
3292-EX-PL-1992 Correspondence



                  Federal Communications Commission
                        Washington, D.C. 20554

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Ohio University
231 Stocker Center
Athens, OH  45701

     RE:   Application File No. 3292—EX—PL—92
           Reason for Filing: (new license)
           Frequency(ies): (135.875 MHz)
           Filed Date:  08/17/92

Dear Sir or Madan:

As part of a review of its operating procedures and in
preparation for a more automated licensing system, the
Experimental Licensing Branch is attempting to clear what appears
to be outstanding applications from its experimental licensing
database.  In some instances, information is available indicating
that an application (FCC Form 442 or 405) was filed, but no
record is shown that a license was actually granted.

The above—referenced application appears to have been pending for
a considerable period.  If you still wi—h to pursue it, please
submit a new FCC Form 442 with any peyr  :ent supporting papers,
along with proof of filing fee paymen     irectly to the following

           Office of Engineering and Technology
           Experimental Licensing Branch, MS 1300E1l
           2000 M Street,   N.W.,   Suite         230
           Washington, D.C. 20554

Please direct all responses to the attention of Ms. Peggy Fowler.
If we do not receive the requested material within 30 days, we
will assume that you do not wish to pursue the application, and

our records will be updated to indicate that the application has
been dismissed without prejudice in accordance with Section
5.60(b) of the Commission‘s Rules.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this apparent delay in
application processing may have caused.


                            Paul L. Marrangoni
                            Chief, Experimental Licensing Branch

Enclosure:   FCC Form 442

Document Created: 2001-07-26 09:18:07
Document Modified: 2001-07-26 09:18:07

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