File number S- 1370-EX-93

2174-EX-PL-1991 Post Grant Documents



2120 Hollowbrook Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80910
                             United States of America
                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORIZATION

    EXPERIMENTAL                                                          KK 2 X C V
    (Nature of Service)                                               (Call Sign)

    XD FX & MO                                                        $—1370—EX—93
    (Class of station}                                                (File number)

   NAME                       OMNIPOINT CORPORATION

    Vicinity of New York,        NY
                                       (Location of station)

   Special      Temporary     Authority    is    hereby    granted   to    operate             the    radio
   transmitting apparatus described below:

   Frequency           Authorized               Emission
     MHz               Power (watts)            Designator

   1850 —2200           100    (ERP)               1

   1.   Licensee is authorized to use various modes of modulation, bandwidth,                             and
        data rates.  None of these modes of transmission shall extend beyond
        the band band limits set forth above.

   This special   temporary authorization is granted upon the express condition
   that it may be terminated by the Commission at any time without advance
   notice or hearing if in its discretion the need for such action arisges.
   Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a finding by the Commission
   that the authority herein granted is or will be in the public interest
   beyond the express terms hereof.

   This special temporary authorization shall not vest in the grantee any right
   to operate the station nor any right in the use of the           frequencies
   designated  in  the  authorization beyond the term hereof, nor in any other
   manner than authorized herein.  Neither the  authorization nor   the  right
   granted      hereunder     shall    be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation
   of the Communications Act of 1934.            This     authorization     is    subject            to   the
   right of use of control by the Government of the United States conferred by
   Section 706 of the Communications Act of 1934.

   This authorization effective             December 31,     1993     and             FEDERAL
   will expire 3:00 A.M. EST.              July 31, 1994                         COMMUONICATIONS

                                                                                  Amman a. 9     1

                                PEPPER, HAMILTON & SCHEETZ
                                             ATTORNEYS AT LAW                                              L     ~

                                                                                     _             _   _—s 3 1
                                                                                8 /3 70 —GIMNGTON, DELAWARE
    NEW YORK, NEW YORK                   WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036—1685s                    wESTMONT, NEWw JEersey
     DETROIT, MICHIGAN                            202—828—1200                             LONDON, ENGLAND
HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA               TELEX CABLE ADDRESS: 440es3 atm                      MOSCOW, RUSSiIA
  BERWYN, PENNSYLVANIA                        FAX: 202.828.—1665


  (202) 828—1447

                                           December 22,            1993

         yia Express Mail                                                                    ()   \\
         Federal Communications Commission                                          “/[\X
         Experimental Radio Service                                                      /
         P.0O.   Box 358320                                               ¥.
         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania             15251—5320                       DN

                          Re:    Request for Extension and Modification of Special
                                 Temporary Authorization (File No. S—1200—EX—93,
                                 New York, New York)

         Dear Sir or Madan:

                          I am writing on behalf of Omnipoint Corporation
          ("Omnipoint")         to request that the Commission                  (i)      extend until
         July 31, 1994, Omnipoint‘s Special Temporary Authorization to
         operate spread spectrum wireless communications equipment in and
         around New York, New York and (ii) modify the STA to increase the
         maximum power of its base stations to 100 watts EIRP.

                          On October 22,    1993,    the Commission concluded that its
         PCS licensees should be permitted to operate at power levels up
         to 100 watts EIRP.  Amendment to the Commission‘s Rules to
         Establish New Personal Communications Services, FCC 93—45, at 29
         {adopting new Section 99.231) (released Oct. 22, 1993).
         Omnipoint requires the extension to continue testing its 1850—
         2200 MHz PCS equipment under the conditions prevailing in New
         York City at the original power levels and to extend its tests to
         the higher power levels contemplated by the Commission.


  December 22,    1993
  Page 2

               Enclosed is a check for $35.00 and FCC 155 Fee
  Processing Form for this STA.  Please call if we can answer any
  questions or supply any additional information.


                                           David A. Wormser


  cc:   H.   Franklin Wright   (By Hand)


                                                                                      ror           ree/meLton DEC 27 1993
 Approved by OMB                 FEDERAL COMMUN‘CATIONS COMMISSION                    ree |
  s060—0#40,                     FEE PROCESSING FORM                                  ;f,
 Expires 2/28/93.

  Please read instructions on back of this form before completing it. Section | MUST be completed. if gou are applying for
  concurrent actions which require you to list more than one Fee Type Code, you must also complete      Section !I. This form
  must accompany all gaymems. Only one Fee Procassm? Form may be submitted per application or filing. Please type or print
  legibly. All required blocks must be completed or application/filing will be returned without action.

  $SEC T 1 ON        I
  APPLICANT NAME (Last, first, middle initial)
        Omnipoint Corporation
  MAILING ADDRESS (Line 1) (Maximum 35 characters — refer to Instruction (2) on reverse of form)

        7150 Campus Drive
  MAILING ADDRESS (Line 2) (if required) (Maximum 856 characters)

     Suite 155
  CITY           .
     Colorado Springs
  &TATE OR COUNTRY (if foreign address)                ZIP CODE                  CALL SIGN             OTHER FCC IDENTIFIER
        Colorado                                           80920
  Enter in Column (A) the correct Fee Type Code for the service you are applying for. Fee Type Codes may be found in FCC
J Fee Filing Guides. Enter in Column (B) the Fee Multiple, if applicable. Enter in Column (C) the result obtained from multipiying
 ~‘he value of the Fee Type Code in Column (A) by the number entered in Column (B), if any.
              (A)                                (B)                                (C)
                                           FEE MULTIPLE                 FEE DUE FOR FEE TYPE
  (D     FEE TYPE CODE                      (if required)                COdE IN COLUMN (A)
          E     A      EBE                                      |       $35 .00

  SEC T | ON                 L    J   —    To be used only when you are requesting concurrent actions which result in a
                                           requirement to list more than one Fee Type Code.

              (A)                                (B)                                (C)
 _—      FEE TYPE CcoDE                   FEE MULTIPLE                  FEE DUE FOR FEE TYPE
                                           (If required)                 CODE IN COLUMN (A)

|(2)                                                                    $

  (3)                                                                   s

 (4)                                                                    s

 (6)                                                                    s
 THROUGH (5), AND ENTER THE TOTAL HERE.                                  TOTAL Amw;PREMiT'T'rEo
 THIS AMOUNT SHOULD EQUAL YOUR ENcLOsED                                     wiTk THIS AAFpICaTion
 REMITTANCE.                                                        )
                                                                        $35 .00

This form has been authorized for reproduction.                                                                        FCC Form 15§
                                                                                                                         August 199 1

Document Created: 2001-07-30 16:37:46
Document Modified: 2001-07-30 16:37:46

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