Panasonic Avionics Reply Correspondence 2

0124-EX-PL-2012 Text Documents

Panasonic Avionics Corporation


                                                                                                                   Squire Sanders (US) LLP
                                                                                                                   1200 19th Street, NW
                                                                                                                   Suite 300
                                                                                                                   Washington, D.C. 20036

                                                                                                                   O +1 202 626 6600
                                                                                                                   F +1 202 626 6780

                                                                                                                   Mark D. Johnson
                                                                                                                   T +1 202 626 6265

April 25, 2012


Anthony Serafini
Electromagnetic Compatibility Division
Experimental Licensing Branch
Office of Engineering & Technology
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20590

Re:          Reply Correspondence of Panasonic Avionics regarding Pending Application for
             Experimental License (ELS File No. 124-EX-PL-2012); FCC Reference #16537

Dear Mr. Serafini:

This is a second letter in response to your correspondence of March 29, 2012 directed to my
colleague, Carlos Nalda, regarding Panasonic Avionic’s (“Panasonic”) pending application for a
two-year experimental license (ELS File No. 0124-EX-PL-2012).               Panasonic is seeking
experimental authorization to conduct a series of “T-PED EMI” tests onboard aircraft at five
airfields: San Francisco International Airport, Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Denver
International Airport, Melbourne, FL International Airport and Griffis International Airport (Rome,

The FCC’s March 29 correspondence indicated that OET’s Spectrum Coordination Branch is
requesting the FAA Non-Governmental Tracking numbers (“NGT#s”) for the application.
Further, Panasonic was directed to coordinate with the FAA to obtain and submit the requested
information. In a subsequent email exchange, you advised that the NGT#s are generated by
the FAA for the purpose of tracking the frequency bands the FAA prior coordinates.

On April 20, 2012, Panasonic submitted the NGT#s for two of the sites in the pending
application: San Francisco International Airport and Denver International Airport. Panasonic
has since obtained the FAA NGT#s for the other three sites in the application, as follows:

1) NG T120193 5150-5250 MHz Melbourne, FL (28 06 10 N; 80 38 43 W)
2) NG T120191 5150-5250 MHz Rome, NY (43 14 01 N; 74 25 24 W)
3) NG T120180 5150-5250 MHz Chicago O’Hare (42 0 30 N; 87 55 22 W)

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Squire Sanders (US) LLP                                            Anthony Serafini
                                                                   April 25, 2012

With the submission of this further information, Panasonic has provided all of the NGT#s
requested by the FCC in its March 29, 2012 email. Panasonic requests that the application
process be concluded as soon as possible.

A copy of this letter will also be posted as an exhibit to the pending application.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


/s/ Mark D. Johnson

Mark D. Johnson


Document Created: 2012-04-25 17:31:38
Document Modified: 2012-04-25 17:31:38

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