Letter to Julius Knapp

0848-EX-ST-2013 Text Documents

Motorola Solutions, Inc.



                                                                          September 5, 2013
Jutus knapp
Chief, Offce of Engineering and Tachnology
Federal Communications Commission
445 12h Streot, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554
RE:     Request for Experimental Special Temporary Authority
        ELS File No. 0848—EX—8T—2013

Dear Mr. Knapp,
        Motoroia Solutions, Inc. seoks approval of ts above—referenced applieation for
Experimental Specia! Temporary Authority (STA) to operate in the 700 MLiz public safety
broadband spectrum to demonstrate Long Term Evolution (L.TE) equipment atthe annual
International Association Chiefs of Police (1ACP) conference in Priladelphia, PA for the period
of October 18 through October 23, 2013. The proposed operation will be conducted in the 756—
76788798 Mz spectrum that is icensed to tneFirst Responder Network Authonty
       The purpose of the proposed operation is to demonstrate the functionalty of profotype
broadband LTE devices designed o support the needs of the publsafety and homeland
securty community
       Motoroia Solutions submits this cover latter as part of the above—referenced application
to affim its understanding of he primary status of FirstNet as the licensoe, to seek FirstNot‘s
consent and to provide our commitment to conduct operations undar this requested STA as
described below
        1) Operation will be confined to the immediate vicinty ofthe Ponnsyivania Convention
           Center in Philadelphia, PA,. The equipment wilinclude one temporary base station
           with an associated antenna and a small number of porfablo/mobie unit all operating
           within less than 1 km of the base station
       2) The demonstrations willbe conducted on the 758—763/788—798 Mz bands, which
          are currently Iconsed on a nationwide basis to FirstNet.
       3): Operation wl occur during the period October 18—23, 2013, altowing time during that
           peried for setup and testing, demonstrations and teardown
       4) Motorola Solutions has analyzed information from the FCC‘s icense databases and
          determined that the propased operation would not interfere or create a significant
          potentil for interference with any public safely aperations in the 700 MFiz band

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          5) The temporary experimental operation is not intended forthe provision of regular
             publc safety mission—crical communications or the delivery of ve transmissions in
             dutles to protect Hfe, property or safaty.
          ® Motorala Solutions recognizes that its experimantal operations wil be secondary and
             must not cause interference to any operations authorized on a primary basis in this
             spectrum leonsed to FirstNet. Furthor, Molorola Solutions understands that any
             such primary operations have no oblgation to miligate any interference that might be
             present to the IAGP demonstration experimental operations
          7 Motorola Solutions acknowledges that although FirstNet has not yet deployed in the
             geographic area covered by the application, if FirstNet or ts assignoes orlesseos
             plan to deploy in the area during the term of this STA, Motorola Solutions may need
             to reduce the coverage or power of ts exporimantal ransmissions or cease
             operations entirely to prevent interference to such deploymont
          ® Motorola Solutions will cooperate with other grantees of experimontal STAs who are
             demonstrling in the same spectum at the IAGP conference to minimize the potentalfor

          9 The undersigned person wil sorve as an overall point—of—contactfr the proposed short—
             term demonstraion at the IAGP conference
          Motorota Solutions approciates your consideration of this matter and requests that bath the
FCC and FirsiNet act as expeditiously as possible so the reauested Exporimental STA can be
aranted in a tmely manner to support the requested demonstration perd baginning October 18,


Sm bretz,,
Stu Overby
Senior Director, Spectrum Strategy
Motorola Solutions, Inc.
1303 E. Algonguin Rd
Schaumburg, IL 60196
Telephone: (847)—576—2082
Stu.ove        motorolasalitions.com

c: Regina Hartison, NTIA
   RHarrison@ntia doc.gov

Mutorols Slutons. oc
1000 AgunoonHd, Seumtuny 1. ooros

Document Created: 2013-09-05 12:20:23
Document Modified: 2013-09-05 12:20:23

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