Tycho Transmitter Manual

0021-EX-ML-2014 Text Documents

Pennsylvania State University


     Pulse Transmitter System
           User Manual
             PTS Series

Genesis Software Pty Ltd, 10 Marian St, North Adelaide SA 5006, Australia
         Email: genesis@gsoft.com.au Web: www.gsoft.com.au

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
    About this Manual ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
    Typeface Conventions................................................................................................................................................ 5
    Additional Assistance ................................................................................................................................................. 5
        On-Line Manuals ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
        Contact Details ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Safety Instructions ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
    Safety Symbols .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 1: General Information ................................................................................................................................ 7
    User Manual Content .................................................................................................................................................. 7
    Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
        Pulse Transmitter Modules................................................................................................................................. 9
        Transmitter Control Chassis ........................................................................................................................... 11
        Tx Power Supply Distribution Unit .............................................................................................................. 11
        High Voltage Power Supply Unit.................................................................................................................... 12
    Options and Accessories ........................................................................................................................................ 12
        Transmit/Receive Switch ................................................................................................................................. 12
        High-Power Splitter Combiner ....................................................................................................................... 13
        RF Drive Splitter ................................................................................................................................................... 13
        Transmitter Control Interface ........................................................................................................................ 13
Chapter 2: Specifications ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 3: Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 15
    General .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
    Unpacking .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
        Fitting the Castors................................................................................................................................................ 16
        Completing the Unpacking ............................................................................................................................... 16
    Fitting Transmit/Receive Switches and High-Power Splitter Combiners ........................................ 17
    Preparation for Use.................................................................................................................................................. 18
    Initial Inspection ....................................................................................................................................................... 18

REV. 1.02

Table of Contents

    Location and Cooling ............................................................................................................................................... 18
    AC Source Requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 18
    AC Input Power Connection ................................................................................................................................. 18
    Turn-On Check Procedure .................................................................................................................................... 19
    Connecting the Load ................................................................................................................................................ 19
    Repacking for Shipment ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 4: Indicators, Controls and Connectors.............................................................................................. 20
    Pulse Transmitter Module .................................................................................................................................... 20
    Transmitter Control Chassis ................................................................................................................................ 21
    Transmitter Power Supply Distribution Unit ............................................................................................... 21
    HV Power Supply Unit ............................................................................................................................................ 21
    Transmitter Control Interface ............................................................................................................................. 21
Chapter 5: Signal Descriptions ................................................................................................................................ 24
    Tx Control Signals ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
         RS 485 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 24
         Pulse Memory Address A0, A1 ....................................................................................................................... 25
         Trigger ...................................................................................................................................................................... 25
         Phase Switch .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
    RF Drive ........................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Chapter 6: Configuration and Programming..................................................................................................... 26
    Communication Overview..................................................................................................................................... 26
    Factory Default Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 27
    Initialisation ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
    Configuration .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
    Status Monitoring ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
    High Voltage Power Supply Unit Communication....................................................................................... 29
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format ........................................................................................................................ 31
    PK-1 Packet Format ................................................................................................................................................. 31
    Standard MD Commands ....................................................................................................................................... 32
    GTS MD Commands.................................................................................................................................................. 36
    GTC MD Commands ................................................................................................................................................. 47
Appendix B: Transmitter System Examples ...................................................................................................... 55

REV. 1.02

Table of Contents

  4 x PTM, 4 x TR Switch, 2 x High Power Splitter Combiner .................................................................... 55

REV. 1.02



About this Manual
This manual provides a reference for the use and maintenance of Genesis Software’s PTS series
Pulse Transmitter System.

Typeface Conventions
The following typeface conventions are used in this manual

       Bold-italics are used for the names of executable programs
       Italics are used for internet addresses, URLs and names, or for program states
       Italics within double quotes (“Italics”) are used for on-screen computer menu entries,
       buttons and other forms of information entry
       Normal text within single quotes (‘Normal text’) is used for extracts from other text,
       such as computer commands or command output
       Courier font is used for file names and directory names, computer output and
       command line syntax examples.
       <Substitute text> indicates an item whose actual text content may vary,
       depending either on the user’s choice, or on the content of a computer response
       <ABBR>- indicates the use of a keyboard modifier, (such as <ALT>- or <CTRL>-) to be
       used in conjunction with another key or keys

Additional Assistance

On-Line Manuals
PDF versions of the radar system manuals (including this manual) are available on the radar
host computer. These manuals may be accessed by navigating the Start Menu, or by directly
invoking acroread and locating files in the /local0/Documents directory.

Contact Details
Software problems, bugs, anomalies or inconsistencies, or requests for technical assistance
should be reported via electronic mail or fax. Support information is also available on the web
site shown below.

Contact                                          Details
Email                                            support@gsoft.com.au
Phone                                            +61 8 8267 3493
Fax                                              +61 8 8267 3039
Web                                              www.gsoft.com.au
Address                                          Genesis Software
                                                 10 Marian St
                                                 North Adelaide SA 5006


Safety Instructions

                                   Safety Instructions

Safety Symbols
The following safety symbols are used is this manual and on the equipment.

                  CAUTION Risk of Electrical Shock.

                  User manual symbol. The equipment will be marked with this symbol when
                  it is necessary for the user to refer to the user manual.

                  Indicates hazardous voltage.

                  Indicates ground terminal

                  Protective Ground Conductor Terminal. Must be connected to Earth Ground.

                  Off (mains supply, power supply, enable)

                  On (mains supply, power supply, enable)

                  On / Off (mains supply, power supply, enable)

                  The WARNING sign denotes a hazard. An attention to a procedure is
                  required. Not following a procedure correctly could result in personal
                  injury. A WARNING sign should not be skipped and all indicated conditions
                  should be fully understood and met.

                  The CAUTION sign denotes a hazard. An attention to a procedure is
                  required. Not following a procedure correctly could result in damage to the
                  equipment. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION sign until all indicated
                  conditions are fully understood and met.


Chapter 1: General Information

                            Chapter 1: General Information

User Manual Content
This user manual provides specifications, installation instructions and operating instructions
for Genesis Software’s PTS series Pulse Transmitter System.

The PTS series pulse transmitter system is a modular system compromised of one or more pulse
transmitter modules (PTMs). The output power of a PTM is typically specified at a maximum of
7.5 kW, although this may vary depending on other specifications of the transmitter such as
maximum duty cycle limit.

Each PTM has a single output port which may be used to directly drive an antenna or antenna
group. Alternatively, optional multi-port power combiners may be used to combine the outputs
of multiple PTMs to provide a reduced number of higher power output ports.

A Pulse Transmitter System comprised of four PTM’s in shown in the following diagram.


Chapter 1: General Information

            Pulse Transmitter System Comprised of Four Pulse Transmitter Modules

The components of the PTS series Pulse Transmitter System are shown in the following table.

 Number     Item                 Description
   1-4      Pulse Transmitter    4 x Pulse transmitter module each contributing ¼ of the total
            Module               transmitter power
    5       Tx Control Chassis   Transmitter control chassis
    6       TxPSDU               Transmitter power supply distribution unit
    7       HV PSU               High voltage power supply unit
    8       Cabinet              19” equipment cabinet

The physical appearance of components may vary from what is shown above depending on the
specifications of the transmitter. For example, transmitters with two PTM’s may use a lower
maximum output power HV PSU housed in a 1RU form factor.


Chapter 1: General Information

             Pulse Transmitter System Comprised of Four Pulse Transmitter Modules

Pulse Transmitter Modules
The top chassis in the cabinet are the pulse transmitter modules. These are identically specified
in terms of power, but may differ in output port configuration and out port power monitoring.


Chapter 1: General Information

                          Genesis Software Pulse Transmitter Module

A Genesis Software pulse transmitter module (PTM) is shown in the above image. The PTM
incorporates sophisticated inbuilt monitoring and diagnostics and error reporting, and
measurements are both displayed on the front panel LCD and routinely recorded to a log file
during operation. Examples of parameters that are measured included output power, output
phase and the complex impedance of the load (antenna) during operation under full power.

The front panel display format is shown in the following image.

                           Pulse Transmitter Module Display Format

The Pulse Transmitter Module is comprised of four power amplifiers. These are controlled and
driven by a microcontroller-based transmitter control module, which incorporates
sophisticated monitoring of the operational characteristics of each power amplifier. The
outputs of the four power amplifiers are combined to provide a single 7.5 kW output port.

The modular design of the transmitter facilitates ease of maintenance and troubleshooting, and
in event of a failure, modules may be readily replaced to make restitution.

The internal arrangement of a PTM is shown in the following image.


Chapter 1: General Information

                  Internal View of Genesis Software Pulse Transmitter Module

The PTM includes a directional coupler that provides the means to measure the forward and
reflected power during transmission. This allows the complex impedance characteristics of the
antenna groups to be measured under full power, useful both for monitoring purposes during
normal operation and for automatic transmitter shutdown in the event of a load fault. The
phase of the transmitted output is also measured enabling the system to automatically check
this critical calibration.

Transmitter Control Chassis
Below the PTM’s is the Transmitter Control Chassis (TXCC). The TXCC includes a transmitter
supervisor module (GTS) and distributes control signals to the PTM’s and monitors PTM status.
The GTS has an RS-485 interface over which the transmitter may be configured and status

Tx Power Supply Distribution Unit
Located below the Transmitter Control Chassis is the Tx Power Supply Distribution Unit
(TXPSDU). The TXPSDU distrubutes the low and high voltage power rails to the PTM’s. The The
high voltage rail comes from an external high voltage power supply unit and the low voltage
power supply rails are genrated by an low voltage power supply unit internal to the TXPSDU.


Chapter 1: General Information

High Voltage Power Supply Unit
The high voltage power supply unit (HV PSU) is located at the bottom of the transmitter cabinet.
The HV PSU has an RS-232 interface over which the supply may be programmed and status
reported. The HV PSU also has an RS-485 port to expand the interface to additional pulse
transmitter systems.

Options and Accessories
A range of options and accessories is available to address specific user-requirements. These
items include:

       Transmit/receive switches
       High-power splitter / combiners
       RF drive splitters
       Transmitter control interfaces
       Custom-designed items

Transmit/Receive Switch
The transmit / receive switch (TR switch) allows both transmission and reception on the same
antenna or antenna group. In a typical arrangement, a PTM feeds a TR switch and the output of
the TR switch feeds a single antenna or a section of an antenna array. The receive port of the TR
switch feeds a receiver, either directly, or combined with the receive port signals of further TR

The TR switch has three ports:

       RF In port

       This port is fed by a transmitter RF Out port

       RF Out port

       This port feeds an antenna or antenna group

       Rx Out port

       This port provides receive feed for the receiver system

During transmission in the presence of output power from the transmitter, transmitter power is
directed to the antenna and there is high isolation to the receive port. When there is no
transmission, the receive port is connected to the antenna and signals received on the antenna
are fed to the receiver system.

The TR switch is a passive type and it switches automatically between transmit and receive
modes in the presence or absence of transmitter output signal.


Chapter 1: General Information

High-Power Splitter Combiner
The high power splitter / combiner combines the outputs of two or four PTM’s to a single higher
power output port.

RF Drive Splitter
The RF drive splitter takes user-supplied RF drive signal and splits and amplifies it to provide
RF drive to each PTM. It also provides band pass filtering on the input signal.

Transmitter Control Interface
The transmitter control interface module (TXCI) provides a convenient interface between user-
supplied control equipment and the transmitter. It translates transmitter differential logic
signals to single-end logic signals. It also provides the RF Gate signal as a BNC output which is
for gating user-provided RF drive on for the period required by the transmitter. The TXCI
module is described in a following section.


Chapter 2: Specifications

                            Chapter 2: Specifications

Frequency range                          Fixed frequency, e.g., 50 MHz
Peak envelope RMS power per PTM          7.5 kW / 5% max. duty cycle
                                         6 kW / 7.5% max. duty cycle
                                         5 kW / 10% max. duty cycle
Harmonics                                < 60 dBc
Spurious                                 < 60 dBc
Duty Cycle                               5% for 7.5 kW PTM
                                         7.5% for 6 kW PTM
                                         10% for 5 kW PTM
Efficiency                               > 60%
Maximum pulse length                     400 µs
Minimum pulse length                     1 µs
Occupied bandwidth                       200 kHz (typical). Modulation dependent
RF drive level                           10 dBm CW or gated
Modulation shape                         Square, shaped, triangular
Maximum VSWR                             < 1.4
Protection                               Active load monitoring pulse-to-pulse
Status Readouts
Pulse count
Output power                             dBm
Output phase                             Degrees
PA temperature                           C
Alarm conditions                         VSWR, fan failure, etc.
Modulation voltage                       2V (differential)
Trigger                                  CMOS (differential)
Communication                            RS485
Mains supply                             110V to 240V
Mains power                              Depends on number of PTM’s and duty cycle.
                                         3.7kW typical max. for 4 PTM transmitter
Control connector                        D25 (twisted pairs)
RF out                                   N-type
Drive input                              BNC
Sample output                            BNC
Housing                                  19” equipment cabinet, 600mm deep


Chapter 3: Installation

                                   Chapter 3: Installation

This chapter provides instructions for the initial inspection, preparation for use and re-packing
for shipment. Interfacing to the transmitter is described in Chapter 5: Signal Descriptions and
programming the transmitter is described in Chapter 6: Configuration and Programming.

The transmitter system is shipped in a wooden packing case and its accessories are generally
shipped in one or more cardboard cartons. The transmitter system is heavy and the packed
weight may typically be around 140 kg depending on the actual transmitter configuration. The
case is fitted with bearers so that it may be readily moved with a forklift or hand pallet truck
and the case is lined with a film to provide moisture protection for the contents during transit.
The lid and a front side of the case are secured with screws so that the transmitter can be
unpacked without damaging the case. If the transmitter is reshipped in the future, it should be
repacked in the original packing case.

The transmitter is wrapped in clear protective film for shipment and foam packing frames are
fitted to the top and bottom of the cabinet. It is shipped lying on the rear of its cabinet.

Before starting to unpack, inspect the packing case for any signs of damage that may have
occurred in transit. If there are any signs of damage evident, take photographs to document and
contact the manufacturer.

As the transmitter is heavy and awkward to manoeuvre, ensure that the transmitter is
unpacked in an area with ample clear space and that sufficient able-bodied personnel are
available to assist in handling. Three to four people are recommended.

Identify the front side of the packing case with the screw fasteners. This is the side that the
transmitter will be removed from. Undo all screws to remove the lid and the front side of the
case. Place protective material on the floor to rest the transmitter on when it is removed from
the packing case. The transmitter can then be readily slid part-way out of the side of the case.
Slide the transmitter out evenly about 2/3 of the way. Allow the leading edge to tilt down onto
the floor. Note that cabinet itself does not touch the floor due to the presence of the foam
packing frames. Two people can then support the topmost edge of the transmitter cabinet and
‘roll’ the cabinet a little on the edge resting on the floor so the transmitter cabinet is then clear
of the floor of the packing case. While two people support the transmitter in this position, a
third person can slide the packing case out from under the transmitter. The transmitter cabinet
can then carefully be lowered to rest on its rear on the floor.

As shipped, the base of the transmitter is fitted with aluminium feet. If desired, the set of
supplied castors may be fitted for ease of moving the transmitter. The castors are most
appropriate if the transmitter is to be used at floor level rather than on a bench top. If the
castors are to be fitted, this is a good time to do so.


Chapter 3: Installation

Fitting the Castors
Lift the bottom end of the cabinet and place a support underneath so that the bottom foam
packing frame is clear of the floor. Remove the foam packing frame from the base of the cabinet.
Note that the packing frame has a plastic filler strip between the rear bottom edge of the cabinet
and the packing frame. Retain the packing frame set for repacking the transmitter if it needs to
be reshipped in the future. Pull back any clear film on the base of the cabinet.

The following diagram shows where the castors are fitted.

The cabinet is shipped with aluminium feet fitted (4 x item ①). Remove these and replace with
four M6 x 12mm screws (supplied). Remove the hex bolts at the corners of the frame (4 x item
②) with a hex socket. There are two different castors – the plain castors are to the rear
positions, the castors with locking tabs are to the front positions. Fit the shake proof washer
over the hex socket bolt and pass through the castor. Slide the spacer over the bolt and screw
the assembly to the frame.

Completing the Unpacking
If not already done to fit the castors, lift the bottom end of the cabinet and place a support
underneath so that the bottom foam packing frame is clear of the floor. Remove the foam
packing frame from the base of the cabinet. Note that the packing frame has a plastic filler strip
between the rear bottom edge of the cabinet and the packing frame. Retain the packing frame
set for repacking the transmitter if it needs to be reshipped in the future. Pull back any clear
film on the base of the cabinet.

Place protective padding on the floor under the bottom edge of the cabinet. Lift the bottom of
the cabinet to remove the support and lower the bottom rear edge of the cabinet onto the
protective padding on the floor. Lift the top-rear of the cabinet to stand it upright. Take care if
the castors are fitted – two extra people should assist to lift the bottom rear of the cabinet to


Chapter 3: Installation

ensure that the castors do not dig into the floor or that the cabinet does not roll out from under
on the castors as the cabinet is being stood up.

Remove the foam packing frame from the top of the cabinet. Note that the packing frame has a
plastic filler strip between the rear top edge of the cabinet and the packing frame. Remove the
clear film from the cabinet. Remove the protective film from the front panel LCD displays of the
pulse transmitter modules. Carefully inspect the transmitter system for any signs of damage
that may have occurred in transit. If there are any signs of damage evident, take photographs to
document and contact the manufacturer.

Fitting Transmit/Receive Switches and High-Power Splitter Combiners
This section describes how to fit optional transmit/receive switches (TR switches) and high-
power splitter combiners (PSC’s) to the rear of the transmitter system cabinet.

There are a number of ways in which these modules may be mounted to the rear of the
transmitter system cabinet. In a typical arrangement the modules will be mounted on a 19”
panel and this mounting panel is attached with screws to the rear of the transmitter cabinet as
shown in a transmitter system example in Appendix B.

When shipped, the modules and mounting panel are removed from the rear of the transmitter
system cabinet and packed as a separate item.

                                TR Switches and 2:1 PSC Mounting

Fig 1 of the above diagram shows the modules and mounting panel assembly. Remove the lids
of the two outer diecast enclosures as shown in Fig 2. This provides access to the screws
securing the enclosures to the mounting panel. Remove the two outer enclosures. This


Chapter 3: Installation

provides access to the screw holes that secure the mounting panel to the rear of the cabinet as
shown in Fig 3. Secure the mounting panel to the rear of the cabinet using the supplied screws.
Replace the two outer enclosures and lids.

Preparation for Use
In order to be operational the transmitter must be connected to an appropriate AC source. The
AC source must meet the AC source requirements and must be connected in an approved
manner. The AC source requirements and the AC input power connection are described in
following sections in this chapter.

Initial Inspection
Before shipment the transmitter was inspected and tested and found to be free of mechanical or
electrical defects. Upon unpacking and before attempting to operate the transmitter, it should
be inspected for any damage that may have occurred in transit.

Location and Cooling
The transmitter may generate a large amount of heat during normal operation. The amount of
heat generated is dependent on the maximum output power and the duty cycle. For example, if
the transmitter is 30kW and operated at 5% duty cycle, the average output power will be 30kW
x 5% = 1500W. Working on an overall efficiency of around 50%, 1500W of heat will be
generated during operation, Heat will be expelled from vents on the rear of the transmitter
(PTM’s, transmitter power supply distribution unit and high voltage power supply unit) and
radiated or expelled from optional transmit/receive switches and power splitter combiners.).

The transmitter must be located where air may flow freely and the user must ensure that
adequate cooling or venting systems are provided to ensure the transmitter does not shut down
due to over-temperature conditions.

AC Source Requirements
AC power is required for the transmitter power supply distribution unit (TxPSDU) and the high
voltage power supply unit (HV PSU).

AC Input Power Connection
The transmitter power supply distribution TxPSDU has an IEC C14 AC mains inlet connector.

Connection of the high voltage power supply unit to an AC power source should be made by an
                            electrician or other qualified personnel

The type of AC input power connection for the high voltage power supply unit (HV PSU)
depends on the power rating of the HV PSU. HV PSU’s with 750W capacity have an IEC C14 AC
mains inlet connector. Higher power capacity units have a 3 or 4-terminal wire clamp
connector. Refer to the HV PSU User Manual supplied with the transmitter for information on
connecting the HV PSU to the AC power source.


Chapter 3: Installation

Turn-On Check Procedure
Details to be provided...

Connecting the Load
Details to be provided...

Repacking for Shipment
The original packing case should be retained in the event that the transmitter needs to be re-
shipped. Refer to the Unpacking procedure above as a guide to repacking the transmitter for


Chapter 4: Indicators, Controls and Connectors

                  Chapter 4: Indicators, Controls and Connectors

Pulse Transmitter Module
The front panel of the Pulse Transmitter Module is shown below. An LCD display  shows PTM
status information during operation.

The LCD display shows seven lines of information.


Chapter 4: Indicators, Controls and Connectors

Transmitter Control Chassis
Details to be provided...

Transmitter Power Supply Distribution Unit
Details to be provided...

HV Power Supply Unit
Details to be provided...

Transmitter Control Interface
The transmitter control interface module (TXCI) provides an interface between the device
controlling the transmitter and the transmitter itself. A single-port version of the TXCI provides
an interface to a single transmitter cabinet; a two-port version provides interfaces to two
transmitter cabinets. The device controlling the transmitter may be a Genesis Software Radar
Data Acquisition System, or it may be user-supplied hardware.

In the case of user-supplied hardware, the TXCI takes user-provided control signals and an
RS485 communications port and provides the standard 25-way D-subminiature connector
interface to the transmitter. The control signals provided by the user are single-ended and
these are converted by the TXCI to differential signals to drive a shielded twisted pair
connecting cable.

The integration of the TXCI module into the user-supplied hardware is the responsibility of the
user. Suitable mounting hardware for the TXCI can be provided in liaison with the user. An
example of a TXCI mounted on a 19” panel which may be attached to the rear of a user’s 19”
equipment cabinet is shown in the following diagram.

                  Tx Control Interface Mounted on 19” Panel – Single-Port Version

The connectors of the Tx Control Interface are shown in the following table.

 Number       Item                 Description
   1          RF GATE              RF Gate on BNC jack. Output signal to gate user-supplied RF
                                   drive on
     2        TX CONTROL           Tx Control interface to transmitter on 25 way D-subminiature

                 Tx Control Interface Connectors (Front Side) – Single-Port Version


Chapter 4: Indicators, Controls and Connectors

The PCB connections for the user-supplied signals are on the rear side of the panel and are
shown in the following diagram.

   Tx Control Interface Connections for User-Supplied Signals (Rear Side) – Single-Port Version

The rear side connectors of the Tx Control Interface are shown in the following table.

 Number      Item                 Description
   1         J6 POWER             DC power 6-way header Molex KK 22-27-2061 or equivalent
   2         J3 TCMC              Transmitter control 16-way box header 0.1” pitch
   3         J1 RS 485 IN         RS 485 in 4-way header Molex KK 22-27-2041 or equivalent
   4         J4 RS 485 OUT        RS 485 out 4-way header Molex KK 22-27-2041 or equivalent

   Tx Control Interface Connections for User-Supplied Signals (Rear Side) – Single-Port Version

The pin allocations of the connectors are shown in the following tables.

   Pin        Signal Name         Type             Description
    1         Pulse A0+/-         Power            +5V
    2         RF Gate+/-          Power            Ground
    3         Unused
    4         Unused
    5         Unused
    6         Unused

                                            J6 Power

   Pin        Signal Name         Type             Description
    1         Pulse A0+           Input            Pulse memory address A0
    2         Pulse A0-           Unused
    3         Pulse A1+           Input            Pulse memory address A1


Chapter 4: Indicators, Controls and Connectors

    4      Pulse A1-        Unused
    5      Tx Trigger+      Input           Transmitter trigger
    6      Tx Trigger-      Unused
    7      Tx Sense+        Output          Tx present sense
    8      Tx Sense-        Output
    9      Phase Switch+    Input           RF drive phase control 0˚/180˚
   10      Phase Switch-    Unused
   11      Tx Reset+        Input           Transmitter reset
   12      Tx Reset         Unused
   13      Tx Enabled+      Input           Enable transmitter to transmit
   14      Tx Enabled-      Unused
   15      Ground           Ground          Ground
   16      Unused           Unused

                           J3 Transmitter Control (TCMC)

   Pin     Signal Name      Type            Description
    1      RS485-           Input/Output    TxD-/RxD-
    2      RS485+           Input/Output    TxD+/RxD+
    3      -
    4      Ground           Ground

                            J1 RS 485 In, J4 RS 485 Out


Chapter 5: Signal Descriptions

                              Chapter 5: Signal Descriptions

The signals required for transmitter communication and control are described in the following

Tx Control Signals
The Tx control signals are available on a D25 connector on the rear of the Transmitter Control
Chassis. These are provided as differential signals and in a usual equipment arrangement, there
will be a 2.5m shielded twisted pair D25 cable connecting between the device controlling the
transmitter and the transmitter itself.

The signals are summarised in the following table.

   Pin        Signal Name          Type              Description
  1 / 14      Pulse A0+/-          Tx input          Pulse memory address A0
  2 / 15      Pulse A1+/-          Tx input          Pulse memory address A1
  3 / 16      Trigger+/-           Tx input          Transmitter trigger
  4 / 17      Tx Reset+/-          Tx input          Transmitter reset
  5 / 18      Phase Switch+/-      Tx input          RF drive phase control 0˚/180˚
  6 / 19      Tx Sense+/-          Tx output         Tx present sense
  7 / 20      Tx Enabled+/-        Tx input          Enable transmitter to transmit
  8 / 21      RS 485+/-            Bidirectional     Tx communication RS 485
  9 / 22      RF Drive+/-          Tx input          Unused
 10 / 23      RF Gate+/-           Tx output         Gate RF drive on
 11 / 24      Unused                                 Reserved
    12        Unused                                 Reserved
    13        Ground                                 Ground
    25        Ground                                 Ground

A Tx Control Interface (TXCI) module is available that translates transmitter differential logic
signals to single-end logic signals. The TXCI also provides the RF Gate signal as a BNC output
which is for gating user-provided RF drive on for the period required by the transmitter. The
TXCI module is described in a following section.

RS 485
The RS 485 signals provide the communication between the device controlling the transmitter
and the transmitter. This is used for programming the transmitter configuration and for
reading back transmitter status information.


Chapter 5: Signal Descriptions

The RS 485 communications would typically be provided by a PC plug-in card. The RS 485
communication operates in a multi-drop mode and therefore a serial byte may be either an
address byte or a data byte. Ideally, the PC RS 485 card should have 9-bit word length capability
where the ninth bit set to 0 indentifies a data byte, the ninth bit set to 1 indicates an address
byte. If the PC RS 485 card does not have 9-bit word length capability, then data/address words
can be distinguished by using the parity bit – a data byte is identified by the parity bit set to 0;
an address byte is identified by the parity bit set to 1.

RS 485 Communications Settings
The baud rate must be set to 9600. If 8-bit word length is used, then force parity should be
selected. If 9-bit word length is used, then no parity should be selected.

Pulse Memory Address A0, A1
The transmitter contains either two or four pulse memories and these may be addressed on a
pulse-to-pulse basis. The standard configuration has two pulse memories fitted to support
complementary coding. In the absence of A0 and A1 signals, pulse memory 0 will be selected by
default. The pulse memory address bits should be set up by the time the trigger is applied and
must remain stable for the duration of the transmitter pulse.

The trigger is a positive-going pulse. Recommended minimum pulse width is 1µs.

Phase Switch
The phase switch signal provides 0˚/180˚ phase control of the transmitted pulse on a pulse-to-
pulse basis. The pulse memory address bits should be set up by the time the trigger is applied
and must remain stable for the duration of the transmitter pulse.

RF Drive
RF Drive is a user-provided sinusoidal signal at the frequency of operation. The required level is
+10 dBm. The transmitter provides an RF Gate signal which the user should use to gate RF
drive on for the period of time required by the transmitter.

The RF drive is subsequently split and amplified by an RF Driver Splitter module to provide a
+10 dBm RF drive signal for each of the Pulse Transmitter Modules of a Pulse Transmitter


Chapter 6: Configuration and Programming

                     Chapter 6: Configuration and Programming

This chapter describes the transmitter configuration and the programming procedure. The
transmitter is configured via a combination of hardware control signals and software

Information about the transmitter status is read back by software. There is also a Tx Sense
hardware status signal which is a simple indication that the transmitter is powered and not held
in internal reset. The user may sense this signal to determine that the transmitter is present
and powered.

Communication Overview
Communication with the transmitter takes place via the transmitter supervisor (GTS) module.
This is a multi-drop module which communicates over the RS 485 bus. There are also a number
of hardware control lines going direct to the GTS module. These control transmitter
functionality during transmission and include functions such as enabling the transmitter to
transmit, pulse address selection and RF drive 0˚/180˚ phase control.

The transmitter software programming and status read back takes place over the RS-485 bus
using a multi-drop protocol called PKT-1. PKT-1 involves sending and receiving packets of data.
The PKT-1 packet format is discussed in detail in Appendix A.

Briefly, each packet consists of a header, optional data and trailing checksum. The header
contains a source and destination address; class, member and sequence number; and packet
length. Address 15 is reserved as a broadcast address to which all multi-drop modules

Each multi-drop module is assigned its own class number. In addition class 0 is reserved for
general commands used by all modules. The transmitter embodies two different multi-drop

       Transmitter supervisor module (GTS)

       There is one GTS in each transmitter system. If there are multiple transmitter systems,
       then each transmitter system will have its own GTS with a unique address. Transmitters
       are generally designated ‘Tx A’, ‘Tx B’, etc. Tx A GTS will have multi-drop address 0x40,
       Tx B GTS will have multi-drop address 0x41, etc.

       Transmitter controller module (GTC)

       There is one GTC for every pulse transmitter module in a transmitter system. Each GTC
       in a transmitter system will have a unique address. GTC’s reside on an internal multi-
       drop bus mastered by the GTS. As the bus master on the internal multi-drop bus, the
       GTS takes multi-drop address 0x00. GTC multi-drop addresses are assigned as follows:


Chapter 6: Configuration and Programming

       PTM A-1: 0x01
       PTM A-2: 0x02

The sequence number is a unique number identifying the packet. In normal practice the
sequence number would start from zero and increment by one for each packet exchange. Multi-
drop commands that expect a response to a command should check that the sequence number
in the response is the same as the sequence number in the command. If not, the process that
sent the command should log a warning and dump the erroneous response packet.

The transmitter host process normally needs to communicate with only the GTS and there are
various GTS commands available which collate status from all transmitter GTC’s. However,
should the user wish to communicate directly with a GTC, there is a GTS_MDFEED command
that allows the host process to feed multi-drop commands through the GTS directly to GTC
modules. Responses to MDFEED commands are fed back through the GTS to the host process.

Factory Default Settings
The transmitter has factory default settings that govern its behaviour on power up and so on.
These defaults are stored in non-volatile memory and are not normally configurable by the user.
If the user wishes to make changes, they should consult Genesis Software for advice.

On power up, the transmitter will load a default pulse configuration from non-volatile memory.
The user may readily overwrite the factory default pulse configuration with a pulse
configuration that suits their needs.

The factory default setting is for the transmitter to be ‘armed on power up’. This means that the
transmitter is ready to transmit on receipt of triggers, provided the Tx Enabled control input is
set. This behaviour suits situations wherein the control system is on a UPS and the transmitter
is run directly off the mains power. If there is a power failure to the transmitter, the transmitter
will be ready to transmit on return of power and transmission can resume without any
initialisation from the control system. However, the user must take care to ensure that the
power-up default pulse configuration has been set appropriately. This factory default power up
behaviour can be changed by the user if required.

The first command sent to the transmitter after power up should be a reset packet following by
a 1 second wait so that the GTS can become ready and perform various internal self tests. Note
that no module replies to a reset packet (sent to the broadcast address or otherwise). After the
reset has been performed it is recommended to send an identity command to check that the GTS
is talking as expected.

Once it has been established that the module is talking properly the following commands should
be sent

       GTS_STATUS with 1 byte of value 1


Chapter 6: Configuration and Programming

This clears any stale status in the GTS and allows the user program to store information that can
be later used for range checking user input. The user program should also check that the FIFO
status is OK

       GTS_PASTATIC with no data

This reports on the number and settings of each GTC module connected to the GTS. Important
information here is the internal/scalar VSWR alarm enable. Note that all this information is
static except for operating hours

       GTS_MDFEED to each GTC with class 1 (GTC) member 24 (GTC_GETCAL) and no data

This fetches the calibration data in each GTC for later use in calculating impedance

       GTS_GNAME with a data byte from 0 to n where n is the number of shapes reported in
       the status

This fetches the name and number of elements for a given shape index. The indexes are used
later for pulse configuration

The pulse characteristics are determined by the GTS_SETPULSE command. Each FIFO bank can
hold a different pulse type and the transmitter can change which one it uses on a pulse to pulse
basis by changing the pulse address input. The GTS_STATUS command reports the number of
FIFO banks that were found at power on

The GTS_SETPULSE command causes the microcontroller to generate the pulse waveform and
put it into a FIFO bank, consequently it takes a variable amount of time to complete - the longer
the pulse (and pulse code) the longer the command will take to complete (up to 3.5 seconds)

Status Monitoring
During transmission the GTS and GTC’s monitor various status elements. If a serious problem is
detected then the transmitter will be disabled and a class 0 ALARM packet will be sent.

After each transmission the transmitter status should be queried by using the GTS_STATUS
command (with 1 data byte of value 1). Parameters of interest are

       Duty cycle limit
       Combined Tx enable
       Tx pulse count
       Detected RF gate length
       Detected duty cycle
       Detected PRF

Further status is available by using the GTS_PADYNAMIC command. This will read the status
from each GTC module including any alarms (notably excess VR and VSWR faults) as well as heat


Chapter 6: Configuration and Programming

sink temperature. Finally, the analogue status from each GTC is returned which can be used to
calculate the impedance of the connected load.

High Voltage Power Supply Unit Communication
Information on the high voltage power supply unit (HV PSU) can be found in the manual
supplied with the transmitter system or on-line at the following links:

Genesys 750W, 1.5kW:


Genesys 3.3kW:


Chapter 7 details how to communicate with the HV power supply over the serial port. For most
transmitter applications, reading the complete power supply status by issuing the STT?
command should be sufficient.




Term                                             Description
Transmitter host process (or host process)       The user-supplied software program
                                                 controlling the transmitter
Multi-drop protocol                              An RS-485 bus communications protocol for
                                                 transmitter programming and status read


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

                       Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

PK-1 Packet Format

Packet format (size in bits, ~ means bit 9 is set (mark))

                    | ~8 |     8 |    8 | 16 | 16 | <(length-6)*8> | 8 |
                        |      |      |      |      |            |         |
Destination Address ----+      |      |      |      |            |         |
Length              -----------+      |      |      |            |         |
Source Address      ------------------+      |      |            |         |
Sequence Number     -------------------------+      |            |         |
Packet Type         --------------------------------+            |         |
Data                ---------------------------------------------+         |
Checksum            -------------------------------------------------------+

Destination Address
The ID of the station the packet is addressed to. 0 is reserved for the master, and
255 is reserved for the broadcast address. Note that a module must never reply to
a packet sent to the broadcast address for any reason.

The number of bytes following in the packet. For a packet comprising a total of N
bytes, length is N-2. (and there are N-6 bytes of data in the packet).

Source Address
The ID of the station the packet is from.   Acknowledgement of the packet will be
sent to this address.

Sequence Number
A unique number identifying this packet. Acknowledgement of this packet will refer
to this sequence number. (two bytes, MSB then LSB)

Packet Type
Two bytes describing the packet type. The first byte defines the class, the second
the specific member within the class. Class 0 is reserved for bus control
messages. As a general rule, odd numbered members should be responses to the
preceding even-numbered member.

0 or more bytes of data. Note that some devices may have limited receive buffers -
the maximum buffer size of a module is returned from a class 0 IDENTITY command
(receive buffer length).

An 8-bit additive checksum of the entire packet excluding only the Destination


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

Standard MD Commands

Get Identity

IDENTITY        Class: 0   Member: 0    Data: 0      Timeout: 50ms
IDENTITY_R      Class: 0   Member: 1    Data: 8+

Requests the addressed module to provide identifying details via an IDENTITY
message. Response to this command must begin within 50ms of its reception. This
command cannot be broadcast.

The Response to an IDENTITY command identifies the module. Note that later
revisions of the protocol may add extra bytes to the end of this response. The
following table defines the bytes in the response.

        Byte # |     Description
        0       | Module class. (See table in header.txt)
        1       | Major revision number.
        2       | Minor revision number.
        3       | Protocol level supported : this is level 1.
        4       | Unit identifier. (If more than one of this module type,
                | each must have a unique identifier, otherwise 0.)
        5       | Unit serial number, high byte
        6       | Unit serial number, low byte
        7       | Receive buffer length limit. (0 if not applicable)
        8...    | Null terminated module identification string (if supported)

Note that the module can receive a packet with RXBLEN - 8 bytes of data.


RESET           Class: 0   Member: 2    Data: 0      Timeout: seconds

A module receiving this command should perform as comprehensive an internal reset
as is possible. No response must be sent. The reset is allowed to take up to 1
second (the recorder will wait at least this long before trying to talk to a module
on the bus).

Command Error

ERROR           Class: 0   Member: 3    Data: 1+     Timeout: none

A module returns this in response to a command that it has rejected. The sequence
number of the ERROR message should match the sequence number of the command. The
first byte of data gives the reason for rejection, following bytes are module
dependant and may describe the rejection in more detail. The meaning of the first
bytes is decoded as per the following table.

        value: | meaning :
          0    | Unknown command.
          1    | Bad checksum.
          2    | Timeout receiving command. (optional)
          3    | Address mark received while receiving command. (optional)
          4    | Transient error, retry the command.
          5    | Packet format error


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

             6..8   |   other possible mdrop bus errors
             9      |   ID Bus checksum error
             10     |   ID Bus Unknown device error
             11     |   Rx buffer overflow
             12     |   Data value out of range error
             13     |   Internal comms. error
             14     |   Deprecated command
           15..31   |
           32..+    |   Johnson module errors

Note, it is possible that message corruption may occur in the source address byte.
Hence, technically, bad checksum errors and the like in the initial packet should
be returned to the master address, i.e. 0. The broadcast address is reserved for
Reset commands (or similar) that require the attention of all modules.

Further note that conformance to this specification is very poor, if you want to be
sure what the error actually is, check the firmware for the module in question.

Request Status

STATUS         Class: 0          Member: 4      Data: 0    Timeout: 100ms
STATUS_R       Class: 0          Member: 5      Data: 1+

The status command requests the module to supply its current state. The initial
response byte describes the current status of the unit as per the following table.
Subsequent bytes are module specific.

           value: | meaning:
             0    | OK.
             1    | Becoming ready; not ready for commands, but will at some
                  | stage.
                  | Second byte should be an estimate in seconds before the
                  | unit will be ready, or 0 if the time is unknown.
             2    | Unit has encountered a transient error during operation.
                  | Data following should identify the error in an implementation
                  | specific fashion.
                  | (Transient errors should be clearable by a device reset.)
             3    | Unit is faulty (error cannot be cleared by device reset). Data
                  | following should identify the error in a module specific way.

Program Serial Number

SERIAL         Class:0           Member: 6      Data: 2    Timeout: 100ms
SERIAL_R       Class:0           Member: 7      Data: 2

Program the Serial number of the module with the two hex digits in the data. The
data returned is the programmed serial number. This command programs the serial
number of the module. The response is the serial number.

Program Multidrop Address

MDADDR         Class:0           Member:8       Data: 1    Timeout: 100ms
MDADDR_R       Class:0           Member:9       Data: 1

Set the multidrop address of the module to the address supplied in the data.   The
data returned is the new multidrop address.


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

This command programs the multidrop address of the card. Obviously, the target
module must be programmed with a default address before this command may be used.
This command is primarily intended to allow factory setting of module address where
multiple copies of the module are fitted to the same system. E.g., the VHF power
block controller.

This command is not necessarily available on all modules.

Dump Memory Bytes

DUMP           Class:0       Member: 10   Data: 3    Timeout: 100ms
DUMP_R         Class:0       Member: 11   Data: 1+

The dump memory command returns the contents of memory starting at the specified
address (Bytes 0 and 1 - MSB, LSB) and containing the number of bytes specified in
byte 2. Note that the maximum number of locations to dump is 249.

This command is not necessarily available on all modules.

Program module identification string

ID             Class:0       Member: 12   Data: 2+   Timeout: 1000 ms
ID_R           Class:0       Member: 13   Data: 1

This command allows the user to program an identifying string into the module's
EEPROM memory. The number of characters available for the ID string is module
specific, but at least 20 characters should be supported by all modules.

The response to this command is a single byte which is zero if the command
completed successfully, and non-zero if it failed:

           value: | meaning:
             0    | Command completed successfully
             1    | String too long for memory
             2    | Error in command length

This command is not necessarily available on all modules.

Signal beginning of acquisition

ACQSTART       Class: 0      Member: 14   Data: 1+   Timeout: none

The ACQSTART command indicates to all modules that an acquisition is about to
begin. This is intended to allow modules to reset counters, go to sleep if
possible (to reduce RFI) and any other action which is required for such an event.

This command used to be called 'SLEEP' and for older modules it has the same
meaning, it also supersedes the gain control sleep command.

Modules that sleep are "woken up" by any multidrop traffic.

Modern modules are expected to be smart enough to decide for themselves whether
they should sleep or not. The following applies to older modules which consider
ACQSTART a SLEEP command. The data byte(s) for the sleep command specify the
multidrop address(es) of the modules which should go to sleep. This allows the
class 0 sleep command to be broadcast to all multidrop modules (using the 0xff
"broadcast" address) and yet still allow the host to specify a list of modules


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

which should actually go to sleep. Note that the module address "0xff" in the data
byte list should be interpreted as "all module addresses" and result in every
module going to sleep. I.e., the simplest form of the SLEEP command will be
broadcast to all modules using the 0xff module address, and will contain a single
data byte with the value 0xff instructing all modules to go to sleep.


    Suppose that two BSC modules at addresses 0x80 and 0x81 are to be commanded
    to sleep, but the gain control module at address 0x10 is not to be slept.
    The two data bytes for the class zero broadcast SLEEP command should take
    the values 0x80 and 0x81.

There is no response to the class zero ACQSTART command.   Modules which do not
support it should quietly ignore this command.

Modules that do sleep should be engineered to "wake" in the event of any multidrop
traffic. The standard technique for waking up a slept multidrop module will be to
issue an ACQEND command to the module at the broadcast address.

It is guaranteed that the recorder will wait at least 100 msec before triggering
after this command has been sent.

Send alarm code

ALARM          Class: 0      Member: 16   Data: 2    Timeout: none

This command is generated by a multidrop module which has encountered an "alarm"
condition. It is received by the host computer and appropriate action taken. The
first data byte in this command contains the initiating module's command member
number. E.g., a TCMC would send an "8" in this position. The second data byte is
an encoded alarm severity value. In general, the higher the number, the more
urgent/critical the problem. The severity byte is encoded as follows:

           value | meaning of second byte
             0    | Debug
             10   | Notice
             20   | Inform
             30   | Advise
             40   | Caution
             50   | Warning
             60   | Abort
             70   | Critical
             80   | Catastrophic

The acquisition software takes action based on the severity of the alarm. In
general, severities "Abort" and above cause the acquisition code to abort, send
email and either retry or halt.

There is no response to the alarm code command.

Program EEPROM locations

EEPROG         Class: 0      Member: 18   Data: 3+   Timeout: variable
EEPROG_R       Class: 0      Member: 19   Data: 1

This command allows the recorder to program arbitrary EEPROM locations with new
data. The first two bytes are treated as the first address to be programmed
(network byte order). The following bytes are then programmed from this start


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

Not all modules support this command.

The response byte is a status byte encoded thus:

        value: | meaning:
          0    | Ok
          1    | Address not in EEPROM memory
          2    | Could not program memory

Note that the timeout for this command depends on the number of bytes to be
programmed and the implementation-specific nature of the micro in question.   As a
rule of thumb, allow 250 ms per byte of memory.

GTS MD Commands

Get control card status

GTS_STATUS    Class:   11   Member:   0   Data:   1    Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_STATUS   Class:   11   Member:   1   Data:   81   Versions to 1.2
GTSR_STATUS   Class:   11   Member:   1   Data:   82   Version 1.3
GTSR_STATUS   Class:   11   Member:   1   Data:   83   Version 1.4
GTSR_STATUS   Class:   11   Member:   1   Data:   84   Version 1.5+

The STATUS command reports GTS card-related status information as defined below in
the GTSR_STATUS command. The data byte provided is used to optionally clear the
accumulated status the GTS provides (e.g. pulse count, enable status, duty limit
violation, etc) after read out if it is non-zero.

The STATUS response bytes are defined thus:

Versions to 1.2:

        Byte #    Description
        0       | Feature byte [*]
        1       | Enabled on power on/reset [*]
        2       | Predistortion flag (1 = on, 0 = off) [*]
        3       | MOD offset value (0..255) [*]
        4 - 7   | Delay counts in 1/20 MHz units
                | (PREGATE, POSTGATE, PASENSE, RFPHASE) [*]
        8       | System gain factor for MOD pulse (255 = no attenuation) [*]
        9 - 10 | DC slew rate counts (up/down) in 1/20 MHz units (50 ns). [*}
        11      | Secret work around byte for PAs #1
        12 - 13 | Pulse length limit in units of 500 ns (16 bits) [*]
        14      | Duty cycle limit in units of 1/10th of a percent
                | For example, 10% duty cycle limit is expressed as 100. [*]
        15      | Secret work around byte for PAs #2
        16 - 19 | Operating hours (32 bits) [*]
        20 – 21 | RF drive control unit step size in picoseconds (16 bits) [*]
        22 - 23 | Reserved
        24 - 31 | RF drive control unit calibration phases (8 bytes) [*]
        32      | PA present bitmask. A set bit indicates that the corresponding
                | PA is fitted to the transmitter.
        33      | No. of working FIFOs (0..4)
        34 - 37 | FIFO status bytes (4 off), possible values indicate:
                |        0       FIFO past POST successfully
                |        1       FIFO failed to empty on reset
                |        2       FIFO is full after reset


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

                      |         3        FIFO still empty after write
                      |         4        FIFO full flag never set
                      |         5        FIFO size not multiple of 256 words
        38 - 41       |   FIFO sizes in 256 word blocks (4 off)
        42            |   Number of pulse shape tables available (1..)
        43            |   Number of COP resets since last reset or power on
        44 - 47       |   Operating seconds (32 bits)
        48            |   Soft Enable status
        49            |   Temperature in degrees C (obtained after last GTEMP command)
        50            |   Temperature in 1/255 of degrees C
        51            |   Duty cycle limit since last clear (1 = SDCLV, 2 = LDCLV,
                      |   255 = state machine error)
        52            |   Combined Tx Enable status since last clear
                      |         (1 = on sometime, 0 = never on)
        53            |   Current "Tx Enabled" status
        54            |   Current "Operator Enable" status
        55            |   Current "External Enable" status
        56   -   59   |   Tx pulse count since last clear (32 bits)
        60   -   61   |   Detected RF gate length in units of 500 ns
        62   -   63   |   Detected "gated" duty cycle in units of 1/10 percent
        64   -   65   |   Detected PRF in Hz
        66            |   RF drive control unit readback status (0 = ok, nonzero TBD)
        67            |   RF drive control unit channels (0 to 8)
        68   - 75     |   RF drive control unit phases (volatile, relative) (8 bytes)
        76   – 80     |   Antenna control selections and timing (see ANTCTRL command)

Version 1.3 adds:

        81            | GTC hardware issue number (aka PA type)

Version 1.4 adds:

        82            | TR Switch counter value (non-volatile).

Version 1.5+ adds/changes:

        51            | Duty cycle limit since last clear
                      | (1 = SDCLV, 2 = MDCLV, 3 = LDCLV)
        83            | Coded-pulse bit-separation count (50 ns steps, non-volatile).

Get power amplifier static status

GTS_PASTATIC          Class: 11    Member: 2     Data: 0    Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_PASTATIC         Class: 11    Member: 3     Data: 2+

The PASTATIC command reports collated PA status information which does not update
as a result of active transmission. (E.g., VSWR-related information.) This
information is termed "static" and is therefore only retrieved by the host computer
when the acquisition program starts up.

The PASTATIC response bytes are defined thus:

        Byte #    Description
        0       | Number of PA STATIC subresponses following
        1       | Length in bytes of each PA STATIC record following
                | (Length = 30)
        Each PA's STATIC record is defined in the relevant
        GTC command specification document. Response length
        may vary depending on the version of the GTC attached.


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

        Repeated for each fitted PA

Note: the length of the PASTATIC response may vary from 2 bytes (no PAs fitted) to
242 bytes (8 PAs fitted).

Get power amplifier dynamic status

GTS_PADYNAMIC      Class: 11     Member: 4     Data: 2    Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_PADYNAMIC     Class: 11     Member: 5     Data: 2+

The PADYNAMIC command reports collated PA status information which updates as a
result of active transmission. (E.g., VSWR-related information.) This information
is termed "dynamic" and is therefore retrieved by the host computer each time an
acquisition finishes.

The two data bytes provided with the PADYNAMIC command are used to optionally
clear/reset the status information after it has been sent. The first byte, if
nonzero, causes all counters, averaging buffers, etc., to be cleared after read
out. The second byte, if non-zero, causes any PA ALARM conditions to be reset
after read out.

The PADYNAMIC response bytes are defined thus:

        Byte #    Description
        0       | Number of PA DYNAMIC subresponses following
        1       | Length in bytes of each PA DYNAMIC record following
                | (Length = 30)
        Each PA's DYNAMIC record is defined in the relevant
        GTC command specification document. Response length
        may vary depending on the version of the GTC attached.
        Repeated for each fitted PA

Note: the length of the PADYNAMIC response may vary from 2 bytes (no PAs fitted) to
242 bytes (8 PAs fitted).

Multidrop feedthrough command

GTS_MDFEED      Class: 11      Member: 6     Data: 8      Timeout: TBD
GTSR_MDFEED     Class: 11      Member: 7     Data: 8+

The MDFEED command allows the host to pass arbitrary multidrop commands on the
transmitter's internal multidrop bus. The command packet for the internal bus is
essentially encapsulated by the MDFEED command. There is no additional
encapsulation parameters required apart from the normal multidrop header bytes
which are stripped off by the GTS module. Responses to the command are likewise
minimally encapsulated by the GTS before being placed on the external multidrop bus
addressed to the host.

Restore power on default pulse specifications

GTS_RESPULSE       Class: 11     Member: 8     Data: 0    Timeout: 3500 ms
GTSR_RESPULSE      Class: 11     Member:9      Data: 1


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

The RESPULSE command restores the pulse specifications defined in non-volatile
memory which are employed as power-on defaults to the currently active set of pulse
specifications. Up to four pulses may be defined. The RESPULSE response byte
reports the number of pulse specifications defined in non-volatile memory.
Possible values range from one to four.

Note that as the RESPULSE command is dependent on the SETPULSE command, the timeout
for this command is relatively long.

Save pulse specifications to non-volatile memory

GTS_SAVPULSE     Class: 11   Member: 10   Data: 0    Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_SAVPULSE    Class: 11   Member: 11   Data: 1

The SAVPULSE command saves the currently-active pulse specifications in non-
volatile memory which are employed as power-on defaults. The SAVPULSE response
byte reports the number of pulse specifications defined in non-volatile memory.
Possible values range from one to four.

Set Pulse Specification

GTS_SETPULSE     Class: 11   Member: 12   Data: 6+   Timeout: 3500 ms
GTSR_SETPULSE    Class: 11   Member: 13   Data: 1

The SETPULSE command defines one of the four currently-active pulse specifications.
For uncoded pulses, exactly six bytes of data must be provided, while for coded
pulses, up to 14 data bytes may be present. The data format is defined thus:

        Byte # | Description
        0       | Pulse address (0 to 3)
        1, 2    | Pulse length in 500 ns steps (MSB, LSB)
        3       | Pulse shape index (0 = Square, 1 = Gaussian)
        4       | Pulse Amplitude (0 to 255)
        5       | Number of code bits (0 = no code, 64 bits max)
                | Note that if 0 code bits selected, no code
                | data may be supplied in set pulse command.
        6       | First 8 bits of code (if required) MSB Tx'd first
        7       | Next 8 bits of code (if required)
        ....    |
        13      | Last 8 bits of code (if required)

The SETPULSE response contains a single data byte which is encoded in the following

        Value   | Description
        0       | Pulse defined correctly
        1       | Data length error
        2       | No such pulse shape
        3       | Illegal pulse address
        4       | Zero pulse length
        5       | Pulse too long for available memory
        6       | Pulse address corresponds to bad FIFO
        7       | Pulse code bit length too short for code gap setting

Note that the timeout for this command depends of the FIFO size fitted.   For 64 k
FIFOs, the setpulse command should complete in under 3500 ms.


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

Get Pulse Specification

GTS_GETPULSE         Class: 11      Member: 14          Data: 1    Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_GETPULSE        Class: 11      Member: 15          Data: 52

Return the current volatile (data byte = 0) or non-volatile (data byte = 1) pulse

        0-12         |   Pulse   definition   0   (13   bytes) (see SETPULSE command defn.)
        13-25        |   Pulse   definition   1   (13   bytes)
        26-38        |   Pulse   definition   2   (13   bytes)
        39-51        |   Pulse   definition   3   (13   bytes)

Perform temperature measurement

GTS_TEMP        Class: 11         Member: 16        Data: 0        Timeout: 600 ms
GTSR_TEMP       Class: 11         Member: 17        Data: 3        Revisions to 1.5
GTSR_TEMP       Class: 11         Member: 17        Data: 5        Revision 1.6+

The TEMP command instructs the on-board temperature sensor(s) to perform a
temperature measurement. This may take up to 750 ms. After the measurement is
completed, the response to the command returns 5 data bytes defined thus:

         Byte | Description
          0   | One-wire bus status:
              |          0 = OK
              |          1 = No ROMs on bus
              |          2 = No Temp. sensor on bus
              |          3 = Checksum error
              |          4 = Bus still low after reset complete
              |          5 = NVM Temp ID data missing or incorrect (Revision 1.6+)
          1   | GTS Temperature in degrees C (signed)
          2   | Fractional GTS temp in 1/256 degrees C (unsigned).
              | Note that if temperature is negative, the
              | fractional part is to be interpreted as negative also.

Version 1.6 adds:

            3    |   TR Temperature in degrees C (signed)
            4    |   Fractional TR temp in 1/256 degrees C (unsigned).
                 |   Note that if temperature is negative, the
                 |   fractional part is to be interpreted as negative also.

Enable/disable predistortion mapping

GTS_DISTORT          Class: 11      Member: 18          Data: 1    Timeout: 3500 ms
GTSR_DISTORT         Class: 11      Member: 19          Data: 0

Enable (data = 1) or disable (data = 0) the predistortion mapping.                This setting is
non-volatile. There is no data in the response to this command.

Note that as the DISTORT command is dependent on the SETPULSE command, the timeout
for this command is relatively long.

Set DC offset for modulation pulse


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

GTS_OFFSET    Class: 11      Member: 20   Data: 1    Timeout: 3500 ms
GTSR_OFFSET   Class: 11      Member: 21   Data: 0

The OFFSET command sets the DC offset required for the MOD pulse to the transmitter
PAs. Valid range is from 0 (no DC offset) to 255, although higher values leave
little or no room for meaningful pulse shapes to be produced. This setting is non-
volatile. There is no data in the response to this command.

Note that as the OFFSET command is dependent on the SETPULSE command, the timeout
for this command is relatively long.

Set system gain trim value

GTS_GAIN      Class: 11      Member: 22   Data: 1    Timeout: 3500 ms
GTSR_GAIN     Class: 11      Member: 23   Data: 0

The GAIN command sets the system gain trim required due to transmitter gain
variations at differing frequencies of operation. Valid range is from 255 (full
gain) to 0 (no gain). These values are used to scale the modulation pulse shape
after the predistortion mapping has been performed. This setting is non-volatile.
There is no data in the response to this command.

Note that as the GAIN command is dependent on the SETPULSE command, the timeout for
this command is relatively long.

Set Delay Counters

GTS_DELAYS    Class: 11      Member: 24   Data: 4    Timeout: 3500 ms
GTSR_DELAYS   Class: 11      Member: 25   Data: 0

The DELAYS command sets the current values of the four gate delay counters. These
are, in order, pregate, postgate, PA sense, and RF phase. The counter values
specified are in units of 20 MHz clock periods. These values are non-volatile. The
current delay settings may be obtained from the data returned by the STATUS
command. The DELAYS response contains no data.

Note that as the DELAYS command is dependent on the SETPULSE command, the timeout
for this command is relatively long.

Get pulse name

GTS_GNAME     Class: 11      Member: 26   Data: 1    Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_GNAME    Class: 11      Member: 27   Data: 3+

The GNAME command searches the on-chip shape table linked list for a shape index
number matching the number specified by the command data byte and returns the
number of elements used in the shape table (MSB, LSB) and the text string
describing the pulse shape (null terminated). (Note that versions prior to 1.3
only return the shape name.) If the shape index cannot be found, the "UNKNOWN"
string is returned. Shape index zero corresponds to the "SQUARE" pulse.

Define pulse shape

GTS_SHAPE     Class: 11      Member: 28   Data: 5+   Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_SHAPE    Class: 11      Member: 29   Data: 1


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

The SHAPE command allows the host to download new pulse definitions to the control
card. Due to command length limitations in the pkt1 protocol, multiple SHAPE
commands may be required to fully define a new shape definition - each command
contains shape data which is known as a "shape segment". The most shape bytes that
can be sent in a segment is 200. The shape is downloaded segment by segment until

The format of each of the SHAPE segment commands is defined thus:

         Byte   | Description
          0, 1 | Total number of elements in definition (MSB/LSB)
          2, 3 | Element offset of this segment (MSB/LSB)
          4..N+3| Shape name (terminated by \0) (N characters incl. null)
                | The length of the name must not exceed 15 characters.
          N+4...| Shape data (up to 200 bytes)

Note that the number of elements available in a single segment command can be
calculated from the command packet length minus the extra bytes required to define
the shape name, length and offset. Note also that the shape segments must be sent
in order - i.e., the first segement definition issued contains data corresponding
to the beginning of the pulse, while the following segments' element offsets are
monotonically increasing. Further, the element offset data contained in each
segment definition must be consistent with the number of shape definition bytes
issued to that point. That is, the first segment command must have an element
offset of 0x0000.

The GTSR_SHAPE response is a single byte indicating the success or otherwise of
each of the segment definition commands. The values of the data byte returned are
defined as:

         Value | Description
          0     | Segment definition programmed ok and definition complete
          1     | Segment definition programmed ok and ready for next
          2     | Shape too long for available memory
          3     | No programming voltage present
          4     | Target memory failed to program correctly
          5     | Pulse name already in use
          6     | Command format error/illegal value
          7     | Pulse name length error (null or > 15 characters)
          8     | Stale or corrupt pulse in list error

In the event of a failed attempt to program a new pulse specification, the control
card "scratches" the pulse so that a new attempt may be made with the same pulse
name. The memory required by the pulse is lost, but the pulse data structure
quietly avoids the abortive pulse.

Dump pulse shape

GTS_GSHAPE    Class: 11   Member: 30    Data: 4      Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_GSHAPE   Class: 11   Member: 31    Data: 1+

The GSHAPE command allows the host to request the GTS to dump the numerical shape
values which make up the shape index requested. The four bytes in the GSHAPE
command are defined thus:

         Byte   | Description
          0     | The index number of the shape required
          1     | The number of elements to dump


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

             2, 3   | The offset in bytes of the segment data to dump

The GTSR_GSHAPE response is either a single byte indicating that an error has
occurred, or a sequence of bytes representing the data requested. The status byte
is encoded thus:

         Value | Description
          0     | Command ok and data following reaches to end of shape
                | definition.
          1     | Command ok and data following does not complete the
                | shape definition.
          2     | No such shape index
          3     | Requested offset too large for pulse

If no error has occurred, the first byte specifies whether the data supplied
extends all the way to the end of the shape table. In the event that more data are
requested than are available within the requested pulse (and offset), the response
will be truncated to a sequence of valid data bytes. I.e., it is not an error to
request more data than is available, provided that the offset requested is not
beyond the end of the shape table.

Return free memory available

GTS_GMEM       Class: 11      Member: 32   Data: 0      Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_GMEM      Class: 11      Member: 33   Data: 2

The GMEM command allows the host to request the GTS to count how many bytes of
FLASH memory is available for pulse definitions.

The GTSR_GMEM response is a two byte message containing the MSB and LSB of the
available memory count.

Load Predistortion table into EEPROM

GTS_LDIST      Class: 11      Member: 34   Data: 130    Timeout: 400 ms
GTSR_LDIST     Class: 11      Member: 35   Data: 1

The LDIST command allows the host to download a section of predistortion table to
the control card. Exactly 128 bytes of distortion table are sent during each
iteration - this corresponds to one-half of the table. Two extra bytes precede the
table data. Byte zero indicated whether the data following should be loaded into
table one or table two (forward or reverse predistortion table) while byte one
indicates whether the data are the first half or second half of the table selected.
Both bytes may take values of either zero, or one. (Actually, zero or non-zero.)
Note that issuing this command does not reload the currently active pulse shapes
into FIFOs.

The LDIST response is a single byte which always takes the value of zero.   This is
provided simply for ease of future enhancement.

Dump Predistortion table

GTS_GDIST      Class: 11      Member: 36   Data: 2      Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_GDIST     Class: 11      Member: 37   Data: 128


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

The GDIST command allows the host to dump a section of predistortion table from the
control card. The two data bytes indicate which table, and which half of that
table to dump - see the LDIST command for more information.

The GDIST response is simply 128 bytes of the selected table.

Configure antenna control outputs

GTS_ANTCTRL       Class: 11     Member: 38     Data: 5   Timeout: 500 ms
GTSR_ANTCTRL      Class: 11     Member: 39     Data: 0

The ANTCTRL command allows the user to set the state of the antenna control lines
from all PAs in parallel. The first data byte determines the state of the antenna
control line during even integration periods (0, 2, 4, etc) while the second byte
determines the state for the odd integration periods (1, 3, 5, etc). The GTS will
alternate the antenna control line between even and odd integration periods. The
third and fourth bytes are interpreted as a 16-bit unsigned integer which must
match the number of pulses in an integration period if the mode control is required
to match the integration period. If this word is set to zero, then no alternation
of mode is performed. The final byte is a timing byte [TBD].

On power-on, the antenna control line is set to zero (low).

Enable transmitter

GTS_ENABLE     Class: 11      Member: 40     Data: 1     Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_ENABLE    Class: 11      Member: 41     Data: 0

The ENABLE command is used to enable/disable the transmitter. This can be used in
a multiple-transmitter environment to allow use of one or more of the independent
transmitters. It is also used to enable a transmitter which is not enabled by
default after power-on or reset. (This feature is a non-volatile factory setting
which replaces the TCMC "comms lockout" functionality.

Configure RF phases

GTS_RFPHASE       Class: 11     Member: 42     Data: 9   Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_RFPHASE      Class: 11     Member: 43     Data: 1

Set the RF drive control unit phases. The first byte determines if the phases
should be written into volatile (data[0] = 0) or non-volatile (data[0] = 1) memory.
The following 8 bytes in this command are then stored in the selected memory as
either calibration values (non-volatile) or as volatile phase settings. The
calibration values are copied to the non-volatile settings and then asserted to the
RFDCU on power-on/reset. Only the volatile settings are ever written to the RFDCU
phase delay units.

The response byte indicates success or failure and is encoded thus:

        0         success
        1         read back error

Set persistent shutdown

GTS_PSDOWN     Class: 11      Member: 44     Data: 1     Timeout: 100 ms


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

GTSR_PSDOWN     Class: 11       Member: 45     Data: 0

Configure the persistent shutdown state of the 8 PAs. Bits set       in the command's
data byte bitmask cause the corresponding PA to be persistently      shut off. (I.e.,
this is a non-volatile setting for the PAs.). Bits set to zero       in the bitmask
restore the corresponding PA to normal operation. This command       does not take
account of PA groupings (if any).

Set shutdown mask

Deprecated version 1.6 onwards

GTS_SETSDOWN        Class: 11     Member: 46     Data: 1   Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_SETSDOWN       Class: 11     Member: 47     Data: 0

Set the shutdown mask to the supplied data byte. Generally used to reset the mask
so that all PAs are active. This command does not take account of PA groupings (if

Get ID bus devices

GTS_IDBUS       Class: 11       Member: 48     Data: 0     Timeout: 400 ms
GTSR_IDBUS      Class: 11       Member: 49     Data: 0+

Return the contents of the ID bus in the transmitter control chassis excluding the
temperature sensor. Currently, the backplane and RFDCU contain the only ID PROM
chips in this chassis. Return a total of 16 bytes for each found IDPROM. These 16
bytes are defined:

         Byte   | Description
          0-3   | Serial number (32 bits)
          4-7   | Epoch timestamp of programming (32 bits)
          8-13 | Name of module. E.g., "RFDCU\0"
          14    | Issue number of hardware. E.g., "1"
          15    | Revision number of hardware. E.g., 0 => "A"

Init EEPROM memory

Implemented version 1.2 onwards

GTS_EEINIT      Class: 11       Member: 50     Data: 0     Timeout: 4000 ms
GTSR_EEINIT     Class: 11       Member: 51     Data: 1

Inititalise the EEPROM memory with values stored in FLASH "Shadow" memory. This
command is implemented to work around deficiencies in programming tools which are
presently (April, 2004) unable to program EEPROM memory on the HCS12.

The response byte indicates success (0) or failure to program memory.

Set TR Switch counter

Implemented version 1.4 onwards

GTS_TRSWITCH        Class: 11     Member: 52     Data: 1   Timeout: 3500 ms
GTSR_TRSWITCH       Class: 11     Member: 53     Data: 1


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

The TRSWITCH command sets the extra duration (50 ns steps) required for the TR
Switch control signal relative to the end of the Pulse Active period. Valid range
is from 0 (TR Switch signal ends with Pulse Active) to 255 (TR Switch signal 12.7
us longer than Pulse Active). Note that there is no "OFF" state for this counter.
Since the TR Switch signal is downloaded into the FIFO pulse memory on the GTS, it
is possible to configure a pulse shape/length/TR Switch combination which is too
large for the available memory. In this case, the returned data byte is non-zero.
This setting is non-volatile, and results in the FIFO memories being reloaded.
(Hence the large timeout value specified for this command.)

The response byte indicates success (0) or failure to program NVM memory.

Set pulse code gap

Implemented version 1.5 onwards

GTS_CODEGAP         Class: 11   Member: 54   Data: 1   Timeout: 3500 ms
GTSR_CODEGAP        Class: 11   Member: 55   Data: 1

The CODEGAP command sets the duration between code bits (50 ns steps) during which
the modulation envelope voltage is held at the DC offset level. The half the gap
is inserted at the start of each code bit and half at the end. (It is advisable to
use only even-numbered "codegap" values.) This quenches the output of the
transmitter while the transmitted phase is inverted, thus preventing damage to the
amplifiers and minimising spurious outputs. Valid range is from 0 (no code gaps)
to 255 (12.7 us is removed from between code bits). This setting is non-volatile,
and results in the FIFO memories being reloaded. (Hence the large timeout value
specified for this command.)

The response byte indicates success (0) or failure to program NVM memory.

Set soft shutdown

GTS_SOFTSDOWN       Class: 11   Member: 56   Data: 1   Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_SOFTSDOWN      Class: 11   Member: 57   Data: 0

Configure the soft shutdown state of the 8 PAs. Bits *not* set in the command's
data byte bitmask cause the corresponding PA to be shut off. Bits set to zero in
the bitmask restore the corresponding PA to normal operation. This command does
not take account of PA groupings (if any). Useful for things like BLTR operation
of an ST radar where alternative antennas are used to transmit and the majority of
PTMs are not needed. Note that this bit is the same one used for shutting down
failing PAs, hence a GTS_PADYNAMIC command set to clear alarms will cause all of
the PAs to be enabled.

Set PTM phases

GTS_PTMPHASE        Class: 11   Member: 58   Data: 2   Timeout: 100 ms
GTSR_PTMPHASE       Class: 11   Member: 59   Data: 0

Configure the output phase sense of the 8 PTMs. The first data    byte is a mask
determining which of the 8 PTMs are phase inverted (bit set) or   noninverted (bit
unset). Bit 0 controls PTM A-1, Bit 1 PTM A-2, etc. The second    byte is a boolean
which selects whether the setting should be volatile-only (data   byte = 0) or
volatile and non-volatile (1).


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

GTC MD Commands

Get static status

GTC_PASTATIC        Class: 1   Member: 0   Data: 0    Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_PASTATIC       Class: 1   Member: 1   Data: 28   Versions to 1.6
GTCR_PASTATIC       Class: 1   Member: 1   Data: 30   Version 1.7

Request GTC status. Data bytes returned are defined in the table below:

        Byte    | Definition
        0       | PA feature byte (not implemented) [*]
        1, 2    | Serial Number high byte/low byte (year/sequence) [*]
        3, 4    | Issue/revision number of firmware [*]
        5, 6    | Issue/revision number of hardware [*]
        7 - 9   | day/month/year of manufacture [*]
        10 - 13 | Operating hours (4 bytes) [*]
        14      | Persistent shutdown status (1 = shutdown always) [*]
        15      | No of PAs (0..7) [*]
        16      | Sense timer setting (not implemented) [*]
        17      | Average algorithm points (0 or 1 = off) [*]
        18      | Average algorithm type [*]
        19      | FAN control AUTO/Manual [*](1:AUTO;0:MANUAL)
        20      | FAN lower temperature limit [*]
        21      | FAN upper temperature limit [*]
        22      | PA interlock flag
        23      | PA OK threshold
        24      | Soft Enable status (0 = off)
        25      | FAN Period
        26      | FAN Duty cycle
        27      | Alarm override flag

Version 1.7 adds:

        28       | Internal/scalar VSWR alarm state (0 = enabled, 1 = disabled) [*]
        29       | Output phase invert POD (0 = off, 1 = on) [*]

Note that status fields marked with [*] are non-volatile values.

Get dynamic status

GTC_PADYNAMIC       Class: 1   Member: 2   Data: 0    Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_PADYNAMIC      Class: 1   Member: 3   Data: 30

The GTC_PADYNAMIC command reports collated PA status information which updates as a
result of active transmission. (E.g., VSWR-related information.) To reset the
counters and clear the analogue status provided in this command response, the
CLRTXSTAT command (1:14) should be used.

        Byte    | Definition
        0 - 3   | Pulse count since last clear (4 bytes, MSB, LSB)
        4       | COP reset count since last clear
        5       | Analog Status: S21 magnitude
        6       | Analog Status: S22 magnitude
        7       | Analog Status: IP S21 phase
        8       | Analog Status: QP S21 phase
        9       | Analog Status: IP S22 phase


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

        10        |   Analog Status: QP S22 phase
        11        |   Analog Status: Return loss (internal/scalar)
        12        |   Analog Status: Ambient temperature
        13        |   Analog Status: Drain voltage 1
        14        |   Analog Status: Drain voltage 2
        15        |   Analog Status: Drain voltage 3
        16        |   Analog Status: Drain voltage 4
        17        |   Analog Status: Heat sink temperature 1
        18        |   Analog Status: Heat sink temperature 2
        19        |   Analog Status: Heat sink temperature 3
        20        |   Analog Status: Heat sink temperature 4
        21        |   Tx Enable (0 = No enable since last clear)
        22-23     |   Alarm status bit mask (0 = ok, 1 = fail) latched (see below)
        24 - 27   |   Time since last reset/power-on in seconds (4 bytes)
        28        |   Fan status bit mask (see below)
        29        |   No of PAs(*)

The 16 bit alarm status bit mask is defined:

        Bit     | Definition
        15      | Over temperature 4
        14      | Over temperature 3
        13      | Over temperature 2
        12      | Over temperature 1
        11      | Excess drain Voltage 4
        10      | Excess drain Voltage 3
        9       | Excess drain Voltage 2
        8       | Excess drain Voltage 1
        7       | Reserved
        6       | No RF output 4
        5       | No RF output 3
        4       | No RF output 2
        3       | No RF output 1
        2       | No RF drive in
        1       | External VSWR fault (vector)
        0       | Internal VSWR/return loss fault (scalar)

The 8-bit fan status bit mask is defined below.      A set bit indicates that the fan
is ok, while an unset bit indicates a failure.

        Bit     | Definition
        7       | PA fan 4
        6       | PA fan 3
        5       | PA fan 2
        4       | PA fan 1
        3       | Case fan 2
        2       | Case fan 1
        1       | Reserved
        0       | Reserved

Persistent shutdown select

GTC_PSDOWN   Class: 1        Member: 4     Data: 1       Timeout: 100 ms
GTC_PSDOWN   Class: 1        Member: 5     Data: 1

Select the non-volatile state of the transmitter's persistent shutdown facility.
The single data byte enables (1) persistent shutdown or disables (0) it.
Persistent shutdown prevents the VHF power amplifier from transmitting even when
all other transmission inhibiters are deasserted. This facility is designed to be


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

used is situations where a load has become permanently faulty and the associated PA
should never be allowed to transmit.

The response byte to this command indicates success (0) or failure (1) in the
execution of the command. The persistent shutdown status is stored in non-volatile
memory and may therefore encounter write errors when changed.

Alarm over ride

GTC_ALARMOVRT       Class: 1     Member: 6    Data: 0   Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_ALARMOVRT      Class: 1     Member: 7    Data: 0

This command overrides any alarm condition generated by the analog status
comparator circuitry. Useful to disable alarms during VNA calibration run to avoid
VSWR mismatch. "Clear alarm" should be executed to switch back the hardware alarms
to standby.

Set alarm threshold

GTC_SETTHRESHOLD      Class: 1       Member: 8    Data: 4     Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_SETTHRESHOLD     Class: 1       Member: 9    Data: 1

This command sets the non-volatile threshold for Drain voltage, Temperature, VSWR
external and VSWR internal/return loss.

VSWR external represents vector impedance measurement circuitry in GTC.

Return Loss represents scalar detection circuitry which protects PTM if its vector
impedance detection circuitry is wired to external combiner.

For VSWR required threshold level can be calculated using following equation:

        threshold = (s22+31)/0.3267


        s22 = -10dB --> Threshold = 64 -->0x40

Get alarm threshold

GTC_GETTHRESHOLD Class: 1        Member: 10   Data: 0   Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_GETTHRESHOLD Class: 1       Member: 11   Data: 4

This command gets the non-volatile threshold for Drain voltage, Temperature, VSWR
external and VSWR internal/return loss.

VSWR external represents vector impedance measurement circuitry in GTC.

Return Loss represents scalar detection circuitry which protects PTM if its vector
impedance detection circuitry is wired to external Combiner.

Soft enable

GTC_ENABLE          Class: 1     Member: 12   Data: 1   Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_ENABLE         Class: 1     Member: 13   Data: 1


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

Enable or disable the power amplifier. This is a volatile setting and power
amplifiers are enabled by default on power-on, after a soft "init", and out of
reset. The persistent shutdown command should be used if a non-volatile shutdown
is required. The data byte controls the enable status: a zero implies that the
power amplifier is disabled, while a one implies that it is enabled.

The response to this command indicates success (0) or failure (1). If the
persistent shutdown command has been issued to the power amplifier and the enable
command is sent with a data byte with a non-zero value, then an error response is

Clear Tx status

GTC_CLRTXSTAT     Class: 1     Member: 14     Data: 0   Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_CLRTXSTAT    Class: 1     Member: 15     Data: 0

This command clears the internal volatile Tx status. It does not affect the non-
volatile VNA calibration values. In addition, the analog status averaging buffer is

Clear alarms

GTC_CLRALARM      Class: 1     Member: 16     Data: 0   Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_CLRTXSTAT    Class: 1     Member: 17     Data: 0

This command clears any alarm condition generated by the analog status comparator
circuitry. An alarm condition is immediately latched once it occurs and prevents
further transmission by the power amplifier. Such condition can only be cleared by
this command, an "init" command, a power cycle, or a hardware-generated reset.
Also soft enables PAs.

Set VNA calibration constants

GTC_SETCAL     Class: 1      Member: 18     Data: 9     Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_SETCAL    Class: 1      Member: 19     Data: 1

This command provides the VNA calibration constants to the power amplifier to be
stored in non-volatile memory. These are the VNA calibration constants provided as
part of the GTC_GETCAL command response. The 9 bytes are:

        Byte    | Description
        0       | Reflection, Low-impedance load, magnitude
        1       | Reflection, Low-impedance load, phase
        2       | Reflection, Mid-impedance load, magnitude
        3       | Reflection, Mid-impedance load, phase
        4       | Reflection, High-impedance load, magnitude
        5       | Reflection, High-impedance load, phase
        6       | Transmission, magnitude
        7       | Transmission, phase
        8       | Phase lead/lag bit mask

All magnitudes are 8-bit representations of Vf/Vr ratios which are expressed as
linear-in-dB quantities. All phases are 180 degree scaled to 8 bits. Lead/lag
information of all the phasors are stored in the 8th byte.

The phase lead/lag bit mask is defined below. A set bit indicates that the phase
leads while an unset bit indicates that it lags.


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

           Bit     | Definition
           7 - 4   | Reserved
           3       | Transmission
           2       | Reflection High-impedance
           1       | Reflection Mid-impedance
           0       | Reflection Low-impedance

Configure averaging algorithm

GTC_SETAVG         Class: 1    Member: 20   Data: 2    Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_SETAVG        Class: 1    Member: 21   Data: 1

This command specifies the number of data points and the type of averaging
algorithm to be used when averaging the analog status obtained during live
transmission. The first data byte specifies the algorithm type. Presently, this
byte is ignored as the only algorithm employed is a running mean with unity
weighting. The first data byte specifies the number of points to be included in
the average. A value of zero or one indicates that no averaging should be
performed. The maximum allowable number of data points in the average is
implementation-specific. If this value is exceeded an error response is generated
(non-zero data byte in command response). The second data byte specifies the
algorithm type. Presently, this byte is ignored as the only algorithm employed is
a running mean with unity weighting.

Note that configuring the averaging algorithm clears the current averaging buffer,
as does a soft-init, hard reset, or power on.

Configure sense timing

GTC_SETSENSE       Class: 1    Member: 22   Data: 1    Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_SETSENSE      Class: 1    Member: 23   Data: 0

This command specifies the delay (in microseconds) between the sense input rising
edge and the ADC control timing edge.

Get VNA calibration constants

GTC_GETCAL         Class: 1    Member: 24   Data: 0    Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_GETCAL        Class: 1    Member: 25   Data: 9

This command extracts the VNA calibration constants from the power amplifier as
stored in non-volatile memory. These are the VNA calibration constants as defined
in the GTC_SETCAL command above.

Set fan speed

GTC_FAN            Class: 1    Member: 26   Data: 5    Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_FAN           Class: 1    Member: 27   Data: 1

This command configures the FAN control.

           Byte    | Description
           0       | Auto/Manual speed control(1:AUTO;0:MANUAL)


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

           1        |   Lower temperature threshold to start spining FAN slowly (deg).
           2        |   Upper temperature threshold to turn flat on (deg).
           3,4      |   If manual, period and duty cycle scale for fan speed.
                    |   Default: Period scale $FF; duty cycle scale:0

           Output Period = 8e06/(2*256*period_scale) Hz
           Duty Cycle = (duty_cycle_scale/256)*100%

NOTE: Maximum duty cycle value is FE not FF due to unknown bug in HC12.

The response to this command indicates success (0) or failure (1).

LCD dump

GTC_LCDDUMP         Class: 1     Member: 28     Data: 3+    Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_LCDDUMP        Class: 1     Member: 29     Data: 1

This command dumps graphic data to lcd. First two bytes are address pointer.
First byte is upper byte. Third byte is nunber of data bytes following. Then data

The response to this command indicates success (0) or failure (1).

LCD get

GTC_LCDGET       Class: 1      Member: 30     Data: 3       Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_LCDGET      Class: 1      Member: 31     Data: 0+

This command gets the data from lcd. First two byte is address
pointer. First byte is upper byte. Third byte is number of data bytes following.

LCD table

GTC_LCDTABLE        Class: 1     Member: 32     Data: 180   Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_LCDTABLE       Class: 1     Member: 33     Data: 1

This command writes default table to lcd which shows up in start up.          The response
to this command indicates success (0) or failure (1).

LCD mode

GTC_LCDMODE         Class: 1     Member: 34     Data: 1     Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_LCDMODE        Class: 1     Member: 35     Data: 1

This command sets the LCD mode.

0: Text mode
1: Graphic mode

The response to this command indicates success (0) or failure (1).

Program EEPROM address

GTC_EEPROG       Class: 1      Member: 36     Data: 3       Timeout: 100 ms


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format

GTCR_EEPROG   Class: 1         Member: 37     Data: 1

This command, programs a byte in EEPROM or RAM at given address. First 2 bytes are
16 bit address and the third byte is value. First byte is MSB in address.

The response to this command indicates success (0) or failure (1).

Send multidrop alarm packet

GTC_ALARM     Class: 1         Member: 38     Data: 0     Timeout: 100 ms

This command is generated when GTC encountered alarm condition.         Data byte would
have alarm code.

        00          No alarm
        01          Temperature1
        02          Temperature2
        03          Temperature3
        04          Temperature4
        05          Drain Voltage1
        06          Drain Voltage2
        07          Drain Voltage3
        08          Drain Voltage4
        09          VSWR internal
        10          VSWR external
        11          Drive fail

Configure interlock

GTC_INTERLOCK      Class: 1      Member: 40     Data: 1   Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_INTERLOCK     Class: 1      Member: 41     Data: 1

This command sets if all the PAs should be disabled or not in the event of failure
in one PA. PAs are interlocked if data is (1), else not locked.

The response to this command indicates success (0) or failure (1).

Read memory location

GTC_MEMORY_DUMP     Class: 1     Member: 42     Data: 2   Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_MEMORY_DUMP    Class: 1     Member: 43     Data: 1

This command reads memory location of given address.         The data is the address in
memory to read (MSB first).

Upload VSWR lookup table

Implemented version 1.3 onwards

GTC_VSWRLOOKUP_TABLE     Class: 1      Member: 44 Data: 92         Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_VSWRLOOKUP_TABLE    Class: 1      Member: 45 Data: 1

This command uploads 92 byte of VSWR lookup table to EEPROM.

Upload phase lookup table


Appendix A: PKT-1 Packet Format


Implemented version 1.3 onwards

GTC_PHASELOOKUP_TABLE  Class: 1    Member: 46   Data: 4+    Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_PHASELOOKUP_TABLE Class: 1    Member: 47   Data: 1

This command is used to upload 508 byte of phase lookup table in number of passes.

        Byte    | Description
        0       | Start index in table byte 0
        1       | Start index byte 1
        2       | No of data following
        4...    | Table data

Set servo phase delay

Implemented version 1.4 onwards

GTC_SETPHASE     Class: 1    Member: 48   Data: 1    Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_SETPHASE    Class: 1    Member: 49   Data: 1

This command sets the phase servo phase steps for GTC hardware version GTC04A. Use
this command during testing to make sure phase servo is working as expected. Data
values should be between 0 to 15.

The response to this command indicates success (0) or failure (1).

Set output phase inversion

Implemented version 1.7 onwards

GTC_PHASEINV     Class: 1    Member: 50   Data: 2    Timeout: 100 ms
GTCR_PHASEINV    Class: 1    Member: 51   Data: 1

Configure the output phase of the PTM. The first data byte specifies whether to
invert the output phase (1) or not (0). The second data byte indicates whether the
change should be volatile-only (0), or for both volatile and non-volatile settings

The data byte in the response to this command indicates success (0) or failure (1).


Appendix B: Transmitter System Examples

                    Appendix B: Transmitter System Examples

The PTS series pulse transmitter system is a module design with various options available.
Most systems are configured to meet specific customer requirements and this means that the
physical arrangement of the pulse transmitter system equipment will vary from system to
system. This appendix provides some examples of transmitter system physical arrangements.

4 x PTM, 4 x TR Switch, 2 x High Power Splitter Combiner

                 Front View                                      Rear View

          30 kW, 5% Maximum Duty Cycle, TR Switches and Power Splitter Combiners

The transmitter has four pulse transmitter modules (PTM’s) each with a single 7.5 kW RF OUT
port. There are four transmit receive switches (TR switches) and two 2:1 power splitter
combiners (2:1 PSC’s).


Appendix B: Transmitter System Examples

The transmitter may be configured in a number of different ways. For example:

       Each PTM may directly drive an antenna or antenna sub-group

       Each PTM may drive an antenna or antenna sub-group through an in-line transmit
       receive switch

       In this arrangement returning signals from the antennas / antenna sub-groups are
       available on the receive port of each TR switch

       Pairs of PTM’s may be combined by the 2:1 PSC’s to provide two 15 kW ports. TR
       switches may also be used before the 2:1 PSC’s to provide access returning signals on
       the antennas / antenna sub-groups


Document Created: 2012-02-24 09:41:31
Document Modified: 2012-02-24 09:41:31

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