Response Letter to MTN (July 12, 2000)

0100-EX-RR-1999 Text Documents

Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc.


                                         THE WasHingron HARBOUR
                                        3000 K StrEEt, NW, Surre 300
                                        WasHmcton, DC 20007—5116                                      NEw York Orfice
ELIOT J. GREENWALD                                  *
DiRECT DIAL (202) 424—7809                TELEPHONE (202) 424—7500                              ?’0; CL;(MTO:Aveaue
                                             FaAx (202) 424—7645                                  New York, NY 10174
                                               WWW.SWIDLAY.COM                         (212) 973—0111 rax (212) 891—9598

                                               July 12, 2000               ORIGINAL

Charles J. Iseman
Chief, Spectrum Policy Branch                                                      JUL 1 22000
Office of Engineering and Technology                                   >     »Boral CDMMEUMICATIONS ComMiSsION
Federal Communications Commission                                                 nFRICE 06 THe cconctagy
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

         Re:         Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc.
                     Application for Renewal of Experimental Authorization
                     Station KI2XEE
                     File No. 0100—EX—RR—1999

Dear Mr. Iseman:

         On behalfofMaritime Telecommunications Network, Inc. ("MTN‘), we submit this response
to your recent verbal request for information, wherein you asked (1) whether MTN‘s earth stations
aboard vessels ("ESVs") operating pursuant to experimental authorization KI2XEE are different
from the ESVoperating pursuant to special temporary authority and (2) for MTN to provide the
number of ships operating under each flag nation.

        MTN is currently operating 33 ESVs pursuant to its experimental authorization from the
FCC. This includes 27 earth stations on board commercial ships with foreign flags that occasionally
visit United States ports and 6 earth stations on board United States Navy ships. The 6 Navy ships
do not visit Naval ports within the territorial waters of the United States. The ESVs operating
pursuant to experimental authority are different from the ESVs operating pursuant to STA in that
the 40 earth stations currently operating pursuant to STA are on board ships that regularly visit the
 17 ports where operations are authorized by the STA.                                                      '

          Listed below are the flag nations ofthe 33 ships that have on board earth stations owned by
. MTN and operating pursuant to MTN‘s experimental authorization:                                                '

Charles J. Iseman
July 12, 2000
Page 2

                    Flag Nation       Number of Ships       Type of Ship
                    United States     6                     Naval
                    Bahamas           5                     Commercial
                    Liberia           10                    Commercial

                    Netherlands       3                     Commercial
                    Norway            2                     Commercial

                    Panama            7                     Commercial

For the 27 earth stations operating on board foreign—flagged ships, there are a number ofreasons why
it is appropriate that the earth stations are operating pursuant to the Commission‘s experimental

        First, the earth stations do not belong to the owners of the ships. The earth stations are
owned by MTN, which is a U.S. company. In other words, the ship owners are customers ofMTN‘s
service. As a result, it is MTN, and not the ship owners, which requires an authorization. From a
conceptual point of view, this is similar to a VSAT/hub configuration. The citizenship of the
customer (ship) is irrelevant to the provision of the service —— it is the location of the operator that
conveys the jurisdiction. In essence, the situation is akin to someone bringing a mobile (or an
INMARSAT) phone on board a ship. The phone belongs to the user rather than the ship, and neither
the ship nor the user is providing the service. The service provider is the provider ofthe service with
whom the user has the contract. In the case of MTN, it is MTN, via its hub in Holmdel, New Jersey
that controls the service. Significantly, MTN can always shut off the service from the Holmdel hub
instantly, without regard to instructions from the ship or its owners.

      Second, the Commission‘s rules expressly recognize that shipboard earth stations may be
owned by and licensed to operators distinct from ship owners. See, eg., Sections 80.1185 and
80.1189, ofthe mobile—satellite service rules. These rules specifically contemplate the license being
issued to the owner of the earth station, with the owner of the earth station providing services on
board the ship with the permission of the ship. It should also be noted that in the case of MTN, the
earth stations are not mandatory equipment, and this is not a case in which the government is
requiring certain equipment to be installed as a maritime safety measure.       Where the issue is the
flagging ofthe ship, and part ofthat flagging responsibility is ensuring that certain radio equipment
is installed to meet the ship flagging safety standards ofthe licensing country, then the radio service
may be deemed as originating with the ship, and the ship flagging country may appropriately
concern itself with authorizing the radio equipment. Here, however, the ship owner merely elects
to become a customer of a U.S.—based service, agreeing to all the terms and conditions of such
service, including control and monitoring from the Holmdel hub.

Charles J. Iseman
July 12, 2000
Page 3

     Third, the earth stations are controlled on a 24 hours per day, seven days a week basis at
MTN‘s earth station in Holmdel, New Jersey. The system is a closed one, with the ships
communicating only via the Holmdel hub earth station, with the earth stations operated on a private
basis, and without a direct connection to the PSTN or other networks except through the hub.‘ The
operator at Holmdel would be the party responsible to respond to all requests to discontinue service
on a given ship for any reason," and thus the jurisdiction in which the hub is located should be the
licensing jurisdiction.* Having the Holmdel control point on an FCC license as the place ofcontact
provides a convenient and accessible way for the FCC to order a shut—down in the event of an
interference emergency, without trying to figure out how to contact the ship. In essence, the service
is really provided out of Holmdel, within the United States, and the earth stations on the ships are
effectively phone instruments that are used by the customers but are not owned by them.

       Notwithstanding the foregoing, even if the Commission ultimately concludes that fleet
licensing based on each ship‘s flagging nation is needed for high seas operations, it would still be
appropriate for MTN to have Commission authorization for earth stations on board foreign ships for
operations within United States territorial waters. Such authorization from the Commission would
not be mutually exclusive with fleet licensing by the flagging authorities, as MTN would hold
authorizations from both the Commission and from the flagging authorities.

        Please refer any correspondence regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                                              Very truly yours,

                                                              Helen E. Disenhaus
                                                              Eliot J. Greenwald

cc: Service List

       1       The only exception would be when a satellite hop plus private line terrestrial
backhaul facilities are needed for the signal to travel from the ship to the Holmdel hub.
However, in such instances, the backhaul facilities are private lines, and control functions are
still handled out of Holmdel.

        2       Although the communications officer on board the ship can also shut down the
earth station in an emergency, only MTN personnel can turn on the earth station and reestablish
communications with the satellite. (In addition, the earth station shuts down automatically if the
satellite link is lost.)

      3     We would also note that, because frequencies are shared among ships, and even
commonly—owned ships may be registered in different countries, looking to the operator of the
service as the responsible party is the only feasible approach.

                                    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

           I, Penny Jackson, hereby certify that on this 12"" day of July, 2000, copies of the attached
letter were sent via U.S. Mail, to the following:

*Dale N. Hatfield                                        *Sylvia T. Lam
Chief                                                    Engineer, Satellite Engineering Branch
Office of Engineering and Technology                     Satellite and Radio Communication Division
Federal Communications Commission                        International Bureau
445 12"" Street, S.W. — Room 7—C155                      Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                                     445 12"" Street, S.W.
                                                         Washington, DC 20554
*Bruce A. Franca
Deputy Chief                                             William T. Hatch
Office of Engineering and Technology                     Associate Administrator
Federal Communications Commission                        Office of Spectrum Management
445 12" Street, S.W. — Room 7—C153                       NTIA
Washington, DC 20554                                     14" & Constitution Avenue, N.W.
                                                         Washington, DC 20230
*Donald Abelson
Chief                                                    Wayne V. Black
International Bureau                                     Peter A. Saari
Federal Communications Commission                        Keller and Heckman LLP
445 12" Street, S.W. — Room 6—C750                       1001 G Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20554                                     Suite 500 West
                                                         Washington, DC 20001
*Steven Spaeth
International Bureau                                     Julian L. Shepard
Federal Communications Commission                        Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson
445 12" Street, SW— Room 6—B434                           and Hand, Chartered
Washington, DC 20554                                     901 — 15"" Street, N.W, Suite 700
                                                         Washington, DC 20005—2301
*Thomas P. Stanley
Office of Engineering and Technology                     Jeffrey L. Sheldon
Federal Communications Commission                        Thomas Goode
445 12"" Street, S.W. — Room 3—C460                      UTC
Washington, DC 20554                                     1140 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., #1140
                                                         Washington, DC 20036
*Ari Fitzgerald
International Bureau                                     Leonard R. Raish
Federal Communications Commission                        Mitchell Lazarus
445 12" Street, S.W.                                     Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, P.L.C.
Washington, DC 20554                                     1300 North 17 Street, 1 1"" Floor
                                                         Arlington, VA 22209

                                                                  Penny Jackson
*Via Hand Delivery

Document Created: 2001-08-15 11:29:11
Document Modified: 2001-08-15 11:29:11

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