Response to Reply to Opposition (July 18, 2000)

0100-EX-RR-1999 Text Documents

Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc.


                                            Before the                               RECEIVED
                             Federal Communications Commission                        JUL 18
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554                    e               2000

Application of Maritime               )                                             O¥iceog "!Es?&;:"‘%
Telecommunications Network, Inc.      )       FCC File No. 0100—EX—RR—1999
for Renewal of Experimental           )
Authorization Call Sign KI2XEE        )                                     O R ' G l NA L

To:    Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology

                          RESPONSE TO REPLY TO OPPOSITION

       Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc. ("MTN"), by its attorneys, hereby files its

response to the "Reply to Opposition" ("Reply") filed on June 15, 2000, by the Fixed Wireless

Communications Coalition ("FWCC"), the Association of American Railroads ("AAR"), the

American Petroleum Institute ("API"), the Association of Public—Safety Communications Officers

International ("APCO‘") and the United Telecom Council (formerly the Utilities Telecommunications

Council or "UTC") (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Joint Petitioners").‘

L.     The Interference Protection Criteria Used by MTN Fully Protect Terrestrial
       Microwave Systems

       In their Reply, the Joint Petitioners present new engineering data in support of their claim

that MTN‘s interference protection criteria are inappropriate and inadequate to protect terrestrial

microwave systems. However, as in their opening pleading, their analysis is based on purely

theoretical calculations using erroneous assumptions. As a result, the arguments presented by the

Joint Petitioners are inconsistent with real world experience and show nothing more than that

anything can be proven in a lab if the assumptions necessary to get to that conclusion, however

invalid, are nonetheless made.

       I      MTN is simultaneously filing a "Motion to Accept ‘Response to Reply to


       As explained in the Supplemental Engineering Statement of Daniel J. Collins of Pinnacle

Telecom Group, contrary to the claims of Joint Petitioners, the short—term interference protection

level of —131 dBW/4kHz is not something developed out of thin air by MTN. Rather, it is the

established short—term interference protection objective that has been used by all earth station

frequency coordinators in the United States and internationally for many years. Further, it is the

appropriate objective to be used for earth stations on board vessels ("ESVs") in motion. The

International Telecommunications Union ("ITU"), based on analysis by its technical study groups,

has specifically determined that the interference exposures from ESVin motion are short term in

nature, and that therefore a short—term frequency interference objective should be used." Therefore,

the Joint Petitioners proposed use ofthe ITU—recommended long—term interference objective of—170

dBW/4kHz for ESVs in motion is incorrect. Because Joint Petitioners began their analysis by

applying the wrong objective, the foundation for Joint Petitioners‘ calculations falls apart.

       Moreover, as also explained by Mr. Collins, the short—term objective of —131dBW/4kHz can

be exceeded up to 0.0025 percent of the time, which amounts to 788 seconds per year for each earth

station. This is a big difference from the 16 seconds per hop per year limit imagined by Joint

Petitioners. Since each ship operates on different frequencies, and each ship has a limited number

of passes per year in each port, the 788 seconds per year limit is not exceeded, and the frequencies

were coordinated accordingly.}

       2       As explained by Mr. Collins, the short—term objective of —131 dBW/4kHz used in
the United States is actually more stringent than the —103dBW/1MHz short term objective
recommended by the ITU for potential interference to digital systems.

        3     As explained by Mr. Collins, the frequency coordination process eliminated all
instances where the short term objective would be exceeded.


        Since the assumptions used by Joint Petitioners are wrong, the calculations used by Joint

Petitioners‘ consulting engineer and referred to in page 4 of the Reply are useless and have no

relationship to the real world.*

II.     If MTN‘s Operations Cannot Be Detected and Are Not Causing Any Harmful Effects,
        Then There Is No Harmful Interference and No Need to Find the Source of Non—
        Interfering Signals

        Contrary to the claims of the Joint Petitioners, MTN is not confusing the separate concepts

stated on page 5 of the Reply as follows: "(1) the existence of interference that can cause an outage

in a digital microwave system, and (2) the ability of the system operator to identify the facility

causing the interference." However, what Joint Petitioners refuse to acknowledge is that if there is

no harmful interference, then there is no need to identify any facilities causing the non—interference.

So if MTN‘s operations cannot be "seen" because they are not causing any real—world harmful

interference, then there is no harm.

        Of course the main fact that Joint Petitioners ignore is that not only have they been unable

to demonstrate a case of actual interference, but also they have been unable to provide even a case

of suspected or unexplained interference. MTN has been operating its ESVs for years, and for years

Joint Petitioners have been shouting the battle cry of "interference," but not even once have Joint

Petitioners ever provided a date, time and place of suspected or unexplained interference. As

discussed by Mr. Collins in his Supplemental Engineering Statement, if MTN‘s operations are as

harmful as claimed by Joint Petitioners, then we would surely by now have heard of specific

       4       As explained in MTN‘s "Opposition to Petition for Expedited Action," filed on
May 24, 2000, mathematicians have been able to "prove" that bumble bees cannot fly and the
human heart is too small to be able to pump the blood around the human body. That is what
happens when a theoretical scientist never steps outside his or her laboratory.


instances of system outages. Because we have heard ofnone, it is clear that MTN is not causing the

theoretical disruptions to terrestrial microwave systems described by Joint Petitioners as "absolutely


III.    Conclusion

        The Joint Petitioners‘ new technical analysis is but another in a long series of attempts by

the Joint Petitioners to obscure the fundamental fact that MTN‘s ESVs and microwave stations have

co—existed for years without a single reported case of even suspected or unexplained interference.

Relying on invalid assumptions, the Joint Petitioners ignore not only the real world experience, but

also the long—established standards effectively applied by United States frequency coordinators. As

explained by Mr. Collins in his Supplemental Engineering Statement, MTN has coordinated its

frequency usage in accordance with the established United States standards which are a combination

of predictive calculations tempered by real world experience.

        Notwithstanding MTN‘s real world demonstration that its ESVs have never caused harmful

interference to and can co—exist with terrestrial microwave facilities, all Joint Petitioners can do is

"prove" on paper that the experiment is a failure. They seem to lose sight of the purpose of an

experiment, a significant part of which is to test in the real world whether paper calculations are

correct. It is time for the Commission to recognize that Joint Petitioners are engaged in a last—ditch

attempt to preclude co—primary earth station users of access to radio spectrum as to which the Joint

Petitioners desire exclusive rights.


       Because the analysis of the Joint Petitioners is inherently flawed and incorrect, it must be

rejected, and the Commission should grant MTN‘s application to renew its experimental license and

to expand the number of ships.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             MARITIME TELECOMMUNICATIONS
                                             NETWORK, INC.

                                             By: 7/&/ [AiA
                                                 Melen E. Dise      s
                                                 Eliot J. Greenwald

                                             Its Attorneys
                                             SWIDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LLP
                                             3000 K Street, N.W.
                                             Suite 300
                                             Washington, D.C. 20007
                                             (202) 424—7500

July 18, 2000

                         Supplemental Engineering Statement

                                       Prepared by
                                     Daniel J. Collins
                                 Chief Technical Officer
                              Pinnacle Telecom Group, LLC

                                       July 17, 2000

l have carefully reviewed the Reply to Opposition and its attached Supplemental
Engineering Statement filed by the Fixed Wireless Coalition et a/ in connection with the
application for experimental license renewal by Maritime Telecommunications Network,
Inc. ("MTN").

The Petitioners and Mr. Salas continue to display a surprising lack of familiarity with the
principles and parameters of frequency coordination to control potential earth station
interference to microwave systems — as well as with the FCC regulations and practice
regarding experimental licensing. | have prepared the following technical response in
support of MTN.

The Short—term Interference Objective

The interference objective used to coordinate MTN‘s shipboard earth stations (—131
dBW/4kHz) is the identical interference objective used to protect against short—term
interference to microwave stations from every C—band transmitting earth station that has
ever been coordinated in this country, and there have been some 3,500 of them.

Mr. Salas argues that digital microwave stations exposed to an interference level of —131
dBW/4kHz suffer lengthy outages. There is something obviously very wrong with this
picture. The fact is that C—band transmitting earth stations are now and always have
been individually allowed to cause interference to microwave stations at levels higher
than —131 dBW/4kHz for up to 0.0025 percent of the time — which on an annual basis
adds up to 788 seconds for each earth station. Given the overall number of C—band
transmitting earth stations, the even larger population of digital microwave receivers, and
the conventional use of the —131 dBW/4kHz objective with its associated 788—second
time frame, it is difficult to believe Mr. Salas‘s assertions about certain draconian effects
on digital microwave systems. If he were right, it suggests that many if not most of the
digital microwave systems in this country have been suffering severe performance
problems, and that the entire C—band microwave community should have risen up quite a
while ago to argue that the conventional earth station interference objectives should be
made much more strict. However, digital microwave systems began to be implemented
about the same time as C—band earth stations grew in popularity, and the two types of
systems have managed to co—exist in the band without any of the problems Mr. Salas
claims are a certain result of the use of the conventional earth station interference

Fundamentally, the problems the Petitioners and Mr. Salas claim are a certain result
from interference using the —131 dBW/4kHz objective are not limited to shipboard earth
stations; all C—band transmitting earth stations use the same objective and should cause

the same problem. Real world evidence, though, indicates there is no such problem.
Mr. Salas presents a mathematical analysis — backed by the results of so—called
laboratory testing — in an attempt to "prove" his point. The proof, however, is out there in
the real world, where there has not been a single complaint of harmful interference
experienced as a result of applying an earth station interference objective that is alleged
to be inadequate. There is no record of "objectives—related" complaints by microwave
operators related to the thousands of existing land—based C—band earth stations, or
specifically any interference actually experienced as a result of the shipboard earth
stations operated by MTN over the past few years. In industry forums in which Mr. Salas
participates, MTN has several times offered to conduct a cooperative test of "real world"
interference, but Mr. Salas has apparently chosen to "prove" the interference problem
without leaving his laboratory.

ITU Recommendations

Mr. Salas posits that an objective of —170 dBW/4kHz needs to be applied, noting both
the need to consider interference—affecting propagation anomalies (such as ducting) and
that the source of that interference objective is the ITU! Mr. Salas fails to explain,
however, that the —170 dBW/4kHz objective is defined by the ITU as a long—term
objective, which is inapplicable to the instant case for a number of reasons. First, it is
obvious that interference exposures from ESVs operated in motion are short—term in
nature, as they only spend a small fraction of the time in motion and within interference
distance of shore, and a much smaller fraction of that subset in a position to potentially
cause any interference to a given microwave receiver. Second, digital microwave
receivers specifically require interference protection during a relatively deep fade of the
desired signal, and deep fading is a short—term phenomenon.                Third, short—term
interference objectives incorporate assumed probabilities of short—term propagation
phenomena (such as ducting) that can affect interference levels — but those same
considerations are not made in long—term interference objectives. Mr. Salas thus bases
his "harmful ESV interference" arguments on a completely inappropriate mixing of long—
term interference objectives and short—term propagation phenomena.

Moreover, the ITU has recently reached the logical conclusion that potential interference
from shipboard earth stations is clearly a short—term phenomenon and will be
coordinated using a short—term objective. Indeed, the ITU‘s currently—suggested short—
term C—band earth station interference protection objective is —103 dBW/1MHz for digital
microwave, which is actually less stringent than the —131 dBW/4kHz short—term
protection objective conventionally used in the US for all microwave receivers,
independent of modulation scheme

Mr. Salas also appears to be under the impression that ITU interference objectives are
mandates to the member administrations, when they are anything but that.                      Domestic
policy and practice override ITU recommendations.               In the US, the policy and practice

‘   The ITU‘s suggested interference protection objectives are associated with approximately 20 variables
and technical assumptions, none of which Mr. Salas describes in his recommendation to use the figure in

*   Note: With an adjustment of 10 times the log of the ratio of the reference interference bandwidths in
question, the —103 dBW/1MHz figure is "bandwidth—equivalent‘ to —127 dBW/4kHz, which is 4 dB less
stringent than the conventional —131 dBW/4kHz short—term interference objective used in the US.

has consistently been to apply a standard set of long— and short—term objectives to
control potential C—band earth station interference, and the short—term objective
applicable to the instant case is —131 dBW/4kHz, not to be exceeded for more than
0.0025 percent of the time.

Note, in this regard, that if Mr. Salas claims digital microwave systems require an
interference protection level of —170 dBW/4kHz, the conventional application of thelong—
term —154 dBW/4kHz earth station interference objective (not to be exceeded for more
than 20 percent of the time) represents a 16 dB out—of—limits interference problem that
should be literally wreaking havoc with digital microwave systems, for up to 6.3 million
seconds a year. Obviously, that objective does not cause such problems, or the entire
industry would be well aware of it.

Of some note here is another change the ITU is making in its recommendations.          The
assumed link margin for a digital microwave radio is being increased by 4 dB, from 33 to
37. in effect, this change alone indicates that the ITU believes digital microwave
systems require 4 dB less interference protection than under the old scheme. Moreover,
the effective 4 dB net relaxation in the ITU‘s short—term earth station interference
objective (—131 versus —127 dBW/4kHz) indicates that the ITU‘s recommended overall
protection for digital microwave systems against potential earth station interference is to
be relaxed by 8 dB.

Mr. Salas also references an "objective" of 16 seconds of outage per hop per year. He
is obviously confusing microwave propagation availability (propagation—related outage
avoidance) specifications — none of which are addressed in FCC regulations — with
objectives for permissible interference. The 16—second—per—year figure relates to a
propagation availability specification (99.9999 percent), which is set by equipment
manufacturers, end users and system designers — and has nothing to do with the
parameters used in frequency coordination and interference avoidance. Moreover, not
all entities apply the 99.9999 percent specification; most users apply a figure closer to
99.999 ("five nines") rather than the 99.9999 percent figure Mr. Salas attempts to
position as "standard".

Real—world Experience

It is worth pointing out that microwave systems have shared the band with earth stations
on a co—equal basis since about 1974. Thus, microwave equipment designers and
system engineers have more than 25 years of experience dealing with potential
interference from earth stations sharing the band on a primary co—equal basis.

If Mr. Salas is suggesting that microwave equipment design has reached or passed the
point that digital systems can effectively operate in the existing interference environment,
then before we impose stricter obligations on earth station operation, it seems there
might be a need to carefully explain what the FCC means when it allows two types of
radio operations to share frequencies co—equally. Let us not forget that both types of
operators have equal rights to use what some people might still perceive as a
"microwave" band. The idea that earth station operations showed up after microwave
was established in the band does not in any way mean that earth station operators have
"secondary" rights. Both types of operations have primary co—equal rights.

Mr. Salas also displays a significant misunderstanding of the mechanics of shipboard
earth station coordination, suggesting a "certainty" of harmful interference in cases
where, in actuality, the "real—world" frequency coordination process obviates any
possibility of it. For example, when the extended beam of a microwave receiver crosses
the defined operating boundary of a shipboard earth station, absent significant terrain—
based interference blockage it is impossible for coordinators to clear the same
frequencies for shipboard earth station use. Harmful interference to the microwave
system in question is precluded in the interference analysis stage, specifically because
the earth station cannot use the same frequencies without causing unacceptable
interference. While Mr. Salas describes the situation of such "axis crossing" and claims
it represents a significant interference problem, he fails to acknowledge that the first
individuals to recognize such an interference problem — and take positive action to avoid
it — are frequency coordinators. Frequencies that cannot clear interference analysis are
not referenced in the associated prior coordination notifications, never mind used
afterwards by the facility in question.     In the interference analysis and frequency
coordination for MTN‘s US port operations, there were a number of instances in which
such microwave axis—crossings completely obviated any proposed same—channel use by
MTN‘s shipboard earth stations.

The shipboard earth station interference analysis process Mr. Salas describes (the
"Critical Contour Point" method) has been in use since February 1997, and MTN‘s in—
motion operations within 100 kilometers from shore proceeded not long after that, at the
ports clearly identified in the frequency coordination notifications. If the real—world
interference effects were as dramatic as Mr. Salas and the Petitioners continue to claim
— it should not have been at all difficult to have identified and documented actual cases
of disruptive interference. But that has not been the chosen course of action by those
who so vocally oppose shipboard earth station operation. Instead, all we are offered
here again are resolute claims of "certain" interference, backed only by mathematical
analysis and so—called laboratory tests. My understanding of FCC policy and practice
related to experimental license operations is that the FCC will require cessation of
operation the moment a case of interference can be traced to the experimental

To my knowledge, based on 30 years of experience in the telecommunications industry,
the FCC has never required cessation of an experimental operation based solely on a
mathematical analysis or a laboratory test. 1 believe there is good reason for that
approach by the Commission; in wireless propagation and interference analysis, RF
engineers   know that    not everything    that can   be   mathematically   modeled    or
demonstrated in a lab actually occurs out there in the real world. Mr. Salas and the
Petitioners should be quite aware of the best example of that. For years, the distance
the frequency coordination community used to analyze potential interference from one
microwave system to another was 125 miles. That figure had earlier been as high as
200 miles, but it had been progressively shortened over a 15—year period with increasing
industry experience.     In the   1980s,   some evidence of longer—distance, on—axis
interference suggested that increasing the microwave coordination distance might be
appropriate. At the time, however, some "non—microwave" mathematicians delved into
the problem, and "proved" that the appropriate microwave coordination distance should
be something over 3,000 miles.        The efforts of those mathematicians and their
"immutable laws of physics" were, however, rather summarily             dismissed, and
experienced microwave engineers subsequently developed a                keyhole—shaped

coordination contour with distances based on judgment and compromise.            That "real—
world" compromise has now survived without challenge for more than 10 years.

Experienced microwave (and earth station) engineers understand that the existing
frequency coordination process is mathematical and statistically—based, and that it is
already designed to be conservative and over—protect against interference. As a result,
the existing frequency coordination has been proven effective in preventing interference,
and there is no reason to modify its standards to provide purportedly additional
protection to microwave stations that are already protected more than adequately,
especially when such modifications would be detrimental to achievement of the goal of
ensuring that the scarce spectrum resource is shared as efficiently as possible.


In summary, | find that the Petitioners and Mr. Salas continue to present arguments
about potential interference that are truly incredible, in the dictionary sense of that word.
They argue for a much more stringent objective in this case, but cannot explain why
today‘s systems sharing the band — but built with apparently "inadequate" objectives —
seem to be working and co—existing perfectly well. The Petitioners display a basic
misunderstanding of the parameters and processes associated with frequency
coordination of earth stations and microwave stations, and a particular misunderstanding
of the interference analysis and frequency coordination procedure used for shipboard
earth stations. They confuse the issue by focusing on parameters applicable only to
frequency coordination strictly among microwave stations, and use other specifications
that do not relate to interference coordination. They appear to ignore the fact that the
frequency band in question is shared with equal rights by earth station operators, and
that there is a positive public interest in expanding the use of the existing spectrum.


July 17, 2000

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

     I, Penny Jackson, hereby certify that on this 18" day of July, 2000, copies of the attached,
"RESPONSE TO REPLY TO OPPOSITION®", were sent via U.S. Mail, to the following:

*Dale N. Hatfield, Chief                            *Ari Fitzgerald
Office of Engineering and Technology                International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                   Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W. — Room 7—C155                  445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                                Washington, DC 20554

*Bruce A. Franca, Deputy Chief                      *Sylvia T. Lam
Office of Engineering and Technology                Engineer, Satellite Engineering Branch
Federal Communications Commission                   Satellite and Radio Communication
445 12"" Street, S.W. — Room 7—C153                 Division
Washington, DC 20554                                International Bureau
                                                    Federal Communications Commission
*Charles J. Iseman                                  445 12"" Street, S.W.
Chief, Spectrum Policy Branch                       Washington, DC 20554
Office of Engineering and Technology
Federal Communications Commussion                   William T. Hatch
445 12th Street, S.W.                               Associate Administrator
Washington, DC 20554                                Office of Spectrum Management
*Donald Abelson, Chief                              14" & Constitution Avenue, N.W.
International Bureau                                Washington, DC 20230
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW. — Room 6—C750                   Wayne V. Black
Washington, DC 20554                                Peter A. Saari
                                                    Keller and Heckman LLP
*Steven Spaeth                                      1001 G Street, N.W., Suite 500 West
International Bureau                                Washington, DC 20001
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W. — Room 6—B434                  Julian L. Shepard
Washington, DC 20554                                Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson
                                                     and Hand, Chartered
*Thomas P. Stanley                                  901 — 15 Street, N.W, Suite 700
Office of Engineering and Technology                Washington, DC 20005—2301
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W. — Room 3—C460
Washington, DC 20554

Jeffrey L. Sheldon                    Leonard R. Raish
Thomas Goode                          Mitchell Lazarus
UTC                                   Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, P.L.C.
1140 Connecticut Avenue, NW., #1140   1300 North 17" Street, 11Floor
Washington, DC 20036                  Arlington, VA 22209

                                              Penfiy Jackson
*Via Hand Delivery


Document Created: 2001-08-15 11:36:02
Document Modified: 2001-08-15 11:36:02

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