Question 7 purpose of experiment TDD LTE equipment description

0249-EX-ML-2011 Text Documents

Nokia House


Nokia Siemens Networks
		TD-LTE whitepaper

    1     Executive summary         3
    2     Gaining global momentum   5
    3     Spectrum                  6
    4     Positioning               7
    5     Terminal Ecosystem        8
    6     Conclusion                9

2   TD-LTE whitepaper

1 Executive summary
The demand for Mobile Broadband is growing rapidly in both mature and emerging markets. Nokia
Siemens Networks expects 5 billion people to be connected to the Internet along with a 100-fold traffic
increase in networks by 2015. Nokia Siemens Networks’ Mobile Broadband Study 2010 reported a
40% increase in average monthly expenditure on Mobile Broadband in comparison to 2009.

           Fig 1 indicates that the mobile internet                 unpaired spectrum as a viable                             with OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency
           traffic will increase to 23 Exabytes by                  complement to the paired spectrum.                        Division Multiplexing) air interface. LTE
           2015, which implies that 6.3 billion                     The catalyst behind all this is Long                      and System Architecture Evolution
           people will be downloading a digital                     Term Evolution (LTE), which was                           (SAE) are standardized by 3GPP. LTE
           book every day.                                          designed to harmonize networks for                        is the radio part and SAE is the
                                                                    unpaired as well as paired spectrum.                      network architecture part specifying the
           The increasing demand is driving                         LTE is designed for efficiency,                           Evolved Packet Core, of the LTE/SAE.
           mobile operators to invest significantly                 constituting of flat, all-IP architecture
           in additional frequency spectrum. The
           operators are increasingly seeing

                                Mobile Internet traffic [ExaByte/year]

                  20                   Mobile Internet access
                                                    Mobile Laptop
                  15                                Mobile Handheld



                    0       2008         2009         2010         2011         2012          2013        2014          2015

                  Source: Nokia Siemens Networks 2009

           Figure 1 indicates that the mobile internet traffic will increase to 23 Exabytes by 2015, which implies that 6.3 billion people will be downloading
           a digital book every day.

                                                                                                                                           TD-LTE whitepaper          3

    The LTE standard supports both the        attain a truly global reach. Strong        allocations, which have been widely
    Frequency Division Duplex (for paired     commonalities suggest that TD-LTE          unused or used with WiMAX or TD-
    spectrum) and the Time Division           can have similar economies of scale        SCDMA, were addressed with TD-LTE.
    Duplex (for unpaired spectrum) mode       like FDD- LTE and become an integral
    of operation.                             part of LTE ecosystem.                     Pioneering and spearheading LTE
                                                                                         development, Nokia Siemens
    TDD LTE also known as TD-LTE              2010 will be etched in history as the      Networks has made a long-term
    enables global roaming in an otherwise    year, when TD-LTE became a reality         commitment to both the Frequency
    fragmented spectrum landscape. Until      and initiated a change in the major        Division Duplex (FDD) and the Time
    recently, TD-LTE was often seen as a      paradigms of the Mobile Broadband          Division Duplex (TDD) mode of
    technology for China, India and a few     world. Another characteristic of the       operations.
    other countries. However, due to          2010 Mobile Broadband market was its
    nearly 90% commonality between LTE        worldwide convergence around the
    FDD and TD-LTE coupled with the           3GPP ecosystem, which resulted in
    light-speed development of the            LTE specified for frequency bands to fit
    unpaired spectrum LTE standard, new       into the band plans of all regions. In
    possibilities are opening up for LTE to   particular, the unpaired spectrum

4   TD-LTE whitepaper

2 Gaining global momentum

Historically, the world’s mobile industry has not favored TDD technologies due to the voice centric
nature of the networks and ample availability of FDD spectrum.

           TD-LTE is an evolution path for TD-       realistic pricing and the ability to deliver   Nokia Siemens Networks
           SCDMA, which is China’s 3G standard.      similar performance and coverage to            spearheads LTE development and
           China Mobile was the first operator to    the FDD version.                               commercialization with its I-HSPA flat
           drive TD-LTE and now the technology                                                      architecture innovation enabling a
           has gained a global momentum with         TD-LTE is a future proof technology            smooth migration path for operators
           strong traction towards TDD spectrum.     with strong industry support from              to LTE.
           Interest shown by major markets such      NGMN (Next Generation Mobile
           as India, Russia, Japan, and USA has      Networks), LSTI (LTE SAE Trial
           put TD-LTE on every operator’s plan.      Initiative) and Terminal, Chipset and
                                                     infrastructure vendors.TD-SCDMA and
           Europe’s major operators have             TD-LTE are the global 3G and LTE
           typically deployed FDD networks but       standards while the combination of
           recent trends indicate that operators     TD-LTE and LTE FDD serves to
           are increasingly becoming interested in   be the basic foundation for the
           TDD bands. TD-LTE makes those             internationalization of TDD.
           bands an attractive asset with a more

                                                                                                              TD-LTE whitepaper              5

3 Spectrum

The frequency bands in the world that are likely candidates for LTE deployments are the Cellular,
PCS, AWS and Digital Dividend bands. FDD paired spectrum bands are expected to be the most
common spectrum blocks. There are spectrum blocks available that could be used in an unpaired
approach since TD-LTE is a committed 3GPP standard. Today, TDD spectrum bands allocated in
most parts of the world are part of a technology agnostic approach.

           Many countries throughout the world         TD LTE has been standardized in
           have large chunks of unpaired unused        3GPP Release 8, which was                       1.4 MHz
           spectrum. History also suggests that        completed at the end of 2008. 3GPP
           unpaired spectrum will trade at a much      Rel9, which was completed in March              3 MHz
           lower price per MHz/population than its     2010, provided some minor feature
           FDD equivalent. Key TDD bands are           enhancements to the LTE standard.               5 MHz
           2.3GHz and 2.6GHz respectively.             LTE evolves with 3GPP Rel10 to LTE-
                                                       Advanced (LTE-A) in 3GPP Rel10.                 10 MHz
           3GPP has defined 9 TDD bands for
           LTE operation (status Oct 2010).            Like FDD LTE, TD-LTE also supports a            15 MHz
           Bands 38, 40 and 41 are becoming            scalable bandwidth from 1.4, 3, 5, 10,
           major global bands. Band 41 is new          15 and 20 MHz. Higher bandwidths will
                                                                                                       20 MHz
           and has been proposed by Clearwire.         be required to achieve optimum
           It was approved by 3GPP in                  performance with the expected data
           September 2010 and is to be included        traffic growth.                               Figure 3 Flexible Bandwidth
           in 3GPP Rel.10 (March 2011).

             Band          MHz          Uplink MHz                           Region
             33            1x20         1900-1920    1900-1920     TDD       UMTS core TDD
             34            1x15         2010-2025    2010-2025     TDD       UMTS core TDD
             35            1x60         1850-1910    1850-1910     TDD       US (TDD alternative to FDD)
             36            1x60         1930-1990    1930-1990     TDD       US (TDD alternative to FDD)
             37            1x20         1910-1930    1910-1930     TDD       US
             38            1x50         2570-2620    2570-2620     TDD       2600 TDD part
             39            1x40         1880-1920    1880-1920     TDD       China UMTS TDD
             40            1x100        2300-2400    2300-2400     TDD       China TDD
             41            1x194        2496-2690    2496-2690     TDD       US TDD

           Figure 2 TDD LTE Bandwidth allocation

6          TD-LTE whitepaper

4 Positioning

LTE is the next evolution for mobile networks like GSM/EDGE, WCDMA/HSPA, CDMA/EVDO and
WiMAX to future networks and services. ‘Evolution’ in mobile networks always needs to be under-
stood as a longer phase of co-existence of technologies, which eventually ends with a refarming of
spectrum bands from one technology to another. LTE is best suited to 3GPP as well as 3GPP2
operators, which makes it a truly global roaming technology.

                    TD-LTE is an evolutionary path for        The global potential and the initial                to realize the full benefit of LTE. SAE
                    TD-SCDMA, WiMAX networks and              definition of higher-frequency bands                provides a flat, fully IP based network
                    for operators, who have available         also made TD-LTE the ideal capacity                 architecture, consisting of only one
                    unpaired spectrum. It also takes care     option for Communication service                    node in the user plane of the Core
                    of issues like interworking, co-          providers with LTE FDD deployments.                 network, thus guaranteeing optimal
                    existence and roaming between             This additional capacity is sought                  scalability and reduced cost per bit.
                    different technologies. TD-LTE also       mostly in urban areas, where several                Since a circuit switched network is not
                    helps WiMAX operators in availing an      base station sites exist. Reuse of                  available anymore, the voice services
                    excellent opportunity to join the large   sites and equipment on large TD-LTE                 will be supported as VoIP.
                    3GPP ecosystem, and leverage              frequency allocations allow cost-
                    benefits of highest economies of scale,   efficient provision of excellent end-user           Nokia Siemens Networks is committed
                    roaming and network sharing. The shift    data rates. Moreover, it relieves the               towards providing a smooth
                    from TD-SCDMA and WiMAX to TD-            threat of congestion on the FDD band.               evolutionary path to every operator’s
                    LTE will be a gradual process, thereby,   The System Architecture Evolution                   installed base networks. (Please refer
                    making it important for the two           (SAE) is required in the core network               to figure 5)
                    technologies to co-exist with each        architecture (defined by 3GPP) in order

   Unpaired                             LTE FDD
                                  >90% harmonized in 3GPP              LTE-A

   TD-SCDMA                        >300 MHz of unpaired
   (China Mobile)                  spectrum defined in 3GPP

Figure 4 Harmonization of LTE FDD and TD-LTE

                                                                          GSM/WCDMA                                          Enabling flat broadband architecture
                                                                          handset base



                                                                            GSM/                                TD-SCDMA                                 WIMAX


                                                                        Figure 5 The Evolution of existing networks to LTE

                                                                                                                             TD-LTE whitepaper                      7

5 Terminal ecosystem

Several leading vendors are actively developing terminals with TD-LTE capabilities. There have
also been several announcements from chipset and platform vendors about the upcoming availabil-
ity of multi-mode LTE (FDD and TDD) offerings. Commercial-scale shipments of such devices are
expected to be in sync with operators' commercial service roll-out requirements. Nokia Siemens
Networks has recently started the ‘TD-LTE Open Labs’ facilities in Hangzhou to foster and acceler-
ate these developments. The vendors can participate in an end-to-end testing in these open labs
and validate their solutions before providing them to the operators.

8          TD-LTE whitepaper

6 Conclusion

With large amount of globally available unpaired spectrum and growing capacity demands, TD-LTE
has gained a lot of traction worldwide coupled with strong commitment from leading operators.

           Nokia Siemens Networks is a clear        Mobile Broadband presence and rich           Nokia Siemens Networks being fully
           leader in making TD-LTE a part of the    experience to enable a widespread            committed has made significant
           commercial Mobile Broadband reality      ecosystem for LTE. We address the            contributions to the development of
           and helping operators around the globe   network transformation challenges and        TD-LTE and will continue to lead the
           to address new Mobile Broadband          opportunities most efficiently by offering   industry.
           opportunities even on an unpaired        common platforms and leading all-IP
           spectrum. With our unique holistic       capabilities. Nokia Siemens Networks’
           approach, we are leveraging our global   Single RAN platform has set a new
                                                    standard for the next generation mobile

                                                                                                          TD-LTE whitepaper             9

Nokia Siemens Networks Corporation
P.O. Box 1

Visiting address:
Karaportti 3, ESPOO, Finland

Switchboard +358 71 400 4000 (Finland)
Switchboard +49 89 5159 01 (Germany)

PRODUCT CODE: C401-00670-WP-201011-1-EN

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Products and solutions herein are subject to change without notice.                                   

Document Created: 2010-11-16 23:06:41
Document Modified: 2010-11-16 23:06:41

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