Experiment Description

0136-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

Microsoft Corporation


                                                                                   Microso Corpora on
                                                                                       Form     Exhibit
                                                                                File No.    ‐EX‐CN‐

                                  Exhibit : Experimental Descrip on

        Microso Corpora on has begun studying, under previously granted Special Temporary

Authority (call sign WK XBJ) the poten al for unlicensed white‐space spectrum to be used for wide‐

area, outdoor sensor networks. These sensors could be used in precision agriculture applica ons, such

as monitoring soil moisture levels over a wide area, or other applica ons that take advantage of the

unique propaga on characteris cs of white‐spaces spectrum. Addi onal informa on regarding the use

of white‐spaces to increase agricultural produc vity while reducing costs is available at Microso

Research, Research Areas, FarmBeats: AT & IoT for Agriculture, h ps://www.microso .com/en‐

us/research/project/farmbeats‐iot‐agriculture/. Microso seeks to resume and extend this course of

research pursuant to the experimental license requested herein.

        Microso ’s experimental sensors may operate in narrower bands than conven onal white‐

space devices, due to the necessity of improved frequency reuse, but lower bandwidth demands, of a

sensor system consis ng of a poten ally large number of transmi ers. In addi on, for the purposes of

these experiments, the sensors opera ng in white‐spaces spectrum may not select frequencies

according to the reported channel availability in the white‐spaces database, necessita ng an

experimental license. In lieu of database control, Microso will coordinate with the Society of Broadcast

Engineers to ensure that its experimental opera ons do not cause harmful interference to incumbent


        Through these experiments, Microso intends to:

            Evaluate the suitability of white‐spaces spectrum for narrowband sensor opera ons.

            Evaluate the efficacy of such sensor systems for precision agriculture applica ons.

            Develop hardware and so ware for the opera on of white‐spaces sensors.

                                                                                     Microso Corpora on
                                                                                         Form     Exhibit
                                                                                  File No.    ‐EX‐CN‐

        This research is likely to advance the state of the art in both white‐spaces technologies, as

applied to sensor systems, as well as the use of advances sensor networks generally in precision

agriculture applica ons to improve agricultural efficiency.

Document Created: 2019-04-24 19:52:23
Document Modified: 2019-04-24 19:52:23

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