Narrative Statement

0407-EX-CN-2019 Text Documents

Motorola Solutions, Inc.


                                                           Motorola Solutions, Inc.
                                                     Application on FCC Form 442
                                                      for an Experimental License
                                                     ELS File No. 0407-EX-CN-2019

                             NARRATIVE STATEMENT

        Pursuant to Sections 5.3 (e) through (h), 5.51 and 5.53 of the Federal
Communication Commission (“FCC”) rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 5.3 (e) through (h), 5.51, 5.53
(2018), Motorola Solutions, Inc. (“Motorola Solutions”), hereby respectfully requests an
experimental license to operate on narrowband channels in the 769-776 and 799-806
MHz bands for the purpose of conducting tests in connection with the development of
land mobile radio devices and systems. The authority requested would also allow it to
enhance the research it has conducted under a complementary license issued under
call sign WC2XYE, which has now expired. The testing will be conducted near its
research and manufacturing facilities in Schaumburg and Elgin, Illinois.

       The following provides additional details regarding this request.

A.     Purpose of Operation and Need for Experimental License:

       Motorola Solutions is a leading manufacturer of mobile radio infrastructure
and is continually engaged in the design and development of new and innovative
equipment and applications. The experimental authority requested herein will allow
the company to test, evaluate and demonstrate the performance and functionality of
prototype systems designed to support the communications needs of the public
safety and homeland security community.

      Specifically, Motorola Solutions proposes to conduct testing and
demonstrations of prototype equipment and systems near its offices at 1303 E.
Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, Illinois, and at 2450 Galvin Drive, Elgin, Illinois.
Grant of an experimental license will allow Motorola Solutions to enhance the
company’s efforts to design and develop solutions to meet the communications
needs of potential users.

B.     Locations of Proposed Operation:

        Motorola Solutions proposes to conduct tests using experimental fixed base
station transmitters and antennas within one (1) kilometer of its offices in
Schaumburg and Elgin, Illinois. Associated mobiles and portables would operate
within a 32 kilometer radius of the fixed locations. The addresses and center
coordinates (in Datum: NAD83) of its offices are:

       1303 E. Algonquin Road                 2450 Galvin Drive
       Schaumburg, IL 60196                   Elgin, IL 60124
       42° 03' 44.6" North Latitude           42° 05' 51.8" North Latitude
       88° 03' 05.4" West Longitude           88° 20' 40.3" West Longitude


C.     Justification for Five-Year Experimental License:

         As noted above, Motorola Solutions is a leading manufacturer of mobile radio
infrastructure and is continually engaged in the design and development of new and
innovative equipment and applications. The experimental authority requested herein
will allow the company to test and demonstrate the performance and functionality of
prototype systems designed to support the communications needs of the public
safety and homeland security community.

       Motorola Solutions respectfully requests an experimental authorization so that
it may enhance its current activities. Given the long-term nature and evolution of its
research and development, Motorola Solutions respectfully seeks an experimental
license with a term of five (5) years so that it may continue to conduct tests and
demonstrations that are expected to occur on an on-going basis for at least five
years and likely ten or more years.

D.      Technical Specifications:

       1.     Frequencies Desired

        Motorola Solutions requests authorization to operate on narrowband channels
in the 769-776 and 799-806 MHz bands. It recognizes that these channel bands are
allocated for licensed uses. Accordingly, Motorola Solutions will coordinate and
cooperate with other users to ensure against interference. Moreover, Motorola
Solutions has researched the FCC’s licensing databases and proposes to operate on
channel centers that are not currently assigned to other licensees in the area or that
are spectrally separated from channel centers offset from the channel centers
currently assigned to other licensees in the area. Company personnel will also
monitor the operations of other users before commencing transmissions to avoid
interference to such users.

        In the event that Motorola Solutions receives a complaint of harmful
interference resulting from the proposed operation, it will take immediate action to
address the interference, including if necessary discontinuing the experimental
operations. The company has designated Mr. Gregory Buchwald, whose contact
information is provided below, to act as the “stop buzzer” for this purpose.

        Notwithstanding the precautions it will take, Motorola Solutions does not
expect harmful interference to occur. First, as noted above, company personnel will
monitor the operations of other users before commencing transmissions to avoid
interference to such users. Second, the proposed operations will be limited in scope;
the base stations will typically transmit only periodically on any specific channel and
at the minimum power level required to ensure accurate test results. Third, Motorola
Solutions will not be operating simultaneously from all the transmitters it has
requested in its application.


       2.     Effective Radiated Power

        All power levels will comply with the limits set forth in the FCC’s rules,
including those relating to human exposure to radiation. The mobile/portable units to
be deployed are configured to operate at a mean effective radiated power (“ERP”)
power level of 10 Watts. The base stations will be configured to operate at a mean
ERP of 100 Watts. Motorola Solutions will limit the power to the minimum
necessary to evaluate the prototype equipment and systems.

       3.     Modulation and Emissions

        The primary emission designators associated with the experimental
operations are 8K10F1E, 8K80D1W, 11K0F1D, 11K0F2D and 11K0F3E. Other
emission modes may be utilized, but in no event will the emissions extend beyond
the frequency bands requested.

       4.     Antenna Information

       The fixed base station transmitter antennas will be located indoors as well as
outdoors near its offices in Schaumburg and Elgin Illinois, as described above. Should
Motorola Solutions install antennas outdoors, the heights will not exceed 20 feet above
an existing antenna structure or building. The mobile/portable antennas will be
operated at heights not greater than 6 meters above ground when used outdoors or at
various locations as needed for testing when used indoors. No antennas will be
mounted in a fashion that will require approval under FAA and FCC rules and

       5.     Equipment To Be Used

       Motorola Solutions expects that it will be able to conduct its tests and
demonstrations with not more than twelve (12) base stations and twenty-five (25)
mobile/portable units per location. Moreover, Motorola Solutions will limit the power,
area of operation, and transmitting times to the minimum necessary to evaluate the

E.     Restrictions on Operation/ Protection Against Interference:

        Motorola Solutions is not seeking authority to perform a market study under
the experimental license it has requested. Moreover, no fees will be charged to
entities operating the equipment during this test. After any test is completed,
Motorola Solutions will recall and recover all devices that do not comply with FCC

        Motorola Solutions also recognizes that the operation of any equipment under
experimental authority must not cause harmful interference to authorized facilities.
Should interference occur, Motorola Solutions will take immediate steps to resolve
the interference, including if necessary arranging for the discontinuance of operation.


        In addition, Motorola Solutions will advise entities operating the equipment that
permission to operate has been granted under experimental authority issued to Motorola
Solutions, Inc., that such operation is strictly temporary, and that the equipment may not
cause harmful interference. Entities will also be advised in accordance with Section
2.803 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §2.803 (2018), that any unapproved devices
have not been authorized as required by the rules of the FCC and are not being offered
for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.

F.     Public Interest Statement:

        Motorola Solutions submits that issuance of an experimental license as requested
is in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. Grant of an experimental license
will permit Motorola Solutions to develop innovative equipment that will accommodate the
communications needs of the public safety and homeland security community.

G.     Contact Information:

       1.     Technical Point of Contact (“POC”) and “Stop Buzzer/Kill Switch:”

        In the unlikely event interference concerns should arise during the period of
authorization for this license, please contact the person below, who will also serve as
the “stop buzzer.”
                        Gregory Buchwald, DMTS Engineer
                        Motorola Solutions, Inc.
                        1303 E Algonquin Rd, 7th Floor
                        Schaumburg, IL 60196
                        Telephone: (815) 351-4020

       2.     Motorola Solutions FCC Contact:

                     Frank Korinek
                     Director, Government Affairs
                     Motorola Solutions, Inc.
                     1455 Pennsylvania Ave., #900
                     Washington DC 20004
                     Telephone: (888) 325-9336

       3.     Motorola Solutions FCC Legal Counsel:

                     Kurt DeSoto
                     Wiley Rein LLP
                     1776 K Street, N.W.
                     Washington, DC 20006
                     Telephone: (202) 719-7235
                     Facsimile: (202) 719-7049


Document Created: 2019-05-15 17:57:02
Document Modified: 2019-05-15 17:57:02

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