File number S-1132-EX-92

2174-EX-PL-1991 Post Grant Documents



7150 Campus Drive, Colorado Springs, CO     80920

                            SPECIAL TERMECRARY AUJTHRIZATICN

   EXPERIMENTAL                                                  K K 2 X C V
   (NMature of Service)                                         (Call Sign)

     XD FX & M                                                  $—1132—EX—92
    (Class of station)                                          (File mmber)

   NAME                      MNILPOINT CORPORATION

    Scanticon Hotel, Princeton Marriott and Hyatt Regency, Princeton, NJ
                              (Location of station)

   Special Temorary Authority is hereby              granted   to   operate    the   radio
   transmitting apparatus described below:

   Frequency        Authorized           Emissgion
      MHz            Power (watts)       Desiqgnator

  1850—2200              5 (KRP)            1

    (1)   Licensee is authorized to use various modes of modulation, bandwidth,
          and data rates. None of these modes of transmission shall extend beyond
          the band limits set forth above.

   This special temporary authorization is granted upon the express condition
   that it may be temminated by the Comission at any tim without advance
   notice or hearing if in its discretion the need for such action arises.
   Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a finding by the Comission
   that the authority herein granted is or will be in the public interest
   beyond the express terms hereof.

   This special temporary authorization shall not vest in the grantee any right
   to cperate the station nor any right in the use of the frequencies
   designated in the authorization beyond the term hereof, nor in any other
   manner than authorized herein.     Neither   the     authorization    nor   the   right
   granted hereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation
   of the Comunications Act of 1934. This authorization is subject to the
   right of use of control by the Government of the United States conferred by
   Section 706 of the Comunications Act of 1934.

   This authorization effective       July 27, 1992             and        FEDERAL
   will expire 3:00 A.M. EST.      September 27, 1992                   CCOMMLNICATTIGS

                                 PEPPER, HAMILTON & SCHEETZ
                                                 ATTORNEYS AT LAW

   NEW YORK, NEW YORK                       WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036—1685                  BERWYN, PENNSYLVANIA
    DETROIT, MICHIGAN                              202—828—1200                          WILMINGTON, DELAWARE

                                                 FAX: 202—828—1665                         LONDON, ENGLAND

 (202) 828—1447

                                                July 13, 1992
                                                                            9—1132— Ex — 49

         Federal Communications Commission                                      F%zz)k—C:\/
         Experimental Radio Service
         P.O0O. Box 358320
         Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5320

                          Re:    Application of Omnipoint Corporation for Special
                                  Temporary Authority to Operate Spread Spectrun

         Dear Sir or Madan:

                   I am writing on behalf of Omnipoint Corporation
         ("Omnipoint") to request Special Temporary Authority for
         Omnipoint to test spread spectrum pocket telephones under actual
         conditions in the 1850 to 2200 MHz band.                          Omnipoint specifically
         requests this SsTA to operate a total of seventeen base stations
         inside three hotels——the Scanticon Hotel, the Princeton Marriott
         and the Hyatt Regency——in Princeton Forrestal Village (Princeton,
         New Jersey),           together with a total of 100 handsets,               for a period
         of sixty days beginning July 27, 1992.  Obtaining the STA by that
         date is critical to permit Omnipoint to install its equipment
         before the beginning of the Governors Conference, particularly
         given the high level of security that will be present to protect
         President Bush and fifty governors who will attend.

                   As indicated in the attached Statement of Douglas G.
         Smith, Omnipoint requires this STA to enable it to install and
        pretest its equipment before the 1992 Governors Conference, test
         the equipment during the Governors Conference (August 1—5, 1992)
         and continue testing for a reasonable period thereafter.                          The
        handsets and equipment would be eligible for operation under
        Omnipoint‘s Experimental License (call sign KK2XCV) but for the
        number of units involved.  Omnipoint has undertaken extensive
        field measurements to ensure that its operation under this STA
        will not cause any interference with nearby microwave links.


    July 13,   1992
    Page 2

                Please call if we can answer any questions or provide
    any additional information.


                                          David A. Wormser

    Enclosures:       Statement of Douglas G.   Smith (with attachments)
                      FCC Form 155 (Fee Processing Form)
                      Check for $35.00

    cc:   H. Franklin Wright

                             Statement of
                            Douglas G. Smith
                             in Support of
              Application for Special Temporary Authority

          I, Douglas G. Smith, am submitting this statement in

support of Omnipoint Corporation‘s application for Special

Temporary Authority to install and operate one hundred spread

spectrum PCS pocket phones and seventeen base stations at the

Governor‘s Conference this year in Princeton, NJ,     and to continue

our tests for several weeks thereafter.      I am specifically

submitting this statement to demonstrate that Omnipoint‘s

operation under the STA will cause no interference to any

licensee in the 1850—2200 MHZ band.

          At the outset, Omnipoint‘s operation under the STA

would comply with the terms of its Experimental License (call

sign KK2XCV) but for the number of units of equipment required.

As such, all of the equipment will be very low powered, peaking

at 100mwW spread across approximately 10 MHz (including

quardbands)    or less than 40 microwatts per OFS analog channel.

          In addition, all of the Omnipoint base stations will be

mounted inside of three hotels, in conference rooms, lobbies and

restaurants.    The main conference area,   the area we expect will

generate the most calls over Omnipoint equipment, is in an area
within the Scanticon Hotel having walls 18 inches to 2% feet


          Omnipoint, moreover, has undertaken extensive field

measurements around the hotels and in the area of incumbent

microwave links.     The exact characteristics of every microwave

link in all of northern New Jersey as well as all of the links

within the RF horizon of northern New Jersey have been carefully

documented and analyzed,    and have been confirmed by two

independent consulting firms, Comsearch and Impulse Telecom (see

our July 8,    1992 Experimental License Report).

          As can be seen by the attached analysis, there are no

microwave receivers whose beampaths are within the RF horizon of

the test location.     Further, the closest eleven receivers range

from 43° offset to the beampath (at 12.85 miles) to 115° offset

to the beampath at the closest link 9.3 miles away.

          As we documented in our earlier Experimental License

Interim Report (see June 25,    1992 submission),    even if all of the

Omnipoint handsets on a given 10 MHz channel are at peak power

and all of them somehow obtain line of sight Free Space

propagation to an OFS user on that 10 MHz channel, the Omnipoint

system cannot raise their noise floor by the 1 dB specified by

the TSB10—~E unless they are within five miles at 90° offset to

the beampath.     (At all other offsets,    assuming Free Space

propagation, the Omnipoint system can operate even closer.)

Given that all of the Omnipoint systems will be indoors, not only

would it be impossible to violate TSB10O—E, but even using Hata

suburban propagation assumptions we calculate that all of the

handsets could be within 2.3 miles.        Since there are no OFS

receivers closer than 9.3 miles, there is no possibility of

interference even under extreme loading and propagation


JUL—14—92 TUE 6:39                                                                 P. 02

                     Accordingly, we respectfully raequest a Special

          Temporary Authority to operate up to 100 handsets and 19 base

          stations in the 1850—13990 MHz band at the Princeton locaations for
          60 days beginning July 27, 1992.

                                              Respectfully submittaoaad

                                              Omnipoint Corporation

          Date:   July 13, 1992

      9739 ‘d                                                Wd62:59   26. ET mf

                                                                                   P. 07
Wll4®R ME $       unmrvim                        —Fax No T1G 548 1393              P. 01

     _\} Omnipoint

                         inceton Forrestal Vi             Surve
       Link      Call Sign         fry     Degrees off     Distance     Distance
                                   (MHz)    Beampath       {(meters)    (miles)

        1       KED45              1985        110         20471         12.‘72
                KEG76              1875        42          31316         19.64
        2       WNTGA24            1900        43          20683        12,85
                WNTGA423           1980        103         31450        19.54

C       3       KED46              1865         59         20683        12.85
                KED4S              1913         58         20471        12.72
        4       WNEOS850           1970        32          48981        30.43
                WTNG424            1890        127         31450        19.54
        5       KEG77              1885         66          19925        12. 38
                KED4S              1963         54         20471        12.72

        6       WNTKSOS            1380        165         26162        16.26
                WNTA8Z6            1960         $          55530        34,.51
        7       WHKT717            1900         20         42710        26.54
                WHK716             1980        115          14915        9.27

        8       KEBGA3             1963        108         15806         9.82
 ~              KGCI6              1865         10         83250        51.73

        9       KED44              1945         39         23093        20,.56
                KEG7T7             1865         87         19925        12.38
        10      WNTE214            1970         18         42227        26,24
                SOURLAND           1890        66          14089         §.75
        11      KBX88              1905         4          46361        28.81
                KED44          —   1985        175         33093        20.56
        12      WAJSO              1945         44         33961        21.10
                WAHT7LA            1905         40         26936        1674
        13      KERBG3             1855         14       . 58062        36.08
                KEBG§              1945         75         15806         9.82
        14      KBX86              1975         5          74576        46.34
                KBX8§8             1915        171         46361        28.81

                  STA Request: Princeton Forrestal Village July 1992


                                                                                      P. 08
yold92 M,3F52      omuruime                O         FAX No To 54s 1393              P. 02

    \\ Omnipoint

        Link     Call Sign       f        Degrees off       Distance      Distance
                                (M}%z)     Beampath         (meters)      (infles)

         15      WNEQ6CO33       1870           1            86871        53.98
                 WNEGQE31        1950          179           74461        46.27
         21      WHK718          1960          14            90423        56.19
                 WHK717          1880          150           42710        26.54

         22      KED43           1985           11           82153        51.05
_                KBX88           1905          161           46361        28.81

         25      WESTOR          1880          25            68074        42,30
                 WNTE214         1960          136           42227        26.24

         31      KEWB44          1860           2            99626        61.90
                 WwAJBO          1935          174           33961,       21.02

                  STA Request: Princeton Forrestal Village July 1992


     Approved by OMB
                                                                                                                FCCmELLON JUL 14 1992
                                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                      =—132Otx +2z
     Expires 12/3 1/90
                                            FEE PROCESSING FORM                                                          e ue e
                                                                                                            {7—11T—A73] EBB\ CeT hxd

         Please read instructions on back of this form before completing it. Section | MUST be completed. if gou.are ap?w_ing for
         concurrent actions which require you to _list more than one Fee Type Code, you must also complete                 Section II.       This form
        must accompany all gayments. Only one Fee Processin? Form may be submitted per application or filing. Please type or print
         legibly. Ail required       blocks must be completed or application/filing   will be returned without action.

        S EC T 1 O N                   1
         APPLICANT NAME (Last, first, middle initial)
           Omnipoint Corporation

         MAILING ADDRESS (Line 1) (Maximum 85 characters — refer to Instruction (2) on reverse of form)
           7150 Campus Drive
         MAILING ADDRESS (Line 2) (if required) (Maximum 35 characters)

         Colorado Springs
    ~_TATE OR COUNTRY (if foreign address)                          ZIP CODE                    CALL SIGN OR OTHER FCC IDENTIFIER(If applicable)
       Colorado                                                       80920
        Enter in Column (A) the correct Fee Type Code for the service you are applying for. Fee Type Codes may be found in FCC
        Fee Filing Guides. Enter in Column (B) the Fee Multiple, if applicable. Enter in Column (C) the result obtained from muitiplying
        the value of the Fee Type Code in Column (A) by the number entered in Column (8), if any.
                       (A)                                    (B)                                     (C)
                                                         FEE MULTIPLE                 FEE DUE FOR FEE TYPE
        in      FEE TYPE CODE                             {if required)                   CODE IN COLUMN (A)

                 E     A         E                                        [           $35.00

        SECT | ON                      1    d      —     To be used only when you are requesting concurrent actions which result in a
                                                         requirement to list more than one Fee Type Code.

    1                  (A)                                    (B)                                     (C)
"               FEE TYPE CODE                          FEE MULTIPLE                   FEE DVUE FOR FEE TYPE
                                                        (if required)                  CODE IN COLUMN (A)

        (2)                                                                           $

        (3)                                                                           $

        (4)                                                                           $

        (6)                                                                           R
        THROUGH (5), AND ENTER THE TOTAL HERE.                                            TOTAL AMOUNT REMITTED
     THIS AMOUNT SHOULD EQUAL YOUR ENCcLOSED                                              wiTh THIS APMpCATIoN
        REMITTANCE.                                                            >           35   .00                             %            o#
                                                                                      $                                        &         ;

    This      form has been authorized          for reproduction.                                                                        FCC Form 155
                                                                                                                                                  May    1990

Document Created: 2001-07-30 16:43:47
Document Modified: 2001-07-30 16:43:47

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