Response to Request for Further Information

1076-EX-ST-2018 Text Documents

O3b Limited


      August 10, 2018


      Anthony Serafini
      Experimental Licensing Branch Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology
      Federal Communications Commission
      445 12th Street, SW
      Washington, D.C. 20554

              Re:      Request for Further Information; Call Sign WN9XBH; File No. SAT-

      Dear Mr. Serafini:

              O3b Limited (“O3b”) files this letter in response to a request for further information
      regarding its pending application for special temporary authority to conduct tests of a new
      GetSat MicroSat terminal at the SES facility in Manassas, VA. SES has provided its answers
      to the Commission’s inquiries below:

      1) Please submit a radiation hazard for the proposed antennas

              Please see attached Annex A for a radiation hazard report for the proposed antenna.

      2) Please demonstrate that your proposed operations in the 27.5-30 GHz will meet the
      equivalent power Flux-density (epfd) levels in the Table 22-2 of Article 22, Section II, and
      Resolution 76 of the ITU Radio Regulations.

            Please see Annex B for a demonstration that the proposed operations will meet the
      EPFD levels in Table 22-2 of Article 22, Section II, and Resolution 76 of the ITU Radio

      3) Please certify that your proposed operations are in compliance with all existing or future
      coordination agreements between O3b and other GSO and NGSO satellite networks, or
      demonstrate that your proposed operations will not cause interference to terrestrial, iridium
      NGSO, and GSO satellite networks.

             O3b certifies that its proposed operations will comply with all existing or future
      coordination agreements between O3b and other satellite operators and will abide by all the

      SES société anonyme            Tel. +352 710 725 1               Company Register No. B 81 267
      Château de Betzdorf            Fax +352 710 725 227              Identification No. LU18953352
      L-6815 Betzdorf                Enter sender e-mail

      terms and conditions of the O3b Market Access Grant.1 In addition, as stated in its
      application, O3b will coordinate with local terrestrial operators prior to transmitting in any
      bands that are shared with terrestrial services.

                                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                                      SES Networks

                                                      /s/ Will Lewis
                                                      Will Lewis
                                                      Senior Legal Counsel
                                                      900 17th Street NW
                                                      Suite 300
                                                      Washington D.C. 20006
                                                      (202) 813-4033

      cc:     Paul Blais


      1O3b Limited, Order and Declaratory Ruling, Call Sign S2935, FCC 18-70 at ¶ 20 (rel. June
      6, 2018).

      SES société anonyme             Tel. +352 710 725 1               Company Register No. B 81 267
      Château de Betzdorf             Fax +352 710 725 227              Identification No. LU18953352
      L-6815 Betzdorf                 Enter sender e-mail

Annex A – Radiation Hazard Report

                                                            Radiation Hazard Analysis
                                                                      0.24 Meter -
                                                                 Manassas, Virginia 20136

      A radiation hazard anaylsis is presented for a 0.24 meter Ka band aperture antenna to be installed in Manassas,
      Virginia at the SES Networks SES Facility. This Radiation Analysis calculates the non-ionizing radiation levels
      expected to be emitted from the earth station on a worse cases basis and is performed in accordance with the
      Federal Communications Commissions Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Bulletin, No. 65.

      OET 65 outlines the maximum permissible exposure limits in two cases for operation in this frequency range.

         1. The first case is the maximum level that a person may be exposed to in the general population. The
            exposure limit is defined as a non-ionizing power level equal to 1 milliwatt per centimeter squared
            averaged over a thirty minute period.
         2. The second case is a controlled environment where the maximum permissible exposure limit must not
            exceed 5 milliwatts per centimeter squared averaged over any six minute period.

      The results indicate that no significant hazard will be presented to the general population and will be fully
      mitigated in the controlled area by the use of procedures that require the removal of transmit power before
      accessing the area around the main reflector.

      This analysis was performed on seven zones. The results of this is shown in Radiation Hazard Zones. The
      Table labeled Input Values provides the input data used to perform the analysis. The table labeled OET 65
      Calculated Values provides the intermediate calculation used to perform the assessment in accordance with OET
      65. The Analysis is performed for each of the seven radiation zones as shown in figure 1 – Analysis Zones.
      These zones are:
         1. Point between the feed and the sub-reflector
         2. The power at the surface of the antenna
         3. The power level between the main reflector and ground
         4. The near-field or Fresnel region in which the maxima can be reached before the field starts to diminish
            with distance
         5. The Transition region where power begins to decrease inversely with distance from the antenna
         6. The Far Field or Fraunhofer region where power decreases inversely with the square of the distance. This
            is the point at which the antenna beam is fully collimated
         7. The off axis level in the near field. This is defined as the area outside of the main beam removed and at
            least one antenna diameter removed from the main beam
             2. Main Reflector

                                                  4.Near Field

                                                           5. Transition              6. Far Field

                       3. Main Reflector Ground

                                              7.Off Axis Near Field

                                                                           Figure 1 – Analysis Zones

Generated 8/9/2018                                                             Page 1 of 1             Rad Haz GetSat Final

                                                          Radiation Hazard Analysis
                                Operator:            SES Networks
                     Location Designation:           SES Facility                      FCC ID:
                                  County:            Prince William                     SES ID:
                                    Town:            Manassas,                            STA:
                                State/Zip:           Virginia       20136
                   Input Values                          Value          Unit                            Band                 Frequency GHz
                       D = Aperture Diameter              0.24     Meters                                L                     1000-2000
                    d = Subreflector Diameter               0      Meters                                 S                    2000-4000
                                                          60%      percentage                            C                     4000-8000
                           FCC Designation                 Ka      Band                                  X                    8000-12500
                              F = Frequency              29500     MHz                                   Ku                   12500-18000
                P = Transmitter Power Watts:               25      Watts                                 K                    18000-25500
                   p = Number Transmitters:                 1                                            Ka                   26500-40000
         R ua = closest point to uncontrolled area         10      meters                                O                    40000-50000
          Elevation angle at closest point R ua            20      Degrees                               V                    50000-75000

          OET 65 Calculated Values                     Formula         Value          Unit
                          λ= Wavelength                   c/F          0.0102         meters
         P 1 = Total Antenna Input Power                  P*p            25           watts

                          G = Antenna Gain                           3294.84169       linear

                            Antenna Gain dB                         35.17834552        dBi
                        A = Area of reflector                         0.045216       meters 2

                    a = area of subreflector                             0           meters 2

                 R nf = Near-Field Region                               1.42          meters
                                                                       1.416         >meters
                           Transition Region
                                                                       3.3984        <meters
                                                                       3.3984         meters
                    R ff = Far Field Region
                                                                          1         Meters AGL
                                                                                                                    Exposure Limits
        Radiation Analysis Zone                        Formula         Level          Value        General Public    Occupational
                                                                                                                2                         2
                                                                                                     <1mW/cm                   <5mW/cm
  1                      Power Subreflector                             N/A          mW/cm 2
                                                                                                       N/A                          N/A
                                                                                               2   >FCC MPE See
  2                         Antenna Surface                           221.161        mW/cm                               >FCC MPE See Note 2
                                                                                                      Note 1
                                                                                                   >FCC MPE See
  3                 Main Reflector Ground                              55.290        mW/cm 2          Note 1
                                                                                                                          >FCC MPE See Note 2

                                                                                                   >FCC MPE See
  4       Snf =Near-Field Power Density                               265.393        mW/cm 2          Note 1
                                                                                                                         >FCC MPE See Note 2

                                                                                                   >FCC MPE See
  5        Max Transition Power Density                               265.393        mW/cm 2          Note 1
                                                                                                                         >FCC MPE See Note 2

                                                                                                   >FCC MPE See
  6          Max Far field Power Density                               56.785        mW/cm 2          Note 3
                                                                                                                          >FCC MPE See Note 2

  7       Off Access Level Near Field                                 2.65393        mW/cm 2 >FCC MPE See Note 1               <FCC MPE

   1.   The antenna is installed in a controlled location access is restricted to authorized personnel only. The area is marked with RF
        Radiation Hazard signage. Area not accessible to the general public.
   2.   Inside the controlled area, MPE levels exceed the MPE exposure for occupational levels. The levels will be reduced to safe MPE
        by removing power to the transmitters when work is performed on or around the antenna. This area can only be accessed by
        qualified personnel.
   3.   The far field develops 1 meters above ground level at the minimum elevation angle which is not accessable to the general public.

Generated 8/9/2018                                                    Page 1 of 2                                              Rad Haz GetSat Final

Annex B – Demonstration of Compliance with EPFD Limits

The following plot illustrates the GETSAT antenna pattern in azimuth and elevation dimensions.
The below analysis shows the GSO arc, as it appears from the location where the GETSAT
antenna will be operating, is superimposed on to the antenna pattern. There are multiple
instances of the GSO arc shown because the GETSAT antenna will be moving to follow O3b
satellites. At each increment along the O3b orbit, the GSO arc is correspondingly superimposed
onto the GETSAT antenna pattern.
This analysis determines the GETSAT antenna gain in the direction of the GSO arc as the
antenna moves to follow the O3b satellite.

The EPFD ↑ limit is −162 dBW/m2/40 kHz. The spreading loss determined by the equation
                            𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 (𝑑𝐵) = 10𝑙𝑜𝑔 (4𝜋𝑑 )
where d is the distance to a point on the GSO arc from the location on the Earth of the
transmitting earth station, in one instance it is around 37,422 km. The resulting spreading loss is
162.4 dB-m2. From this, the allowed off-axis EIRP from the GETSAT antenna can be
determined by adding the spreading loss to the EPFD limit. The following plot illustrates both
the EPFD limit in the form of an off-axis EIRP density limit and the corresponding EIRP density
from the GETSAT antenna that, when controlling the input power spectral density, is below the

              EIRP density dBW/40 kHz

As seen by the plot above, the GETSAT operations are compliant with the EPFD↑ limits.

Document Created: 2018-08-13 08:22:51
Document Modified: 2018-08-13 08:22:51

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