0315-EX-ST-2016 Text Documents

Ohio University


Product Brief

24GHz Radar Development Kit
Based on Infineon’s RF-Transceiver BGT24MTR12 and Microcontroller XMC4400

This development kit allows a customer to implement and test 24GHz Radar applications as Doppler
                                                                                                      Reference Design Features
movement detectors, FSK or FMCW range/position measurement. It consists of BGT24MTR12 trans-
ceiver MMIC and a XMC4400 32-bit CPU for Signal processing.
                                                                                                      „„ BGT24MTR12 RF frontend chip
The CPU is already preprogrammed with a Sample application what samples up to 4 IF channels           „„ Fixed patch antenna or SMA connector
of the Transceiver chip and sends it via a USB interface to a connected PC. An included PC applica-   „„ Dual analog amplifier stage for each
tion (Windows XP/Vista/7/8) can be used to display acquired data in time- and frequency domain.         Rx channel with a total gain of 55dB
Using Infineon’s DAVE™ development tool own applications can be written and tested (e.g. FMCW         „„ Transparent header with all signals
sweeps and signal processing). So this platform is a good starting point for own applications.           from the BGT24MTR12 for external
                                                                                                         signal processing
The development kit includes 12° x 25° Patch Antennas what can be exchanged by SMA connectors,        „„ 50Ω MCX connector with Q1 signal from
so the user is free to use own antennas.                                                                 the RF frontend
                                                                                                      „„ Jumper to disconnect the XMC4400
                                                                                                         from the BGT24MTR12
                                                                                                      „„ XMC4400 Microcontroller for sampling
                               Transparent    MCU Disconnect     XMC4400                                 and signal processing of the analog
           BGT24MTR12          Connector      & Level Shift      MCU                                     signals onboard
                                                                                                      „„ USB On the Go Host/Device support via
                                                                                                         micro USB connector
                                                                                                      „„ Debug over Cortex 10-pin debug connector
                                                                                                      „„ Reset push button
                                                                                                      „„ 4 Power LEDs
                                                                                      User            „„ 2 User LEDs
                                                                                      Buttons &
                                                                                                      „„ Power Supply via USB or external connector

                                                                                                      Contents of the Kit Includes

                                                                                      USB OTG
                                                                                                      „„ AN380 - Users Manual for the BGT24-RFB2412
                                                                                                      „„ SW GUI Folder to Operate Kit
                                                                                      DC Input        „„ Additional patch antennas
                                                                                      8V ... 36V      „„ Micro USB to USB Cable (3’)

          RF Frontend      Analog       RTC Backup      Power                                         Available through
                           Amplifiers   Battery         Supply
                                                                                                      „„ SW environment for basic motion detec-
Patched antennas are on the backside of the RF Frontend PCB (not shown in the picture).                  tion containing firmware code for motion
                                                                                                         detection processing
                                                                                                      „„ Schematics and BOM of the BGT24-RFB2412

Product Brief

24GHz Radar Development Kit
Based on Infineon’s RF-Transceiver BGT24MTR12 and Microcontroller XMC4400

Block Diagram
                                Patch Antennas or SMA Connectors

                                                                   Q1 MCX Connector       Transparent Connector
                                       Tx      Rx1    Rx2                                                                                                    User
                                                          SPI                                                        SPI                                     LEDs
                                                         ANA                                                         ANA
                                                         VCO                                                         VCO
                                                                                                                                      MCU                    User
                                                          Q1                                                                                                Buttons
                                                          Q2                                                         Q2
                                       BGT24MTR12                                                                                                           Reset
                                                                                                                     IF1 I/Q 20dB
                                       RF Frontend                                                                                                          Button
                                                      IF1 I/Q            20dB             35dB                       IF1 I/Q 55dB
                                                                                                                     IF2 I/Q 20dB

                                                      IF2 I/Q            20dB             35dB                       IF2 I/Q 55dB

                                                                                                                                                                       DC In
                                                                                                                            Power Supply

BGT24MTR12                                                                                          IF Amplifier
Infineon’s BGT24MTR12 SiGe MMIC is located below a metallic encapsula-                              This amplifier increases IF signal levels from BGT24MTR12 chip so they can
tion to reduce unwanted radiation. Every pin of this MMIC is accessible on                          be sampled from the XMC4400 AD converters. Two different gain stages
a transparent connector and also from the XMC4400 CPU. RF input/output                              allow processing of close and far Radar objects.
are fed to vias what go the other side of the PCB where an antenna or an
SMA connector can be attached.                                                                      Power Supply
                                                                                                    This Reference Design can be supplied over the USB connector or also by
XMC4400 MCU                                                                                         an external power supply (not included).
This CPU contains an ARM® Cortex™-M4 core. Applications can be stored
into internal 512KB Flash memory. All analog signals from the RF frontend                           USB
are sampled by internal ADC converters. BGT24MTR12 frequency control is                             This port is used to control the demo software or to transfer data to a PC
done over 2 DAC channels.                                                                           application (a demo version of a USB stack is included).

External Antenna                                                                                    User LEDs/Button
This kit contains integrated Patch Antennas with an opening angle of                                Different LEDs and Buttons can be used from User’s application to create
12° x 25°. These antennas also allow angle of arrival measurement. If an                            stand-alone applications.
application needs higher RF bandwidth (e.g. for Tank Level applications)
the antennas can be removed and replaced by SMA connectors, what                                    Software/Firmware
allow the use of any custom 24GHz antenna.                                                          Basic Doppler motion sensing capability comes by default with kit.
                                                                                                    DAVE™ SW environment can be downloaded via Infineon website link.
Q1 MCX Connector                                                                                    Upgrading to FMCW capability for range/distance measurements can also
This connector outputs the divided down 24GHz carrier and allow the                                 be updated from the Infineon website link.
connection of an external PLL.

Transparent Connector
Every pin of the BGT24MTR12 chip is available on this connector and can                             Orderable Part Number
be controlled by external user hardware.                                                            BGT24RFB2412EVALKITTOBO1

    Published by                                                   Attention please!                                                   Warnings
    Infineon Technologies AG                                       The information given in this document shall in no event            Due to technical requirements components may contain
    85579 Neubiberg, Germany                                       be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics         dangerous substances. For information on the types in
                                                                   (“Beschaffenheitsgarantie”). With respect to any examples           question please contact your nearest Infineon Technolo-
    © 2015 Infineon Technologies AG.                               or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/        gies Office. Infineon Technologies Components may only
    All Rights Reserved.                                           or any information regarding the application of the device,         be used in life-support devices or systems with the express
                                                                   Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warran-          written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of
    Visit us:                                                      ties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation      such components can reasonably be expected to cause                                               warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property             the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect
                                                                   rights of any third party.                                          the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life
                                                                                                                                       support devices or systems are intended to be implant-
                                                                   Information                                                         ed in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and
                                                                   For further information on technology, delivery terms and           sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable
    Order Number: B132-I0070-V1-7600-EU-EC-P                       conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon          to assume that the health of the user or other persons may
    Date: 02 / 2015                                                Technologies Office (                             be endangered.

Document Created: 2015-02-10 14:31:12
Document Modified: 2015-02-10 14:31:12

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