Orbital Debris Assessment Report Rev C Final

0255-EX-CN-2018 Text Documents

Old Dominion University


ELVL—2018—0045207 Rev C
June 20, 2018

                    Orbital Debris Assessment for
                         The CubeSats on the
                    CRS OA—10/ELaNa—21 Mission
                      per NASA—STD 8719.14A

                  Signature Page

      Yus      son, Analyst, a.i. solutions, AIS2

Scott Higginbotham, MissidAManager, NASA KSC VA—C

            National Aeronauties and
            Space Administration

            John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida
            Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899

                                                                                      ELVL—2018—0045207 Rev B

Reply to Attnof: VA—H1                                                                                June 20, 2018

            TO:               Scott Higginbotham, LSP Mission Manager, NASA/KSC/VA—C

            FROM:             Yusef Johnson, a.i. solutions/KSC/AIS2

            SUBJECT:          Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR) for the ELaNa—21 Mission


                   A. NASA Procedural Requirements for Limiting Orbital Debris Generation, NPR
                      8715.6A, 5 February 2008
                  B. Process for Limiting Orbital Debris, NASA—STD—8719.14A, 25 May 2012
                  C. International Space Station Reference Trajectory, delivered May 2017
                  D. McKissock, Barbara, Patricia Loyselle, and Elisa Vogel. Guidelines on Lithium—
                         ion Battery Use in Space Applications. Tech. no. RP—08—75. NASA Glenn
                         Research Center Cleveland, Ohio
                         UL Standardfor Safety for Lithium Batteries, UL 1642. UL Standard. 4th ed.
                         Northbrook, IL, Underwriters Laboratories, 2007
                         Kwas, Robert. Thermal Analysis of ELaNa—4 CubeSat Batteries, ELVL—2012—

                         0043254; Nov 2012
                         Range Safety User Requirements Manual Volume 3— Launch Vehicles,

                         Payloads, and Ground Support Systems Requirements, AFSCM 91—710 V3.
                         HQ OSMA Policy Memo/Email to 8719.14: CubeSat Battery Non—Passivation,

                         Suzanne Aleman to Justin Treptow, 10, March 2014
                         HQ OSMA Email:6U CubeSat Battery Non Passivation Suzanne Aleman to

                         Justin Treptow, 8 August 2017
                         TechEdSat—8 Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR), T8MP—06—XS001 Rev
                         0, NASA Ames Research Center

           The intent of this report is to satisfy the orbital debris requirements listed in ref. (a) for
           the ELaNa—21 auxiliary mission launching on the CRS OA—10 vehicle. It serves as the
           final submittal in support of the spacecraft Safety and Mission Success Review (SMSR).
           Sections 1 through 8 of ref. (b) are addressed in this document; sections 9 through 14 fall
           under the requirements levied on the primary mission and are not presented here.

                      RECORD OF REVISIONS

REV                    DESCRIPTION                        DATE

 0    ODAR Submission for TJREVERB and VCC              March 2018

A     Combined original submission with full ELaNa—21   May 2018

B     Updated mass properties for CySat                 June 2018

C     Incorporated changes to VCC CubeSats CONOPS       June 2018

The following table summarizes the compliance status of the ELaNa—21 payload mission
to be flown on the OA—10 vehicle. The 13 CubeSats comprising the ELaNa—21 mission
are fully compliant with all applicable requirements.

          Table 1: Orbital Debris Requirement Com        liance Matrix
Requirement               Compliance Assessment          Comments
4.3—la                    Not applicable                 No planned debris release
4.3—1b                    Not applicable                 No planned debris release
4.3—2                     Not applicable                 No planned debris release
4.4—1                     Compliant                      On board energy source
                                                         (batteries) incapable of
                                                         debris—producing failure
4.4—2 .                      Compliant                   On board energy source
                                                         (batteries) incapable of
                                                         debris—producing failure
44—3                         Not applicable              No planned breakups
4,4—4                        Not applicable              No planned breakups
4.5—1                        Compliant
4.5—2                        Not applicable
4.6—1(a)                     Compliant                   Worst case lifetime 3.9 yrs
4.6—1(b)                     Not applicable
4.6—1(c)                     Not applicable
4.6—2                        Not applicable
4.6—3                        Not applicable
4.6—4                        Not applicable              Passive disposal
4.6—5                        Compliant
4.7—1                        Compliant                   Non—credible risk of
                                                         human casualty
4.8—1                        Compliant                   No planned tether release
                                                         under ELaNa—21 mission

 Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview

The ELaNa—21 mission is sponsored by the Human Exploration and Operations Mission
Directorate at NASA Headquarters. The Program Executive is Jason Crusan. Responsible
program/project manager and senior scientific and management personnel are as follows:

CapSat: McKale Berg, Project Manager, University of Illinois

CySat 1: Rami Shoukih, Project Manager, Iowa State University

KickSat—2: BJ Jaroux, Project Manager, NASA Ames Research Center

HARP: Dr. J. Vanderlei Martins, Principal Investigator

OPAL: Dr. Charles Swenson, Principal Investigator, Utah State

Phoenix: Sarah Rogers, Project Manager, Arizona State University

SPACE HAUC: Supriya Chakrabarti, Principal Investigator, University of

TechEdSat 8: Marcus Murbach, Project Manager, Ames Research Center

TJREVERB: Michael Piccione, Principal Investigator, Thomas Jefferson High School

UNITE: Glen Kissel, Principal Investigator, University of Southern Indiana

Virginia CubeSat Consortium (Aeternitas, Ceres, Libertas): Mary Sandy, Principal
Investigator, Virginia Space Grant Consortium

                  Program Milestone Schedule

                         Task                                 Date
                    CubeSat Selection                   September 15, 2017
              CubeSat Delivery to NanoRacks              August 20th, 2018
                          Launch                        November 175%, 2018

                      Figure 1: Program Milestone Schedule

The ELaNa—21 CubeSat complement will be launched as payloads on the OA—10 Antares
launch vehicle to the International Space Station. The ELaNa—21 mission will deploy 13
pico—satellites (or CubeSats) from the International Space Station, using the NanoRacks
CubeSat dispenser. Each CubeSat is identified in Table 2: ELaNa—21 CubeSats. The
ELaNa—21 manifest includes: CapSat, CySat, HARP, KickSat—2, OPAL, Phoenix,
SPACE HAUC, TechEdSat 8, TJREVERB, UNITE, and the three Virginia CubeSat
Consortium CubeSats (Aeternitas, Ceres, and Libertas). The current launch date is
projected to be November 17"", 2018.

The CubeSats on this mission range in size from a 10 cm cube to 60 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm,
with masses from about 1.2 kg to 3.5 kg, with a total mass of roughly 20 kg being
manifested on this mission. The CubeSats have been designed and universities and
government agencies and each have their own mission goals.

Section 2: Spacecraft Description

There are 13 CubeSats flying on the ELaNa—21 Mission. Table 2: ELaNa—21 CubeSats
outlines their generic attributes.

                             Table 2: ELaNa—21 CubeSats

                             CubeSat                                 CubeSat
         CubeSat Names             §       CubeSat size (mm°)         Masses
                             Quantity                                  (kg)
                CapSat           1           300 x 100 x     100       2.8
                CySat            1           340 x 100 x     100       2.7
               * HARP            1           368 x 100 x     100       4.1
               * KickSat—2       1           300 x 100 x     100      ol
               * OPAL            1           368 x 100 x     100       5.0
               Phoenix           1           325 x 100 x 100            3.2
          SPACE HAUC             1           340 x   100 x   100        2.9
          *TechEdSat 8           1           600 x   100 x   100        7.9
           TJREVERB              1           227 x   100 x   100        2.6
             UNITE               1           340 x   108 x   108        3.5
           Virginia CC —
                                 1            113 x : 100 x 78          1.2
                   CC —          1           113 x 106 x 106            1.2
          Virginia CC —
                                 1           118 x 105 x 106            1.4

*The following pages describe the CubeSats flying on the ELaNa—21 mission, with the
omissions noted below. ODARs for these CubeSats were previously submitted to the
Agency as follows:

HARP: ELaNa—22 Rev A ODAR 5/2017
KickSat—2: KickSat—2 9/2015
OPAL: ELaNA—22 ODAR 10/2016
TechEdSat—8‘s ODAR was drafted by NASA Ames (Document No. T8SMP—06—
XS001 Rev 0)

CAPSat — University of Illinois — 3U

                           Figure 2: CAPSat Expanded View


The Cooling, Pointing, Annealing Satellite (CAPSat) is a CubeSat under development by
the University of Illinois and Bradley University. The mission, which is expected to last
approximately one year, encompasses three technology demonstrations, each advancing
the technology readiness level of NASA roadmap technologies. The experiments are:
strain—actuated deployable panels for improved pointing control and jitter reduction, an
active thermal control system, and single—photon avalanche detectors (SPADs) to test
methods of mitigating space radiation damage.


Thirty minutes after all three separations switches register deployment, the power board
will set a flag to initiate full boot. The C&DH will be brought online, and attempt to fire
the thermal knives to release the antenna. After three attempts, it will begin a Bdot
detumbling algorithm to attempt to reduce all angular motion. Beaconing will begin after
the antenna has attempted deployment. Once we are able to uplink its TLE and a date
stamp update, the ADCS algorithm will switch to controlling the satellite such that
service plate is the ram. After a few weeks of commissioning and testing the payloads,
science operations will begin. Data will be transmitted down on the NanoCom AX100
radio to our ground station. Science will continue until the satellite re—enters.


Satellite structure is made from AL60601T6, while the solar panels are Carbon fiber with
an aluminum backing. The Cooling Payload consists of many small stainless steel
components and its deployable panel is made of carbon fiber. The annealing payload is
comprised of two circuit boards. The Pointing Payload is mostly circuit boards with an
iron vibration motor and its deployable panel is made of a thing sheet of stainless steel.


Regarding the restriction on pressure vessels for this launch, one of the CAPSat payloads
contains a fluid loop containing 50/50 glycol/water, which under normal atmospheric
conditions would not be considered a pressure vessel. The system has an operating
pressure limit of 29.4 PSIA and a safety margin will be placed on the operating pressure
of the system. The payload will undergo thorough leak and pressure testing in addition to
standard vacuum, thermal, and vibration testing. There are no other hazards or exotic

Power System/Batteries

The electrical power storage system consists of common lithium—ion batteries with over—
charge/current protection circuitry. The charging system incorporates an MPPT logic.
The lithium batteries carry the UL—listing number MH12210.


CySat — lowa State University — 3U

                              Radio APSS               = *——— Payioad

                                           o                  _Side Panet

  Bottom Panel

                                                                                 Monopole Artenna

                 Side Pane!     Board      Stricture

                                        Side Panel             Dipole Antennas
                                    Figure 3: CySat Expanded View


CySat will operate in a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) environment to test out a state—of—the—art
radiometer payload based off a Software Defined Radio (SDR) to observe the Earth and
measure the soil moisture.


Once CySat is deployed power will begin flowing and the countdown timers for the
deployable antenna and the communication subsystem will initiate. After 45 minutes
have passed, the antenna will deploy. The ground station, will then attempt to pick up
CySat‘s beacon and establish contact. The satellite will be in a passive mode at this point,
and will stay in this mode for roughly the first 24 hours of operations. This involves an
ASCII message containing minimal system status information and a welcome message
for radio amateurs. A command will then be sent to CySat to ensure health and
housekeeping data is gathered. This will continue for no more than a week. Once
functions are determined to be nominal, CySat will be transitioned for primary operations
and all primary payload routines will be active at this time. Payload activities are desired
to continue for at least one year.


The CySat structure is made of Aluminum 6061—T6. It contains standard commercial off
the shelf (COTS) materials, electrical components, PCBs and solar cells.



There are no pressure vessels, hazardous or exotic materials.


The electrical power storage system consists of Lithium ion batteries with cell
overcurrent — charge, cell overcurrent — discharge, cell voltage and cell under — voltage
protection circuits on each cell as well as on the entire battery assembly. Additional over
— current bus protection and battery under — voltage protection is also provided by the
electric power system (EPS). The UL — listing number for the batteries is: UL 1642.


 Phoenix, Arizona State University — 3U

                                                                            UHF Antenina

                                Batteries         $   all             Electronics Stack Mount

                                                                             —¥ Panel
                       Chassis Roil
                                                                              Solar Parel


                                                                            $—Band Transmitter
                  $—Band Antenna

                   UHF Transcelver

                                                                            interface Board

                    GPS Antenna                                            Camera Mounts

                          Sun Sensor
                                                            FLIR Tau 2 640 Camera


                                   Figure 4: Phoenix Expanded View


Phoenix is a 3U CubeSat designed to study the Urban Heat Island Effect over several US
cities. The payload is the Tau2 640 infrared camera, which is a commercially available,
uncooled microbolometer produced by FLIR Technologies.


After the satellite is deployed from the ISS, it will initiate power to it components and
start a countdown timer. After 30 minutes, the UHF antenna will deploy. After 45
minutes, the UHF beacon will be activated to communicate satellite health. Phoenix will
undergo a week of checkout operations, where mission operators will monitor the health
of the satellite, capture calibration images, and solidify the satellite‘s trajectory before
beginning the mission objective. Mission operations are expected to last up to two years,
and yield a total of 8,000 thermal IR images before the satellite re—enters.


Phoenix is comprised of COTS hardware. Therefore, all electrical components, PCBs,
and solar cells are rated for the environment of space. The chassis is made of Aluminum
7075—16. Stainless—steel bolts will be used to assemble the chassis and all cabling will be
comprised of copper alloy material.



There are no pressure vessels, hazardous, or exotic materials.


The electrical power storage system consists of Lithium ion batteries with
overcharge/current protection circuitry. The UL listing number for the batteries is:


SPACE HAUC — University of Massachusetts, Lowell — 3U

                                                Coomim. Sytein


  Solar Puneln

                                                              JAAA           __..2
                                                                  [                     Thecraadi

                                                                                *   ftrncfie


                        Figure 5: SPACE HAUC Expanded View


SPACE HAUC will demonstrate that high data transmission rates can be achieved by
using a X—Band Phased—Array antenna with an electronically steered beam on a CubeSat.


Immediately upon deployment, SPACE HAUC will power up anddetermine if it is spin
stabilized. If not, the Attitude Determination and Control System will stabilize the spin.
It will then determine if it is sun pointed, if not the Attitude Determination and Control
System will point SPACE HAUC at the sun. SPACE HAUC will then wait for a beacon
signal from the ground, upon receipt of the beacon, SPACE HAUC will take pictures of
the sun and transmit them down. The process of waiting for the beacon signal will be
repeated whenever the beacon signal is lost.


The CubeSat structure is made of Aluminum 7075—T6. It contains all standard
commercial off the shelf (COTS) materials, electrical components, PCBs and solar cells
except for the RF front end board and patch antennas which are custom designed. The
high—speed radio uses a ceramic patch antenna.



There are no pressure vessels, hazardous, or exotic materials..


The lithium—ion battery is charged with all the available power from the photo—voltaic
inputs that is not drained by the loads on the external power busses. The battery is
protected against voltage being too high or too low.

The software high voltage protection implements a constant voltage charge scheme that
will keep the battery at its maximum voltage. The full mode regulation works by
lowering voltage on the solar panel inputs, thereby only taking in the power needed.

The software low voltage protection is a four state system. Should the battery voltage
drop below 7.2 V, the battery hardware will switch to a ‘safe mode‘ configuration, which
allows for the switching off of all essential systems and leaves only a simple power
beacon running. Should the battery drop below 6.5 V, the software will switch off all user


TJREVERB — Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology

                                                                 +X Solar Panel                                                                       $—Band Patch

                      +¥ Solar Panel    .

        tridium SBD Modem
        / Interface bqard                                                                                              l
  +Z mounting
  pl                                               P                              s[ . --:‘\                       h   Raguarok Flight Computer and
                                               8                h                  e       S@       APRS Transc,       EPS/HeatSink
                                                                        3X                  >          a

                  q    L               evite       t   2   (

                                   GPS                           C
                  Iridiuon                         ISIS         L
   j              Antenna                          Magnotorquer
                                                                                                «y Solar Panet
   GPS Parch

                                                               Figure 6: TJREVERB Expanded View


TJREVERB (Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Research and
Education Vehicle for Evaluating Radio Broadcasts) will be a 2U CubeSat with magnetic
torque control. It will be using a VHF APRS transceiver on 145.825MHz for command
and control. It will also have a 2.2—2.3 GHz transceiver and a 1.616—1.6265 GHz short
burst data (SBD) modem to test the ability to send and receive data packets and compare
the usage of the Near Earth Network and the Tridium satellite network. The SBD modem
will also provide secondary command and control.


Thirty mins after deployment, the spacecraft will deploy its antenna and start to
detumble. After 45 mins the spacecraft establishes communications link, establish GPS
link, clock synch, orbit determination daily, transmit AMSAT APRS signals, and perform
operations modes (Charging, Comms check, and update) and science modes. Science
modes consist of running various transmission activities while orbiting in various attitude
orientations modes such as spin—stabilized and 3—axis regulation.


TJREVERB‘s chassis is made of Aluminum 606. It contains standard commercial off—
the—shelf (COTS) materials, electrical components, PCBs and solar cells.



TJREVERB does not include any hazardous systems or pressure vessels.


The Orbtronics 18650B cell is a modified standard Panasonic 18650B NCR cell with UL
listing MH12210 with flight heritage aboard past CubeSats such as GeneSat, SporeSaat,
OREOS, and Pharmasat. Each cell is 65 mm in length and 18.6 mm in diameter. The
Graphite/LiNiCoAIO2 (NCA) chemistry provides for maximum capacity of 3400 mAhr
at a full charge. A total of 40 Whr battery capacity is provided via 2 packs of 2 battery
cells in series, @S2P, each at 20Whr.

Each cell contains a Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) device, Current Interrupt
Device (CID), and an exhaust gas hole built into each battery cell to prevent cell rupture.
The cell builds on the safety features of the 18650 cell by including a Seiko Protection
Integrated Circuit (IC) that provides over voltage protections (OVP) at 4.35V, over—
discharge (UVLO) protection (OCD) at 10—12A, and over—heating protection.


UNITE— University of Southern Indiana — 3U
                                                                          Mu—metal Rods

                                                                                                        a««= Ballast Mass
                                                                     (      Auxiliary Batteries   o
                                                                                                  z_ Langmuir Probe
                            Magnetometer > <@                                                        Command Board
                            Optical Bench ==———»                                           Magnets & Magnet Holder

      Duplex A..ntenna             t§ “                                                              Langmuir Probe Board

                            \\\\\\/ A &
 TEeMPETTUTE   mxmnumup 4
 Sensor (x8                                                  _
       (x81                 Horizon Sensy                    _
                                                   RBF Pin
                     Simplex Antenna      /             *        8
                  \U        Deployment Switch (x4) Diagnostie Port (x2)      GPS Antenna

                                      Figure 7; UNITE Expanded View


The Undergraduate Nano Ionospheric Temperature Explorer (UNITE) CubeSat is a 3U
nanosatellite that will explore Low Earth Orbit until re—entry into the atmosphere around
90 km. The mission of UNITE is to conduct space weather measurements with a
Langmuir plasma probe, measure interior and exterior temperature of the craft, and model
the craft‘s orbit in the final hours of re—entry. The lower ionosphere is a relatively
unexplored region of space and the scientific data collected and transmitted by UNITE
will contribute to the understanding of the region.


Once deployed, the satellite‘s inhibit switches will be released. However, the satellite will
not power on until the solar panels receive light. This is due to the "solar enable" feature
of the EPS purchased from NearSpace Launch that acts as a third inhibit mechanism to
the satellite powering on. Once powered on, no transmissions will be made for the first
45 minutes. Once this initial deployment period has passed, the satellite will begin
collecting data and transmitting to the Globalstar satellite constellation. All transmission
from UNITE will be to the Globalstar constellation as no ground station is used for the
UNITE mission. The software of UNITE will change the rates of data collection and
transmission based on the altitude. The satellite will continue to collect data and transmit
until it burns up during re—entry.


The structure of UNITE is a 3U chassis made of anodized 6061 aluminum. External to
the chassis are solar panels, consisting of PCB and glass covered solar cells, and ceramic
patch antennae. The internal components of the satellite are commercial off the shelf


(COTS) materials, two 1/8" thick aluminum plates (optical benches in exploded view),
copper ballast masses, electrical components, PCBs, and batteries.


There are no pressure vessels, hazardous or exotic materials.


There are four 2—cell lithium—polymer battery packs on UNITE, bringing the maximum
total stored energy to 64 watt—hours. Each battery pack contains over—charge/current
protection circuitry. The NearSpace Launch EPS that interfaces with the batteries also
contains over—current and over—voltage protection. The UL listing number for the
batteries is 30156—1.


 Aeternitas — Old Dominion University (Virginia CubeSat Constellation)

                                           Sole Posel {4)

                                                                                         Trag Break Potais

                          fiatu Bowe

            Antorion losd Plate~

   Yendloem Antenen Cover Pxte —
                                                                              .0   Rewiled Rods (4}

                                       Figure 8: Aeternitas Expanded View


The Virginia CubeSat Constellation (VCC) mission is a joint operation between teams at
Old Dominion University, University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, and Hampton
University. ODU, UVA, and VT are each building 1U CubeSats (Aeternitas, Libertas,
and Ceres, respectively) that will fly in low earth orbit. The universities are working
collaboratively as each university builds its own 1U CubeSat and the data collected is to
be shared between the three universities. The mission objectives are to provide
undergraduate students with a hands—on flight project experience, to obtain data on
atmospheric density and variability in LEO. A Hampton University student team will
perform analysis of spacecraft attitude, location, and orbital data to measure variations in
atmospheric density in low earth orbit. Differing from Libertas and Ceres, Aeternitas will
deploy a petal—like drag brake (similar to a deployable solar panel array) and will deorbit
at an accelerated rate for the purposes of providing additional atmospheric drag data.


After deployment from the NanoRacks deployer and remaining off for the required
3O0min, the antenna will deploy. Once enough power has been stored and the attitude has
been determined, detumbling via magnetorquers will commence in short bursts. Once the


desired attitude stabilization is reached, Aeternitas will proceed with normal operations in
which attitude and GPS data is recorded. The scientific data, and health updates will be
downlinked to the ODU ground station during overflights. After initial data has been
collected and downlinked, Aeternitas will deploy four drag brake petals that will remain
connected to the satellite during de—orbit.


Aeternitas‘ chassis is made of Aluminum 6061—16. It contains standard commercial off—
the—shelf (COTS) materials, electrical components, PCBs and solar cells. The Aeternitas‘
payload includes a ceramic patch antenna and the cover plate for the antenna assembly
will be printed from Windform.


There are no pressure vessels, hazardous, or exotic materials.


Aeternitas is using the GOMspace NanoPower P31u EPS which controls the charging
and discharging of two 1—cell lithium—ion batteries. The EPS features under—voltage and
over—voltage protection as well as over—current protection via power distribution


Libertas —University of Virginia (Virginia CubeSat Constellation) — 1U

     Custom Solar Panel
     Version B..                                                                                  "Top Mounted Solar Panel
                                                                                       ,           {EnduroSat Integrated)

                                           ADCS Permanent Magnet
                                           Mounting Assembly "\                                  mR
                                                                                                     EnduroSal UHF Antenna
                                                   Radio Board   ~,   S                    1      ~, [Depioyed State)

        Motherboard and Pluggable                                                              \ Cover Plate with 3 Inhibit Switches
        Processor Module ~*~.__

                                   ®       €
                                                                                      ~—Solar Panel Clips (8)
                               &   &
                                               s    d
    PiPatch GPS     _                  f
    Antenna ~~~~~         é&           mt

                                                                             ~~ Custom Solar Panel Version A {3}

                                               Figure 9: Libertas Expanded View


The Virginia CubeSat Constellation (VCC) mission is a joint operation between teams at
Old Dominion University, University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, and Hampton
University. ODU, UVA, and VT are each building 1U CubeSats (Aeternitas, Libertas,
and Ceres, respectively) that will fly in low earth orbit. The universities are working
collaboratively as each university builds its own 1U CubeSat and the data collected is to
be shared between the three universities. The mission objectives are to provide
undergraduate students with a hands—on flight project experience, to obtain data on _
atmospheric density and variability in LEO. A Hampton University student team will
perform analysis of spacecraft attitude, location, and orbital data to measure variations in
atmospheric density in low earth orbit.


Upon deployment from NanoRacks, Libertas will initiate a 30 minute countdown timer
before powering up, as required by the NanoRacks deployer ICD. The satellite will enter
a commissioning period in which the satellite has its initial power—up, deploys the UHF
antenna if there is sufficient battery power available, and performs a system health check.
The CubeSat will detumble using a passive magnetic attitude control system. Once the
desired attitude stabilization is reached, Libertas will proceed with normal operations in


which attitude and GPS data is recorded. This data and health updates will be downlinked
to the UVA ground station during overflights.


The Pumpkin CubeSat Kit 1U chassis is constructed primarily from Aluminum 5052.
Internal components are either commercial—off—the—shelf or fabricated from common
materials such as custom PCBs and aluminum brackets inside the spacecraft for securing
magnets used for PMAC and separation switches.


There are no pressure vessels, hazardous, or exotic materials.

Power Systems/Hazards

The electrical power storage system will consist of a Clyde Space 3rd Generation. EPS
and battery system that uses lithium—ion polymer cells with over—charge/current
protection circuitry.


Ceres — Virginia Tech (Virginia CubeSat Constellation) — 3U

   Clyde Space Solar Panet

EPS/Batftery Board
     Basepiate   —

                                                                Clyde Space Rail
                                                              \—Custom Side Panel

                             ‘UHF Antenna w    _ '\\:f/
                             Top Sotar Panel

                               Figure 10: Ceres Expanded View


The Virginia CubeSat Constellation (VCC) mission is a joint operation between teams at
Old Dominion University, University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, and Hampton
University. ODU, UVA, and VT are each building 1U CubeSats (Aeternitas, Libertas,
and Ceres, respectively) that will fly in low earth orbit. The universities are working
collaboratively as each university builds its own 1U CubeSat and the data collected is to
be shared between the three universities. The mission objectives are to provide—
undergraduate students with a hands—on flight project experience, to obtain data on
atmospheric density and variability in LEO. A Hampton University student team will
perform analysis of spacecraft attitude, location, and orbital data to measure variations in
atmospheric density in low earth orbit.                       ;



Following deployment, Ceres will power up and start a countdown timer. After thirty
minutes have passed, a UHF turnstile antenna will be deployed. For the first few passes
the ground station operators will attempt communications to perform checkouts of the
spacecraft. Following successful checkout, the primary science mission will begin and
continue for at least 3 months. This includes recording attitude and GPS data. The
scientific data, and health updates will be downlinked to the VT ground station during


The CubeSat rail structure and skeleton is made of Aluminum 5052—H32. Non—critical
parts of the chassis are made of a 3D printed Ultem 1010 derivative with added carbon
nanotubes, similar to GSC31264. It contains all standard commercial off the shelf
(COTS) materials, electrical components, PCBs and solar cells.


There are no pressure vessels, hazardous or exotic materials.


The electrical power storage system consists of a Clyde Space 3rd Generation EPS and
battery system that uses lithium—ion polymer cells with over—charge/current protection


Section 3: Assessment of Spacecraft Debris Released during Normal

The assessment of spacecraft debris requires the identification of any object (>1 mm)
expected to be released from the spacecraft any time after launch, including object
dimensions, mass, and material.

The section 3 requires rationale/necessity for release of each object, time of release of
each object, relative to launch time, release velocity of each object with respect to
spacecraft, expected orbital parameters (apogee, perigee, and inclination) of each object
after release, calculated orbital lifetime of each object, including time spent in Low Earth
Orbit (LEO), and an assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.3—1 and

No releases are planned on the ELaNa—21 CubeSat mission therefore this section is not


Section 4: Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and Potential for

There are NO plans for designed spacecraft breakups, explosions, or intentional
collisions on the ELaNa—21 mission.

The probability of battery explosion is very low, and, due to the very small mass of the
satellites and their short orbital lifetimes the effect of an explosion on the far—term LEO
environment is negligible (ref (h)). .

The CubeSats batteries still meet Req. 56450 (4.4—2) by virtue of the HQ OSMA policy
regarding CubeSat battery disconnect stating;

       "CubeSats as a satellite class need not disconnect their batteries if flown in LEO
       with orbital lifetimes less than 25 years." (ref. (h))

Limitations in space and mass prevent the inclusion of the necessary resources to
disconnect the battery or the solar arrays at EOM. However, the low charges and small
battery cells on the CubeSat‘s power system prevents a catastrophic failure, so that
passivation at EOM is not necessary to prevent an explosion or deflagration large enough
to release orbital debris.

The 6U CubeSat in this complement satisfy Requirements 4.4—1 and 4.4—2 if their
batteries at equipped with protection circuitry, and they meet International Space Station
(ISS) safety requirements for secondary payloads. Additionally, these CubeSats are being
deployed from a very low altitude (ISS orbits at approximately 400 km), meaning any
accidental explosions during mission operations or post—mission will have negligible
long—term effects to the space environment.

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.4—1 through 4.4—4 shows that
with a maximum CubeSat lifetime of 3.9 years maximum, the ELaNa—21 CubeSats are


Section 5: Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On—Orbit Collisions

 Calculation of spacecraft probability of collision with space objects larger than 10 cm in
diameter during the orbital lifetime of the spacecraft takes into account both the mean
cross sectional area and orbital lifetime.

The largest mean cross sectional area (CSA) among the 13 CubeSats is that of the
SPACE HAUC CubeSat with solar arrays deployed.

                                               Comm. System

  Solar Paneis

                                                            7             uid
                                                                § wca0h    |
                                                              z*                T        Thermal
                                                                     ho                  Insuilation



       Figure 10:; SPACE HAUC Expanded View (with solar panels deployed)

                                        [2 * (w * 1 :4 * (w * A)]
             Mean CSA = ZSurfl:ce Area _
             Equation 1: Mean Cross Sectional Area for Convex Objects

                                       A +Aq + A
                            Mean CSA = (ma—ng
            Equation 2: Mean Cross Sectional Area for Complex Objects

All CubeSats evaluated for this ODAR are stowed in a convex configuration, indicating
thereare no elements of the CubeSats obscuring another element of the same CubeSats
from view. Thus, the mean CSA for all stowed CubeSats was calculated using Equation
1. This configuration renders the longest orbital life times for all CubeSats.

Once a CubeSat has been ejected from the NanoRacks dispenser and deployables have
been extended, Equation 2 is utilized to determine the mean CSA. Amax is identified as
the view that yields the maximum cross—sectional area. A1 and A» are the two cross—
sectional areas orthogonal to Amax. Refer to Appendix A for component dimensions used
in these calculations

 The SPACE HAUC (2.9 kg) orbit at deployment is 408 km apogee altitude by 400 km
perigee altitude, with an inclination of 51.6 degrees. With an area to mass ratio of
0.00398 m*/kg, DAS yields 3.9 years for orbit lifetime for its stowed state, which in turn


is used to obtain the collision probability. Even with the variation in CubeSat design and
orbital lifetime ELaNa—21 CubeSats see an average of 0.0 probability of collision. All
CubeSats on ELaNa—21 were calculated to have a probability of collision of 0.0. Table 3
below provides complete results.

There will be no post—mission disposal operation. As such the identification of all systems
and components required to accomplish post—mission disposal operation, including
passivation and maneuvering, is not applicable.


                             Table 3: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability

              CubeSat                      CapSat      CySat        Phoenix      SPACE HAUC    TechEdSat 8
                 Mass (kg)                   2.8        2.7           3.2                2.9       7.9

          Mean C/S Area {m"2)              0.0371      0.027         0.015          0.0116        0.104
$        Area—to Mass (m*2/kg)             0.0133      0.014         0.012           0.004       0.0132
g         Orbital Lifetime (yrs)             2.5        2.3           3.7                3.9       2.2
      Probability of collision (10"X)      0.00000    0.00000       0.00000         0.00000      0.00000

&         Mean C/S Area (m"~2)             0.1263                                   0.0709        0.564
§        Area—to Mass (m*2/kg)             0.0454                                   0.0243       0.0714
G         Orbital Lifetime (yrs)            0.62                                     1.09         0.482
3     Probability of collision (10"X)      0.00000                                  0.00000      0.00000
          Solar Flux Table Dated

     **Note: Blacked out areas represent
     CubeSats which do not have
     deployables or have deployable
     antennae with negligible areas with
     respect to on—orbit dwell time
     calculation. Data for TechEdSat—8
     taken from Ames—submitted ODAR

                            Table 4: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability

       CubeSat                      HBEVERD           UNITE           Aeternitas    Ceres     Libertas
          Mass (kg)                    2.6             3.5               1.2            1.2     1.4

       Mean C/S Area {mA2)             0.085           0.079            0.0163      0.0176    0.0182
G     Area—to Mass (m~2/kg)           0.0327          0.0225            0.0136      0.0147    0.0130
3      Orbital Lifetime (yrs) .         0.77            1.2       L       2.3      . 2.0        2.4
              —          >
      P'°b-ab"(';z,‘\’;)°°"'s'°"     0.00000         0.00000            0.00000    0.00000    0.00000

§      Mean C/S Area {(m42)
3     Area—to Mass (m‘2/kg)
 8     _Orbital Lifetime (yrs)
 g}    Probability of collision

                        Table 3: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability (cont.)

  The probability of any ELaNa—21 spacecraft collision with debris and meteoroids greater
  than 10 cm in diameter and capable of preventing post—mission disposal is less than
  0.00000, for any configuration. This satisfies the 0.001 maximum probability requirement

  The VCC CubeSat Aeternitas will deploy a petal—like drag brake, for the purpose of
  providing data regarding drag effects upon its orbit. This feature does not increase the
  probability of on—orbit collision. The ELaNa—21 CubeSats have no capability or plan for
  end—of—mission disposal, therefore requirement 4.5—2 is not applicable.

  In summary, assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.5—1 shows
 ©ELaNa—21 to be compliant. Requirement 4.5—2 is not applicable to this mission.

  Section 6: Assessment of Spacecraft Post Mission Disposal Plans and Procedures

  All ELaNa—21 spacecraft will naturally decay from orbit within 25 years after end of the
  mission, satisfying requirement 4.6—1a detailing the spacecraft disposal option.

  Planning for spacecraft maneuvers to accomplish post—mission disposal is not applicable.
  Disposal is achieved via passive atmospheric reentry.

  Calculating the area—to—mass ratio for the worst—case (smallest Area—to—Mass) post—
  mission disposal among the CubeSats finds SPACE HAUC in its stowed configuration as
  the worst case. The area—to—mass is calculated for is as follows:

                    Mean C/SArea (m")          a                 m       m
                    W =                            Area — to —       Mass (E)

                                Equation 3: Area to Mass

                                   0.0116 m _ 0004m2
                                     29kg      _         kg

  SPACE HAUC has the smallest Area—to—Mass ratio and as a result will have the longest
  orbital lifetime. The assessment of the spacecraft illustrates they are compliant with
  Requirements 4.6—1 through 4.6—5.

  DAS 2.1.1 Orbital Lifetime Calculations:
  DAS inputs are: 408 km maximum apogee 400 km maximum perigee altitudes with an
  inclination of 51.6° at deployment no earlier than April 2018. An area to mass ratio of
  ~0.004 m*/kg for the SPACE HAUC CubeSat was used. DAS 2:1.1 yields a 3.9 years
  orbit lifetime for SPACE HAUC in its stowed state.

~ This meets requirement 4.6—1. For the complete list of CubeSat orbital lifetimes reference
  Table 4: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability.

  Assessment results show compliance.


Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards

A detailed assessment of the components to be flown on ELaNa—21 was performed. (Data
provided for TechEdSat—8 in their submitted ODAR report was reviewed as well). The
assessment used DAS 2.1.1, a conservative tool used by the NASA Orbital Debris Office
to verify Requirement 4.7—1. The analysis is intended to provide a bounding analysis for
characterizing the survivability of a CubeSat‘s component during re—entry. For example,
when DAS shows a component surviving reentry it is not taking into account the material
ablating away or charring due to oxidative heating. Both physical effects are experienced
upon reentry and will decrease the mass and size of the real—life components as the
reenter the atmosphere, reducing the risk they pose still further.

An assessment of the components flown on TechEdSat—8 is contained in Reference J.

The following steps are used to identify and evaluate a components potential reentry risk
relative to the 4.7—1 requirement of having less than 15 J of kinetic energy and a 1:10,000
probability of a human casualty in the event the survive reentry.

               1. Low melting temperature (less than 1000 °C) components are identified as
                  materials that would never survive reentry and pose no risk to human
                  casualty. This is confirmed through DAS analysis that showed materials
                  with melting temperatures equal to or below that of copper (1080 °C) will
                  always demise upon reentry for any size component up to the dimensions
                  of a 1U CubeSat.

              2. The remaining high temperature materials are shown to pose negligible
                 risk to human casualty through a bounding DAS analysis of the highest
                 temperature components, stainless steel (1500°C). If a component is of
                 similar dimensions and has a melting temperature between 1000 °C and
                 1500°C, it can be expected to possess the same negligible risk as stainless
                 steel components.

              Table 4: ELaNa—21 High Melting Temperature Material Analysis

     CAPSat             Antenriae           Stainless Steel       .0176     0     0
     CAPSat           Pointing Panel      301 Stainless Steel     .0382     0     10

     CAPSat           Face Seal Edge
                                          316 Stainless Steel     .0093    77.5   o
     CAPSat            Gear Pump          316 Stainless Steel     .110     68.6   o
     CAPSat        Bellows Accumulator    316 Stainless Steel     .218     63.8   0
     CAPSat         Pressure Sensors      316 Stainless Steel     .079     70.3   0
     CAPSat        Radiator Panel Hinge    Unfinished Steel      .0068     76.5   0

     CAPSat          napste! 9t
                                          18—8 Stainless Steel   0055      73.8   o
     CAPSat            Pipe Fittings        sunilessSiee]
                                                                 various   75.2   0
     CySat                Rods              AanlessSite
                                                                  .080      0     o
     CySat              Standoffs           ie
                                                                  .084     72.8   o


      CySat             Fasteners           ssibles  es!
                                                                   .040 —      77.0            0
                          X                 Stainless Steel    h           .   k               f
      CySat        Separation Switches         flsr                028|         0              ‘0_

      CySat              RBF Pin            esc
                                                                   .017        74.7        o
      CySat        Separation Springs       est
                                                                   .0002       77.3    ,   >
      CySat          Reaction Wheel           Brass             .060 _         Jaiye        0 _
      CySat          Magnetometer          _ Aluminum          .005            77.3        26
        c             Deployable                                   ns           1          Ts
      CySat          egherameter                 Brass             .002        77.8         0

     Phoenix             Screws             stainiess .StEEI       6.94        77.7            0

     Phoenix              Nuts              Steinlges Stes!
                                                                   3.92        77.6            o
     Phoenix      Electronics Stack Rod     seinless .Steel        4,29        76.8            0

     Phoenix       Separation Springs       Stainless _Steel       0.072       77.9            0
                              C     m       _ {generic)                        _

                                           Stainless Steel
    TJREVERB        Standoff screws                  %             .020        77.7            0

                      6 mm
                           screws           stoier—Sice!
                                                                   .064        717.5           o

   Virginia CC:
    Acternitas      Antenna Blades        Steel/copper plate       0005         0              0

   Vifeihls 55:   Separation Switches     Beryllium Copper         003          0              0
   Virginia CC:   Solar Pane} Retaining    Stainless Steel         .oo1         o              o
      Ceres                Clips
   Virginia CC:     Magnet Mounting.         Aluminum —            .050         o              o
      Ceres               Plates
   Virginia CC:          &      —               :
     Libertas     Separation Switches     Beryllium Copper         .003         0              0

The majority of stainless steel components demise upon reentry and all CubeSats comply
with the 1:10,000 probability of Human Casualty Requirement 4.7—1. A breakdown of the
determined probabilities follows:


                  Table 5: Requirement 4.7—1 Compliance by CubeSat

                        CapSat            Compliant                      1:0
                        CySat             Compliant                      1:0
                    SPACE HAUC            Compliant                      1:0
                     TechEdSat—8          Compliant                      1:0
                      TJREVERB            Compliant                      1:0
                        UNITE             Compliant                      1:0
                       Virginia                 &                         .
                    CC:Aeternitas         Compliaht                      Fo

                     Virginia CC:         Compliant                      1:0
                     Virginia CC:               .                         .
                       Libertas           Compliant                      1:0
                        *Requirement 4.7—1 Probability of Human Casualty > 1:10,000

If a component survives to the ground but has less than 15 Joules of kinetic energy, it is
not included in the Debris Casualty Area that inputs into the Probability of Human
Casualty calculation. This is why all of the ELaNa—21 CubeSats have a 1:0 probability as
none of their components have more than 15J of energy.

All CubeSats launching under the ELaNa—21 mission are shown to be in compliance with
Requirement 4.7—1 of NASA—STD—8719.14A.


Section 8: Assessment for Tether Missions

ELaNa—21 CubeSats will not be deploying any tethers.

ELaNa—21 CubeSats satisfy Section 8‘s requirement 4.8—1.


Section 9—14

ODAR sections 9 through 14 pertain to the launch vehicle, and are not covered here.
Launch vehicle sections of the ODAR are the responsibility of the CRS provider.

If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 321—867—2098.

/original signed by/

Yusef A. Johnson
Flight Design Analyst
a.i. solutions/KSC/AIS2

ce:    VA—H/Mr. Carney
       VA—H1/Mr. Beaver
       VA—H1/Mr. Haddox
       VA—C/Mr. Higginbotham
       VA—C/Mrs. Nufer
       VA—G2/Mr. Treptow
       SA—D2/Mr. Frattin
       SA—D2/Mr. Hale
       SA—D2/Mr. Henry
       Analex—3/Mr. Davis
       Analex—22/Ms. Ramos


                          Appendix Index:

Appendix A.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat:   CAPSat
Appendix B.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat:   CySat
Appendix C.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat:   Phoenix
Appendix D.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat:   SPACE HAUC
Appendix E.   ELaNa—21 Component List by CubeSat: TJREVERB
Appendix F.   ELaNa—21 Component List by CubeSat: UNITE
Appendix G.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat: Virginia CC: Aeternitas
Appendix H.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat: Virginia CC: Ceres
Appendix I.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat: Virginia CC: Libertas
Appendix J.   ELaNa—21   TechEdSat—8 ODAR (produced by NASA—Ames)


Appendix A.             ELaNa—21 Component List by CubeSat: CapSat

  1                                       Aluminum 6061          Rail

  2            Bottom Plate         1     Aluminum 6061          Plate     110.6    100      100    100     No      —      Demise

  3              Antennae           4      Stainless Steel       Strip      4.4     6.7      22     100     Yes   2642°     Okm
  4     Short Radiation Shielding   2       Carbon Fiber         Plate     38.7      80     284.3   100     No      —      Demise

  5     Tall Radiation Shielding    1       Carbon Fiber         Plate     44.5      80     327      76     No      —      Demise

  6     ooiaic® *n                  1       Carbon Fiber         Plate     442       so     327      20     No      —      Demise
  7              Solar Cell —       25       Solar Cell          Panel      3.2      40      70     N/D     No      —      Demise

  8           Short Flex Cable      2     Kapton and PCB       riy Cable    4.4      54     18.34   ND      No      —      Demise
                                                          ~                                                                  @

  9           Tall Flex Cable       2     Kaptonand PCB
                                                               riuCable      4.5     54     18.34   ND      No      —      Demise
  10             Top Plate          1     Alurainum 6061         Plate     76.3      100     100    90.17   No      —      Demise
  11           Middle Plate         1     Aluminum 6061          Plate     65.3     93.65   93.65    46     No      —      Demise

  12             Batteries          4    Lithium—on BACCY
                                                               Cyinger     46.      184      65      90     No      —      Demise
  13      Battery Support Plate     1     Aluminum 6061          Plate     25.2      86      86     33.02   No      —      Demise

  14           Magnetometer         4       Circuit Board       Board       3.7      40      30     90.17   No      —      Demise

  15           Daughter Card        1       Circuit Board        Plate      10.1     60      30      90     No      —      Demise
  16           Power Board          1       Circuit Board       Board       56.5     94      90      70     No      —      Demise
  17    C&DH Board (was CPU)        1       Circuit Board       Board       40       90      90      90     No      —      Demise

  18            Torque Coil         6           FR—4             Plate     52.218    86     76.2    90.17   No      —      Demise

  19        Torque Coil Plate       1      Aluminum 6061         Plate      17.8     74      74      87     No      —      Demise

  20       GOMSPace Radio           2    Aluminum   6061 and
                                            Circuit Board
                                                                 Plate      24.5     65      40     31.75
                                                                                                            No      —      Demise
  21       Radio Carry Board        2       Circuit Board        Board      19.1     60      90      40     No      —      Demise

  22           Pointing Panel        1   301 Stainless Steel     Panel      128      80     326.5    14.7   Yes   2800 °    0 km
  23            Strain gauge        8          Silicon           Board       2       7.5     10.8    6.5    No      —      Demise


                                        Piezoelectric Ceramic
24    PL140 Bending Acutator       4          (PIC 252)           Board         2.1     11.2    45.5    15.5    No     —       Demise

25           L—bracket             2      Aluminium 6061          Board        4.67      17     39454   51.64   No     —       Demise
26              Shaft              1      Aluminium 6061          Board        2.54     7.071    44     ND      No      —      Demise

27     Q—614 Rotary Actuator       2    Piezoelectric Ceramic     Board          9      17.91    17.5   ND      No      —      Demise
28         Circuit Board           3        Circuit Board         Board         20      46.5    91.5    N/D     No      —      Demise

29           Standoffs             12     Aluminium 6061        Hexagonal
                                                                               | g37     5.2            ND      No      —      Demise
30        Vibration Motor          1          Cast Iron           Board         88       32      32     8.26    No      —      Demise
     Carbon Fiber Radiator Panel            Carbon   Fib
31      with —Thermal
                      Control      1          arvon FLDOCT
                                                                   Plate        62.6     80      327     1.5    No      —      Demise

32    Face—Seal Edge Connector     2|    316 Stainless Steel    "**Z&MREU®T    466      9.53    1210     19     Yes   2500°    Demise
33           Gear Pump             1     316 Stainless Steel     Cylinder      110.00   31.90   60.67    32     No    2500°    Demise

34   Water Block Heat Exchanger    1      Aluminum 6061         Re‘gfi;fi‘:lar   17.00    25.30   25.30    1.2    No      —      Demise

35      Bellows—Accumulator        1     316 Stainless Steel     5‘;}1’1‘32    218.00   43.94   29.85   5.00    No    2500°    Demise
36        Pressure Sensors         2     316 Stainless Steel     Cylinder      39.70    18.90   31.00   N/A     No    2500°    Demise
37     Radiator Control Board      1        Circuit Board          Board       49.89    93.65   85.25   12.40   No      —      Demise
38         Kapton Heater           1           Kapton              Sheet        0.23    25.30   25.30   N/A     No      —      Demise
39      Radiator Panel Hinge       2      Unfinished Steel         Plate        3.44    32.00   18.40   N/A     No    2500°    Demise

40       Cooling — Top Plate       1       Aluminum 6061           Plate       61.71    93.65   93.65    1.60   No      —      Demise

41     Cooling — Bottom Plate      1       Aluminum 6061           Plate       75.26    93.65   93.65    0.25   No      —      Demise

42      Cooling — Back Plate       1       Aluminum 6061           Plate       32.79    47.50   93.65    0.60   No      —      Demise

43      Cooling — Side Plate 1     1       Aluminum 6061           Plate       24.62    47.50   91.15    2.50   No      —      Demise
44      Cooling — Side Plate 2     1       Aluminum 6061           Plate       23.06    47.50   91.15    2.50   No      —      Demise
                                                                Bent Sheet
45          Loop Clamp             2       Aluminum 6061         Metal (in      0.75    16.60    6.50    2.50   No         —   Demise
                                                                Bent Sheet
46           Hex Clamp             2       Aluminum 6061         Mi‘;}f‘“       0.60     9.00   20.77    2.50   No         —   Demise


                                                              Bent Sheet
47        Bellows Clamp            4    Aluminum 6061           Metal          0.52    5.00    46.39    2.50   No     —       Demise

48      Bellows Ring Clamp         1    Aluminum 6061          Cylinder        1.49    22.00   2.66     0.80   No     —       Demise

49    Radiator Board Standoffs     4   18—8 Stainless Steel   Hgfifiggfi‘l        1.38    4.50    12.00    0.80   No     —       Demise
50   Pipe Fitting316
                  — MCB—1016—      4   316 Stainless Steel    HEX@800A4!
                                                                               437     7.92    15.37    0.80   No   2500°     Demise
51    Pipe Fitting — MBV—1010      1   316 Stainless Steel    R“;;‘;fn"l‘“     1043    1334    17.90    N/A    No   2500°     Demise
52    Pipe Fitting — MTS—1010      1   316 Stainless Steet    RTAMEUST         759     7.94    15.88    N/A    No   2500°     Demise
53   Pipe Fitting — SMCBT—1016     2   316 Stainless Steet    R*TAMETA         925     7.92    32.77    N/A    No   2500°     Demise
54   Pipe Fitting — MPFA—1810      2   316 Stainless Steel     Cylinder        13.52   13.97   14.48    7.92   No   2500°     Demise

55   Pipe Fitting — $S—100—1—2RT   2   316 Stainless Steel    Hg’y‘fifig‘;’;‘l   1237    1111    26.24    8.00   No   2500°     Demise
56    Pipe Fitting — $S—100—1—1    2   316 Stainless Steel    Hgffifig‘e‘fl      8.39    787     23.88    792    No   2500°     Demise
57     Pipe Fitting — MF—1010      2   316 Stainless Steel    }g;‘fifiggfl       3.07    7.94    9.12     N/A    No   2500°     Demise
58   Pipe Fitting — MH—1031—316    2   316 Stainless Steel    Hg;‘fifigg:‘       2.52    7.94     8.66    N/A    No   2500°     Demise
59     Pipe Fitting — $S$—100—3    1   316 Stainless Steel    Recli‘i':f:laf   20.48   22.56   35.56    N/A    No   2500°     Demise
60    Pipe Fitting — CF—316—05—
                                   1   316 Stainless Steel    HEX@8ONAl
                                                                               ;7;7    7.94    10.80    N/A    No   2500°     Demise
61    Metal Tubing — Segment 1     1   316 Stainless Steel    Bent Tubing      0.64     1.59   46.30    N/A    No   2500°     Demise
62    Metal Tubing — Segment 2     1   316 Stainless Steel    Bent Tubing      0.32     1.59   23.21    9.53   No   2500°     Demise
63    Metal Tubing — Segment 3     1   316 Stainless Steel    Bent Tubing      0.20     1.59   14.77    N/A    No   2500°     Demise
64    Metal Tubing — Segment 4     1   316 Stainless Steel    Bent Tubing      0.49     1.59   35.27    N/A    No   2500°     Demise
65    Metal Tubing — Segment 5     1   316 Stainless Steel    Bent Tubing      0.53     1.59   38.22    N/A    No   2500°     Demise
66    Metal Tubing — Segment 6     1   316 Stainless Steel    Bent Tubing      0.53     1.59   38.22    N/A    No   2500°     Demise
67    Metal Tubing — Segment 7     1   316 Stainless Steel    Bent Tubing      0.90     1.59   65.14    N/A    No   2500°     Demise

68    Metal Tubing — Segment 8     1   316 Stainless Steel    Bent Tubing      0.67     1.59   48.38    N/A    No   2500°     Demise
69   Flexible Tubing — Segment 1   2          Teflon          Bent Tubing      0.40     1.59   121.25   N/A    No         —   Demise
70     Multimode Optic Fiber       2        Fiberglass        Bent Tubing      0.019   0.125    150     N/A    No         —   Demise
71           Photodiode            4         Silicon            Cylinder       0.018    1.02    2.41    N/A    No         —   Demise


Appendix B.              ELaNa—21 Component List by CubeSat: CySat

  1                                   1°     Aluminum 6061            Box                        10     340.5   No      —

  2                  Rods             4    18—8 Stainless Steel     Cylinder    20       3      340.5           Yes   2650°   0 km

  3             Standoffs             28   18—8 Staintess Steet      LOHO®
                                                                                 3       6       15             No    2650°   Demise
  4           Fasteners (2M)          50   18—8 Stainless Steel      Screw      0.8      2        5      ———    No    2650°   Demise

  5        Separation Switches        A    “"m"gfis"“““’               Box        7      3.378    20     12268   No    2550°    0 km
  6                 RBF Pin           1       Stainless Steel         Pin       17      4.67    22.6     ———    No    2550°   Demise

  7         Separation Springs        2    316 Stainless Steel      Cylinder    0.1     2.843   5.258    ———    No    2650°   Demise
                                            Brass (flywheel),
  8           Reaction Wheel          1    Alucoat 650 coated         Box       60       28      28     26.2    No    1724°   Demise
                                           Aluminum (housing)
  9    Magnetometer — Deployment      1    Alucoat 6§0 coated         Box        5      83.3    16.8     6.5    No      _     Demise
                    & Shell                     Aluminum

  10    Depl°yableBbg§i“et°mfl"” ~     1            Brass              Box        2      83.3    16.8     6.5    No    1724°   Demise
  11        Course Sun Sensor         6     FR4 — ];14});,;“er AS     Box        1       3.7     10.8    1.5    No      —     Demise
                                             Supra 50 (Core),
                                               Alucoat 650          Cylinder
  12   CubeTorquer (magnetorquer)     2     Aluminum (caps),        with box    28      13.5     60      18     No      —     Demise
                                              Enamel coated           caps
                                            copper (windings)
                                               Alucaot 650
                .                           Aluminum (body),                                                                      .
  13     Cubecoil (magnetorquer)      1       Enamel coated           Plate     46       90      96       8     No      —     Demise
                                            copper (windings)
        Cube Sense (fine sun sensor         FR4 — Elpemer AS                                                                      {
  14       & nadir sensor, PCB)        1           2467               Plate     80       90      96      35     No      —     Demise
  15      CubeComputer (ADCS           1    FR4 — Elpemer AS          Plate     56       90      96       10    No      _     Demise
                computer)                          2467
  16           Cubecontrol            1     Pra —Piponer AS                     60       90      96      30     Yes     —     Demise
  17                Battery           1    Lithium—Ion Polymer        Box      111.15   90.17   95.89     14    Yes     =     Demise


     Electronic Power System
18             (BPS)            1    PCB Material (FR4)       Box         126.9    90.17    95.39    124     No   Demise
19         Solar Panels              PCB Material (FR4)     Rectangle     approx   varies   varies    1.6    No   Demise
20    XTJ Prime Solar Cells     1             ~                Box         2.27    6.91     3.97     0.225   No   Demise

21   *. AaigM 0C                              —             Rectangle      0.75    26.3      10      .01     No   Demise
22        Primary Radio         6      Aluminum 6082        Rectangle      90      90.18    95.89    14.56   No   Demise
23             PCB              28     FR—4 Substrate       Rectangle       54     96.52    90.17     1.6    No   Demise
24       g?;;‘;‘;‘;;‘fi‘;%"éé    12   Silica(Amorphoug)A     Triangle      *57"°      12       12      1.6    No   Demise
25           Memory             1    Silica(Amorphous}A        Box         0.54     8.26    5.33     2.03    No   Demise
26   Linear V"A“;%lléeg"‘a“’"   1|   Silica(Amorphoug)A        Box        0.008.    24       29.     1.025   No   Demise
27   Buffer — SN74LS125ADR      2    Silica(Amorphous)A        Box        0.129     8.2      10.5      2     No   Demise
28   Buffer — PCAQSL7AD118      4    Silica(Amorphous}A     mgfgf‘l‘ifd   0.0745    6.2       5       1.75   No   Demise
                                     copper, Rogers 4003,   Integrated
29    Software—Defined Radio    1    FR4 370HR, stainless   “gfii;          260      100     61.97     127    No   Demise
                                          steel, etc.
30           Antennae           7      flexible polymer     Intfgrat.ed    700                               No   Demise
31        Payload Board         4    PCB layers,
                                                 copper,    Integrated
                                                                          §1g      90.17    95.89     127    No   Demise


Appendix C.            ELaNa—21 Component List by CubeSat: Phoenix

  1       Phoenix 3U CubeSat       1     Aluminum 7075                Box         3.2    100      325              —      —

  2              +Z panel          1     Aluminum 7075              Flat Plate   49.76   100      337      100     No   Demise

  3              —Z panel          1     Aluminaum 7075             Flat Plate   56.71    97      96       97      No   Demise
  4              +X panel          1     Aluminum 7075              Flat Plate   38.75    83      64      325      No   Demise

  5              —X panel          1     Aluminum 7075              Flat Plate   38.75    83      34      325      No   Demise
  6              +Y panel          1     Aluminum 7075              Flat Plate   38.75    83      37.5    325      No   Demise

  7              —¥ panel          1     Aluminum 7075              Flat Plate   38.75    83     19.34     325     No   Demise

  3            Comer Rails         4     AMmiMrcoe,                 FlatPlate    89.65   18.5    0.1528    340     No   Demise
  9           3U Solar Panels      2   PCB FR—4/Fiberglass          Flat Plate    56      83      25      322.5    No   Demise
  10      S—Band Patch Antenna     1        Aluminum                 Sphere       50      89     27.94    81.5     No   Demise
  11       GPS Patch Antenna       1   PCB FR—4/Fiberglass          Flat Plate    50      70      1.59     70      No   Demise

  12     UHF T“r;‘:;fiz Antenna     1    Al‘/‘\’;“;‘;‘({;‘?gi{)ard     Box         74      98      12.7     98      No   Demise
  13     bHS T“"Ef)’(’}: Antenna   4            SMA                 Cylinder     0.25     1.6     326     136.9    No   Demise
  14            Sun Sensors        6   PCB FR—4/Fiberglass             Box        3.5    27.94     96     17.15    No   Demise
  15      Deployment Switches      3      Thermoplastic                Box       0.016   3.37      96     23.4     No   Demise

  16              Battery          1   PCB FR—4/Fiberglass             Box        335    95.9    93.39    90.2     No   Demise
  17               EPS             1   PCB FR—4/Fiberglass          Flat Plate    148    95.9    87.44    90.2     No   Demise

  18            MAI ADCS           1        Fintinished
                                                                       Box        694     97     16.26     97      No   Demise
  19    FLIR Tau 2 640 IR Camera   1        olinmsp                 Cylinder      475     82              144.51   No   Demise
  20       S—Band Transmitter      1   PCB FR—4/Fiberglass             Box        95      96      27 4    90.2     No   Demise
  21          UHF Transciever      1          polimide                 Box       24.5     40      19.05    65      No   Demise

  22               GPS             1   PCB FR—4/Fiberglass             Box        24      46       96      71      No   Demise

  23               OBC             1          polimide                 Box        24      40       70      65      No   Demise


24        Motherboard          1          polimide         Flat Plate    51       92      20      88.9     No       —     Demise
25       Interface Board       1     PCB FR—4/Fiberglass   Flat Plate   150       92     33.02    88.9     No       —     Demise
26    FLIR Breakout Board      1     PCB FR—4/Fiberglass   Flat Plate   0.88      25      100    14.48     No       —     Demise
27    Payload Lens Mount       1       Aluminum 7075         Box        47.54     87     152.4     87      No       —     Demise

28    Payload Core Mount        t      Aluminum 7075         Box        58.96     87      92       87      No       —     Demise

29   E‘“"°“i°(st:;;‘c“ Moant    1      Aluminum 7075         Box        44.1      97      144      97      No       —     Demise
30   Elecmnic(sms‘t;“’k No      1      Aluminum 7075         Box        47.       97      30       97      No             Demise
31        G10 Washers          27           G—10           Cylinder     0.06      5       22       0       No       —     Demise
32           Screws            112      Stainless Steel    Cylinder     0.062    2.5     6.93      8       Yes    2550°   Demise
33            Nuts             112      Stainless Steel    Cylinder     0.035    2.5      96       2       Yes.   2550°   Demise
34          Cabling            35       Copper Alloy       Cylinder     0.28    26 AWG    96     various   No       —     Demise
35     Thermal Heat Straps      8       Copper Alloy       Flat Plate   0.25      10      96       50      No             Demise
36    Electronics Stack Rod    4        Stainless Steel    Cylinder     429      3.18     96     117.17    Yes    2550°   Demise
37     Separation Springs       2       Stainless Steel    Cylinder     0.036     4       96       13      Yes    2550°   Demise


Appendix D.            ELaNa—21 Component List by CubeSat: SPACE HAUC

  1     SpaceHAUC 3U CubeSat        1          N/A             Box       2.92    100      340      12     —      —       —

  2        Spacecraft Bus Side      2   Aluminum 7075—T6       Box      266.62   82.2      337    2.83    No     —     Demise
  3         Solar Panel Frame       4   Aluminum 7075—T6       Panel    308.72    95       96     9.175   No     —     Demise
  4            Camera Plate         1   Aluminum 7075—T6       Plate    71.69     10       64      10     No     —     Demise
  5             Hinge Base:         4   Aluminum 7075—T6        Box     25.08     20       34       5     No     —     Demise

  6             Hinge Rotor         4   Aluminum 7075—T6       Plate    18.12    2.02     37.5    N/A     No     —     Demise

  7              Hinge Pin          4   Aluminum 7075—T6        Pin      1.68    0.305    19.34   N/A     No     —     Demise

  8        1800 Torsion Spring      4   Alst 3‘;';{ai“‘“s      Spring   0.1528   0.0382   o1s2s   0.305   No   2550°   Demise
  9             4—40 Screws                    ie               Bolt      o      6.35      25     ~8.5    No   2550°   Demise
  10           Dowel Holster        4   Aluminum 7075—T6        Box      9.72    3.175    27.94   N/A     No     —     Demise
  11              Dowel             4   Aluminum 7075—T6        Pin     2.192    4.16      1.59   N/A     No     —     Demise

  12          Dowel Hex Nut         g   ABISQ!Samcs             Nut     14712    144       127    4.57    No     —     Demise
  13       Compression Spring       4   AISI 3‘;‘:621‘““1"'“   Spring   0.4684   $2.6      326     23     No     —     Demise
  14            Solar Panels        4    Commercial FR4        Panel     624      95       96       5     No     —     Demise
  15          EPS Front Mount       1   Aluminum 7075—1T6      Plate    81.53     95       96       5     No           Demise

  16          EPS Back Mount        1   Aluminum 7075—T6       Plate    78.24    92.92    93.39   36.75   No     —     Demise

  17     E'°°"°“iig;’;er Supply     1    Commercial FR4         Box      100     93.34    g744    28.71   No     —     Demise
  18            Battery Pack        1     Glass/Polymide        Box      270     6.35     16.26   1245    No     —     Demise
  19       Deployment Switch        2                           Box       4                               No     —     Demise
  20               Wires            1         Copper           Wires      20      14       274     5.9    No     —     Demise

  21     NanoSSOC—A60
                       Fine Sun     ;                           Box       4      16.51    19.05    1.63   No     —     Demise
  22    TSL2561 Coarse Sun Sensor   8                           Chip      24      95       96       10    No     —     Demise


23      Magnetorquer Board      1   Aluminum 7075—T6      Plate     98.22     8.5     70     N/A     No     —      Demise
24      Magnetorquer Rods       3        Copper          Cylinder    90       6       20     6.5     No     —      Demise
25   Magnetorquer Rod Collar    4   Aluminum 7075—T6       Box       5.2     22.86   33.02   2.36    No     —      Demise
26        gMz(;Eefi)‘:n"g:f      1    Commercial FR4       Chip       2.8      62      100    11.73   No     —      Demise
27          ADRV9361            1                         Board      60      76.2    1524    6.65    No     —      Demise
28   ADRV9361 Breakout Board    1                         Board      80       54      92     1.57    No     —      Demise
29    Auxilary Mounting Board   1   Aluminum 7075—T6      Plate     26.94     88      144    1.57    No     —      Demise
30          Base Board          1   Aluminum 7075—T6      Plate     64.09     30      30     41.2    No            Demise
31            Camera            1                        Cylinder    21       2.5     22     N/A     No     —      Demise
32       Standoff_Camera        4   Aluminum 7075—T6     Cylinder   0.448      6     6.93     20     No      —     Demise
33        Standoff_ADRV         8                        Cylinder    84       95      96       8     No      —     Demise
34      Tape Antenna Base       1   Aluminum 7075—T6      Plate     114.54    95      96      10     No      —     Demise

35    Antenna Mounting Brace    1   Aluminum 7075—T6      Plate     123.67    95      96     1.57    No      —     Demise
36        Back End Board        1       RO4000            Board      35       95      96     1.57    No      —     Demise
37        Daughter Board        1       RO4000            Board      35       95      96     1.57    No      —     Demise

38         Patch Antenna        1       RO4000            Board       14      16     23.6    4.74    No      —     Demise

39     Tope CageMonopole        2   Aluminum 7075—T6       Plate     1.5      22       9     N/A     No      —     Demise
40   Pulley_Monopole Antenna    2   Alurainum 7075—T6    Cylinder   10.76     4.5      5      4.5    No      —     Demise

41       Spacer_RF Boards       8   AISI 32‘;21‘3“’1"“   Cylinder   4.312                            Yes   2550°   Demise
42             Wires            1        Copper           Wires      20       100     340     0.2    No      —     Demise
43     Multi—Layer Insulation   1       Insulation        Panel      40                              No      —     Demise
44           Radiators          2   Aluminum 7075—T6      Panel      150      N/A     N/A    N/A     No      —     Demise
45             Paints           1   AZ—93 White Paint      Paint      5       100     340     12     No      —     Demise


Appendix E.              ELaNa—21 Component List by CubeSat: TJREVERB

                                       * -|_ 3 Material

       _ 2U CubeSat Structural .            Aluminum 5052—H32
                 3                               GaAs, G10                                                                         .
  2          SIDE Solar Panel           4         Fiberslass         Panel        100       100       226*        2.5      No   Demise

  3        pos Z Mounting Plate         1      Aluminum 5052          ls,gx      14.935     100        100         1       No   Demise
  a         —Z Mounting Plate           1      Aluminum 5052          ggfi;       14.935     100        100         1       No   Demise
        EPS Block, Ragnarok Flight           Circuit Boards (FR—4   Plate—like
  5     Computer, Aluminum Heat         1       Fiberglass),          block       250       96         90         45       No   Demise
                  Sink                       Aluminum Heat Sink
  6      12850 “‘I‘é‘efia““y Dust        2      Lithium polymer      cylinder      256       96         91         21       No   Demise
         ISIS 3—axis Magnetorquer           PCB FR—4 Fiberglass,                                                                    .
  7                Board                1    Aluminum, Copper        Board        196      90.1       95.9        17       No   Demise
       Iridium Radio (Iridium 9603—
            I daughterboard on                 FR—4 Fiberglass,                                                                     .
  8       motherboard from NAL          1    Aluminum Heat Sink        box        130       47         80         10       No   Demise
         GomSpace S—band Radio                 FR—4 Fiberglass,                                                                     .
  9            (TR&00)                  1        Aluminum              box        200     92.682     88.875     19.531     No   Demise
                                               FR—4 Fiberglass,
  10      APRS Radio (SATT4)            1    Aluminum, Stainless       box        150     95.885      86.17      9.087     No   Demise
  11      S—Band Patch Antenna          1      Aluminum 8062           box         50       76          —          4       No   Demise
  12       Patch Antenna(GPS)           1    Aluminum, Ceramic         Box         50       25         25          8       No   Demise

  13     Patch Antenna Near Earth
                 Network                1         —
                                             Aluminum,  m    —
                                                       Ceramic         Box         10       17         17          9       No       is

  14      S—Band Heat Sink Block        2         Aluminum             Box         60       97*        97*         10      No   Demise
          ISIS Antenna Depolyer                     «           5    Square                 98                     7                   :
  15        System (Turnstile)          1     Aluminum 6061           plate       100     (stowed)   (sto)wed   (stowed)   No   Demise

  16    Interface. Board GPS/fridium    1      FR—4 Fiberglass,
                                                                     Square        50       96         92         11.7     No   Demise
  17      Circuit board standoffs      20      Aluminum 5052*        cylinder      1         3          —       various    No   Demise


       Molex PicoBlade 4 Pin
18    Connector Female 51021     8    Stainless Steel   connector   0.3376           —     variable   No        —     Demise
      Molex PicoBlade 12 Pin
19    Connector Female 51021     4    Stainless Steel   connector   0.4256           —     variable   No        —     Demise

20   2P Sh"mrfi“[f;d as an RBF   ,    Stainless Steel      pin        10     5.08   6.5     2.54      No        —     Demise
21   M3, 8mm Screw A(standoff    20   Stainless Steel    Screws       1      3*      —        8       Yes     2500°   Demise

»»     MolexPicoBlade 4 Pin      $    Snss Snd            ncA         ;      1f     I $F    245       N               Demi
     Connector Male 53047—0210         giutices Sice    conteer                      j       '            °     ~       mise
23       M2.5, 6mm screw         64   Stainless Steel    Screws       1      2.5*    —        6       Yes     2500°   Demise
                    .                                    Acrylic
24         Kapton Tape           —         Tape         Adhesive     22.5     —      —        —       No        —     Demise


Appendix F.             Elana—23 Component List by CubeSat: UNITE

           UNITE CubeSat          1    AnodizedMQMINUM        Boy                108.15            10815   No        —      Demise
  2           NSL 3U Bus          2    AmodizedAIOMINUM      piang       835     99.95    31622    99.95   No        —      Demise
  3             End Plates        g    AnodizedMOMIAUM       plangr      275     1212     9995     9995    Yes       —      Demise
  4            Side Panels        3    Ceramic, PCB FR—4     Planar      204      1.59    98.95    82.95   No        —      Demise

  5           Patch Antenna       1    Ceramic, PCB FR—4     Planar       45      1.75     35.1    35.1    No        —      Demise

  6        Duplex Antenna         3        PCB FR—4          Planar      21.3     9.66    48.41    48.41   No        —      Demise
  7       8—Cell Solar Panels     1        PCB FR—4          Planar      291.9   82.95    316.25    1.59   Yes        —     Demise

  8       6—Cell Solar Panel      30         GaAs            Planar      64.8    82.59    240.18    1.59   No         —     Demise

  9             Solar Cells       4        PCB FR—4          Planar       93      39.7    69.11     0.2    No         —     Demise

  10            PCB Fins          1             _          Cylindrical   16.4     0.79      80     9.75    No         —     ‘Demise
  11          Horizon Sensor      38         Nylon         Cylindrical    1.1     8.03     20.2     N/A    No         —     Demise
  12             Spacers         146     Stainless Steel   Cylindrical    2.28    3.18     N/A      3.18   No         —     Demise
  13            Fasteners         4             _             Box        29.2     2.18     N/A      N/A    No       2500°   Demise

  14     Deployment Switches      2             _             Box         13      6.35     6.5      20     No         —     Demise
  15          Diagnostic Port     1             _          Cylindrical    10      7.17    13.29     5.38   No         —     Demise

  16             RBFPN            i    o>                                 200      10       40     swas    _|._""     _     Demise
  17             Batteries        4     Lithium Polymer       Box        13.8    31.75    31.75     9.59   No         ~     Demise
  18     Magnetometer Board       1        PCB FR—4          Planar       35      1.59    57.14     45.2   No         ~     PDemise
  19     Langmuir Probe Board     1        PCB FR—4          Planar       sn       37       90     471     No         —     Demise
  20    NSL EPS/Simplex Board     1        PCB FR—4           Box         125      61      1187    21.59   No         ~     Demise
  21      NSL Duplex Board        1        PCB FR—4          Planar       27       70     47.5       6.5   No         >     Demise
  22         GPS Board            1        PCB FR—4          Planar       a        go      80       7p2    No         —     Besise
  23        C&DH Board            1        PCB FR—4          Planar       10      71.5    sois      635    No         —     Demise


24    Magnet Holder       1        Lexan           Planar      47     12.7    67.7    6.35    No     —     Demise
25   Mu — Metal Rod       2      HyMu—80         Cylindrical   420     80     310     3.175   No   2650°   Demise
26    Optical Bench       2     Aluminum           Planar       3     2.8     12.31    2.8    No     —     Demise

27       Magnets          3    Neodymium         Cylindrical   12.2   10.45   1.64    11.9    No     —     Demise

28      oBogo_            2      PCB FR—4          Planar      19.2   218     N/A     N/A     No     —     Demise
29   Internal Fasteners   96   Stainless Steel   Cylindrical    12    2.18    N/A     6.35    No   2500°   Demise
30        Spacers         48    Aluminum         Cylindrical   50     N/A     N/A     N/A     No     —     Demise

31        Cabling         —    C‘;figfif;gg:fi        Linear      377     45      75       5     No     —     Demise
32     Ballast Mass       2    Copper Alloy        Planar      50     N/A     N/A     N/A     No     —     Demise
33        Silicon         —           —               =         10    N/A     N/A     N/A     No     —     Demise

34        Epoxy           —           —               —        200     70      40     37.18   No     —     Demise


Appendix G.             Elana—23 Component List by CubeSat: Virginia CC — Aeternitas

  1    Aeternitas ODU 1U Chassis        1            —              ©Box              ~        —        —        —       —      —       —

  2     CubeSat Structure
                          — Rails /     1    Aluminum 6061        RS@DEUA
                                                                   r Sheet
                                                                                    57pyo     100     113.5     69      No      —     Demise
  3    CubeSat Structure
                . x—Axis
                         — Rails // —   1    Aluminum 6061        ReHAPEUA
                                                                   r Sheet
                                                                                    57595     100     113.5     6.9     No      —     Demise
  4     CubeSat Structure
                          — Span //     1    Aluminum 6061        R°RPEUA
                                                                    r Box
                                                                                    15959     19      78.35    415      No      —     Demise
  5    CubeSat Structure
                         — Span // —    1    Aluminum 6061        Rec®ne*s
                                                                    r Box
                                                                                    13.99j    15      78.35    415      No      —     Demise
  6      CubeSat Squclure — Bolts
              and Fasteners
                                        30      Steel Alloy       CYHPCMCAl
                                                                                    pgyrg    2625     11375    2625     No    2500°   Demise
  7        Antenna — Cover Plate        1       Windform              Box           12443     98       98        1      No      —     Demise

  8        Antenna — Base Plate         1    Aluminum 6061            Box           66.18    96.8     96.8      19.9    No      —     Demise

  9      Anterna—Antcnna Swig           2       Windform          L—shaped          1.944     25       50       73      No      —     Demise
  10    Antenna — Antenna Blades        4    Steel/copper plate      Sheet           0.5       6      187.4     0.4     Yes   2500°    0 km

  11   Antenna — GPS/Tridium Patch
            Antenna — Toaglas
                                        1        Ceramic              Box <          64       25       25        4      No      —     Demise
  12     Drag Brake — Hinge — Top       4    Aluminum 6061        B"(;“’ifiayll‘“      1      6.921     30        6      No      —     Demise
  13   Drag Brake — Hinge — Bottom      4    Aluminum 6061        Bo‘;(r/i%glllln     1       30        5        1      No      —     Demise

  14    Drag Brake — Petals — petal 1   1         Lexan               Box             8       65.4     70.8     1.6     No      —     Demise
  s    Drag Brake — ie‘als — petal 2—   3         Lexan               Box             9       654      70.8     16      No      —     Demise
  16       Drag Brake — Springs         4       Alloy Steel       Cylindrical       0.578    4.7244   4.7244   0.5334   Yes   2500°   Demise
              Solar Panels with         .                         Fectanouln
  17      Maganetorquers/CSS —          4       Germanium                  8          57                                No      —     Demise
                    §                                               r Sheet
  18     pNAYy uP3L1
                      — SkyBox          1    FR4, Metal Alloy     Rectangula
                                                                    r Box
                                                                                      ,,       g4       35       12     No      —     Demise
  19    Lithium Radio — Astro Dev       1    FR4, Aluminum        Rei‘;‘;fi“h          48       62       32     1112     No      —     Demise


20   EPS/Battery — GOMSpace      1    Lithium Ion, FR4       R r Boiula       220   96     90           No      —     Demise

21         Radio Board           1          FR4                5{};::?        40    96     90     2     No      —     Demise
22          GPS Board            1          rR4                Tae            45    96     90     2     No      —     Demise
23        Processor Board        1          FR4                S]c>|11;?;c    40    96     90     2     No      —     Demise

       Mounting Hardware (4            Stainless Steel       Cylindrical
24   Threaded Rods,12 Spacers,   1     * Alumin          *      Rod,          20     —      ~      —    Yes   2500°   Demise
                12 Nuts)                   o rnine             Toroid
            :                          enamel copper         Rectangula                                         _         .
25      Z—axis magnetorquer      1    wire,Space grade          rBox          7.5   50     50     4.3   No            Demise

                                         epoxy 3M
26         Iridium Radio         1            ——             Re‘;‘g‘(‘)fi“"‘   114   29.6   31.5   8.1   No      —     Demise
27      ©Cables/Connectors       ——     Copper alloy,              ——          —     —      ——    ——    No      —     Demise
28       IMU — MPU—9250          1     Ceramic, X7R            Square          1     3      3      1    No      —     Demise
      Intersat Radio — HopeRF                .                                                                            5
29          RFM6OHCW             1     Ceramic, FR4            Square          1     16     16    1.8   No      ~     Demise


Appendix H.           ELaNa—23 Component List by CubeSat: Virginia CC — Ceres

  1         Ceres 1U CubeSat                  —            Box       —     106.7   106.7   113.5   —      —        —
                                         Ultem 1010
         CubeSat Structure (Side        Substrate with                                                               .
  2             Walls)                Carbon Nano Tube     Plate     8       1      83      95     No     —      Demise

  3      CubeSat Plate)
                 Structure (Top        Aluminum
                                                5032—      Plate     35     100     100    11.58   No     —      Demise
        CubeSat Structure (Bottom      Aluminum 5052—                 ie                                             .
  4               Plate)                    H32            Plate     35     100     100    38.3    No     —      Demise

  5    CubeSat Structure (Rails and    Aluminum 5052—      Plate     5      §.5     §.5    113.5   No     _      Demise
                  Feet)                     H32
            Mother Board; TI                                                                                           .
  6           MSP430FR5994                  FR4            Plate     88     96      90      1.6    No     —      Demise

  7     Clyde Space 3rd Gen. EPS            FR4            Plate     86    95.89   90.17   23.24   No     —      Demise
          Processing Module; TI               .                                                                        .
  8           MSPA30FS438A                   FR4           Plate     11    54.6    534      1.6    No     —      Demise
          Batteries; ClydeSpace          Lithium Ion                                                                 :
  9              c20WHr                 Polymer, FR4       Plate     246   95.89   90.17   21.4    No     —      Demise

  10     ClydeSpace Solar Panels             FR4           Plate     46     83      97      1.6    No     —      Demise
  11      EnduroSat Solar Panel          FR4—Tg170         Plate     48     98      98      3.1    No      —     Demise
  12           piNAV GPS               FR4, Metal Alloy    Box       47     84      35      12     No      —     Demise

  13    Skyfox Lake Silatch OPS
                                      FR4, GPS L1 Patch    Plate     50     98      98      5.5    No      —     Demise
         EnduroSat UHF Antenna         Hard Annodized                                                                s
  14            Assembly               Aluminum, FR4       Plate     85     98      98      5.6    No      —     Demise

  15           Radio Board                   FR4           Plate     24     96      90      1.6    No            Demise

  16       GPS and IMU Board                 FR4           Plate     25     96      90      1.6    No      —     Demise
  17      Astro Dev Radio Li—1         FR4, Aluminum        Box      30     62      32     11.12   No      —     Demise

  18       Separation Switches          onsue
                                       Beryllium Copper
                                                            Box       3     12.3    20     3.38    Yes   2349°    0 km
  19        Separation Spring            ASTM A228        Cylinder    1      3       —       10    No      —     Demise


20       Bondable Terminals         2                             Plate       <1    2.7    1.65     0.6   No      —        Demise
21          Strain Gauge            2    encapsulated K—alloy     Plate       <l1   3.18   6.35     0.6   No      —        Demise

     Mounting  Hardware (Solar
       Panel Retaining Clips)       8
                                            Stainless Steel        Plate       1
                                                                                    o20     3
                                                                                           20       0.5   Yes   2500°       0 km

23   IMU; Invensense MPU9250        1       Ceramic, X7R           Box         1     3      3        1    No      —        Demise
     Intersatellite Radio; HopeRF                 ;                                                                            :
24            RFM6OHCW              1       Ceramic, FR4           Box         1     16     16      1.8   No      —        Demise

       Mounting Hardware (4                    .      .         Cylindrical
25   ThreadediRods/12 Spacers,      1      iorng.
                                                                   Rod,g      20     2          p    C    Yes   2500°       0 km
               12 Nuts)                                           Toroid
26    Separating Switch Mounts      4         Aluminum             Plate       4    12.3    20      20    No      —        Demise
      Mounting Hardware (Nuts                  .                 Toroid,                                               o       .
27         and Bolts Pairs)         30      Stainless Steel     Cylindrical    2     3      —        7    Yes   2750       Demise
              hy          .                 Copper alloy,        Flexible                                                      .
28       Cabling (Electrical)       1          Insulator          Cable       15     2     300       —    No      —        Demise
               :     L                      Copper alloy,        Flexible                                                      ;
29         Cabling (Co—ax)          1          Insulator          Cable       15     3     400       —    No      —        Demise


     Appendix I: ELaNa—23 Component List by CubeSat: Virginia CC — Libertas

         Libertas UVA 1U CubeSat      1              —            Box             —    106.75   105.66   1186    No     —      Demise
           Pumpkin CubeSat Kit                  .
2        Structure (Side Walls and    1    Al"““’}’g; 5052—       Box            104    100      100     113.5   No     —      Demise
           Pumpkin CubeSat Kit             Aluminum 5052—       Square                                                             .
3          Stracture (Top Plate)      1             32            ce             45     100      100     11.58   No     —      Demise
           Pumpkin CubeSat Kit             Aluminum 5052—        Square                                                            .
4         Structure (Bottom Plate)    1         H32     ——|    _— Plate —        58     160      100     38.3    No     ~      Demise
           Pumpkin CubeSat Kit                                   Square                                                            a
5           (CHEiMothsiboard          1             FR4           K#             88     96       90       1.6    No     —      Demise
6            Clyde Space EPS          1             FR4         Sgl‘;i‘;e        86    95.89    90.17    23.24   No     —      Demise
         Pumpkin CSK Pluggable                                Rectangula                                                           ;
7           Processing Moouie         1             FR4          yora            11     54.6     534      1.6    No     —      Demise
        Clyde Space 20 WHr Battery           Lithium Ion         Square                                                 _          .
8        Pack (integrated with EPS)   1     Polymer, FR4          Plate          246   95.89    9017     214     No            Demise
9         Clyde Space Solar Panels    3         FR4           R"'rci,a]’;tg;“a   46      83      97       1.6    No     —      Demise
          Clyde Space Solar Panel                             Rectangula                                                           :
10              RBF Cutout)           1             FR4          1 Plate         46    81.74     111     3.58    No     —      Demise

11         EnduroSat Solar Panel      1      FR4—Tg170        Rcf“g’;i“la        48      98       98      3.1    No      —     Demise
12       Skyfox Labs piNAV GPS        1    FR4, Metal Alloy   Ref‘g‘(‘)fi“"’      47      84       35      12     No      «     Demise
         Skyfox Labs PiPatch GPS             FR4, GPS L1         Square                                                            :
13                Antenna             1             $s            Pige           50      98       98      5.5    No      —     Demise
          EnduroSat UHF Antenna            Hard Anodized         Square                                                            .
14               Assembly             1    Aluminum, FR4          Plate          85      98       98      56     No      ~     Demise
15              Radio Board           1             FR4          Slfl;it‘?        24      96       90      1.6    No      —     Demise
16          GPS and IMU Board         1             FR4          Sg;‘;‘f         25      96       90      1.6    No      —     Demise
17        Astro Dev Lithium Radio     1    FR4, Aluminum      Ref‘g‘;fi“‘a        30      62       32     11.12   No      —     Demise
18          Magnets for PMAC          20       Al Ni Co       Cylindrical         1    3.175             4.953   Yes   2651°   Demise

19          Separation Switches       3    nonmeneilhnn
                                            eryllium Copper r Box
                                                                                  3     123       20     3.38    Yes   2349°    0 km


       Separation/deployment                                   Spring                                                      .
20   Springs (in CSK cover plate)   1     ASTM A228             Coil       1     3            10    No     ~            Demise
     Mounting Hardware (Solar               .                                                                       o       .
21     Panel Retaining Clips)       8    Stainless Steel     Bent Plate    1     20     20    0.5   Yes   2500          Demise

22   Invensense MPU9250 IMU         1    Ceramic X7R            Box        1     3      3     +1    No      —           Demise

23      nepeh"    REMESTEY
          Intersatellite radio
                                    1     Cermaic/FR4           Box        1     16     16    1.8   No      —           Demise
24    Separation Switch Mounts      4       Aluminum         Bent Plate    4    12.3    20    20    No      —           Demise

25   Magnet Mounting Hardware       4       Aluminum         Cylindrical   4    4.175    ~    25    No      —           Demise
      Mounting Hardware (Nuts               .                  Toroid,                                      _               .
26        and Bolts Pairs)          45   Stainless Steel     Cylindrical   2      3      —     7    Yes                 Demise

        Mounting Hardware (4             Stainless   Steel   Cylindrical
27   Threaded Rods,12 Spacers,      1       ainiess »icel,      Rod,       20     ~      —     =    Yes   2500°         Demise
                    \                       Aluminum               R
             12 Nuts)                                          Toroid
28       Cabling(Electrical)        1     Copper  alloy,
                                                                           15     2     600    —    No      —           Demise
            :                             Copper alloy,       Flexible                                      _                  .
29     Cabling (RG178 Coax)         1        Insulator         Cable       15     3     400    —    No          —       Demise


Appendix J: ELaNa—21 TechEdSat—8 ODAR


                             TechEdSat—7                       T7MP—06         «* *
        3    Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)         XS001 Rev 2        .      z

            Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)
                      End of Mission Plan(EOMP)

In accordance with NPR 8715.6A, this report is presented as compliance with the required
               reporting format per NASA—STD—8719.14, APPENDIX A.

                        Report Version: 2 (11/09/2017)

            DAS Software Used in This Analysis: DAS v2.1.1

                                      Page 1 of 31

          |         |       _      Tech
         a     Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)
                                                                  TIMP—06—         C    *
                                                                XSO01 Rev 2       M

                    VERSION APPROVAL and/or FINAL APPROVAL*:

Michael J. Wright                                  Marcus S. Murbach
ESM Program Manager                                TechEdSat 7 Project Manager
NASA Ames Research Center                          NASA Ames Research Center

Richard Morrison                                  Michel Liu
Safety and Mission Assurance Office               Director of Safety and Mission Assurance
NASA Ames Research Center                         NASA Ames Research Center

Prepared By:

Meredith Campbell                                  Ali Guarneros Luna
TechEdSat ME                                       TechEdSat S&MA
NASA Ames Research Center                          NASA Ames Research Center

                                        Page 2 of 31

                       TechEdSat—7                                            ¥‘ c‘
         .         .                                      T7ZMP—06—                  %
      Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)            Xe001 Rey 7            &n

                             Record of Revisions

Rev      Date             *ricug‘
                                         Description or Chance        |
                                                                             Author (s)
 0    10/24/2017             All      Initial Draft                       Meredith Campbell

 1    10/27/2017             All     New mass an launch date              Meredith Campbell

                                      Update information on
2      11/9/2017             All     Revision of ODAR Report              Ali Guarneros Luna

                               Page 3 of 31

                             TechEdSat—7                      TIMP—06         4#
              Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)        XS5001 Rev 2    &.\,

                                 Table of Contents
Self—assessment and OSMA assessment of the ODAR using the format in Appendix A.2 of
Assessment Report Format

Mission Description
ODAR Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview
ODAR Section 2: Spacecraft Description
ODAR Section 3: Assessment of Spacecraft DebrisReleased during Normal Operations
ODAR Section 4: Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and Potential for

ODAR Section 5: Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On—Orbit Collisions
ODAR Section 6: Assessment ofSpacecraft Postmission Disposal Plans and Procedures
ODAR Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards
ODAR Section 8: Assessment for Tether Missions
Appendix A: Acronyms
Appendix B: Battery Data Sheet
Appendix C: Wiring Schematics

                                      Page 4 of 31

                                            TechEdSat—7                                                           *#
                                                                                                                       #¥       +
                             Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)                    x:;mpl;:—z                          +

Self—assessment and OSMA assessment of                                        the ODAR using the format in
Appendix A.2 of NASA—STD—8719.14;
A self—assessment is provided below in accordance with the assessment format provided in
Appendix A.2 ofNASA—STD—8719.14. In the final ODAR document, this assessment will
reflect any inputs received from OSMA as well.

       Orbital Debris Self—Assessment Report Evaluation: TechEdSat—7 Mission
                                          1.             .
                                               aunch Vehicle                   Spacecraft                   Comments

                                                                                                   For all incompletes, includerisk
                                                               Poneo  nt"
                                                                Compliant                                     (low, Medium, or
                                                                                                       of non—compliance& Project
                                                                                                            Risk Tracking #

                4.3—1.a                                                                              Debris Released in LEO.
               25 vears                                                                              note 1.

            4.3—1.b                                                                                  Debris Released inLEO.
     <100 object year limit                                                                           note 1.

             4,3—2                                                                                   Debris Released in GEO.
        GEO +/— 200K m                                                                               note 1.
             4.4—1                                                                                      .          .
                                                                                                       is no explosive hazard.
     <0.001 6      sion Risk

                                                                                                          is no explosive hazard.
     Passive I
                                                                                                   o planned breakups.
     Limit           Lerm Risk
 Limit BU Short term Risk                                                                            planned breakups. 1.
            1 10cm           Risk                                                                     note 1.
Postmission                  Risk
                                                                                                      note 1.
            )‘!ven‘ Bnoroy

                   1(b)                                                                               note 1.
                  is Orhit
                     0)                                                                               note 1.
        t        Refricval
                                                                                                      note 1.
            GBO       isal
               4.6—3                                                                                    te 1
                                                                                                      note 1.
            MEO Disposal

      Disposal Reliability                                                                            note 1.

                                                                                                     note 1.
          of DeOrbit
                 Risk                                                                                note 1.
                                                                                                     tethers used.
      I    sR

1.          All of the other portions of the launch stack are non—NASA and TechEdSat—7 is not the lead.

                                                               Page 5 of 31

                                         TechEdSat—7                               r7Mp.—06              24 0t          C
               _        Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR                           QDl                     *
               #                                          port     (         )    XSO01 Rev 2

                     Pre—Launch EOMP Evaluation: TechEdSat Mission

                                                     Spacecraft                                     EOMP

           Regm‘t #                                                                             Comments

                                Compliant        N/A              Not Compliané    N/A

            en                     K             O                     0           O
     <100 object year limit        3             D                     D           D
       GEO +/200Km                g              D                     D           D
      0.00L Exslosion Risk                       D                     D           D
                                                                                          Passive RF systems. No
             4.4—2                                                                        planned breakups. Very low
     P anairtaalal                M              C                     [)]         D      probability ofbreakup or
      sepiMe SHCLRY SPLitee                                                               debris generation due to

     Bd bonsflls
                uis                              O                     O           C      No pianned breakups.

Limit BW Shom terin Risk          g              D                     D           D
 ©0.001 IGoin Imnact Risk         g              D                     D           D
Postmission Disaosal R) «k        IX             D                     D           D
      Atmosphere Inergy           E              D                     D           D
           4.6—1(b)                                                                       N/A. No ability to maneuver
        Storage Orbit             m              D                     D           D      to higher orbit.
           4.6—1                                                                                           .
       ies %(,2&‘“1               IZ             D                     D           D      N/A. Atmospheric re—entry.

        op ?;gi?;w f              [Fe)           C                     O           DJ     NA NotingEo
            4.6—3                                                                         N/A. Orbit not between
        MFEO Disposal                            D                     D           D      LEO and GEO.
                                                                                          No operation is required to
             4.6—4                                                                                           >
—     Disposal Retiability                       D                     D           D      :fi;(;ute atmospheric re—

     Summary of DeQrbit           E              D                     D           D
    Ground Population Risk        g              D                     D           D
         Tethers Risk             g              D                     D           D

                                                 Page 6 of 31

                              TechEdSat—7                            TIMP—06           + *
           _   Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)              XS001 Rev 2        M


Assessment Report Format:
ODAR Technical Sections Format Requirements:
This ODAR follows the format in NASA—STD—8719.14, Appendix A.1 and includes the content
indicated at a minimum in each section 2 through 8 below for the TechEdSat—7 satellite. Sections
9 through 14 apply to the launch vehicle ODAR and are not covered here.

ODAR Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview
Mission Directorate: ARC Code R Office
Engineer Director: David Korsmeyer, ARC
Mission Design Division, Division Chief: Charles Richey, ARC
Project Manager/Senior Scientist: Marcus Murbach

Schedule of mission design and development milestones from NASA mission selection
through proposed launch date, including spacecraft PDR and CDR (or equivalent) dates*:

               Mission Selection:                           August 2017
               Mission Preliminary Design Review:           August 2017
               Mission Critical Design Review:              January 2018
               Launch:                                      April 2018
               Begin Operation:                             April 2018

Mission Overview:
The Technical Education Satellite 7 (TechEdSat—7) satellite will be integrated onto Virgin
Orbit‘s LauncherOne. TechEdSat—7 will test and validate two different technologies in Low
Earth Orbit (LEO): demonstration of the Exo—Brake and demonstration ofthe viability of the
Iridium 9602 communication module.
The satellite will be inserted into orbit at an apogee of approximately 500 km, perigee of 500 km,
with an inclination of 90 degrees. Transmission of data will begin 1 minute after deployment
from the launch vehicle. The Exo—Brake will deorbit the satellite approximately 26 weeks after
deployment concluding the mission.
TechEdSat—7 will fly on the Virgin Orbit CRS—13 mission, and will utilize the Xtenti FANTM
RAiL separation system. There are no propellants.
Launch vehicle and launch site: Virgin Orbit LauncherOne, Mojave Air & Space Port (MHV)
with air launch over the Pacific Ocean
Proposed launch date: April, 2018

                                           Page 7 of 31

                                  TechEdSat-7                        TIMP—06           +4 *
                   a          f
               Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR);             XS001 Rev 2
                                                                            _   ~

Mission duration: 26 weeks

Launch and deployment profile, including all parking, transfer, and operational orbits
with apogee, perigee, and inclination:
TechEdSat—7 will be launched on a Virgin Orbit LauncherOne launch vehicle using the Xtenti
FANTM RAiL separation system.

The TechEdSat—7 orbit is defined as follows:
       Apogee: 500 km
       Perigee: 500 km
       Inclination: 90 degrees.

TechEdSat—7 has no propulsion and therefore does not actively change orbits. TechEdSat—7 will
deploy the Exo—Brake, slow down, lose altitude, and then disintegrate upon atmospheric re—entry
approximately 26 weeks after deployment. If the Exo—Brake fails to deploy the satellite will re—
enter in 256 weeks.

Interaction or potential physical interference with other operational Spacecraft:
The main risks of this satellite are the Canon BP—930 battery used by the spacecraft (flown in and
certified by the ISS program) and the possibility of the TechEdSat—7 impacting another
deployment. Since the TechEdSat—7 is a 3.5U CubeSat being launched from the system, and
NanoRacks has shown that the likelihood of any CubeSat impacting the ISS is very minimal
(validated by the ISS Program Office).

                                           Page 8 of 31

                                TechEdSat—7                       17Mp—06           ¥
         fi    Orbital Debris Assessment Report {(ODAR)           5001 Rew 2             fi   z

ODAR Section 2: Spacecraft Description
Physical description of the spacecraft:
TechEdSat—7 is a 2U nanosatellite with dimensions of 10 cm x 10 cm x 21.7 cm and a total mass
approximately equal to 2.5 kg. TechEdSat—7‘s payload carries a deployable Exo—Brake as a
technology demonstration. The deployed Exo—Brake has a cross—sectional area of 1.25 m*2.
TechEdSat—7 will contain the following systems: one power board, one CUBIT RFID tag, one
Crayfish board, one Iridium 9602 modem, one OEM 615 GPS, two Canon BP—930 batteries, two
patch antennas, and one helical antenna.

   e   The Iridium 9602 modem will have one patch antenna.
   e   The OEM615 GPS shares a dual patch antenna with the Iridium 9602 modem.
   e   The power board will control the deployment ofthe Exo—Brake.

                         Figure 1: TechEdSat—7 Fully Deployed View

                                           Page 9 of 31

                                 TechEdSat—7                        T7MP—06         + * 9
               Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)             XS001 Rev 2      fii

Total satellite mass at launch, including all propellants and fluids: 2.5 kg
Dry mass of satellite at launch, excluding solid rocket motor propellants: 2.5 kg
Description of all propulsion systems (cold gas, mono—propellant, bi—propellant, electric,
nuclear):                                >
There will be no propulsion systems on TechEdSat—7.
Identification, including mass and pressure, of all fluids (liquids and gases) planned to be
on board and a description of the fluid loading plan or strategies, excluding fluids in sealed
heat pipes.                                         '
Not applicable, there will be no fluids or gasses on board.
Fluids in Pressurized Batteries:
None. TechEdSat—7 uses unpressurized standard COTS Lithium TIon battery cells.
Description of attitude control system and indication of the normal attitude of the
spacecraft with respect to the velocity vector:
TechEdSat—7 does not have any attitude control system, but it does include an IMU to determine
the orientation of the satellite (any attitude control comes from the aerodynamics of the Exo—
Description of any range safety or other pyrotechnic devices:
None. The TechEdSat—7 satellite will be launched powered off and a Remove—Before—Flight
(RBF) pin is used to prevent accidental activation.
Description of the electrical generation and storage system:
The power will be generated by solar panels and stored in two Lithium Ion batteries. The
batteries that will be used are Canon BP—930 (supplied by the ISS Program Office). See attached
data sheet (Appendix B). This battery is approved by the ISS for flight. The dimensions of the
battery are 4 x 7 x 3.8 cm and the weight is 0.18 kg.
Identification of any other sources of stored energy not noted above:
Identification of any radioactive materials on board:

                                             Page 10 of 31

                                TechEdSat—7                       T7MP—06          * *      >
              Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)            XS001 Rev 2      M

ODAR Section 3: Assessment of Spacecraft Debris Released durin
Normal Operations
Identification of any object (>1 mm) expected to be released from the spacecraft any time
after launch, including object dimensions, mass, and material:
None. There are no intentional releases.
Rationale/necessity for release of each object:
Time of release of each object, relative to launch time:
Release velocity of each object with respect to spacecraft:
Expected orbital parameters (apogee, perigee, and inclination) of each object after release:
Calculated orbital lifetime of each object, including time spent in Low Earth Orbit (LEO):

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.3—1 and 4.3—2 (per DAS v2.1)
4.3—1, Mission Related Debris Passing Through LEO:
COMPLIANT. No debris released >1mm, while passing through LEO.
4.3—2, Mission Related Debris Passing Near GEO:
COMPLIANT. No debris released will transverse GEO.

                                           Page 11 of 31

                                 TechEdSat—7                                              . +
               Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)                  P0o                     +
                                                                       XS0O01 Rev 2

ODAR Section 4: Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups                            an
Potential for Explosions.
Potential causes of spacecraft breakup during deployment and mission operations:
There is no credible scenario that would result in spacecraft breakup during normal deployment
and operations.
Summary of failure modes and effects analyses of all credible failure modes, which may
lead to an accidental explosion:
In—mission failure of a battery cell protection circuit could lead to a short circuit resulting in
overheating and a very remote possibility of battery cell explosion. The battery safety systems
discussed in the FMEA (see requirement 4.4—1 below) describe the combined faults that must
occur for any of nine (9) independent, mutually exclusive failure modes that could lead to a
battery explosion.                                                   '
Detailed plan for any designed spacecraft breakup, including explosions and intentional
There are no planned breakups other than during atmospheric entry for disposal.

List of components which shall be passivated at End of Mission (EOM) including method
of passivation and amount which cannot be passivated:

Rationale for all items which are required to be passivated, but cannot be due to their
TechEdSat—7 will be in orbit for 26 weeks with successful deployment of the Exo—Brake based
on the DAS analysis shown in this report. Ifthe Exo—Brake fails to deploy, TechEdSat—7 will be
in orbit for 256 weeks based on the DAS analysis shown in this.report. Therefore, no post—
mission passivation will be performed, as the satellite will burn up on re—entry at the end of the

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.4—1 through 4.4—4:
Requirement 4.4—1: Limiting the risk to other space systems from accidental explosions
during deployment and mission operations while in orbit about Earth or the Moon, or Mars, or in
the vicinity of Sun—Earth or Earth—Moon Lagrange Points:

For each spacecraft and launch vehicle orbital stage employed for a mission, the program or
project shall demonstrate, via failure mode and effects analyses or equivalent analyses, that the
integrated probability of explosion for all credible failure modes of each spacecraft and launch
vehicle does not exceed 0.001 (excluding small particle impacts) (Requirement 56449).°

                                           Page 12 of 31

                              TechEdSat—7                           T7MP—06            4 *     *
            Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)                XS001 Rev 2       M

Compliance statement:

Required Probability: 0.001.
Expected Probability: 0.000.

Supporting Rationale and FMEA details:
Payload Pressure Vessel Failure:
TechEdSat—7 is vented per ISS safety standards. It is not a sealed container.

Battery explosion:
Effect: All failure modes below might result in battery explosion with the possibility of
orbital debris generation. However, in the unlikely event that a battery cell does explosively
rupture, the small size, mass, and potential energy, of these small batteries is such that while
the spacecraft could be expected to vent gases, most debris from the battery rupture should be
contained within the vessel due to the lack of penetration energy. Note also that this same
battery combination has been tested extensively, and now flown several times with no noted
Probability: Very Low. It is believed to be less than 0.1% given that multiple independent
(not common mode) faults must occur for each failure mode to cause the ultimate effect

Failure mode 1: Battery Internal short circuit.
Mitigation 1: Complete proto—qualification and environmental acceptance tests of the Canon
BP—930 battery by JSC ISS program. The acceptance tests are shock, vibration, thermal
cycling, and vacuum tests followed by maximum system rate—limited charge and discharge to
prove that no internal short circuit sensitivity exists.
Combinedfaults requiredfor realizedfailure: Environmental testing AND functional
charge/discharge tests must both be ineffective in discovery of the failure mode.

Failure Mode 2: Internal thermal rise due to high load discharge rate.
Mitigation 2: Each cell includes a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) variable resistance
device that ensures high rate discharge is limited to acceptable levels if thermal rise occurs in
the battery.
Combinedfaults requiredfor realizedfailure: The PTC must fail AND spacecraft thermal
design must be incorrect AND external over current detection and protection must fail for
this failure mode to occur.

Failure Mode 3: Overcharging and excessive charge rate.

                                         Page 13 of 31

                               TechEdSat—7                           r7mp.06            5 *       *
           Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

                                                                   XS001 Rev 2
                                                                           C   ~
                                                                                      M       *

Mitigation 3: The satellite bus battery charging circuit design eliminates the possibility of the
batteries being overcharged if circuits function nominally. This circuit has been proto—
qualification tested for survival in shock, vibration, and thermal—vacuum environments. The
charge circuit disconnects the incoming current when battery voltage indicates normal full
charge at 8.4 V. If this circuit fails to operate, continuing charge can cause gas generation.
The batteries include overpressure release vents that allow gas to escape, virtually
eliminating any explosion hazard.
Combinedfaults requiredfor realizedfailure:
  1) For overcharging: The charge control circuit must fail to function AND the PTC
     device must fail (or temperatures generated must be insufficient to cause the PTC
     device to modulate) AND the overpressure relief device must be inadequate to vent
     generated gasses at acceptable rates to avoid explosion.              ~
  2) For excessive charge rate: The maximum charging rate from a single solar panel
     when in AM 1.5 G conditions (on Earth, perpendicular to the sun) is 200 mA. The
      maximum charge rate our battery can accept is 3 A. The battery is a proto—qualified
      Canon BP—930 from the JSC ISS program, and has four US18650S cells. The battery
      itself has two parallel strings of 2 cells connected in series, and thus having 4 cells.
      Due to solar panel current limits and their direction—facing arrangement on the satellite,
      there is no physical means of exceeding charging rate limits, even if only a single
      string from the battery was accepting charge. For this failure mode to become active
      one string must fail to accept a charge AND the charge control circuit on the remaining
      string fails. The overpressure relief vent keeps the battery cells from rupturing, and is
      thus limited to worst—case effects of overcharging.

Failure Mode 4: Excessive discharge rate or short circuit due to external device failure or
terminal contact with conductors not at battery voltage levels (due to abrasion or inadequate
proximity separation).
Mitigation 4: This failure mode is negated by a) proto—qualification tested short circuit
protection on each external circuit, b) design of battery packs and insulators such that no
contact with nearby board traces is possible without being caused by some other mechanical
failure, c) obviation of such other mechanical failures by proto—qualification and acceptance
environmental tests (shock, vibration, thermal cycling, and thermal—vacuum tests).
Combinedfaults requiredfor realizedfailure: The PTC must fail AND an external load must
fail/short—circuit AND external over—current detection and disconnect function must fail to
enable this failure mode.

Failure Mode 5: Inoperable vents.
Mitigation 5: Battery vents are not inhibited by the battery holder design or the spacecraft.
Combined effects requiredfor realizedfailure: The manufacturer fails to install proper
venting and ISS environmental stress screening fails to detect failed vents.

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                             TechEdSat—7                      ‘     T7MP—06            + +     *
           Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)                 XS5001 Rev 2      M

Failure Mode 6: Crushing.
Mitigation 6: This mode is negated by spacecraft design. There are no moving parts in the
proximity of the batteries.
Combinedfaults requiredfor realizedfailure: A catastrophic failure must occur in an
external system AND the failure must cause a collision sufficient to crush the batteries
leading to an internal short circuit AND the satellite must be in a naturally sustained orbit at
the time the crushing occurs.

Failure Mode 7: Low level current leakage or short—circuit through battery pack case or due
to moisture—based degradation of insulators.
Mitigation 7: These modes are negated by a) battery holder/case design made of non—
conductive plastic, and b) operation in vacuum such that no moisture can affect insulators.
Combinedfaults requiredfor realizedfailure: Abrasion or piercing failure of circuit board
coating or wire insulators AND dislocation of battery packs AND failure of battery terminal
insulators AND failure to detect such failures in environmental tests must occur to result in
this failure mode.

Failure Mode 8: Excess temperatures due to orbital environment and high discharge
Mitigation 8: The spacecraft thermal design will negate this:possibility. Thermal rise has
been analyzed in combination with space environment temperatures showing that batteries do
not exceed normal allowable operating temperatures, which are well below temperatures of
concern for explosions.
Combinedfaults requiredfor realizedfailure: Thermal analysis AND thermal design AND
mission simulations in thermal—vacuum chamber testing AND the PTC device must fail AND
over—current monitoring and control must all fail for this failure mode to occur.

Failure Mode 9: Polarity reversal due to over—discharge caused by continuous load during
periods of negative power generation vs. consumption.
Mitigation 9: In nominal operations, the spacecraft EPS design negates this mode because
the processor will stop when voltage drops too low, below 7 V. This disables ALL connected
loads, creating a guaranteed power—positive charging scenario. The spacecraft will not restart
or connect any loads until battery voltage is above the acceptable threshold. At this point,
only the safe mode processor is enabled and charging the battery commences. Once the
battery reaches 90% of the peak voltage (around 7.5 V), it will switch to nominal mode and
will be able to receive ground commands for continuing mission functions.
Combinedfaults requiredfor realizedfailure: The microcontroller must stop executing code
AND significant loads must be commanded/stuck "on" AND power margin analysis must be
wrong AND the charge control circuit must fail for this failure mode to occur.

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                             TechEdsat—7                           e
      jfl   Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR) |              yegoy rey 3       M

Failure Mode 10: Excess battery temperatures due to post mission orbital environment and
constant solar panel overcharge while satellite is powered off.

Mitigation 10: Selection of the ISS—approved Canon BP—930 battery packs (GSE
from the NASA/Johnson Space Center). These battery packs have battery
protection circuits, which prevent over—charge and over—heating. They are
lot—tested and supplied as GSE (Government Furnished Equipment) from the
NASA/Johnson Space Center. In terms of the orbit environment, the
previous TechEdSat—1, TechEdSat—3, and TechEdSat—4, TechEdSat—5 (using the same
packaging and battery
pack) showed no signs of overeating from environmental heating.

Requirement 4.4—2: Design for passivation after completion of mission operations while in
orbit about Earth or the Moon:

Design of all spacecraft and launch vehicle orbital stages shall include the ability to deplete
all onboard sources of stored energy and disconnect all energy generation sources when they
are no longer required for mission operations or post mission disposal or control to a level
which cannot cause an explosion or deflagration large enough to release orbital debris or
break up the spacecraft. The design of depletion burns and ventings should minimize the
probability of accidental collision with tracked objects in space (Requirement 56450).

Compliance statement:
TechEdSat—7 will be in orbit for 24 weeks with successful deployment of the Exo—Brake. If
the Exo—Brake fails to deploy, TechEdSat—7 will be in orbit for approximately 253 weeks
based on the DAS analysis shown in this report. Therefore, no post—mission passivation will
be performed, as the satellite will burn up on re—entry at the ‘end ofthe mission. Therefore,
the TechEdSat—7 battery will meet the above requirement.

Requirement 4.4—3. Limiting the long—term risk to other space systems from planned
breakups for Earth, lunar, Mars, Sun—Earth Lagrange Point, and Earth—Moon Lagrange Point
Planned explosions or intentional collisions shall:

a. For LEO—crossing missions, be conducted at an altitude such that for orbital debris
   fragments larger than 10 cm the object—time product does not exceed 100 object—years.
   For example, if the debris fragments greater than 10cm decay in the maximum allowed 1
   year, a maximum of 100 such fragments can be generated by the breakup.
b. Not generate debris larger than 1 mm that remains in Earth, lunar, or Mars orbits or in the
   vicinity of Sun—Earth or Earth—Moon Lagrange points longer than one year

Compliance statement:
This requirement is not applicable. There are no planned breakups.

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                                TechEdSat—7                            TIMP—06            + *       *
               Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)                XS001 Rev 2       M

    Requirement 4.4—4: Limiting the short—term risk to other space systems from planned
    breakups for Earth, lunar, Mars, Sun—Earth Lagrange Point, and Earth—Moon Lagrange Point

    Immediately before a planned explosion or intentional collision, the probability of debris,
    orbital or ballistic, larger than 1 mm colliding with any operating spacecraft within 24 hours
    of the breakup shall be verified to not exceed 10—6.

   Compliance statement:
   This requirement is not applicable. There are no planned breakups.

ODAR Section 5: Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On—Orbit
Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.5—1 and 4.5—2 (per DAS v2.1, and
calculation methods provided in NASA—STD—8719.14, section 4.5.4):
   Requirement 4.5—1. Limiting debris generated by collisions with large objects when
   in Earth orbit: For each spacecraft and launch vehicle orbital stage in or passing through
   LEO, the program or project shall demonstrate that, during the orbital lifetime of each
   spacecraft and orbital stage, the probabilityof accidental collision with space objects larger
   than 10 cm in diameter does not exceed—0.001. For spacecraft and orbital stages near GEO,
   the time—integrated probability —when they are in the GEO protection zone —of accidental
   collision with space objects larger than 10 cm in diameter shall not exceed 0.001
   (Requirement 56506).

   Large Object Impact and Debris Generation Probability: 0.000000; COMPLIANT.
   Requirement 4.5—2. Limiting debris generated by collisions with small objects when
   operating in Earth: For each spacecraft, the program or project shall demonstrate that,
   during the mission of the spacecraft, the probability of accidental collision with orbital debris
   and meteoroids sufficient to prevent compliance with the applicable post mission disposal
   requirements does not exceed 0.01 (Requirement 56507).

   Small Object Impact and Debris Generation Probability: 0.000000; COMPLIANT

ODAR Section 6: Assessment of Spacecraft Postmission Disposal Plans
and Procedures
6.1 Description of spacecraft disposal option selected: Two cases will be considered for this
    section. The first case is called "Nominal Deployment" in which the Exo—Brake successfully

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                                TechEdSat—7                           T7MP—06           4 *       *
              Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)                XS001 Rev 2       M

   deploys and de—orbits the satellite. The second case is called "No Deployment" in which the
   Exo—Brake fails to deploy and the satellite de—orbits naturally due to atmospheric friction.

   Case 1: Nominal Deployment The satellite will de—orbit due to the deployed Exo—Brake.
   There is no propulsion system and burn at re—entry.

    Case 2: Failed Deployment The satellite will de—orbit naturally by atmospheric re—entry.
   There is no propulsion system and burn at re—entry.

6.2 Plan for any spacecraft maneuvers required to accomplish post mission disposal: None.

6.3 Calculation of area—to—mass ratio after post mission disposal, if the controlled reentry
    option is not selected:
   Case 1: Nominal Deployment
   Spacecraft Mass: 2.5 kg
   Cross—sectional Area: 1.25 m~2
   Area to mass ratio: 1.25/2.5 = 0.5 m~2/kg

   Case 2: Failed Deployment
   Spacecraft Mass: 2.5 kg
   Cross—sectional Area: 0.0217 m*~2
   Area to mass ratio: 0.0217/2.5 = 0.00868 m*A2/kg

6.4 Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.6—1 through 4.6—4 (per DAS v
   2.1 and NASA—STD—8719.14 section):
   Requirement 4.6—1. Disposalfor space structures passing through LEO:® A spacecraft or
   orbital stage with a perigee altitude below 2000 km shall be disposed of by one of three
   methods: (Requirement 56557)
       a. Atmospheric reentry option:
           e Leave the space structure in an orbit in which natural forces will lead to
               atmospheric reentry within 25 yearsafter the completion of mission but no more
              than 35 years after launch; or
          e   Maneuver the space structure into a controlled de—orbit trajectory as soon as
              practical after completion ofmission.             8
      b. Storage orbit option: Maneuver the space structure into an orbit with perigee altitude
         greater than 2000 km and ensure its apogee will be bellow GEO altitude — 200 km for
         100 years.
      c. Direct retrieval: Retrieve the space structure and remove it from orbit within 10 years
         after completion of mission.                                                            '

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                                                            TechEdSat—7                                                              TIMP—06                    4
                   Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)                                                                          XS001 Rev 2               fl!,\

 Case 1: Nominal Deployment
* TechEdSat—7 satellite reentry is COMPLIANT using Method "a." TechEdSat—7 will re—enter
  in 0.504 years (approximately 26 weeks) after launch with orbit history shown in Figure 2.
 Case 2: Failed Deployment
 TechEdSat—7 satellite reentry is COMPLIANT using Method "a." TechEdSat—7 will re—enter
 in 4.928 years (approximately 256 weeks) after launch with orbit history as shown in Figure

  Altitude 1                     >          §z     m«                       >                         —               z                                                           5
     (:".3 r Wogee:’l—"engee Altitude History for a t:’:'uven (}@]                                                                                  B01 Apoges Alf= 500.00 km
                                                                                                                                                    Ko2 Perigee Alt = 500.00 km
    BM3§ |z5cemmmramtnaames

    4§2,g—] 0 0000——2 a% f.—.....                                                    e                se
                                 *                                                         sc S                   >

    192 g.|        [Stort Yyear = 201830 vr                                                               SRAAA                     lc
    424.           Inclination = 90.00 deg                                                                            \‘\B‘ CC
                   R&AAN= 0.00 deg .                                                                                           ‘\
     4 .           |arg Peri= 0.00 deg                                                                                    ol    ®
    351—7~)        |mean Anomaly = 0.00 deg                           ud                     TPTtn                    td
                   Area—To—Mass = 0.500 m"Z2ikg

    301.§¢} «sns se                                                                              i

    2512       —         x   4       .                  —                       I       o        ko       ow ..

    BM MJ — «+s                                                                                                                      kess ssess

    180.Johss es                         e kess             ho    nc n es            enaseeesh sns sn c cesRyraks es                  |seass>

    100.5                                 sns               ds en a en es              mes+>}

      0.0—                   §                      j                       f                f                        f                         >
       2018.3           2018.4                    2018.5             2018.6               2018.6                  2018.7                Year —

               Figure 2: TechEdSat—7 Orbit History for Case 1: Nominal Deployment

                                                                                    Page 19 of 31

                                            TechEdSat—7                                                          PMb Gs                / *          C
                         i Debris
                     Orbital   ri Assessment Report
                                               eport ((ODAR)                                                      o2
                                                                                                            ySOD! Rev                    > *

Alt’it:fle | [Apogee/Perigee Altitude History for a Given Orbit]                                                      N01 Apoges Alt= 500.00 km
   (km)                                                 i                                                             WO2 Perigee Alt = 500.00 km
  §00.0         }—                                          cce
  450.0—h—~>=~~——~~<jr s« us wa «n ate s m N4   . » TaadAo                     “~\      ...............

              Start Year.= 2018.30 yr                                                   x
              Inclination = 90.00 deg                                                       N
  400:0—}— — |RAAN = 0.00 deg                   i
              Arg Peri= 9.00 deg                                                                '-"s
              Mean Anomaly = 0.00 deg                                                              \
 350.0        Area—To—Mass = 0.009 m"Zikg ——~

 300.0—}—                                                    s            oo   ofamepmoen |                222

 250.0                                                                              .                  |


 100.0—| — > ~—


    0.0—                f            X              :                           ;                                 F
     2018.3          2019.1      2019.9         2020.8           2021.6     2022.4                           Yeal

                     Figure 3: TechEdSat—7 Orbit History for Case 2: Failed Deployment

 Requirement 4.6—2. Disposalfor space structures near GEO.A spacecraft or orbital stage in
 an orbit near GEO shall be maneuvered at EOM to a disposal orbit above GEO with a
 predicted minimum perigee of GEO +200 km (35,986 km) or below GEO with a predicted
 maximum apogee of GEO —200 km (35,586 km) for a period of at least 100 years after
 Analysis: Not applicable. TechEdSat—7 orbit is in LEO.

 Requirement 4.6—3. Disposalfor space structures between LEO and GEO.
 a. A spacecraft or orbital stage shall be left in an orbit with a perigee greater than 2000 km
    above the Earth‘s surface and apogee below GEO altitude —200 km for 100 years.
 b. A spacecraft or orbital stage shall not use nearly circular disposal orbits near regions of
    high value operational space structures, such as the Global Navigation Satellite Systems
    near the semi—synchronous altitudes —

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                                                                                        2 t         C
               Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)                TPME06—                 +
                                                                     XS001 Rev 2

   Analysis: Not applicable. TechEdSat—7 orbit is in LEO.

   Requirement 4.6—4. Reliability ofPost mission Disposal Operations in Earth Orbit: NASA
   space programs and projects shall ensure that all post mission disposal operations to meet
   Requirements 4.6—1, 4.6—2, and/or 4.6—3 are designed for a probability of success as follows:
        a. Be no less than 0.90 at EOM.
        b. For controlled reentry, the probability of success at the time of reentry burn must be
           sufficiently high so as not to cause a violation of Requirement 4.7—1 pertaining to
           limiting the risk of human casualty.

   Case 1: Nominal Deployment
   TechEdSat—7 de—orbiting relies on the Exo—Brake de—orbiting device. Release of the Exo—
   Brake will result in de—orbiting in approximately 26 weeks with no disposal or de—orbiting
   actions required.
   Case 2: Failed Deployment
   TechEdSat—7 de—orbiting does not rely on de—orbiting devices. Release with a downward,
   retrograde vector will result in de—orbiting in approximately 5 years with no disposal or de—
   orbiting actions required.

ODAR Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards
Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirement 4.7—1:
   Requirement 4.7—1. Limit the risk ofhuman casualty: The potential for human casualty is
   assumed for any object with an impacting kinetic energy in excess of 15 joules:
      a. For uncontrolled reentry, the risk of human casualty from surviving debris shall not
         exceed 0.0001 (1:10,000) (Requirement 56626).

   Summary Analysis Results: DAS v2.1 reports that TechEdSat—7 is compliant with the
   requirement. It predicts that no components on board has more than 15 joules of impact
   kinetic energy. The majority of TechEdSat—7 including its components and the Exo—Brake
   will burn up on re—entry. As seen in the analysis outputs below, the highest impact kinetic
   energies is 0 Joules. Also, there are no titanium components that will be used on TechEdSat—

   10 27 2017;     16:50:56PM              ****k*x***Processing Requirement 4.7—1
        Return Status     :       Passed

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     Q    Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)
                                                    XS001 Rev 2


 Item Number = 1

name = TES7
quantity = 1
parent = 0
materialID = 8
type = Box
Aero Mass = 2.500000
Thermal Mass = 2.500000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.217000
Height = 0.100000

name = Door Assembly
quantity = 1
parent   = 1
materialID = 8
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 0.083000
Thermal Mass = 0.083000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.100000

name = Ejection Plate Assembly
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 77
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.145000
Thermal Mass = 0.145000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.100000
Height = 0.044000

name = Lower Stack Assembly
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 8
type = Box
Aero Mass = 1.512000
Thermal Mass = 1.140000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.100000
Height = 0.050000

name = Battery
quantity = 2
parent = 4
materialID = 70

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         Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)
                                                   XS001 Rev 2

type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.186000
Thermal Mass = 0.186000
Diameter/Width = 0.040000
Length = 0.075000
Height = 0.040000

name = Upper Stack Assembly
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 58
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.142500
Thermal Mass = 0.031500
Diameter/Width = 0.030000
Length = 0.030000
Height = 0.015000

name = Crayfish
quantity = 1
parent = 6
materialID = 23
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 0.035000
Thermal Mass = 0.035000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.100000

name = Adam 12 Power Board
quantity = 1
parent = 6
materialID = 4
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 0.076000
Thermal Mass = 0.076000
Diameter/Width = 0.300000
Length = 0.400000

name = Solar Panel
quantity = 4
parent = 1
materialID = 23
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 0.053000
Thermal Mass = 0.053000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.157500

name = Structure
quantity = 1

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                            Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)
                                                                                                                         XS0O01 Rev 2

 parent = 1
 materialID = 8
 type = Box
 Aero Mass = 0.370000
 Thermal Mass = 0.370000
 Diameter/Width = 0.100000
 Length = 0.217000
 Height = 0.100000

name = ExoBrake
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 44
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 0.135500
Thermal Mass = 0.135500
Diameter/Width = 1.250000
Length = 1.250000


Item Number = 1

name = TES7
Demise Altitudée = 77.995979
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

t o ohe ohe ol se whe se ol nle ol se e ol t se ohe ie the whe ol o whe ol n ole e nhe whe le sle ole nhe e o se oke

name = Door Assembly
Demise Altitude = 76.112137
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

e mhe ohe ce ode e se ohe ce se ohe ue ce ohe ohe nhe ol ohe ue o ce ohe e ohe ce e ohe o tie ce ode e e ohe oke e t

name = Ejection Plate Assembly
Demise Altitude = 77.550102
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

te se ohe e ohe ol se e se oke ue ce ce ohe ol se nle ohe e se ohe t ole se se nhe se ce ce e e ce ohe o t o oke

name = Lower Stack Assembly
Demise Altitude = 65.798409
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000600

se se ve e h oe uk o oke whe ole ce ohe ce ce ohe whe e se ohe ohe o ohe o ole ohe se ode ohe ce c ohe ohe ol e se oke

name = Battery
Demise Altitude = 64.908737
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

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                             Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)                                                              TZMP—06—
                                                                                                                                 XS001 Rev 2

 we se nhe se ie e whe se w ohe e se ohe ote ce whe ol ohe ole e se ohe ol e se nle se e ce wle ol ohe ob ie o ole ie

 name = Upper Stack Assembly
 Demise Altitude = 73.529701
 Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
 Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

 t we ohe se se e w ohe ohe ole ohe se ohe ce t w d ohe ie ce se nde ce se wl ole nde se ob ohe wl ohe ob ie w ob ote

name = Crayfish
 Demise Altitude = 73.024727
 Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
 Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

 te d e e se oke ohe w nhe ohe ce e nhe ole ce w whe ce ue ohe e nde ie e ce ohe n se ohe ohe se ohe ue e e se e

name = Adam 12 Power Board
Demise Altitude = 73.255264
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000800
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

te se w ote ce ohe t w she ie se ce whe e ie ohe ohe nle ohe se ie w e e se ohe e ol w ole ohe ole oke se uh e e

name =                  Solar Panel
Demise                  Altitude = 77.472542
Debris                  Casualty Area = 0.0006000
Impact                  Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

S e t uie se se se ohe t e ie se t ole ohe ce t ohe se ie se ue ol nle ohe t h ohe ohe o se ohe ol ie ue h ue

name = Structure
Demise Altitude = 76.177994
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

te ohe e se ohe ue e ohe ole ce e ce se ol ce obe w wle ole ce ce ole ce ohe ohe ohe se ote ue ce ol se ol e whe o e

name =                 ExoBrake
Demise                 Altitude = 77.988823
Debris                 Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact                 Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

t ohe w se se se ohe whe ole se ol ohe wle she ce ole se ode ohe c oke nhe ol ce ole se se ohe ole e ol ote ote ie whe ohe oke

=============== End of Requirement 4.7—1 ====s=s==ses==e====
Requirements 4.7—1b and 4.7—1¢ below are non—applicable requirements because TechEdSat—
7 does not use controlled reentry.

4.7—1, b) NOT APPLICABLE. For controlled reentry, the selected trajectory shall ensure
that no surviving debris impact with a kinetic energy greater than 15 joules is closer than 370
km from foreign landmasses, or is within 50 km from the continental U.S., territories of the
U.S., and the permanent ice pack of Antarctica (Requirement 56627).

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                     |          TechEdSat—7
               Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)                T‘MP—96°                   +
         3                                                           XS001 Rev 2
                                                                                       —             5e


   4.7—1 c) NOT APPLICABLE. For controlled reentries, the product of the probability of
   failure of the reentry burn (from Requirement 4.6—4.b) and the risk of human casualty
   assuming uncontrolled reentry shall not exceed 0.0001 (1:10,000) (Requirement 56628).

ODAR Section 8: Assessment for Tether Missions
Requirement 4.8—1. Mitigate the collision hazards ofspace tethers in protected regions of
space: Intact and remnants of severed tether systems in Earth, lunar, or Mars orbit, in the Sun—
Earth Lagrange Points, or in the Earth—Moon Lagrange Points shall limit the generation of orbital
debris from on—orbit collisions with other operational spacecraft.

Not applicable. There are no tethers in the TechEdSat—7 mission.

ODAR Sections 9—14: Launch Vehicle
Since the TechEdSat—7 launch vehicle is managed by Virgin Orbit the orbital debris assessment
for the launch vehicle will be performed by Virgin Orbit. The following note from NPR
8715.6A, Paragraph P.2.2, is applied, "Note: It is recognized that NASA has no involvement
or control in the design or operation ofFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)—licensed
launches orforeign or Department ofDefense (DoD)—furnished launch services, and,
therefore, these are not subject to the requirements in this NPRfor the launch portion."

                               END of ODAR for TechEdSat—7.

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               Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)
                                                                 XS0O01 Rev 2

Appendix A: Acronyms
AFRL _           |Air Force Research Lab
ARC              |Ames Research Center
|Arg peri        Argument of Perigee
|CDR             Critical Design Review
cm               centimeter
COTS             Commercial Off—The—Shelf (items)
DAS              Debris Assessment Software
EOM              End Of Mission
ESMD             Exploration Systems Mission Directorate
FRR              Flight Readiness Review
GEO              Geosynchronous Earth Orbit
ITAR             International Traffic In Arms Regulations
 m               kilometer
LEO             [Low Earth Orbit
Li—lon           [Lithium Ion
m*~2             Meters squared
ml               milliliter
mm               millimeter
N/A            —« [Not Applicable.
ODAR              Orbital Debris Assessment Report
[TechEdSat—7      Technical Education Satellite—6
ORR               Operations Readiness Review
OSMA              Office of Safety and Mission Assurance
PDR              Preliminary Design Review
PL               Payload
P—POD           |Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployer
PSIa            [Pounds Per Square Inch, absolute
 SRR.           [Pre—Ship Readiness Review
RAAN            Right Ascension of the Ascending Node
SESLO           Space environment survivability of live organisms (payload)
SMA             Safety and Mission Assurance
Ti              Titanium
USAF            United States Air Force
[UTJ             UItra Triple Junction
 L                ear

                                           Page 27 of 31

Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODaR)                                                                       T‘MP—96
                                                                                                            XS001 Rev 2

                         Appendix B: Battery Data Sheet

                                         MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET                                                    Page 1 of 2


  Product Name:               Lithiumfon Battery                    omm          mm omm mm                      on _
  Product Code:               BP—930
  Company Name:              _CanonIna.         c s                                                                             e
  Address;                   _302, Mmmfiho@m—h;flyy 1464;5(& Japan__                                    Emss                    e
  Use ofthe Product:          Battery for Video camera                                                 _

  Phone cumber:

With regard to airtransport, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Packing Instruction 965 Part 1 complies with the
Recommendation as is, further, the International Air Transport Association (LATA) adopts ICAO PackingInstraction 965 Part 1.
In addition, the regulations ofthe US DepartmentofTransportation forland, sea and airtransportation are based on the UN

IMPORT ANTNOTE: The battery pack uses four US 186508 lithium—ion rechargeable cells and control cireuit on the PWB.
                          The cells are connected in 2 parallel strings of2 cells in series.
                          The battery pack should not be opened or burned since the following ingredients contained within the cells
                          could be harmful under some circumstance ifexposed or misused.
                          The cells contain neither metallic lithium nor lithium alloy.
Cathode:                  Lithium—Cobalt Dioxides           {active material)
                          Polyvinyldiene Fluoride           (binder)
                          Graphite                          (conductive material)
Anode:                    Graphite                          (active material)
                          Polyvinyldiene Fluoride           (binder)
Electrolyte:              Organic Solvent                   (non—aqueous liquid)
                          Lithium Salt
Others:                   Heavy metals such as Mercury, Cadmium, Lead, and Chromium are not used in the cells.
Enclosure:                Plastic (PC)

In ease offire, use CO; or dry chemical extinguishers.

  Date of Issue: September 8, 2009                                         Revised Date: —
                                                                                                                      Ver. 2009/6/01

                                                         Page 28 of 31

                       TechEdSat—7                                                                                      17Mp—06
a       Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)                                                                        SOOL Rev 2

                                             MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET                                                             Page 2 of 2


    Under normal condition ofuse, these chemicals are contained in sealed can. Risk ofexposure occurs only ifthe cells are mechanically

        Inhalation:         Contents ofan opened cell can cause respiratory itritation.
                            Remove to fresh air immediately and call a doctor.
        Skin Contact:       Contents ofan opened cell can cause skin irritation.
                            ‘Wash skin with soap and water.

        Eye Contact:        Contents ofan opened cell can causeeyeirtitation.
                            Immediately flush eyes thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.

    Storage:          Store within the rec        ded limit of—20 degrees    C to 45 degrees   C (—4 degrees F to 113 degrees F), well—ventilated area
                      Do not expose to high temperature (60 degrees C/140 degrees F).           Since short circuit can cause burn hazard or safety

                      vent to open, do notstore with metal jewelry, metal covered tables, or metal belt.
    Handling:         Do not disassemble, remodel, or solder. Do not short + and — terminals with a metal, Do not open the battery pack.
    Charging:         Charge within the limits of0 degrees C to 40 degrees     C (32 degrees   F to 104 degrees   F)    temp
                      Chargewith specified charger designed forthis battery pack.
    Discharging:      Discharge within the limits of—10 degrees C to 50 degrees C (14 degrees F to 122 degrees F) temperature.
    Disposa):         Dispose in accordance with applicable federal, state and local regulation.
    Caution:          Attach the cover to the battery pack to prevent short circuits.
                      Do not disassemble. Do not incinerate. Do not expose to temperature above 140 degrecs F.

    Respiratory Protection:                  Not necessary under normal use.

    Ventilation:                             Not necessary under normal use.
    Eye Protection:                          Not necessary under normal use.
    Protective Gloves:                       Not necessary under normal use.

      Date of Issue: September 8, 2009                                             Revised Date: —

                                                                                                                                   Ver. 2009/6/01

                                                                Page 29 of 31

                                 Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)                         TZIMP—06—
                                                                                                XS0O01 Rev 2

                                               Appendix C: Wiring Schematics

                                                           TechEdSat—7 Wiring Diagram

                                                                                Iridium + GPS                        1
                                             Crayfish                          Dual Antenna                     Solar

                                      7@ C
                                                       |                                                       Side 1

                                             Cricker                                        *                   Solar
                                                                                 Power                          Pame
                                                                                                               Side 2

.      e                                                                         Board
| 2X BP—930 |                          Ali                   All        t                                       Solar
     Batteries               |       Switch                 Switch                                             Panel
 _       iufusttsescccucccecdl       Inhibit               Inhibit                                             Side 3

                                       Ali     __——         RBF
                                     Switch                Inhibit                   CUBIT                     IS,Z:E
                                     Inhibit                                            l                        .
                                                                                                               Side 4

     JST SH 2 Pin Connectors are used for                                            Eigfiila
     connections on the Power Board.

     MCX Connections are used for the GPS
     antenna, while MMCX Connections are
     used for the Iridium and U.FL
     Connections are used for the CUBIT.

     Wire—to—wire connections use Molex

                                                                     Page 30 of 31

Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)
                                                     XS001 Rev 2

      Second Cricket and CUBIT Wiring Diagram

              F—é Inhibit Group —


| Coin Cell
 | (CR2032)
                                            -)))‘ Board

                                CUBIT                [
                                            * )))Statlon

                                     Page 31 of 31

Document Created: 2018-06-21 09:19:29
Document Modified: 2018-06-21 09:19:29

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