Progress Report generated (Sep 30, 2000)

0041-EX-ML-1999 Post Grant Documents

Mountain Telecommunications, Inc.


Saddleback Communications
 A Division ofthe Salt River Pima—Maricopa Indian Community
                                                                                Mountain Telecommunications, Inc. * ®

                                     10190 Z McKellips Road, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85243

                                      Tel : 480 850 7000 / 7500      Fax : 480 850 7010 / 7599

       James Burtle                                                                              30‘ September 2000
       Chief — Experimental Licensing Branch
       Federal Communications Commission
       445 12" Street SW
       Washington, DC 20054

       Dear Mr. Burtle
       We are pleased to present the second annual progress review under the 3.4GHz Experimental
       License ( 6120—EX—PL—1998 ) granted by the FCC on 22"" September 1998 and modified on 10
       April 2000 ( 0041—EX—ML—1999 ). Our customers continue to be delighted with the full—quality
       "wireline equivalent" service that they receive via Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) and ALL are now
       regular users of the service for full speed fax or modem access. The modified license has enabled
       us to increase the number of installed customer units and we now have approximately 250 of the
       permitted 400 in service. The balance is earmarked for a specific residential area which is separate
       from the main reservation, and for which we do not enjoy Rights of Way for the connecting links
       when we take over the copper grid from the Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier later this year.

       As with last year‘s report, we have not observed any interference from other spectrum users (e.g.
       airborne radars) over the past twelve months, and have not been notified of any interference to
       other spectrum users as a result of our operation under this License. Some of our customers
       continue to experience drop—side interference from a local AM radio station, which we try to
        address using screened drop cable and grounding improvements. We have confirmed that this is
        NOT indicative of any RF interference issue at 3.4GHz.

        The FWA solution continues to meet our service, technical and cost / commercial expectations, but
        we now have to address the following issues :

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                           © 2000 Mountain Telecommunications Inc & Saddleback Communications

a) The rest of the World (especially Mexico) is now deploying later versions of our FWA system
       which also deliver digital packet—based Internet access at speeds greater than 100kb/s. Without
       visible progress on the relevant spectrum allocation and licensing process in the US, these
       upgrades will not be available for our customers, who will remain limited to the existing 56kb/s
       analog modem access.

b) We continually review the US progress on other FWA and spectrum licensing issues, but still
       cannot identify any other appropriate / available solutions for our needs, including Cellular,
    WCS, PCS and MMDS and LMDS bands / technologies.

c) Without visible progress on the relevant spectrum allocation and licensing process in the US
    we will have to carefully limit our further investments in FWA technology, and start planning the
    deptloyment of more expensive and less appropriate solutions based on fiber and copper to
    meet our service and community needs.

We would welcome any attention that the FCC, NTIA and DoD can bring to bear on resolving the
US spectrum and licensing issues so that we don‘t have to resort to traditional (and more
expensive) copper solutions. Meanwhile, we will continue with the Experiment as described in the
attached report. Please let us know if there is any additional information or clarification that you
Yours Sincerely

Jacé /Q/eiter                                                  mée Scu//y

Jack Pleiter, President                                       Michaet Scully, President
Mountain Telecommunications Inc                               Saddleback Communications

CC :       Ivan Makil                     President, Salt River Pima—Maricopa Indian Community
           Jim Irvin                      Chairman, Arizona Corporation Commission
           Senator John McCain            Arizona
           William Kennard                Chairman, Federal Communications Commission
           Dale Hatfield                  Chief, FCC Office of Engineering & Technology
           Greg Rohde                     Asst. Secretary, Communications & Information, NTIA
           Lynne Cutler                   Deputy Assistant to the President
           William Hatch                  Acting Director, Office of Spectrum Management, NTIA
           Cynthia Raiford                Director, Spectrum Management, DASD C31, Dept. of Defense
           Ray Strassburger               Director, Govt. Relations, Nortel
           James Casey                    Counsel, Greenberg & Traurig LLP


                  © 2000 Mountain Telecommunications Inc & Saddleback Communications


                      AT SCoTTSDALE, ARIZONA

               SEPTEMEBER 1999 — SEPTEMBER 2000

            Report PRePARED 8y David TRinkwon, TRranscomm Inc

  © 2000 Mountain Telecommunications Inc & Saddleback Communications

As reported last year, after analyzing their service and business plan requirements, MTI and
Saddleback determined that their needs could NOT be met by existing wireless technologies such
as CMRS!, BETRS", MMDS® or LMDS*. However, they DID find that appropriate solutions existed
"off—the—shelf" outside the USA where regulators, spectrum management authorities and service
providers were already deploying and planning FWA solutions from a number of competitive
vendors. Further research identified that although several vendors, systems and frequency
variants were in existence, a number of important steps had been taken (e.g. within CITEL®, ETSI®,
ITU‘, Europe, Canada, Mexico and Australia) to harmonize these solutions around parts of the
3400—3700 MHz frequency band. An Experimental License was granted on 22"" September 1998
and the FWA system has been operating continuously at Scottsdale ever since.

This further annual progress report summarises the activity, results and conclusions reached at
the end of the second year, as required under the terms of the Experimental License. It also
identifies the ongoing tasks to be carried out in the third year.

In parallel with this Pilot project, MTI and Saddleback have filed a petition for Rulemaking® which
would lead to mutually agreeable sharing arrangements for (parts of) the 3400—3700 MHz
frequency band, and a process for obtaining permanent licenses for FWA applications in rural and

‘ CMRS — Commercial Mobile Radio Service, include both Narrowband Cellular and Broadband Personal
  Communications Services (PCS) under FCC Part 22 and 24 Rules, respectively

> BETRS — Basic Exchange Telephone Radio Systems under FCC Part 22 Sub—part F Rules

> MMDS (including MDS) — Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service and Multipoint Distribution Service under
  FCC Parts 74 and 21 Rules respectively.

* LMDS — Local Multipoint Distribution Service under FCC Part 101 Rules
° CITEL — A Telecommunications Consultative Committee of the Organization of American States (OAS). See
particularly the Reports and Recommendations of sub—committee PCC.I11 (Radio Communications)

° ETSI — European Telecommunications Standards Institute. See particularly the Reports and Recommendations of
Work Group TM4.

? ITU — International Telecommunications Union. See particularly the Reports and Recommendations of Joint
Rapporteurs Group JRG 8A/9B

8 See Fixed Wireless Access, Petition for Rulemaking of Mountain Telecommunications, Inc. and Saddleback
  Communications Company (filed Sept. 30, 1998).


                © 2000 Mountain Telecommunications Inc & Saddleback Communications

Indian communities. This Petition also includes a more detailed explanation of the background
behind the MT! and Saddleback initiatives. Nortel Networks®""""""°"*"" and TransComm‘* have
also filed many comments on other FCC proceedings related to spectrum policy, universal service
and the proposed transfer of the 3650—3700 MHz frequency band from Government to commercial

In its Experimental License Application, MTI specifically referenced the following types of
operations (per section 5.202 of FCC rules governing the Experimental Radio Service) as being
(1)     Development of radio technique, equipment, operational data or engineering data related to
        an existing or proposed radio service.
(i1)    Limited market studies
(i1i)   Other types of experiments that are not specifically covered under paragraphs (a) through
        (J) of this section

MTI stated its intention to operate the system under conditions approximating those that would
exist in full—scale commercial deployments of the system, in order to evaluate its technical and
operational viability and its ability to satisfy the telecommunications service requirements of SRP—
MIC members. Specific objectives were also stated in the MTI Application. These are summarised
below, together with a statement of status / progress against each objective.

° Comments of Northern Telecom in WT Docket No. 96—6 (March 1, 1996)

  Remarks of David Twyver (Northern Telecom) at the FCC En Bane Hearing on Spectrum Policy, March 5, 1996.

‘‘ Comments of Northern Telecom RM 8$837, (Aug. 12, 1996)

" Comments and Reply Comments of Northern Telecom, CC Docket No. 96—45 (May7, Dec 19°" 1997 respectively)

"} Comments of Northern Telecom CC Dockets 96—45 and 97—160 (FNPRM) (Sept.24, 1997)

"" Comments of Northern Telecom CC Docket No. 98—146, (Sept. 14, 1998)
" Comments of Northern Telecom ET Docket No. 98—237, (Feb. 16, 1999)
   Comments of TransComm ET Docket No. 98—237, (Feb. 16, 1999)

                                               15 _

                © 2000 Mountain Telecommunications Inc & Saddleback Communications

Mountain Telecommunications Inc. and Saddleback Communications Objectives

1.   Demonstrate economic and social benefits of Fixed Wireless Access technology
     Almost 100 community members have now been provided with full quality "wireline" voice, fax
     and modem data service for the first time, at normal wireline tariffs and without payment of
     special construction charges. Prior to FWA these customers either had no telecommunications
     service at their home or place of business, or used cellular telephones, which were found to be
     expensive, unreliable or otherwise unsatisfactory. In addition, 150 other customers have been

     able to choose Saddleback‘s service in preference to the incumbent LEC service provided over
     traditional copper, and in advance of Saddleback‘s proposed acquisition of the ILEC‘s plant.

     Preliminary analysis of the 1999/2000 system event logs shows that ALL 252 customer units
     currently in service have used their lines to support full speed fax and/or modem (internet)
     access more than 30,000 times during the past year, as tabulated below :

                                                     Approx 1       —
                                                                    — 1000 each
                                                                100 —   250 each

                                                     Approx      10—

                                                                  1 —    10 each

     Once Saddleback completes the purchase of the ILEC plant, it will be able to economically re—
     deploy some of the FWA units to serve a part of the community which is across the Salt River
     from the main reservation, and for which there is no existing way to connect the customers to
     Saddleback‘s central office, since all the wireline plant is routed back to the ILEC‘s wire centers
     on the South side of the River.

     Evaluate customer acceptance of services provided
     All customers continue to express complete satisfaction with the quality, reliability and feature
     transparency of the services provided via FWA. There are still a few instances of interference
     from a local AM radio station which has caused complaints. It is usually possible to resolve


                © 2000 Mountain Telecommunications Inc & Saddleback Communications

these situations to the satisfaction of the customers. These problems also occur on wireline
connections in the same areas.

Demonstrate progress towards becoming facilities—based CLEC
At present all wireline customers in the community are served by the traditional incumbent LEC
(Qwest). Saddleback Communications has been designated by the Community to be the (new)
incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) and is in the process of negotiating the transfer of the
wireline facilities and existing customers from Qwest. Meanwhile Saddleback offers the FWA
(Experimental) service to Qwest customers in the Community, in the manner of a Competitive
LEC (CLEC). As mentioned above, approximately 150 customers are currently served in this
way. MTI itself provides CLEC service throughout Arizona, using a combination of its own
facilities and leased fiber or copper through agreements with Qwest and other facilities
providers. MTI would like to competitively serve customers off the reservation using FWA, but
this is not permitted by the Experimental License, even though the FWA transmissions
presently cover large areas of urban Tempe and Scottsdale.

Evaluate system performance in a real network environment
Proper attention must be paid to (customer) installation procedures to assure "carrier quality"
performance and reliability, while avoiding the prohibitive costs associated with "line of sight"
radio technologies. Saddleback has trained local native staff to carry out a complete, quality—
assured, residential installation within 1 — 1.5 hours, including inside wiring and customer
discussion time. Coverage has so far been provided using six pairs of (omni—directional)
307kHz radio frequency carriers, each providing ten 32kb/s traffic time—slots. A preliminary
analysis of system event logs for the past year shows a significant number of situations where
all available timesiots were in use, and Saddleback will now be considering the addition of
further radio frequency carriers to increase capacity, in order to maintain wireline—standard
availability. Further analysis will be carried out to determine the appropriate co—relation of the
"blocked timeslot" events with associated traffic demand versus propagation or known fault

Investigate service, application and business opportunities
In addition to meeting the needs of unserved residential and business customers on the tribal
lands, the FWA system has enabled Saddleback to address demands for additional lines not
available from the existing US West copper grid. Also to serve customers who prefer


              © 2000 Mountain Telecommunications Inc & Saddleback Communications

   Saddleback, but needed switch features which are not available when Saddleback resells the
   Qwest service (but are available when Qwest sells the service). With the license modification,
   Saddleback has been able to successfully serve an additional 100 such customers to date.

 . Develop staff knowledge on technology and associated functions / processes
   As reported last year, more than six MTI and Saddieback employees have been trained on the
   FWA technology, plus associated installation, planning and network management sub—systems.
   Training has been provided on—site in Scottsdale, AZ and at Nortel‘s facilities in the United

   Develop plans for product standardization, market introduction and deployment
   These plans are on hold, pending the resolution of the FCC Petition and any resolution of
   band—sharing issues with DoD and NTIA. Saddleback must now start to develop contingency
   plans for replacing the FWA in due course with more expensive fiber and copper access

 . Address regulatory aspects of wireless technologies
   MT! and Saddleback continue to press the FCC, DoD and NTIA to resolve the issues that limit
   their access to appropriate spectrum for the use of these "off—the—shelf" global solutions to
   some long—standing and difficult telecommunications access problems. Meanwhile, they
   continue to monitor progress on domestic US spectrum and product availability (eg ISM, PCS,
   WCS, MMDS, GWCS and 3650—3700MHz bands) to watch for emerging alternative FWA

A summary of the MTI / Saddleback project was included in last year‘s report.

A specific objective of this Experimental License is to evaluate any interference to the FWA system
from other users in the band (or emitting spurious signals into the band from lower frequencies). In
particular, airborne high powered military radars such as AWACS. We are also obliged to remedy
(or shut down the system) in the event that the FWA system causes interference to a primary user
in the band (e.g. military radars). Luke AFB is located 30 miles west of the MTI Base Station
(bearing 280°), but we were advised that none of the platforms normally assigned there had any of

                © 2000 Mountain Telecommunications Inc & Saddleback Communications

the radars being analysed by the DoD—Joint Spectrum Center. However, we could expect AWACS
overflights occasionally as planes come over on training flights or with the radars switched on en
route to their assigned missions. We would NOT be told when the flights would (or had) taken
For last year‘s report, we carried out two specific data collection / analysis periods, using specially
generated test calils and procedures to gather the statistics in the system event logs. The
conclusion was that during the special monitoring periods only random and infrequent events were
observed. No patterns of interference from any external sources were observed and no evidence
was found to support the hypothesis that there was a loss of service due to interference. It was not
possible to provide detailed correlation between the measurement data and presence of potential
interferors without information about specific interferor (e.g. radar) events. For this second year, we
did NOT run any specially generated test calls, but HAVE analyzed the normal system event logs
to look for any patterns of alarms that might indicate interference.

A)       In Call Signal Quality Alarms
An "In Call Signal Quality" alarm can be triggered by one of six possible events: RSSI failure,
MAC—CRC failure, FEC failure, Vector Error failure, DLC—CRC failure, or an Errored Slot. Alarms
indicate that a certain type of failure occurred during a call. 27,000 such "Warning" alarms were
logged during this second year, and further analysis will shortly be carried out to determine and co—
relate the specific causes. Since the principle concern here is the potential interference from radars
or other sources, we will just summarize three aspects for the present.
Firstly, were the failures linked to specific radio frequency carriers — interference would be expected
to affect different (frequency) carriers to different extents. The following table summarizes the
results, and shows that there IS a bias towards the lower frequencies, but we would need to
investigate the uplink / downlink data in more detail before assigning any significance to this result.

                                              — 9.

               © 2000 Mountain Telecommunications Inc & Saddleback Communications

Secondly, does the alarm data show "bursts" of alarms on specific dates, which might co—relate to
radar (eg AWACS) operations (if known). In general there were less than 100 such alarms on any
day, but the table below shows the dates on which greater numbers of occurrences were noted.

                       No of Alarms                                  Dates
                         100 — 200                             Sep 99 — 9,11,18,19
                                                           Oct 99 — 1,4,5,17,19—21,29
                                                          Nov 99 — 1,8,11,12,14—16,22
                                                               Jan 00 — 2—4,28,29
                                                            Feb 00 — 18,21,22,27,28
                                                          Mar 00 — 1—3,8,10,11,13—23,31
                                                   Apr 00 — 3—7,12,13,17,18,20,25—26,28—30
                                                             May 00 — 1,2,7,18,19,24
                                                               Jun 00 — 23,28—30
                                                              Jul 00 — 24,25,30,31
                                                             Aug 00 — 3,6—10,14,28
                         200 — 300                               Sep 99 — 14,15
                                                               Mar 00 — 12,16,18
                                                                   Apr 00 — 21
                                                                Jul 00 — 3,21,28
                                                              Aug 00 — 11,15,16,30
                         300 — 400                                 Apr 00 — 4
                                                                  May 00 — 16
                                                                 Aug 00 — 17,29
                         400 — 500                                May 00 — 10
                                                                   Jun 00 — 22
                           > 500                                   Apr 00 — 14


Thirdly, radar interference would be expected to affect all customers equally, whereas analysis of
the alarms shows the following distribution :

                                         vents                               ustomers

                            2000 — 3000
                            1        —

                                100 — 500

                                                 — 10 —

              © 2000 Mountain Telecommunications Inc & Saddleback Communications

                               50 — 100                              12
                            Less than 50                            136
                               27343                                179

B)      In Call Signal Quality Metrics
The "In Call Signal Quality" metrics for FEC (Forward Error Correction) and MAC failures for a
single customer unit was recorded and logged on uplink and downlink. These record the number of
times each type of failure occurred during a call. 3000 such calls were logged over the past year
and an analysis of the metrics will be carried out shortly.

C. Conclusion
Again, no system alarms have been raised over the second one—year period to indicate any bursts
of errors that might be attributable to RF interference, and there have been no complaints or
comments from the customers that would give rise to any such concerns. The impact (if any) of
FWA system interference to external systems (DoD‘s or others) can not be ascertained, except by
the operators of the impacted systems. No such reports have been received.

The costs of the FWA solution remain as predicted, and significantly cheaper than the previously
estimated wireline solutions. Resolution of the spectrum sharing proposals for the US market
would further increase the manufacturing volumes significantly, yielding additional economies of
scale. Subscriber units can be (and have been) re—deployed to meet changing subscriber needs or
service priorities, and have also been used to quickly / economically provide full quality service to
temporary construction sites or special events.

                                             — 1 —

               © 2000 Mountain Telecommunications Inc & Saddleback Communications

                                                                               APPENDIX A
                    MAPS & CHARTS
Figure 1 : Location of SRP—MIC Community and Base Station
   \,       .       m     m .         f es       :t‘. {   J,       n       4      4.
        |               >~ 3xd T             §      s          f       .       TL 4t *
                          \ (Qf

Document Created: 2000-10-26 15:20:35
Document Modified: 2000-10-26 15:20:35

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