Exhibits 1 -7

3100-EX-PL-1992 Text Documents



                                                                                 EXHIBIT 1

                                RESPONSE TO ITEM 4 (a

Se   tion                  encies

     Palmer          Communications        Incorporated          ("Palmer")       seeks     to

establish a PCN experimental system.                       These experiments are to be

performed            by    —nmodifying         various         pieces      of    -existing

telecommunication              equipment.             Eventually,         new    equipment

acquisitions will be undertaken.

     Palmer      intends        to   conduct         its    experiments    using    various

frequency      bands,      including      902—928 MHz,         941—948 MHz,      1850—1990,

2400—2483.5 MHz and 5725—5850 MHz.                         Palmer‘s tests will utilize

the 900 MHz      frequencies and the Part 15                   frequencies,      as well as

the 2 GHz and 5 GHz bands and the 1850—1990 frequency band.                                The

latter    is   presently        allocated       for    fixed    microwave       service    and

presently      there      is   no protected          frequency band       for   PCN use in

this country.             Palmer has selected different frequency ranges to

determine      the    amount    of   available bandwidth           required      for   a   PCS

network with minimal interference.

     Most importantly, Palmer will use the Cable Television Relay

Service    ("CARS")        for which      it    is    already licensed,         as well     as

frequencies      in the bands authorized for use by spread spectrun

devices    under       Part     15   of   the    Commission‘s        rules.        Palmer‘s

testing of spread spectrum techniques will help determine whether

the wireless frequency communications services can share various

frequency ranges with existing users on those bands.                            These tests

will also help to determine the characteristics and compatibility

of using spread spectrum technologies on various frequency ranges

in    conjunction          with       coaxial         cable       and     fiber     optic        wire

transmission.         This       information will             enable      the    Commission        to

decide which frequencies to authorize for large scale testing of

PCN systems involving a cable interface.

      Palmer will          —select the proper frequencies after conducting

its   tests.       Field    demonstration            tests       may then be       conducted       in

one or more of these bands.                  Before any field demonstration tests

are   conducted,          however,       prelinminary            tests    will     be     done    to

determine      that   the     tests      will       not    create      harmful     interference

with other users of the frequency,                        on authorized and coordinated

microwave      facilities        or    base     stations         located within          75    miles

radius   of    the    tests       sites.           Palmer will         undertake        continuing

efforts to cooperate with all the authorized facilities operating

within      the      authorized             frequency        band        to     avoid     harmful

interference.         By    monitoring         to    prevent       interference         problenmns,

Palmer will       insure that the low power transmissions it is using

do not interfere with the higher power links in these bands.


      The      proposed       program          of     experimentation            will     greatly

increase    the     state    of    the       art    of    PCN development          by using an

innovative        approach.           Palmer‘s           tests    will        provide    reliable

benchmarking        for     future       PCN       networks.            Palmer     is    uniquely

qualified       for       this     experimental              program          because     of     its

accumulated        knowledge          and     experience          in     —telecommunications.

Palmer has long been involved in telecommunications.                               Through its

affiliates     and   subsidiaries,           Palmer holds       Public Mobile Service

authorizations,           Private      Land       Mobile    Service     authorizations,

Domestic       Facilities              authorizations,           Broadcast         facility

authorizastions and CARS authorizations.                        Palmer is a leader in

the provision of broadcast,                 cable and cellular service.              Palmer

has    years     of        experience             in    virtually       all     areas    of

telecommunications.             Through its experience and resources,                Palmer

is able to fully explore the interface of PCS and cable.

      Palmer    submits         that   it    is    essential     that   an    experimental

program   such       as    the     one      proposed       be   conducted     to    collect

operational     data      and    develop      and      explore the viability of new

telecommunications services.

                                                                                  EXHIBIT 2

                         RESPONSE TO ITEMS 4(e) AND 4(g)

Iten 4(e)

        Various    emissions      and     modulations       will        be    used     in   the

several    phases       of this   experiment.        The        emissions      and type of

modulation       will    depend    on    each    phase     of    the       experiment,      and

optimum usage of spectrum with minimum interference.                           Most of the

modulations are digital           (PSK,    CPFSK,    QAM,    direct sequence pseudo

noise)    and    a variety    of multiple         access    techniques         (TDM,    TDMA,

FDMA,    CDMA,    Frequency Hopping)            are planned.           A   linmited use of

analog FM is also planned.

        The bandwidth occupied will be no greater than that required

for the modulation scheme being used at that time.

Iten 4(qg)

        Applicant will select the proper frequency bands within the

market    to     avoid    harmful       interference       to     the      authorized       and

coordinated       microwave       facilities       with     base       stations      located

within 75 miles radius of the applicant base stations.                            Moreover,

applicant       will    monitor   experimental      facilities very closely to

avoid harmful interference.

                                                                                      EXHIBIT 3

                         RESPONSE TO_ ITEM 5(b)                 and 5(d)

      Palmer      Communications               Incorporated       ("Palmer")       proposes   to

conduct     an    experiment             in   conjunction        with    its     cable   systen.

Palmer     proposes      to    integrate           its   cable    facilities      with PCS    to

create     an    advanced          low    cost     communications          service.       Palnmer

proposes to co—locate PCS facilities with its cable distribution

plants and evaluate the transnmission ability of the cable plants,

both fiber optic and coaxial cable to determine the feasibility

of   the   provision          of    PCS       to   create   a    wireless      communications

systen.         Palmer    will       locate        transmitters         and/or    transmitting

facilities within a 75 mile radius of the proposed test sites.

                                                                       Exhibit 4

                              Response_ to Item 6

     The system components include up to:

             Subscriber Terminals                   To Be Determined

             Microcell Network                      To Be Determined

             Cable Subscriber Interface             To Be Determined

     The antenna      for any microcells that may be constructed and

operated would be located inside buildings or,                if outside,    at a

height   not   to   exceed   six meters     above    the   existing   structure.

Subscriber     Terminals     would   be   located    inside   buildings     or   at

street level.       All tests will be performed within a 75 mile of

the center of the test area designated in Item 5 of this application.

                                                                                     EXHIBIT _5
                                            RESPONSE         TO ITEM 10

A.    Background and Eligibility.

      Palmer              —Communications                   Incorporated               ("Palmer")           is     a

communications company based in Fort Myers,                                           Florida.      Palmer is

involved        in       many      facets        of        telecommunications.                  Specifically,

Palmer     is        a    leading           provider         of       broadcast,        cable      television,

private radio,                and common carrier services including paging and

cellular        radiotelephone services.                               Palmer has          cable    franchises

throughout Florida and California.                                    Palmer holds cable franchises

in Florida for the City of Naples; Collier County; Marco Island;

the City of Sanibel; Lee County; and the City of Everglades.                                                      In

addition,           Palmer         holds         cable        franchises              in     California          for

Banning;        Cathedral              City;      Rancho              Mirage;       Palm     Desert;     Indian

Wells;     La       Quinta;        Indio;        Coachella;            and the eastern one—half of

Riverside; Beaumont; and Palm Springs.

      By    the           subject           application,               P?lEEEL~E£999§§§——ES_\ESEEuCt

Personal Communicati                                  i           a      ")     in the markets where it

 20B2Aan interest                      in    a   cable        franchise.———The——experience                        of

Palmer‘s        personnel              in the above described communications                                areas

places     Palmer             in   a    unique            position       to     test    new     services         and

provide     the           Commission             with        hard        data        concerning        Palmer‘s

proposed experimental progranm.

      As        a        current            Commission                licensee         and      provider          of

telecommunication                      services,             Palmer            is    committed         to    the

facilitation             of    advaficed          technologies                 and   systenms.      Palmer has

the   technical               background,             the     financial              resources,      and         the

practical experience to conduct the subject experiment.

       Cc.     Experiment Objectives.

               Palmer       seeks       to    evaluate             the     feasibility             of,     and     the

       operational          framework         of,        a   PCS     system        integrated             with     its

       existing cable            systenm.          Palmer‘s ultinmate goal                    is    to create a

       seamless communications system at low cost by utilizing existing

       technology.              Palmer‘s       experiments               will    address       the        technical

       problems       of    a    PCS   system as well               as     the marketing            concerns        of

       consumer       demand      and       affordability.                Palmer believes            that        cable

       offers an low cost link to the provision of PCS service that will

       create an economically viable and technically feasible system of

       wireless communications to its subscribers.

       D.      Research Progran.

               Palmer‘s application requests experimental licensing for PCN

       capability          to    provide          critical         information           concerning          systenm

       level     issues,          such       as     location         capability           and        affiliation


               For    purposes         of    this    application,               Palmer‘s       definition          of

       "PCN" is:

               Nationwide         omnibus         wireless          voice       communications              to

               small, low price subscriber terminals.

       "Small" and "low price"                    implies small batteries and low power.

       Low power       in       turn    implies      microcells,            but     it    is vital          that a

       total    PCN     system         include      more          than    microcells          and        innovative

       transmission             techniques          ——       it     must        encompass          all     of     the

       infrastructure            to    support           omnibus         services        on    a     nationwide

       (possibly global) basis.

E.      Objectives.

        Palmer intends to explore the following issues:                            (1)    customer

usage;       (2)     design    of       service      and    facilities       to   meet    customer

needs;       (3)    customer demand to support spectrum allocation and the

accompanying investment;                     (4)   technical cost of the provision of

service       compared       to     acceptable          consumer     price    levels;     and   (5)

market characteristics that support PCN service.

        Palmer        will     strive         to   obtain      the   necessary      information

through       research        and       experimentation         to    Gevelop     an     effective

local        nationwide        and       possibly        global      PCN     network     for    the

provision of a wide variety of subscribers services.

        Palmer‘s technical objectives                      include,     but are not limited

to, the following itenms:

        1.         To implement and experimentally prove the
                   concept of a PCN test bed using existing
                   cable   systenms   as  a means of providing
                   ubiquitous       data,   video  and  other
                   communications services to existing cable
                   subscribers who will interconnect with the
                   systenm    by        means      of    low     cost      terminal
                   equipment and/or adapters connected to their
                   present television sets.

        2.         To  collect   experimental  design data    on
                   specific system operating parameters such as
                   subscriber usage of the new services, systenm
                   compatibility,     costs   of   design   and
                   construction of conversion architecture and
                   the number of services that can be made
                   available       on    a     two—way      interactive       basis
                   using this architecture.

     3.            To experimentally determine logical synergies
                   among   existing telecommunications   options
                   that might interface with a cable systen.

     4.            To Gdevelop innovative subscriber equipment
                   for   PCN  applications  by   working  with
                   manufacturers to modify existing equipment


                   and/or by developing new equipment for this
                   advanced telecommunications application.

        5.         To experiment with the use of radio port
                   configurations for atomizing performance and
                   service offerings and to test the deployment
                   possibilities of various enhanced services.

        6.         To provide critical information regarding the
                   systen   level  issues,   such   as  Location
                   Capabilities and Affiliation Algorithms.

        Palmer       intends      to    assess'and    quantify            PCN demand.            In the

assessment          of    PCN    demand,      Palmer‘s     tests          will   be    designed       to

identify            the      characteristics          of        potential             —subscribers.

Measurements of test market penetration levels will be obtained

first        by    identifying         and    soliciting        businesses            to    use    PCN.

Palmer‘s experiment will focus on a group of existing subscribers

F.      Assessing the Economics.

        In        addition      to     the    marketing        and    technical            objectives

described above,             the proposed experimentation will provide vital

data    on        the    economic       feasibility       of    PCN        services        at    market

responsive rates and demand levels deduced from the subject test

market efforts.

G.      The Palmer Experiment.

        Because of Palmer‘s experience in the cable industry, Palmer

is able to explore the interface between cable and PCN.                                           Palmer

believes that cable offers a low cost means of interconnection

necessary to create a wireless communications system.                                           Palmer‘s

test    will        focus       upon    the    feasibility           of    providing         wireless

communications            service       through    its     existing          cable         television

distribution plants,                 both coaxial     cable and            fiber optic cable.


These    tests       will   determine the microcell             designs    that will       be

integrated into Palmer‘s coaxial cable and fiber optic plant to

form a wireless communications network.                         With its established
cable systems, and interconnection capability, Palmer believes it

can potentially deliver a wide range of PCS services with only

modest electrical modifications and mechanical alterations to its

existing system.            Palmer believes this design will permit voice

and data communications,           as well as video images, to be delivered

to subscribers.

        Palmer will conduct its experiment in three phases.                         Phase I

of   Palmer‘s        experiment     will   commence       with     propagation       tests.

These tests will determine the number and range of the microcells

that must       be built to deliver PCS               subscribers.        The number of

microcells needed to construct the system will vary depending on

the results of the           initial propagation tests and the differing

topographical         features     and   terrain       conditions    of    each market.

Palmer will determine the maximum effective distance that can be

covered    by    a    PCN   base   station.          Measurements    will      be   made   to

determine       the    coverage    both    inside      and     outside    of   buildings.

These    tests       will   be   conducted      in    office     buildings,     apartment

buildings, shopping malls, and multi and single family dwellings.

The results will determine the suitability of co—locating the PCS

microcell        sites      with    typical      cable       Gistribution       equipment


        Phase II of the experiment will test the technical aspects

of   linking     these      microcells     to    the     cable    distribution        trunk


lines.         Such    a    conversion       will       entail    the    testing    of    small

microcells that relay the signal to and from the subscriber to

interconnection              points         in    the     cable     systen.             Various

confiqgurations of microcells and distribution trunk lines will be

tested and deployed on an experimental basis.

        The interactive capabilities of the system will be explored

using fixed transnmitters that receive signals from a subscriber

and   convert       the    signal    for carriage by the cable trunk.                     Other

fixed transmitters will be tested to deternmine their ability to

retransmit a signal originating with the subscriber to a central

receiving antenna or a central receiving site.

        Palmer      will     test    the     interconnection        of    these    microcell

systems     by establishing           interconnection to            the public      switched

telephone         network.           Such    interconnection            will   establish      a

wireless environment.

        Phase    III       will   involve        the    actual    Geployment       of    systenm

equipment to test the delivery of PCSs.                           Palmer will provide a

test group of subscribers with the necessary equipment.                                    These

potential       PCS       customers     will      Gdetermine      the    utilization,       use

pattern,       and overall reaction to the service.

H.      Sumnmary.
        Palmer proposes to experiment with its cable facilities as a

means     to    provide       PCS.          Palmer‘s      results       will   provide      the

Commission with vital               information concerning market               information

such as the cost and demand of such a service,                           and the technical

feasibility of such a system interfaced with cable.


       Palmer believes its experiments will successfully prove the

feasibility of a cable/PCS system and create an advanced wireless

communications   systen.       Palmer       offers   its   telecommunications

expertise   in the   design   of   cable    systems to the development of


                                                                           EXHIBIT 6

     Palmer    Communications        Incorporated        requests     a   waiver    of

Section 5.153 of the Commission‘s Rules.                This Rule requires that

each class    of station    in the experimental              services transmit its

assigned   call    sign.     Compliance        with    this    requirement   is    not

feasible due to the technical confiqguration of the experimental

systems    proposed     herein     and   the   operating       characteristics      of

available and planned equipment.               Because transmissions will be

digital,    transmission     of     an     analog     call    sign   would   require

modification      of   hardware,     and    also    disrupt     system    operation.

Palmer thus submits that the public interest would favor a waiver

of Section 5.153 of the Commission‘s Rules in this instance.

                                                                Exhibit 7


     Palmer      —Communications           Incorporated        is     a   Delaware

corporation.     Its principal place of business is 12800 University

Drive,   Suite   500,    Fort     Myers,   Florida   33907 .        The   names   and

addresses of the officers and directors of Palmer Communications

Incorporated are set forth below.

     William J. Ryan                         President/Chief Executive
     8111 Bay Colongy Drive                          Officer/Director
     Apt. 801
     Naples, FL     33963

     Robert G. Engelhardadt                  Executive Vice President/
     11430 Mahogany Run                        Secretary/Director
     Fort Myers, FL 33913

     M. Wayne Wisehart                       Vice President/Treasurer/
     15348 Fiddlesticks Blva.                Chief Financial Officer/
     Fort Myers,FL        33912              Director

     Bonnie J. McCloskey                     Vice President/Director/
     1682 Red Mountain Road                    Trustee
     Aspen,    Colorado     81612

     Jenny W. Sutton                         Vice President/Director/
     4080 Cutlass Lane                         Trustee
     Naples, FL  33940

     Robert W. Harter                        Director/Trustee
     3930 Grand Avenue
     Suite 302
     Des Moines,    Iowa    50312

    Richard Braunstein                       Director/Trustee
    4310 42nd Street, N.W.
    Washington, D.C.        20016

    Richard Bittner                          Director
    RR 1,     Box 171A
    Bettendorf,     Iowa    52722

     Stockholders of Palmer Communications Incorporated with a 5%

or greater interest,         along with their respective interests are:

    Bonnie J. McCloskey
    McCloskey Enterprises
     P.0O.   Box 784600
    Aspen,     CO    81612
     13. 6838%

    Jenny W. Sutton
    Sutton Companies
    400 5th Avenue South, Unit 301
    Naples, FL 33940

    Trustees of the Bonnie J. McCloskey Trust U/T/A
     David D. Palmer
    c/o Davenport Bank & Trust Company
     203 W.    3rd
    Davenport,       IA   52805

    Trustees of the Vickie A. Miller Trust U/T/A
    David D. Palmer
    c/o Davenport Bank & Trust Company
    203 W. 3rd
    Davenport, IA   52805

    Trustees of the Jenny W.         Sutton Trust U/T/A
    David D. Palmer
    c/o Davenport Bank & Trust Company
    203 W. 3ra
    Davenport, IA  52805

Document Created: 2001-08-07 12:02:42
Document Modified: 2001-08-07 12:02:42

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