
3292-EX-PL-1992 Text Documents



                            EXHIBIT A

The frequency authorization is to be used for fulfilling the
requirement of a government grant with the Federal Aviation
Administration and the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration Langley Research Center under grant NGR—009—017.
The name of the grant is : "Joint University Program in Air
Transportation Systems."    See Exhibit B for a detailed description
of the statement of work.

                           EXHIBIT B

a)   The nature of the research is to uplink weather data
     to an aircraft in flight using the most efficient modulation
     scheme possible consistent with the noise environment in the
     aeronautical VHF communication band. A theoretical study has
     been completed and the intent in part is to validate this efficiency
     improvement using a real—world data uplink involving an aircraft.

b)   Attached is a showing that a plan exists and that for it to be
     practical to the aviator it needs to be validated through
     experimental means.

c)   Existing communications facilities are inadequate because of the
     evidence existing with the accident rate relating to general
     aviation accidents involving weather.

The following is taken from the Research Proposal for Grant NGR—O09—017.
It shows that a plan exists and that for it to be practical to the aviator
it needs to be validated through experimental means.

          C.      Weather Data Dissemination to Aircraft.

          C.1.     Background.

       Currently, the transmission of weather data for general aviation is
  handled by voice communication between cockpit crew members and ground
  based operators. Due to automation of weather data bases, an increasing
  amount of weather data is becoming available.  In addition, structured
  transmission of cockpit weather data will also require additional use of
  the finite spectrum available, but will cut down on use of voice channels.
  Also, the availability of timely and accurate weather information to the
  pllot is crucial for flight safety, and will allow for increased effi—

          Developments in the commercial area are monitored, such as the uplink
  service provided by Radair in Texas.        The main disadvantage of Radair‘s
  approach is that the transmissions utilize unused spectrum of commercial FM
  stations.  This is a critical vulnerability,        since it does not deal with
  the aeronautical band.

          Previous research at Ohio University resulted in a series of reports
  concerning the efficacy of automated weather data transmission to aircraft.
  [3—5)        These results will be used as a basis for further studies leading to
  innovative data compression techniques and spectrum conservation.
  Transmission and coding techniques for weather data might also be appli—
  cable to other flight related information such as dependent surveillance.

       During last year, an experimental weather data uplink system and
  avionics test bed were implemented for evaluation of cockpit weather data
  and data dissemination techniques.

          C.2.     Proposed Research.

       Ohio University proposes to investigate the basic issues dealing with
  coding and transmission of weather data to aircraft.  The technical tasks
  are listed below:

          a)     lIldentify candidate channels and their data handling capacity for
                 transmission of weather data.

     b)     Investigate innovative data compression techniques for weather
            information with the emphasis on available aeronautical channels.

     C.3.     Future Research.

     Based on the research described above, laboratory prototype equipment
will be prepared that will be appropriate for evaluation and demonstration
purposes. The study will be extended to include other flight related
information in the pilot data link environment.

   liography :

      McFarland,     Richard     H.,   and   Parker,   Craig   B.,   "Weather   Data
Dissemination to Aircraft", Published by the American                 Institute   of
Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. with permission, 1988.

      Parker, Craig B., "A Technique for the Automated Dissemination of
Weather Data to Aircraft", Thesis, College of Engineering, Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ohio University, June, 1989.

      Akos, Dennis A., "A Hybrid Modulation for the Dissemination of
Weather Data to Aircraft", NASA Conference Publication 3131, June, 1991.

Document Created: 2001-07-29 09:47:59
Document Modified: 2001-07-29 09:47:59

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