structure
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 1.280000
Thermal Mass = 1.280000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.340000
Height = 0.100000

name = Solar Arrays
quantity = 8
parent = 1
materialID = 24
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 0.050000
Thermal Mass = 0.050000
Diameter/Width = 0.080000
Length = 0.300000

name = Avionics
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 23
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.200000
Thermal Mass = 0.200000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.100000
Height = 0.100000
              Once this document has been printed it will be considered an uncontrolled document.
                                                Page 19 of 21

                                                                                                     Dove 3
                                                   Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

name = Optical Tube
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 72
type = Cylinder
Aero Mass = 2.080000
Thermal Mass = 2.080000
Diameter/Width = 0.091000
Length = 0.200000

name = +/- X Structure Walls
quantity = 2
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 0.200000
Thermal Mass = 0.200000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.300000

Item Number = 1

name = Dove 3
Demise Altitude = 77.999691
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Camera
Demise Altitude = 72.690324
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Batteries
Demise Altitude = 74.279746
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Structure
Demise Altitude = 73.855996
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Solar Arrays
Demise Altitude = 77.857871
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

               Once this document has been printed it will be considered an uncontrolled document.
                                                 Page 20 of 21

                                                                                                   Dove 3
                                                 Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

name = Avionics
Demise Altitude = 76.855277
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Optical Tube
Demise Altitude = 0.000000
Debris Casualty Area = 0.540089
Impact Kinetic Energy = 2419.714355

name = +/- X Structure Walls
Demise Altitude = 76.366027
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000


       =============== End of Requirement 4.7-1 ===============

       Requirements 4.7-1b, and 4.7-1c below are non-applicable requirements because Dove 3
       does not use controlled reentry.

       4.7-1, b) NOT APPLICABLE. For controlled reentry, the selected trajectory shall
       ensure that no surviving debris impact with a kinetic energy greater than 15 joules is
       closer than 370 km from foreign landmasses, or is within 50 km from the continental
       U.S., territories of the U.S., and the permanent ice pack of Antarctica (Requirement
       4.7-1 c) NOT APPLICABLE. For controlled reentries, the product of the probability of
       failure of the reentry burn (from Requirement 4.6-4.b) and the risk of human casualty
       assuming uncontrolled reentry shall not exceed 0.0001 (1:10,000) (Requirement 56628).

ODAR Section 8: Assessment for Tether Missions
Not applicable. There are no tethers in the Dove 3 mission.
                                      END of ODAR for Dove 3

             Once this document has been printed it will be considered an uncontrolled document.
                                               Page 21 of 21

Document Created: 6720-12-09 00:00:00
Document Modified: 6720-12-09 00:00:00

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