
1590-EX-ST-2016 Text Documents

Persistent Systems, LLC


                                                                                    3 0 3 F I F T H AV E N U E , S U I T E 3 0 6
                                                                                               NEW YORK, NY 10016

                                                                                                      O: 212-561-5895
                                                                                                       F: 212-202-3625

SUBJ: Proposed Approval for Testing Persistent Systems WR5100 Da ta Downlink System
during TSOA-17-1


Persistent Systems, LLC has developed a data downlink system for use with airborne and
ground terminal users. The US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has requested
testing of the Persistent Systems Data Downlink for limited evaluation of this technology for its
use to better enable its users in the future. The TSOA17-1 event is scheduled for 01-10 DEC
2016. To facilitate testing and evaluation, Persistent Systems is requesting that AFTRCC
approve the following test and evaluation plan. Persistent Systems personnel will conduct all
testing and use of RF equipment.

Frequency Requested: 2277.00 MHz – 5,10,20 MHZ Bandwidth

Duration of Program: 10 days (01-10 DEC 2016))

Program Notes: 2277.00 MHz is the preferred frequency to provide a consistent benchmark
for testing and evaluation, however any frequency from 2212.00 to 2407.00 MHz using 5MHz
steps can be utilized with minimal impact to testing and demonstration. Frequency change
can be facilitated from the ground should the need to do so arise. All testing will be
conducted during daylight hours. Only a request from USSOCOM would alter the planned
testing and demonstration testing hours. A five (7) day week (M-S) is planned for testing and

Note: Map & Radio Specifications on following page for following program plans.

The system will operate inside of the red circle shown in the map below on a daily as needed
for testing. A ground station will be located at Camp Dawson, WV –39°26′43″N 79°40′12″W ). The
ground station antenna is omni directional and is intended to maintain a link to the aircraft.
The MIRAD for this request is 4.31 Nautical Miles (8km) to ensure coverage of the aircraft
operations area.

Testing will cover systems operation, real-time telemetry data, Radio over IP (RoIP) and high
definition full motion video. Throughout the test period, frequency changes and/ or complete
shutdown of all radiating sources from the WR5100 unit can be accomplished from the
ground within 30 minutes of notification.

Stop buzzer POC: Phil Hoster (281) 814 3574
Alternate Stop Buzzer: Paul Greaves (813) 618 6883

                               3 0 3 F I F T H AV E N U E , S U I T E 3 0 6
                                          NEW YORK, NY 10016

                                                 O: 212-561-5895
                                                  F: 212-202-3625

Figure 1 Area of Operations

Figure 2 Radio Specification

                                                       3 0 3 F I F T H AV E N U E , S U I T E 3 0 6
                                                                  NEW YORK, NY 10016

                                                                         O: 212-561-5895
                                                                          F: 212-202-3625

5KM Radius – Camp Dawson

Camp Dawson – TSOA 17-1 Staging and Operations Areas

                                3 0 3 F I F T H AV E N U E , S U I T E 3 0 6
                                           NEW YORK, NY 10016

                                                  O: 212-561-5895
                                                   F: 212-202-3625

Elevation NW – SE Camp Dawson

Elevation NE – SW Camp Dawson

3 0 3 F I F T H AV E N U E , S U I T E 3 0 6
           NEW YORK, NY 10016

                  O: 212-561-5895
                   F: 212-202-3625

Document Created: 2016-11-03 11:52:35
Document Modified: 2016-11-03 11:52:35

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