
0022-EX-PN-2018 Text Documents

Ohio University


Administrative Portion Information:
Confirmation Number: EL410180
Application File Number: 0022-EX-PN-2018
Date of Submission: 2018-04-15 14:19:41.443

                        Ohio University 902-928 MHz 25 Watt Radio Link

Ohio University, School of Electrical Engineering, Professor Chris G. Bartone, Ph.D., P.E., (FRN
0025370479) wishes to operate a communications link between a fixed grounds station and a
mobile airborne S-3 Aircraft in the southeastern Ohio area. The ground station will be located on
the campus of Ohio University, Stocker Center, Athens, OH 45701, at a location: Lat: 39.3261,
Long: -82.1068 (Lat: 39 19' 34.26", Long: -82 6' 24.60), Optometric Height: 213 meters (roof);
transmission antennas will be located on the roof of the Stocker Center building at an
Othrometric height of 213 meters.
The radio is planned to transmit in the 902-928 MHz band using a Freewave Ethernet radio with
a maximum output power amplifier of 25 Watts (44 dBm), via an omni-directional antenna
(gain=6dBd, i.e., 8dBil) or a 14-element Yagi directional antenna (gain-14dBil). The output
power is adjustable from 30 to 44 dBm in 1 dB steps. Antenna selection will be via a manual RF
switch. Figure 1 below illustrates the ground radio station configuration.
                                                             Antennas on Stocker Center Roof

                                                                              HyperLink Yagi 14 dBil
                                                               Antenex        Antenna HG914YE,
               Ohio University                                   Omni
               Stocker Center                                  Antenna
               Athens, OH 45701                                FG9026
               Lat: 39.3261, Long: -82.1068
               (Lat: 39 19' 34.26", Long: -82 6' 24.60)
               Optometric Height: 213 meters (roof)

                                                          LMR-400                   LMR-400
                                                          RF Cable                  RF Cable
                 Freewave Zumlink             Shireen 90325 RF           Switch
                    900 Series                  Bi-directional
                  Ethernet Radio              25 Watt Amplifier

                  PC Adjust Power
                   (30-44 dBm)

Additional details on the components that make up the radio station are provided below, and the
attached pdf pages.

[1] Freewave, Zumlink, 900 Series Ethernet Radio operating in the Frequency Range 902 to 928
MHz, see; http://www.freewave.com/products/zumlink-900-series/

[2] Shireen, Item # 90325 RF Bi-directional amplifier with Operating Range 902 - 928 MHz
Transmit Power 44 dBm, 25 Watt, see; http://www.shireeninc.com/wp-

[3] Antenex, OMNI-DIRECTIONAL ANTENNAS, FG9026 (902 - 928 MHz), see;

[4] HyperLink Wireless 900MHz (824-960MHz) 14 dBi High Performance Yagi Antenna for ISM,
GSM and Wireless LAN Systems, Model: HG914YE, see; http://www.l-com.com/wireless-

The ground radio station will communicate to a mobile airborne S-3 Aircraft that is comparably
equipped with the Freewave Ethernet Radio, 25 Watt amplifies, but will transmit via a omni-
directional antenna that is mounted on the bottom of the aircraft. The aircraft will communicate
with the radio grounds station while it operates in and around the Athens, OH ground stations
within the operational polygon identified. This mobile S-3 Aircraft configuration is illustrated
               NASA S-3 Aircraft

                 Freewave Zumlink     Shireen 90325 RF
                    900 Series          Bi-directional
                  Ethernet Radio      25 Watt Amplifier

                  PC Adjust Power
                   (30-44 dBm)

                                                                            Omni Antenna

                                                          Antennas on Bottom of S-3

Additional details on the omni antenna used on the mobile aircraft is shown below and the
attached pdf pages.

[5] Cobham, Chelton, AS-4424/A Type 12-190-6 antenna with a gain estimated to be 0 dBi in
the frequency band of 902-928 MHz.

POC: Chris G. Bartone, Ph.D., P.E., (FRN 0025370479) Professor, School of EECS, 349
Stocker Center, Athens, OH 45701, 740-591-1660 (m), bartone@ohio.edu

         900 Series Ethernet Radio

MulƟ-High Speed Data Rates™:            FreeWave’s new ZumLink™ 900 series pla orm, part of our Sensor-2-Server™
Five RF Link Rates suppor ng            solu on delivers secure collec on, transport and control of data. The ZumLink
throughputs from 80 kbps to 4 Mbps.     900 Series currently operates in the unlicensed 900 MHz spectrum suppor ng
                                        link rates up to 4 Mbps and is user configurable.
Flexible user configura on along with   This cost effec ve, high-speed, rugged communica on pla orm is specifically
acceptance of 3rd party applica ons.    designed for outdoor industrial loca ons and is reliable under extreme
                                        environmental condi ons. Its advanced technology makes it ideal in field area
ZumBoost™ Network AcceleraƟon           networks for oil and gas, u li es, mining, facility automa on, municipali es,
Pack:                                   disaster recovery, or any industrial applica on that needs extremely reliable
 • Packet Compression: Minimizes        communica ons.
    packet transmission
 • Packet Aggrega on: Maximizes         ZumLink’s flexible, high speed, low power consump on radios also leverages
   network efficiency
                                        FreeWave’s ZumBoost™ Network Accelera on Pack to assure the most
 • Forward Error Correc on: Improves
   network reliability                  efficient network pla orm possible. ZumBoost introduces techniques such
 • Adap ve Spectrum Learning: Reduces   as compression, packet aggrega on, forward error correc on, and patent-
   the impact of interferences          pending Adap ve Spectrum Learning technology to ensure maximum
                                        throughput to meet the demands of today’s wireless applica ons.
Security: 128-bit and 256-bit AES
counter mode encryp on.                 Virtually any M2M, SCADA, or Industrial IoT applica on can benefit from the
                                        enhanced features provided by our ZumLink products. The products support
Long Range: Up to 60 miles line of      SSH, SNMP, and AES encryp on.
                                        Industry’s 1st Programmable Radio
User Selectable Channels:               A very powerful new break-through technology – ZumLink includes the ZumIQ
Manipulate channel se ngs to assure     Applica on Environment which allows the development and deployment of
highest performance.                    third-party applica ons and puts intelligence at the edge. ZumIQ provides
                                        a Linux-based Debian opera ng system and storage for applica ons built in
Low Current ConsumpƟon:
                                        Node-RED, JavaScript, Java, Python and C++.
355 mA @ 12V in transmit
100 mA @ 12V in receive
                                        FreeWave’s ZumLink 900 Series and Sensor-2-Server communica on solu ons
Reliable CommunicaƟon:                  have been designed to provide the performance, reliability, and quality that
CRC, FEC, and ARQ                       our customers have come to know and expect in our products.

                                        All radios are designed, manufactured, and tested in Boulder, CO.

www.freewave.com                                                                                  LDS0005AA (Rev Jan-2018)

                                          TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
TRANSMITTER                                                              INTERFACES
Frequency Range             902 to 928 MHz                              Data Connectors               Three RJ-45 (1 Ethernet, 2 Serial)
Output Power                Up to 1W; user selectable                   USB Connector                 Micro USB
Data Link Range             60 miles                                    RF Connector                  Z9-P: SMA
ModulaƟon                   GFSK and 8-ary FSK                                                        Z9-PE: TNC

Channel Sizes               230.4, 345.6, 691.2, 1382.4, 3225.6 kHz     Power Connectors              Z9-P: Phoenix (#1776692)
                                                                                                      Z9-PE: Circular (#CRD-021717-02-A)
RF Data Rates               115.2, 250, 500 kbps, 1 & 4 Mbps
Hopping Channels            Up to 112; RF Data Rate Dependent            POWER REQUIREMENTS
Hopping PaƩerns             Up to 16, RF Data Rate Dependent            OperaƟng Voltage              +6 to +30 VDC (± 10%)
Hopping Rates               400ms, 200ms, 100ms, 50ms, 25ms             Transmit Current              355 mA @ 12 VDC
Protocol                    Adap ve Spectrum Learning                   Receive/Idle Current          100 mA @ 12 VDC

RECEIVER                                                                 GENERAL INFORMATION
IF SelecƟvity               > 40 dB                                     OperaƟng Temperature
System Gain                 136 dB                                       Z9-P:        -40°C to +85°C
SensiƟvity                                                               Z9-PE:       -40°C to +75°C
  RF Data Rate              Without FEC           With FEC              Dimensions
   115.2 kbps               -105 dBm              -108 dBm               Z9-P:             177.29mm L x 83.06mm W x 40.89mm H
   250 kbps                 -102 dBm              -105 dBm               Z9-PE:            191.04mm L x 109.47mm W x 41.91mm H
   500 kbps                  -99 dBm              -102 dBm              Weight
      1 Mbps                 -95 dBm               -98 dBm               Z9-P:             172.37g
      4 Mbps                 -83 dBm               -86 dBm               Z9-PE:            750g

DATA TRANSMISSION                                                       Humidity           0 to 95%, non-condensing

Error DetecƟon              CRC, FEC, and ARQ                           Reliability        62,000 hour MTBF

Link Throughput             Up to 1.6 Mbps; 4 Mbps with                 Safety             Class 1 Div 2 Groups A-D
                            Compression                                   UL               Z9-P              Z9-PE

User Interface Rates        Ethernet Rate    10/100 Mbps
                            Serial Rate      up to 250 kbps
Data EncrypƟon              128-bit and 256-bit AES CCM                  INFORMATION TO ORDER
Advanced Features           Packet Compression and                      Model Number         DescripƟon
                            Packet Aggrega on
                                                                        Z9-P                 Board Level Unit, 902-928 MHz
THIRD PARTY APPLICATIONS                                                Z9-PE                Enclosed Unit, 902-928 MHz
                                                                        Z9-PE-AUS            Enclosed Unit – Australia, 915-928 MHz
Storage                     1 GB
                                                                        Z9-PE-DEV            Enclosed Unit for lab/development
RAM                         512 MB
                                                                        Z9-PE-DEVKIT         Includes 2 Z9-PE-DEV units and accessories


                DRONES &     EARTH       GOV &     IRRIGATION &     ASSET    OIL & GAS    WATER &        SMART         UTILITIES

                                                                                                                         CONTACT US
                                                                                                5395 Pearl Parkway, Boulder, CO 80301
                                                                                               TF: 866-923-6168       T: (303) 381-9200
                                                                                         For more informa on, visit www.freewave.com

                                                                                                 Specifica ons are subject to change without no ce.
www.freewave.com                                                                               ©2018 FreeWave Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

                                                                  900 MHz, 25Watt Amplifier
                                                                              Outdoor unit

This high power, bi-directional amplifier is designed for 902~928 MHz
radio products. Works equally well with all types of radios.

Designed in a completely weatherproof housing for all outdoor
applications. The unit is powered over coax with DC injector.

                                                 Item # 90325

Salient Features:
    1.       Transmit Gain: The unit provides 20 dB of gain which can be reduced at factory.
    2.       LNA: The built-in Low Noise Amplifier with signal gain of 19 dB with a ultra low noise figure of only
             1.2dB. Improves the receive sensitivity of remote equipment, while keeping noise level very low.
    3.       Receive Filtering: All radio equipment contain filter for receive path. The band pass filter on this
             amplifier gives added protection against out of band noise.
    4.       Enclosure: The unit is housed in machined, Anodized Aluminum enclosure, designed according to the
             location of critical components. With appropriate cavities and contacts the PCB performs optimally and
             NO heat sink is needed.
    5.       DC Injector: With only 0.8dB insertion loss, this DC injector is the lowest loss available anywhere.
             Enclosed in a specially designed machined aluminum housing.
    6.       Warranty: All Shireen’s products come with 2-year warranty.

The complete set includes:

    1.   The Outdoor Amplifier,
    2.   DC injector, and
    3.   Universal power supply (110~240VAC to 28 V DC)

                  Operating Range             902 - 928 MHz
                  Operating Mode              TDD, Time Division duplex,
                  Transmit Power              44 dBm, 25 Watt
                  Transmit Gain               20 dB max
                  Transmit input Power        0 dBm min 24 dBm max
                  Receive Gain                26 dB
                  Noise Figure                1.2 dB
                  LED indicators              Red for Receive (Default mode)
                                              Green for Transmit
                  Power Consumption           260mA Rx, 1300 mA Tx @ 28VDC
                  Operating Temp              -40 °C to + 70 °C

                           Amplifier                                                    DC Injector
Dimension:       6” x 3.5” x 1.2”                                    1.4” x 3.5” x 1.0”
                 (152.4mm x 88.9mm x 41.91mm)                         (35.5mm x 88.9mm x 25.4)
Enclosure:       Watertight machined aluminum housing with           Machined aluminum housing with Anodized finish
                 Anodized finish
Connectors:      Type N female                                       Type N female
Weight:                    1.51 lb (685 g)                           2 Oz. (134 g)

                Shireen Inc. 7636A Standish Pl, Rockville, MD. 20855.Tel: 301-838-4380 www.shireeninc.com

                           OMNI-DIRECTIONAL ANTENNAS
                              FG9026 (902 - 928 MHz)






                                            0°                         -2


                                     0°                                 -6                                    °
                                                                                                                                ● High Performance
                             0°                                        -10                                          °           ● Easy installation /w

                                                                                                                                  optional FM2
                                                                                                                                ● Special UV treated radome,
                                                                       -30                                               80°      resists sun damage
                                                                                                                                ● N Female industry standard
                                                                                                                                ● 100% tested on a network
                                                                                                                     110°         analyzer

                                                         Normalized to 6dBd








                                                 Elevation Pattern (Y, Z or H-plane)

ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS                                                                          MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS
Frequency Range:                                  902 - 928 MHz                                    Height:                                 61”

VSWR:                                             < 1.5:1 Max                                      Diameter:                               1.310”

Nominal Gain:                                     6dBd                                             Weight:                                 0.5 lb

Maximum Power:                                    100 W                                            Rated Wind Velocity:                    125mph (210kph)

Nominal Impedance:                                50Ω                                              Rated Wind Velocity (with 0.5” radial ice)
                                                                                                                                          85mph (137kph)
Polarization:                                     Vertical
                                                                                                   Lateral Thrust @ 125mph WIND VELOCITY
Pattern:                                          Omni-Directional                                                                  57 lbs. (26kg)

Half-Power Beamwidth:                             30° x 360°                                       Wind Resistance in Sq. Feet:            0.5549
 (Elevation° x Azimuth°)

Coaxial Cable Length & Type:                      None                                             Mounting Information:                   FM2 Mounting Kit
                                                                                                                                           (Sold separately)
Termination:                                      N-Female connector

Lightning Protection:                             Lightning Arrestor
                                                  (Sold Separately)

                  2000-205 Bloomingdale Road • Glendale Heights, Illinois 60139 U.S.A. • Web Site: Http://www.antenex.com
                                             630-351-9007 • Fax: 630-351-9009 • Order line: 800-323-3757
                                                  Page 1 of 1 Confidential Information
            N:\Antenex\Engineering Dept\Web Data\Product Information by Family\Fiberglass Omnidirectional\Spec\FG9026_Spec\FG9026_Spec.doc

 HyperLink Wireless 900MHz (824-960MHz)                                                                                      Model: HG914YE
 14 dBi High Performance Yagi Antenna for ISM,
 GSM and Wireless LAN Systems
Applications and Features

 Applications:               900MHz ISM Band
                             Wireless LAN systems
                             Point to multipoint applications
                             Non Line of Sight (NLOS)
                             GSM
                             RFID
                             SCADA
                             Wireless Video Links
                             900MHz Cellular

 Features:                   Superior performance
                             30° beam-width
                             Heavy-duty Anodized Aluminum boom
                             Heavy-duty Anodized Aluminum
                             Solid 1/4" mounting plate
                             15 inch Low Loss Coax lead
                             Includes mount kit

Product Description

Superior Performance

The HyperGain HG914YE High-Performance Yagi Antenna combines high gain with a wide 30° beam-width. It is ideally suited
for directional applications in the 900 GHz ISM and GSM bands as well as Non Line of Sight (NLOS) and Point to Multi-Point
installations. Typical applications include 900 MHz Wireless LAN, SCADA, Wireless Video Links, 900 MHz Cellular, Non Line of
sight (NLOS) applications and point to multi-point systems. External interference of this antenna is minimized due to the excellent
front to back ratio. The antenna comes with a 15" Low Loss coax lead terminated with one of these standard connectors
(N-Female, N-Male, RP-SMA Plug, SMA Male), others are available. The antenna can be installed for either vertical or horizontal
polarization applications.

Rugged and Weatherproof

This antenna features a heavy-duty Anodized Aluminum boom and elements. Secure mounting is assured by a solid 1/4"
mounting plate and two stainless steel U-bolts.

                                       L-com, Inc. 50 High St., West Mill, 3rd Floor, Suite #30 North Andover, MA 01845
                                  www.L-com.com E-mail: sales@L-com.com Phone: 1-800-343-1455 Fax: 1-978-689-9484
                             © L-com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. L-com Global Connectivity and the L-com logo are registered marks.

                                                                                                                      Model:    HG914YE

Electrical Specifications

             Model                                                      HG914YE
             Frequency                                                  824-960 MHz
             Gain                                                       14 dBi
             Polarization                                               Horizontal or Vertical
             Horizontal Beam Width                                      31°
             Vertical Beam Width                                        26°
             Front to Back Ratio                                        15 dB
             Impedance                                                  50 Ohm
             Max. Input Power                                           100 Watts
             VSWR                                                       < 1.5:1 avg.
             Elements                                                   14
             Weight                                                     2.7 lbs. (1.22 kg)
             Length                                                     55.1 in. (1.40 m)
             Mounting                                                   2 in. (51 mm) diameter mast max.
             Operating Temperature                                      -40° C to 85° C (-40° F to 185° F)
             Lightning Protection                                       DC Short
             Connector                                                  N-Female, N-Male, RP-SMA Plug, or SMA Male
             Wind Survival                                              135 MPH
             RoHS Compliant                                             Yes

RF Antenna Gain Patterns

                                  L-com, Inc. 50 High St., West Mill, 3rd Floor, Suite #30 North Andover, MA 01845
                             www.L-com.com E-mail: sales@L-com.com Phone: 1-800-343-1455 Fax: 1-978-689-9484
                        © L-com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. L-com Global Connectivity and the L-com logo are registered marks.

Type 12-190-6/1
Low Profile Tuned Antenna
30 MHz - 400 MHz / 960 MHz - 1220 MHz

12-190-6#1-DS Issue 1

The most important thing we build is trust

                                                                                                               314.96 mm MAX

                                                                                                                                   45.21 mm MAX

The 12-190-6/1 Low Profile Tuned Antenna is a high efficiency
PIN diode tuned antenna operating over the frequency ranges
30 MHz to 400 MHz and 960 MHz to 1220 MHz, and intended for general                                                236.47 mm MAX
airborne application.
The antenna offers a guard facility whereby performance is maintained
at 121.5 MHz and 243 MHz when switched to any frequency within
specified operating bands.
                                                                              60.32 mm REF
The antenna is configured as an electrically short monopole in which, at                      95.25 mm REF
VHF and UHF frequencies, the capacitance between the top tube and
                                                                                                  142.87 mm REF
ground is tuned out by a series of binary related PIN diode switched          21.59 mm MAX
inductors in accordance with encoded data from the transmitter.
Radiation resistance compensation is provided by a capacitive
                                                                                                29.21 mm MAX
Guard performance is provided by a separate radiating element, internally
diplexed via a 243 MHz tuned circuit.
The L-band antenna is configured as a co-phased couplet of folded
monopoles. Transmission line techniques are incorporated to provide
decoupling from the VHF and UHF circuitry
                                                                                                   234.19 mm MAX

The 12-190-6/1 comprises a pressure moulded grp shell housing the
electronics assembly and enclosed by an aluminium alloy baseplate
carrying the connectors. At the top of the shell is fitted a double tube
arrangement in a coaxial configuration. The inner is connected to the
radiating structure and the outer aluminium alloy sheath is connected to
a diverter strip, thereby providing a lightning strike protection system. A
polyurethane leading edge strip is fitted as standard.

                                                                                             71.12 mm MAX

Chelton Ltd trading as Cobham Antenna Systems                                                                      www.cobham.com/antennasystems

Type 12-190-6/1
Low Profile Tuned Antenna

Electrical Specification                                                                                     Mechanical Specification
Frequency                   30 MHz       - 88 MHz                                                            Dimensions (mm)       234.19 x 314.96 x 71.12
                           108 MHz       - 174 MHz
                           225 MHz       - 400 MHz                                                           Weight (kg)           1.59
                           960 MHz       - 1220 MHz
                                                                                                             Mounting              10 holes fixed location
Gain                       Gain (dBi)       Frequency (MHz)
                           ≥-14.5             30 rising to 88
                           ≥-4.5              88                                                             Environmental Specification
                           ≥-3*             108 - 174
                                                                                                             High                  Operational: +71°C
                           ≥ 0*             225 - 400
                                                                                                             Temperature           Storage:     +95°C
                           ≥ 0*             960 -1220
                           * average                                                                         Low                   Operational: -54°C
                                                                                                             Temperature           Storage:     -62°C
Polarisation               Essentially vertical when mounted vertically
                                                                                                             Altitude              70,000 feet
Power Rating                               Rating                      Frequency
                                                                         (MHz)                               Acceleration          13.5 g all axes
                                         FM 23 W                        30 - 88
                                         FM 23 W                       108 - 174                             Shock                 15 g, 11 ms, functional
                                         FM 23 W                       225 - 400
                                                                                                             Vibration             MIL-STD-810D, Method 514.3, Procedure I
                           AM 15 W + 100% modulation                   118 - 156
                           AM 15 W + 100% modulation                   225 - 400                                                   MIL-STD-810E, Method 514.4, Procedure I, Cat 6
                           1.5 kW peak, 0.4% duty cycle                240 - 400
                                                                                                                                   RTCA DO-160C Section 8
Impedance                  50 ohm (nominal)
                                                                                                                                   Cat L Fixed Wing
VSWR                        VSWR           Frequency                                                                               Cat Y Helicopter
                                                                                                             Temperature Shock     10°C per minute between operational limits
                           ≤   2.5:1       30 - 88
                           ≤   2.5:1      108 - 174                                                          Humidity              Normal operation with relative humidity up to 95% at
                           ≤   2.3:1      225 - 299.9                                                                              60°C
                           ≤   2.0:1      300 - 400
                           ≤   2.0:1      960 - 1000                                                         Rain                  Normal operation when exposed to driving rain
                           ≤   1.8:1     1000 - 1100
                                                                                                             Salt Fog              The antenna will not be degraded by salt exposure up to
                           ≤   2.0:1     1100 - 1220
                                                                                                                                   48 hours at 5% salinity.

Connectors                 TNC Type Female               30 MHz - 400 MHz                                    Magnetic Effect       The compass safe distance will not be more than
                           N Type Female                960 MHz - 1220 MHz                                                         300 mm

                                                                                                             For further information please contact:
                                                                                                             Cobham Antenna Systems
                                                                                                             The Cobham Centre
                                                                                                             Fourth Avenue, Marlow,
                                                                                                             Buckinghamshire, SL7 1TF England
© 2010 Cobham Antenna Systems                                                                                Tel: +44 (0)1628 472072
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and must not be taken as establishing   Fax: +44 (0)1628 482255
any commitment binding upon Cobham Antenna Systems. No responsibility can be accepted for any errors
or omissions.                                                                                                Email: antennasystems.marlow.marketing@cobham.com

Document Created: 2018-04-16 18:33:34
Document Modified: 2018-04-16 18:33:34

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