Narrative and Agreement

0579-EX-ST-2018 Text Documents



                                             ONE Media LLC
                                             Request for Part 5 Experimental
                                             Special Temporary Authority Extension
                                             ELS File Nos. 0846-EX-ST-2015,
                                              0123-EX-ST-2016, 1208-EX-ST-2016,
                                             0225-EX-ST-2017, 1622-EX-ST-2017

                                NARRATIVE STATEMENT

       Pursuant to Section 5.3(b) and (e) and Section 5.61 of the Commission’s Rules, 47
C.F.R. §§ 5.3(b), (e), 5.61 (2013) ONE Media, LLC (ONE Media) hereby respectfully requests
an extension of its current special temporary authority (“STA”) for an additional period from
April 1, 2018 through September 30, 2018, to operate in the band 644-650 MHz for the
purpose of evaluating prototype next-generation TV standard (ATSC 3.0) broadcast
technologies with transmitter sites located in Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC.


        ONE Media is actively involved with the ongoing work by the Advanced Television
Systems Committee (“ATSC”) to develop the next-generation ATSC Digital standard. The
requested STA will be used to test the various components being proposed for the new standard
as well as allowing for a comparison to the existing standard. Specifically, grant of an STA will
allow ONE Media to evaluate prototype technologies and obtain feedback so that it may enhance
the industry’s efforts to design, develop and improve next-generation broadcast services
available to viewers.

      In order to conduct a meaningful field test, it is necessary to deploy a full scale system.
No programming would be received or viewable by the general public during these tests,

        To accommodate the ongoing evaluation covered by the existing STA authorization,
ONE Media respectfully requests that the FCC grant the STA for an additional period from
April 1, 2018 through September 30, 2018.

B.     LOCATION OF PROPOSED OPERATION: (No change in the authorized parameters is
requested. The previously applied for and authorized parameters are repeated below for
informational purposes)

         ONE Media proposes to construct a single frequency network utilizing two transmitter

         Site 1: 3900 Hooper Ave.
                 Baltimore, MD 21211
                 ASR Registration Number: 1044237
                 Latitude:   39-20-10.4 N NAD83
                 Longitude: 076-38-57.9 W


       Site 2: 4001 Nebraska Ave. NW
               Washington, DC 20016
               ASR Registration Number: 1285336
               Latitude:   38-56-24.2 N NAD83
               Longitude: 077-04-52.5 W


       1.      Frequencies Desired

       ONE Media requests authorization to operate in the band 644-650 MHz (television
channel 43). This frequency band has been identified as being able to accommodate the
proposed operation without causing unacceptable interference to any existing users of this or
other pertinent frequencies.

       2.      Effective Radiated Power

        All power levels will comply with the limits set forth in the FCC’s rules, including those
relating to human exposure to radiation. The transmitter at site 1 will be configured to operate
with a maximum mean power level of 800 kW effective radiated power (“ERP”). The
transmitter at site 2 will be configured to operate with a maximum mean power level of 120 kW

       3.      Modulation and Emissions

        ONE Media proposes to operate using ATSC 3.0-type modulation. The primary
emission designator is 6M00W7W. Other emission modes may be utilized, but in no event will
the emissions extend beyond the frequency bands requested. In addition, the proposed facility
will fully comply with the existing emission mask to limit any harmful out of band emissions.
       4.      Antenna Information

       The proposed facilities will utilize a Dielectric directional antenna model TFU-
12JSC/VP-F-R with a main lobe for both sites being 110 degrees true. A copy of the azimuth
and elevation patterns of the proposed antenna is attached.

        The height of the antenna center of radiation for site 1 will be 320.7 meters above ground
level. Ground level at this site is 82.0 meters above mean sea level; therefore the center of
radiation will be 402.7 meters above mean sea level. This antenna will be side mounted below
other existing antennas; therefore, no further approval under FAA and FCC rules and regulations
will be required.

        The height of the antenna center of radiation for site 2 will be 117.4 meters above ground
level. Ground level at this site is 119.5 meters above mean sea level; therefore the center of
radiation will be 236.9 meters above mean sea level. This antenna will be side mounted below


with the top of the antenna 14.6 meters below the top of the tower; therefore, no further approval
under FAA and FCC rules and regulations will be required.


         As noted above, the proposed facility will operate on television channel 43. This channel
is not currently utilized in the proposed area of operation. There is an outstanding channel 43
construction permit for a low power television station (“LPTV”) at the same Washington, DC
site that will be used for the site 2 facility proposed in this STA request. The channel 43
permittee, Signal Above, LLC, (“Signal Above”) has previously been contacted and has
indicated that there are no plans to construction this facility during the proposed STA extension
period due to the potential impact of the incentive spectrum auction on facility availability and
that it has a currently operating analog facility on channel 6 at a different location. The permittee
consents to STA operation by ONE Media as it will have no effect on the permittee’s legal status
and qualifications ultimately to build and operate its facilities on channel 43 other than as
evidence of the positive accommodation in the public interest to demonstrate technology in part
designed to support the LPTV industry. ONE Media’s use of channel 43 in Washington, DC is
not an election by the permittee, Signal Above, to elect the channel for its digital operation.

       In that there are other potentially affected co-channel and adjacent channel stations, an
OET-69 study was previously performed that verified that no new interference above the de
minimis level will be caused to other broadcast stations or operations.

        In addition, ONE Media has taken steps to protect against interference to other licensees
in the area, including auxiliary broadcast licensees authorized under Part 74 of the FCC’s rules.
It has already notified the local Society of Broadcast Engineers (“SBE”) frequency coordinator
concerning this extension request and will continue to coordinate with Part 74 licensees through
the local SBE frequency coordinator.

       Additionally, ONE Media will coordinate the use of the spectrum with the winning
bidder(s) in the recently concluded Incentive Auction.

        Furthermore, ONE Media will, has previously taken the necessary steps to notify health
care facilities that may be operating biomedical telemetry devices pursuant to Section 15.242 of
the Commission’s rules that could be adversely affected by the operations proposed in the STA.


       ONE Media is not seeking authority to perform a market study under this STA. As noted
above, no programming would be received or viewable by the general public during these tests.
Moreover, no fees will be charged to entities using the equipment during this test. After the test
is completed, ONE Media will disassemble the demonstration facilities.

        ONE Media also recognizes that any experimental authority must not cause harmful
interference to authorized facilities. In the unlikely event interference occurs, ONE Media will
take immediate steps to resolve the interference, including discontinuance of operation if


        Entities will be advised in accordance with Section 2.803 of the Commission’s rules, 47
C.F.R. §2.803 (2013), that any unapproved devices used during the evaluation which have not
been authorized as required by the FCC are not being offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased,
until authorization is obtained.


        ONE Media submits that issuance of an STA extension as requested is in the public
interest, convenience, and necessity. Grant of an STA extension will help ONE Media to
develop innovative equipment that will accommodate the needs of the viewing public.

       For questions about this application, please contact:

Jerald Fritz
ONE Media, LLC
1100 Wilson Blvd, Suite 600
Arlington VA 22209
(703) 236-9229

       In the unlikely event interference concerns should arise during the period of
authorization for this STA, please contact:

       Mark A. Aitken
       (410) 568-1535 or (443) 677-4425



This Amendment to Channel Use Agreement, dated as of March 1, 2018, modifies the Channel
Use Agreement ("Agreement") dated as of August 11, 2015 by and between ONE Media, LLC
and Signal Above, LLC, permittee of WDCN—LD, channel 43, Washington, DC (together the

1.     The original Term of the Agreement expired on March 31, 2016. By mutual agreement
       the Term was extended four additional times to expire on: September 30, 2016, March 31,
       2017, September 30, 2017, and March 31, 2018.

2.     The Partics hercby agree to cxtend the Term of the Agreement to a date not beyond
       September 30, 2018, which date may be extended by the Parties upon mutual consent.

3.     All other terms ofthe Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

ACCEPTED AND AGREED as of the date first written above by the following authorized
representatives of the parties:

ONE Media, LLC                                   Signal Above, LLC
1076 Beaver Dam Road                             Gammon & Grange, P.C.
Hunt Valiey, MD 20130                            8280 Greensboro Drive
                                                 McLean, VA 22102

By: M*h:-\ By:
     David Bochene                               Name:                          M
     Authorized Signatory                        Its:

Document Created: 2018-03-28 18:34:30
Document Modified: 2018-03-28 18:34:30

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