Incoming generated [Jan 27, 2012]

0634-EX-PL-2011 Correspondence

National Public Radio, Inc.


From: Michael Starling

To: Anthony Serafini
Date: January 27, 2012


Applicant: National Public Radio, Inc.
File Number: 0634-EX-PL-2011
Correspondence Reference Number: 15768
Date of Original Email: 12/29/2011

The following responds to the OET correspondence (Reference No. 156768) requesting further
information on the above-referenced application for Experimental Authority (EA), to conduct tests needed
to evaluate the feasibility of using a ?Cognitive Modulator? (?CM?) operating below the current FM band,
on a frequency of 87.7 MHz. The proposed test location is the New Haven, Connecticut area, served by
digital television Channel 6 station WEDY(TV).

The OET correspondence requested responses addressing two matters. Set forth below are each
request and NPR's response.

1.        Prior coordination and consent from WEDY.

Page 3 of NPR?s ?Narrative Description Of Request For Experimental Authorization?, which
accompanied the EA request for the New Haven area, describes our coordination process with
Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. (CPBI), licensee of WEDY, licensee of WNPR-FM, Hartford, CT,
and Member of NPR. The relevant narrative is as follows:

         ?On November 18, 2011, engineers from NPR and Sirius XM met with engineering
representatives of WEDY to explain the CM operation and test procedures. WEDY accepted an offer to
review the experimental test plan before the proposed field trials are conducted, and were invited to
observe any of the testing. WEDY?s representatives indicated their willingness to proceed with the
testing, if authorized, and to participate with NPR and Sirius XM. Test personnel will provide prior notice
to representatives of WEDY and will promptly address any instances of interference, in the unlikely event
such interference should occur, including if necessary, terminating test emissions.?

Included as Attachment A, below, are the e-mail communications between NPR and Mr. Haig Papasian,
CPBI Vice President Operations & Engineering. On December 8, 2011, he received a copy of the same
narrative NPR filed with the Commission. His reply the next day confirmed that our narrative conformed
to the plan presented in our meeting on November 18 and conveyed CPBI's approval of the planned
testing and ongoing coordination.

2.      Justification for a new license and location from your prior license. Please discuss your
objectives that cannot be accomplished under your existing license that is pending renewal.

On January 26, 2012, NPR withdrew its pending renewal application (File No. 0230 EX RR 2011, filed
June 30, 2011) for NPR's prior experimental radio station construction permit and license (Call Sign
WF2XQD). Accordingly, our objectives for the testing can only be accomplished under the pending
application for a new experimental radio station construction permit and license (File No.
0634-EX-PL-2011). Although NPR is proposing to conduct the testing in the Hartford, CT area at this
time, we may conduct additional testing in other locations in the future depending on the test results.
Testing in additional locations could assess the effect of differences in topography and television Channel
6 station transmission facilities, including polarization, multipath variables, power levels, and look angles.
NPR would amend the pending proposed authorization, if granted, to specify any additional locations

besides the Hartford, CT area.

Attachment A

From: Papasian, Haig []
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 4:07 PM
To: John Kean
Subject: RE: draft for Experimental Authorization request


The final draft of the FCC request you have enclosed sums up the process as you had indicated earlier.
No surprises, and as we indicated WEDY was and is OK with this effort.

Good Luck,


From: John Kean []
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 3:54 PM
To: Papasian, Haig
Subject: draft for Experimental Authorization request

Hello Haig,

Attached is a final draft of the request to the FCC for the Experimental Authority to conduct testing, as we
discussed at CPBN. You'll note that I added a paragraph near the end indicating that we discussed the
plan and offered participation in the testing. I would only submit this text if you are comfortable with it, so
would you please send and email to let me know if it's okay?

I really enjoyed our meeting, and look forward to working with you and your staff early in the new year!

Best regards,

John Kean
Senior Technologist
NPR Labs ? Technology Research Center
p: 202-513-2476
f: 202-513-3034
c: 202-744-5837

Document Created: 2012-01-27 11:11:31
Document Modified: 2012-01-27 11:11:31

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