Technical Description

1063-EX-ST-2018 Text Documents

Near Space Launch Inc.


                        ThinSat-1 Mission Technical Description

The overall goal of the ThinSat-1 mission, is to orbit 60 small experiments to advance STEM
education, and promote space science research and systems engineering for grades 4 – 12 and
universities. It includes approximately 70 schools from nine states. The student teams will analyze
the data collected by their experiment and submit a report detailing their findings. The students
will track their experiment and receive data in near real time through the Globalstar network and
the Space Data Dashboard website. Online content and resources will enhance the educational

The experiments will be deployed aboard 12 satellites, ThinSat-1A through ThinSat-1L, launched
as a secondary payload aboard the Orbital ATK OA-10 on the Antares second stage, from the mid-
Atlantic Regional Spaceport, Wallops Island, Virginia, November 1, 2018. The satellites will be
inserted into Extremely Low Earth Orbit (ELEO), at 250 km apogee and 203 km perigee, on an
inclination from the equator of 51.6 degrees. They are deployed from 4 canisters mounted
externally on the second stage of the launcher; they unfold accordion style as they exit the canister.
Transmission will begin upon deployment, and cease less than 14 days later, when de-orbiting
occurs. See the Orbital Debris Assessment Report for details.

Each spacecraft is comprised of between 3 and 6 ThinSat units, one unit per experiment. Figure 1
shows a typical single unit. Three of the units have two frames layered together containing a single
payload, Figure 2. Figures 3, 4, and 5 show dimensions of each spacecraft type.

                Figure 1 Single Frame ThinSat Unit Detail, Dimensions in mm

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            ThinSat-1 Mission Technical Description


     Figure 2 Double Frame ThinSat Unit Detail, Dimensions in mm

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          Figure 3 ThinSat 3T Spacecraft, Dimensions in mm
                                                      Near Space Launch                                              DRAWN BY
                                                                                                                     CHECKED BY
                                                          8702 E 825 S, Upland, IN 46989                             PRJT MGR APPR.
                                                                                                                     UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED:
                                                                All ideas, designs and plans indicated or
                                                            represented by the drawings that are created on          DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETE
                                                        Near Space Launch property are owned by and are the
                                                        property of Near Space Launch. This includes and not
                                                                                                                     FRACTIONAL 1
                                                        limited to any and all ideas, designs and plans that are
                                                           created and developed for use in conjunction with         ANGULAR: MACH 1 BEND 2
                                                      instruction, training, grants and/or projects. None of these   ONE/TWO PLACE DECIMAL
                                                     ideas, plans or designs shall be used by or disclosed to any    MATERIAL:
                                                        person, corporation, firm or university for any purpose
                                                          without written permission by Near Space Launch.           FINISH:

               5                         4                                 3                                                          2

          Figure 4 ThinSat 6T Spacecraft, Dimensions in mm                                                                DRAWN BY
                                                                                                                          CHECKED BY
                                                                                                                           PRJT MGR APPR.
                                                                                                                           UNLESS OTHERWISE SPEC
                                                                                                                           DIMENSIONS ARE IN MIL
                                                                                                                           FRACTIONAL 1
                                                                                                                           ANGULAR: MACH 1 B
                                                                                                                           ONE/TWO PLACE DECIM

               5                             4                                  3                                                           2

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                         ThinSat-1 Mission Technical Description

            Figure 5 ThinSat Double Frame Plus 4T Spacecraft, Dimensions in mm

Subsystem Description:

Each unit will carry the following subsystems, as well as experiment-specific components. See the
ODAR for a complete list of all components in each spacecraft.

Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) Subsystem: Navigation sensors consist of the infrared
Horizon sensor, and the Star tracker, a 60 x 80 pixel center cross point module.
Aerodynamic pressure will cause the spacecraft to orient in an “arrowhead and tail” configuration
in the ram direction, restricting 2 axes of movement along the velocity vector. A small permanent
magnet will rotate the spacecraft about the long axis, to align with the earth’s magnetic field. Mu
metal plates will dampen the tumbling rate. This is the primary attitude control. Also, each unit will
include a magnetorquer coil capable of producing up to 0.2 Am^2 of magnetic moment. These
magnetorquers will act upon the earth’s magnetic field to restrict the rotation of the spacecraft
about the velocity vector, aligning the Simplex transmitter antenna to face in the zenith direction.
Command and Data Handling (CDH) Subsystem: Consists of two microprocessors which
facilitate data transfer between the payload and the COMMS subsystem. The CDH can receive
serial data packets, or sample dedicated analog and digital input lines.
Communications Subsystem (COMMS): The ThinSat S band receiver supports command and
control, and provides a means to command termination of transmission if necessary, by receiving
transmissions from the ground station.
Data is transmitted from the spacecraft via the Globalstar constellation, using an EyeStar S3F
Electrical Power Subsystem (EPS): Includes mechanical RBF switch, deployment switch, and
solar detection circuit which inhibit power from the battery. Charging circuit supplies solar power
to the battery and a regulator transfers battery power to the rest of the system. E-fuses limit current
supplied to the payload to 100 mA per line.
Thermal Control Subsystem (TCS): Al 7075 unit body frame thermally shorts internal and
external surfaces. Copper ground planes in external PCBs, including solar arrays, provides good
radiation surfaces.
Structure Subsystem: The external frame structure is fabricated of 7075 aluminum.
Propulsion Subsystem: No propulsion subsystem is included.
Payload Subsystem: The payloads include printed circuit boards of varying design, to conduct
experiments for the participating schools and universities.

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Document Created: 2018-06-18 15:38:29
Document Modified: 2018-06-18 15:38:29

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