Request for Renewal of License

0204-EX-CR-2018 Text Documents

Motorola Solutions, Inc.


April 27, 2018

Julius Knapp
Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

RE:    Request for Renewal of Experimental License
       Call Sign WG2XRE; ELS File No. 0204-EX-CR-2018

Dear Mr. Knapp,

        Motorola Solutions, Inc. respectfully seeks a 12-month renewal (through June 30,
2019) of the above-referenced experimental license issued by the Federal
Communications Commission (“FCC”) under call sign WG2XRE, with the modifications
requested below to delete one location and reduce the power levels at the remaining
sites. Specifically, the license as modified would authorize Motorola Solutions to
conduct limited operations in the 758-768/788-798 MHz band (“Band Class 14”) subject
to non-interference safeguards described below at its facilities in Schaumburg, Illinois,
and at its laboratory in Plantation, Florida, from base stations that would operate at an
effective radiated power (“ERP”) not to exceed 15 Watts per sector and with mobiles
that would not exceed an ERP of 2 Watts.

       Motorola Solutions is a leading manufacturer and integrator of mobile radio
equipment for the public safety and homeland security community and is continually
engaged in the design and development of new and innovative communications
solutions. Renewal of the experimental license requested herein is vital to the company
to support its activities. Motorola Solutions takes seriously good engineering practices to
conduct extensive and comprehensive tests on prototype devices and solutions to
ensure their functionality, reliability, and acceptability to support critical communications
needed by public safety personnel and first responders. Motorola Solutions is
concerned not only about safety of the public, but also the safety of our public safety
community. It is therefore critical to Motorola Solutions to test devices fully and
thoroughly to ensure they are sufficiently robust to meet the requirements and
specifications of public safety personnel and first responders.

        Motorola Solutions also affirms the primary status of the First Responder Network
Authority (“FirstNet”) as the licensee in the 758-768/788-798 MHz band. Motorola
Solutions understands that FirstNet has a similar interest in ensuring the functionality,
reliability, and acceptability of devices and products that support the public safety
community. Motorola Solutions also appreciates that FirstNet seeks to protect against
interference to existing and future users of Band Class 14 spectrum. Motorola Solutions
shares that concern with FirstNet and, in fact, considers it an obligation not to cause


interference when it conducts its experimental activities. Indeed, any other stance would
be inconsistent with the company’s underlying mission and objectives.

        Motorola Solutions coordinated its earlier license renewal request with FirstNet
staff to address the concerns it had about the potential for interference to existing or
future operations on Band Class 14 from the experimental activities of Motorola
Solutions. As a result of those discussions, Motorola Solutions established a detailed
and comprehensive compliance plan to protect Band Class 14 operations and users.
See also Attachments to Application for Renewal of WG2XRE, ELS File No. 0174-EX-
CR-2017. For the staff’s reference, the Plan is also copied below. If appropriate,
Motorola Solutions will also coordinate the instant license renewal request with FirstNet
staff and respectfully requests an opportunity to conduct and complete any required
coordination before the Commission takes any action on this application for renewal,
including but not limited to grant or dismissal.


        In response to the mutual goals of Motorola Solutions and FirstNet to prevent
interference to existing and future operations on Band Class 14 spectrum, Motorola
Solutions has developed, and is committed to, the following “Non-Interference Program”
comprised of operational, technical and procedural requirements to govern its activities
under the experimental license requested herein. Many of the commitments presented
below were previously established in coordination with FCC staff and Motorola
Solutions and have already been specified on the license Motorola Solutions seeks to
renew; others expand on those requirements to advance the interests of all parties to
mitigate interference. Motorola Solutions would accept these commitments as “Special
Conditions” incorporated into its renewed experimental license. In addition, it
understands and agrees that its license will be modified to reflect the commitments
described below related to the technical specifications (e.g., power levels and radius of
operations) and the deletion of the location at Palatine, Illinois.

   (1) Motorola Solutions agrees that its experimental operations will be
       secondary and shall not cause interference to FirstNet operations or those
       approved to operate in Band Class 14, including narrowband or broadband
       operations (i.e., FirstNet Spectrum Management Lease Agreement
       (“SMLA”) licensees/current incumbents). Motorola Solutions agrees that
       any failure to prevent interference shall result in immediate suspension of
       the experimental authority until such time, as determined by FirstNet, that
       the experimental operations may continue.

   (2) Motorola Solutions acknowledges that although FirstNet may not yet have
       deployed in the geographic areas covered by the license, if FirstNet or its
       assignees or lessees plan to deploy in the areas during the term of the
       license, Motorola Solutions shall be required to modify its experimental
       activities or cease operations entirely to prevent interference to such


   deployment. Motorola Solutions may also be required to obtain any
   necessary concurrence letters from FirstNet or its assignees or lessees.

(3) Motorola Solutions shall establish a point of contact (POC) for its
    experimental operations and shall send the such contact information to the
    Governor-appointed FirstNet Single Point of Contact within the proposed
    license locations. Motorola Solutions agrees to cease operations at the
    request of FirstNet immediately upon receipt of such a request to the POC
    until such time, as determined by FirstNet, that operations may continue.
    The POC and "stop-buzzer" contact for operations in Illinois is Gregory
    Buchwald, DMTS Engineer / CTO Office, Motorola Solutions, Inc.; Email; Cell: 815-351-4020. The POC and
    "stop-buzzer" for operations at Plantation, FL is Mark Solak, Project
    Manager, Motorola Solutions, Inc.; Office: 847-576-3081; Cell: 847-341-0223;

(4) Motorola Solutions agrees that the operations shall be limited to
    testing, experimentation, or trial and will not involve live-duty
    operations by first responders or others to protect life, property, or
    safety. The experimental operations are not intended for the provision
    of regular public safety mission-critical communications or the delivery
    of live transmissions in duties to protect life, property or safety.

(5) Before commencing any experimental operations, Motorola Solutions
    shall verify that there is no current potential for interference with
    FirstNet operations or those approved to operate in Band Class 14 per
    special temporary authority (“STA”)/experimental license (“EL”) license
    (i.e., SMLA licensees/current incumbents). Motorola Solutions shall
    analyze information in the FCC's license databases to determine that
    the proposed operation would not interfere or create a significant
    potential for harmful interference with any public safety operations in
    Band Class 14. Motorola Solutions shall also coordinate with the
    Governor-appointed FirstNet Single Point of Contact to request
    available information about the status of any plans by FirstNet or its
    assignees or lessees to deploy in the area during the term of the

(6) Motorola Solutions shall conduct its experimental activities in Band Class 14
    under the following technical guidelines, designed to mitigate interference:

      a. When feasible, testing must be conducted only within an
         anechoic chamber or Faraday cage;
      b. When feasible, testing must be conducted only within an indoor
         location with the greatest possible attenuation characteristics;
      c. Testing in an outdoor environment shall be subject to the
         following limitations:


  i. Operations shall be limited to geographic areas where
     there are no operations by FirstNet or its assignees or
     lessees, unless Motorola Solutions has received
     concurrence for such operations;
 ii. Prior to commencing every test transmission, Motorola
     Solutions shall monitor for any transmissions by FirstNet or
     its assignees (“FirstNet-Approved Operations”) that would
     receive interference from the test transmissions, and
     Motorola Solutions shall not commence test transmissions
     until it has verified that that the FirstNet Approved
     Operations have ceased or would not receive interference;
iii. The operations shall be limited to the shortest possible duty
     cycle/time of day needed to obtain valid engineering data, but
     in no event may the operations exceed an average duty cycle
     of 20% (e.g., not more than 2 days per week during the period
     8-5pm and 11pm-5am or the equivalent);
iv. The operation of any base stations shall be limited as follows:
        1. Motorola Solutions shall deploy not more than one
             temporary base station at Schaumburg, Illinois, and
             two temporary base stations at Plantation, Florida;
        2. Base station antennas shall be placed at the lowest
             height needed to obtain valid engineering data, but may
             not be mounted more than 6 meters above ground level
             or a building, so as to reduce transmissions toward any
             FirstNet or other operations on Band Class 14;
        3. Base station antennas shall use downtilt and/or
             directional antennas when feasible to reduce
             transmissions toward any FirstNet or other operations
             on Band Class 14; and
        4. Base stations must operate with the minimum power
             needed to obtain valid engineering data, but in no case
             more than 15 Watts effective radiated power (ERP) per
             sector and no more than 6 sectors per base station, for
             a total ERP of 90 Watts;
 v. The operation of any portable/mobile devices shall be
     limited as follows:
        1. Portable/mobile units to be deployed will be limited to
             the number needed to obtain valid engineering data,
             but not more than 6 units per location;
        2. Portable/mobile units shall operate within the smallest
             possible radius of a temporary base station, but not
             more than 2 km from such base station; and
        3. Portable/mobile units must operate with the minimum
             power needed to obtain valid engineering data, but in
             no case more than 2.0 Watts ERP; and


      (7) Motorola Solutions understands that any primary operations have no
          obligation to mitigate any interference that might be present to the
          experimental operations of Motorola Solutions. Motorola Solutions
          agrees to accept interference from any other user of Band Class 14 and
          that it must coordinate operations with other authorized Band Class 14
          STA/EL holders (e.g., during trade shows, multiple experimental
          authorizations might be requested and granted; it is the responsibility of
          each STA/EL holder to coordinate operations among themselves
          effectively). Motorola Solutions agrees that any failure to coordinate
          effectively will result in immediate suspension of its experimental
          authority until such time, as determined by FirstNet, that the operations
          may continue.

      (8) Motorola Solutions agrees that any press release to be issued regarding
          the license, the operations, or the use of Band Class 14 spectrum relating
          to the license shall be coordinated with and receive written sign-off from
          FirstNet prior to release.

      (9) Motorola Solutions recognizes that a separate concurrence from FirstNet
         will be required for renewal or extension of the requested license, if
         needed, beyond the term of the license as renewed.

         Motorola Solutions appreciates the FirstNet’s and the FCC’s consideration of this
matter and respectfully requests that FirstNet act as expeditiously as possible to provide
any needed concurrence and that the FCC renew the license as requested. Grant of
the instant application is in the public interest, as such action will allow Motorola
Solutions to continue testing and evaluating the propagation characteristics and
reliability of prototype devices and systems designed to support public safety and
homeland security communications.

Respectfully submitted,


Frank Korinek
Director, Spectrum & Regulatory Government Affairs
Motorola Solutions, Inc.
1455 Pennsylvania Ave., #900
Washington DC 20004
Telephone: 847.877.7179



Document Created: 2018-04-27 17:12:16
Document Modified: 2018-04-27 17:12:16

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