Letter of Consent and Support from Verizon

0606-EX-ST-2018 Pre Coordination Document

Nextweb, Inc


                                                                           HQ—Network Regulatory

 March 30, 2018

 Mr. Andrew Conn
 TPx Communications

 Re: Letter of Consent & Support for TPx‘s 31 GHz Field Trial in San Francisco, CA.

 Dear Sir:

       Verizon Wireless hereby submits this letter in support of 31 GHz testing to be performed
 by TPx Communications during the period from April through August.

 The relevant Verizon Wireless license is as follows:

                                                                                     License       Authorized
    &         &         .                    .        Market Number                    Tan
Radio Service         Licensee         Call Sign        ("Market")                 Expiration       Spectrum
                                                                                      Date           (MHz)

 LD — Local
 Multipoint       Nextlink Wireless,               BTA404 — San Francisco—                         31000—31075
 Distribution               LLC        WwPLMabe    .Oakland—San Jose, CA            06/17/2018     31375.31300

          TPx wishes to evaluate the performance of a point—to—point millimeter wave link using
 the 31000—31075 MHz and 31225—3 1300 MHz band (LMDS B—block). This link test will also
 evaluate the interference environment with respect to existing co—channel links in this spectrum.
 TPx does not currently hold a license or lease to use this spectrum in the San Francisco—Oakland—
 San Jose, CA BTA.

         A successful test will permit TPx to relocate its current link in the 27500—28350 MHz
 band (LMDS A—block) into the LMDS B—block under a long—term spectrum lease. This
 relocation is being requested by Verizon Wireless, the current licensee planning a 5G network
 deployment in the LMDS A—block.

         If there are any questions regarding this matter or additional information is required,
 please contact Dave Mason at (682) 831—6454 or David.Mason@VerizonWireless.com.


                                                     Gina Cacciatore
                                                      Director — HQ Regulatory

Document Created: 2018-12-17 07:13:06
Document Modified: 2018-12-17 07:13:06

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