NOAA Waiver

0742-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

Montana State University


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                                &       \ ""%       UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                *            «+     National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                                        ie          NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE, DATA,
                                toust",6             AND INFORMATION SERVICE

                                                                               February 23, 2017
Mr. Brock LaMeres
Montana State University
533 Cobleigh Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717

RE: NOAA Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs License Inquiry

Dear Mr. LaMeres,

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Commercial Remote Sensing
Regulatory Affairs Office (CRSRA) has received and reviewed your Initial Contact Forms
concerning your proposed mission. By the authority given to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce
under the National and Commercial Space Programs Act of 2010 (P.L. 111—314), and as
delegated to NOAA, we have assessed that your proposed mission will not be required to apply
for a NOAA operator‘s license. This does not relieve you of the obligation to receive any other
U.S. Government licenses, permissions or permits for the export, launch, or operation of a
private spacecraft.

This applies to the RadSat—g and RadSat—u satellite missions only, and is based on the Initial
Contact Forms that were submitted on February 23, 2017. Please contact NOAA with any future
satellite missions you may plan to operate to obtain a licensing determination on that specific


                                                   CL4GZ mfae P
                                              —ofTabara D. Dawkins
                                              C  Director, Commercial Remote Sensing
                                                  Regulatory Affairs

cc: Glenn Tallia, NOAA GC


                                                                                                         "Chey or Lo*"

Document Created: 2019-02-14 06:26:35
Document Modified: 2019-02-14 06:26:35

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