Request for Expedited Processing

0172-EX-ST-2007 Text Documents

Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC


Mobile Satellite Ventures Lr

                                                 April 10, 2007

      Via Electronic Filing
      Mr. James R. Burtle
      Chief, Experimental Licensing Branch
      Office of Engineering and Technology
      Federal Communications Commission
      445 12th Street, S.W.
      Washington, DC 20554

              Re:     Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
                      File No. 0172—EX—ST—2007

       Dear Mr. Burtle:

              Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC ("MSV") hereby respectfully requests
      expedited processing ofits above—referenced April 3, 2007 application for an experimental
      Special Temporary Authority ("STA") to conduct a limited test in the L band. MSV requests a
      grant of this STA application by June 1, 2007.

              Background. MSV is the entity authorized by the Commission in 1989 to construct,
      launch, and operate a United States Mobile Satellite Service ("MSS") system in the L band.
      MSV‘s licensed satellite was launched in 1995, and MSV began offering service in 1996.
      Today, MSV offers a full range of mobile satellite services, including voice and data, using both
      its own U.S.—licensed satellite and the Canadian—licensed L band satellite (MSAT—1) licensed to
      Mobile Satellite Ventures (Canada) Inc. ("MSV Canada"). MSV has also contracted with
      Boeing Satellite Systems, Inc. for the construction of two new next—generation satellites, which
      will be among the largest and most powerful commercial satellites ever built. MSV expects to
      launch these satellites beginning in 2009.

              MSV is also the first entity authorized by the Commussion to supplement its current and
      next—generation satellite services with in—band terrestrial facilities, called an Ancillary Terrestrial
      Component ("ATC"). MSV‘s hybrid satellite/terrestrial system will offer ubiquitous voice and
      broadband data services to handsets similar in size to cellular phones and will provide service
      from the densest urban corridors to the most rural and remote areas. The Commission has
      recognized that public safety users will be among the user groups that will benefit the most from
      these hybrid systems, stating that "by offering ubiquitous coverage with instant, nationwide
      interoperability, Ancillary Terrestrial Component (ATC)—enhanced MSS may make the public,
      law enforcement and public—safety organizations easier to reach in the field, regardless of
      location. Accordingly, MSS ATC may enhance the nation‘s overall ability to maintain critical
      telecommunications infrastructure in times of crisis or disaster." A4TC Order, 18 FCC Red 1962,
      «[ 29 (2003).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
April 10, 2007
Page 2

        Experimental STA Request. In the above—referenced application, MSV has requested an
experimental STA to test one base station and six mobile terminals within a 10—mile radius in
Reston, Virginia. The mobile terminal will communicate with both a base station and MSV‘s in—
orbit satellites using the WiMAX air interface protocol.

        Requestfor Expedited Consideration. MSV is at a critical stage in the development of
new products and services for existing and potential customers using both its current and next—
generation systems. MSV currently provides service to numerous federal, state, and local public
safety agencies, as well as to users in the critical infrastructure, public utility, maritime, energy,
and transportation industries. MSV is providing today interoperable public safety services with
its current—generation MSS system and will offer new and greatly enhanced interoperable public
safety services with its next—generation, hybrid satellite—terrestrial system.

         The contemplated experimental operation is critical for two aspects of designing and
developing new products and services for MSV s existing and potential public safety customers.
First, the experiment will test the capability of an ATC base station to hand—off in—progress
communications between the satellite and the ATC base station as a mobile terminal travels in
and out of terrestrial coverage. This is a particularly critical test for designing and developing
applications for public safety users. One of the key benefits of a hybrid satellite/terrestrial
network is the ability to provide ubiquitous coverage through the use of satellites and terrestrial
facilities. For example, as mobile public safety users respond to emergencies in areas beyond
terrestrial coverage, a hybrid satellite/terrestrial system can ensure that a constant
communications capability is maintained while responding to the emergency. This experiment
will be used to gather data necessary to ensure that in—progress communications can be
seamlessly transitioned between the base station and the satellite, and vice versa.

         Second, the experiment will test the WiMAX air interface protocol over MSV‘s satellites
and terrestrial facilities. The WiMAX protocol is a proven wireless broadband technology with
multiple benefits for spectrum users, including spectrally efficient OFDMA air interface with
low latency and an all—IP backbone. Public safety users in particular can benefit from WiMAX
technology because the low latency affords efficient Push—to—Talk (PTT) services and the IP
architecture affords efficient broadband data and VoIP capability.

        MSV requests a grant of this experimental STA application by June 1, 2007. Any delay
beyond June 1, 2007 will hinder MSV‘s design and development of critical new products and
services for existing and potential public safety customers.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
April 10, 2007
Page 3

         Please contact the undersigned with any questions.

                                                nnifer A. Manner A

oc:      John Kennedy, FCC

Document Created: 2007-04-10 16:50:05
Document Modified: 2007-04-10 16:50:05

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