Reply to Opposition (April 20, 1999)

0100-EX-RR-1999 Text Documents

Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc.


                                     BEFORE THE                                         RECE’VEp
                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                  App 4
                             WASHINGTON, DC 20554      X                                           9 1999
In re                                                                                   mmflf%%fi

                                             w Nn N Noh Nut Ne Ne
Application of                                                      FCC File No. 0100—EX—RR—1999
Maritime Telecommunications
Network, Inc. For Renewal of
Experimental Authorization,
Call Sign K12XEE

                                REPLY TO OPPOSITION

         The Association of American Railroads ("AAR") and Consortium Digital

Microwave System ("CDMS"), by their attorneys, hereby reply to the "Opposition to

Petition to Deny" filed in the above—captioned proceeding on April 6, 1999, by Maritime

Telecommunications Network, Inc. ("MTN‘").


         MTN operates 45 Shipboard Earth Stations ("SESs") under Call Sign K12XEE as

a successor—in—interest to Crescomm Transmission Services, Inc. ("Crescomm").

Experimental authorization was previously granted to Crescomm, pursuant to delegated

authority, in 1996.4 On January 22, 1999, MTN filed an application for renewal of its

experimental authorization to operate the SESs in the C Band.

         CDMS and AAR‘s members operate point—to—point microwave communications

systems in the same frequency bands in which MTN conducts its secondary SES

operations. AAR and CDMS depend on their service for operational efficiency and

     ¥      Crescomm Transmission Services, Inc., 11 FCC Red 10944 (OET, 1B
     1996) (hereinafter "Crescomm Order").

                                          —2 _

safety, which is compromised by harmful interference. in this regard, AAR and CDMS

filed a joint Petition to Deny the Application (“Petition”) on March 24, 1999. MTN filed

an Opposition, to which AAR and CDMS now reply, on April 6, 1999. The Opposition

stated that (1) claims of interference in the 5925 to 6425 MHz band are unsupported;

(2) continued experimental authorization is necessary to resolveany interference

issues; and (3) a 100 km frequency coordination distance is an appropriate interim


       MTN‘s Opposition is noteworthy for its numerous admissions that crucial topics

for establishing proper interference objectives for MTN‘s operations are still under

discussion and have not achieved consensus, either domestically or internationally. If

MTN‘s Opposition and its experimental operations to date show anything, it is that

(1) conducting on—the—air operations has not enhanced the ability of the interested

groups to reach conclusions on the proper interference criteria to be used when

introducing mobile operations into an existing Fixed Service environment; (2) the

issues are far more complex and difficult than anyone imagined three years ago when

the experimental authorization was issued to MTN‘s predecessor; and (3) experimental

operations should cease pending resolution of these admittedly complex and difficult

sharing and interference issues.


       In their Petition, AAR and CDMS demonstrated that MTN had failed to meet its

obligation to cooperate in establishing interference assessment and prevention

procedures. In its Opposition, MTN creates and attacks a straw man by seeking

                                           —3 _

dismissal of the AAR/CDMS Petition on grounds that the Petition lacks support for

claims of interference. In fact, the Petition does not contain allegations of specific

cases of interference because neither AAR‘s members nor CDMS could obtain from

MTN sufficient advance information to determine whether the certain interference

events were attributable to MTN‘s operations. Indeed, the point of the Petition was that

there is a critical information gap of MTN‘s own making, caused by MTN‘s refusal to

provide the necessary information to ascertain the source of interference, as

demonstrated in the exchange of correspondence between AAR‘s counsel and MTN‘s

counsel attached to the Petition. Throughout its Opposition, MTN attempts to obscure

the real issue: MTN has failed to abide by its obligation to cooperate in establishing

interference assessment and prevention procedures as required in the Order granting

the waiver of the Table of Frequency Allocations.? Despite MTN‘s allegation to the

contrary, the AAR/CDMS Petition is not procedurally infirm due to a lack of affidavits by

persons with personal knowledge. In fact, the Petition contained several attached

documents incorporated by reference, including the affidavits of two individuals with

personal knowledge of the facts.* in addition to these affidavits, the Petition included

copies of the above—mentioned correspondence between counsel, previously on file

with the Commission —— documents of which the Commission may takeofficial notice.

   2       Crescomm Order at 10949 (conditioning grant upon requirement "that the
    MSS applicants cooperate in establishing interference assessment and
    prevention procedures").

           See Affidavits of Mssrs. Berne Life and Roger Sullivan.



           While MTN has recently expressed an interest in working with AAR and COMS

on joint experiments, this gesture is belated. The tests and experiments that are

required would necessitate the collection of data over an extended period of time —— an

entire year —— in order to assess properly both short—term and long—term interference.

To expose the Fixed—Service licensees to this type of potential harm for yet another

experimental license term would be an unreasonable imposition and potentially quite

dangerous to safety—related Fixed—Service communications systems in the 6GHz band.

This is especially so in light of the lack of consensus among the parties regarding

protection of digital FS links. In this regard, MTN admits in its Opposition that there is

not yet any agreement between it and the FS community regarding key aspects of the

interference relationship between SES and FS operation. For example, MTN admits

that the parties have not yet agreed on protection standards for the digital equipment

that the newer microwave systems presently utilize, nor has any agreement been

reached concerning the unique characteristics of transmissions over water at 6 GHz for

purposes of establishing a coordination standard. MTN‘s admission that these complex

interference questions (which are "the subject of numerous on—going meetings, papers,

reports, discussions, and correspondence"*) are not yet answered stands as

compelling testimony that further SES operations should not be continued unless and

until these issues are resolved.

       4      MTN Opposition at 10, 12, (footnote omitted).


        MTN‘s offer to engage in further "experimentation" is particularly hollow in light

of the manner in which it is conducting its operations. Notwithstanding that it holds

merely an experimental license pursuant to a waiver, MTN is behaving in the

marketplace as though it holds a permanent license. MTN‘s experimental authorization

and waiver are subject to certain terms and conditions with which MTN has failed to

comply. Section 5.93 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 5.93, provides in pertinent


        Unless otherwise stated in the instrument of authorization, licenses granted
        for the purpose of limited market studies pursuant to § 5.3(j) of this part are
        subject to the following conditions . . . (b) The licensee is responsible for
        informing anyone participating in the experiment that the service or device
        is granted under an experimental authorization and is strictly temporary.

MTN routinely holds its SES operations out to the public as a regular commercial

service.? In so doing, MTN has failed to comply with the explicit requirements of

Section 5.93 governing limited market studies. In other words, rather than conducting

its operations as a bona fide experiment for the purpose of advancing the art and

science of radio technology, MTN is offering nothing but garden—variety Fixed Satellite

Service on a mobile platform on a commercial basis as though pursuant to a permanent


    ¥      The SES service offering is described in a series of Company Press
    Releases available on the Internet. See Company Press Releases, dated March
    1, 1999; April 1, 1999; and April 13, 1999 (appended hereto as Attachments 1, 2,
    and 3, respectively).



            In addition to obscuring the real issue, MTN asks the Commission to take its

word that interference has not been caused by MTN‘s "experimental" SES operations.

The MTN Opposition casts vague aspersions about the nature and source of the

interference received by AAR and CDMS by stating that the interference "probably

would not have been caused by a ‘nearby‘ [SES] station."© While MTN has attached a

copy of Micronet‘s letter® which purports to "clear" a certain prior coordination involving

CDMS, the letter does not identify which of the many CDMS platforms were subject to

the prior coordination notice. MTN did not include the corresponding prior coordination

notice, so it is quite likely that only one or a very few of the CDMS platforms were

subject to prior coordination based on the arbitrary 100 km coordination distance

requirement.® The Mi:cronet letter applies only to the CDMS fixed—service facilities

subject to prior ccordination —— not to all of the CDMS 6 GHz microwave facilities.

Therefore, the Micronet letter proves nothing of relevance and does not lend the

slightest support to MTN‘s naked claim that interference with CDMS was impossible

during the experimental SES operations in the Guilf of Mexico.

               MTN Opposition at 7 (emphasis added).

              Letter from Stacey Cato, Micronet Communications, Inc., to Tom Detrick,
        E< Wireless (March 31, 1997) (Attachment C to MTN Opposition).

               As indicated in the Petition and in the attached Engineering Statement of
        Edwin F. Morris, dated March 24, 1999 ("Morris Engineering Statement"), the
        100 km coordination distance is inadequate to ensure interference protection to
        Fixed—Service stations in the 6 GHz band.

                                          —7 .

        The MTN Opposition blithely asserts that MTN‘s application for renewal of the

initial experimental license granted to its prédecessor, Crescomm, is not the

appropriate forum for review of the conditions of the license, e.g., the 100 km

coordination distance.® However, the Commission‘s authority to review the terms and

conditions of a license at renewal time is well established. Not only may the

Commission deny a license renewal where it finds that a licensee has failed to abide by

the terms and conditions of a license as in the case of MTN‘s experimental license, the

Commission may impose new or additional terms and conditions on a renewed


        Furthermore, the MTN Opposition mischaracterizes the coordination distance

adopted by the Commission in the Crescomm Order as being the product of prior notice

and comment.*‘ The current coordination distance of 100 km was never the subject

public notice and comment as MTN states.         Indeed, it was adopted in a novel way in

the Crescomm Order —— apparently, but not explicitly, applying the ITU—R default

minimum distance —— without discussion of further distance calculation requirements."*

   9        MTN Opposition at 3

   19       In fact, Section 5.83 of the Commissions Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 5.83
   expressly states that a license in the Experimental Radio Services is "subject to
   change or cancellation by the Commission at any time . . . ." (emphasis added).
   In the commercial broadcast context, conditions such as short—term renewal are
   often imposed when there is an issue of compliance with FCC operating
   requirements. See, e.g., Applications of Certain Broadcast Stations Serving
   Communities in the State of South Carolina, 5 FCC Red 1704 (1990).

   w        MTN Opposition at 3.

   e        Crescomm Order at 10949.


        The Commission has before it now engineering statements from two qualified

sources casting serious doubt upon the adequacy of the current 100 km coordination

distance on several grounds. First, MTN‘s own expert acknowledged the interference

potential of FSS/FS frequency sharing and stated "the coordination distance around a

satellite earth station, however, is not a single number or standard set of numbers, as

has been the case with microwave systems, nor is earth station coordination distance a

parameter that has been set by industry practice and agreement." See Engineering

Statement of Daniel J. Collins, dated April 5, 1999 ("Collins Engineering Statement").

The Collins Engineering Statement correctly states that the ITU—R 100 km distance is

nothing more than a "default minimum" distance, but fails to provide or opine upon the

correct minimum coordination distance for protecting FS receivers in the 5925 to 6425

MHz band from interference from MTN‘s SES operations.**

        Second, the Morris Engineering Statement attached to the AAR/CDMS Petition

indicates that the coordination distance of 100 km is inadequate to protect FS stations

pursuant to Section 101.105 of the FCC‘s rules. The 100 km distance is inconsistent

with the coordination distances currently applicable to the Fixed—Service use of the

5925 to 6425 MHz band, i.e., 400 km around the boresight of a fixed—service antenna,

and 200 km at all other azimuths. Moreover, these fixed—service coordination

distances: (1) are based on propagation characteristics assuming land—based stations

which may afford terrain shielding that is not present in operations over water; and (2)

do not take into account the characteristics of digital microwave systems such as

   i¥      Id. at 4.


automatic transmitter power control which are now in use by many Fixed—Service

licensees. Finally, the 100 km distance fails to take account of the potential for ducting

and fading known to occur in 6 GHz transmissions over water, which may result in

increases in the reception of undesired signals and decreases in the reception of

desired signals.!*

        Furthermore, subsequent to the filing of the Petition, the United States tendered

a paper entitled "Determination of Coordination Ara for Earth Stations Located on Board

Vessels Operating in the Fixed—Satellite Service in the Bands 3700—4200 MHz (Space—

to—Earth) and 5925—6425 MHz (Earth—to—Space)" in ITV Working Party 4—9S, authored

by MTN‘s consultants and other proponents of permanent SES authorization in the 6

GHz band. This paper contained an analytical example from which the conclusion was

drawn that 165 km, not 100 km, is an appropriate coordination distance.!*

   w       See Morris Engineering Statement.

   is      "Therefore, any administration operating ESVs [SESs] fitting the
   description used herein which limits its Earth—to—space transmission operations
   to areas at sea beyond 165 km of the coastline is not required to perform
   frequency coordinations with FS administrations ashore. If, on the other hand,
   the ESV administration intends to approach the coastline within distances which
   are less than 165 km while transmitting, then the ESV administration will be
   required to conduct detailed frequency coordinations with FS administrations
   ashore. These results are preliminary and will require further confirmation."
   Radiocommunication Study Groups, Preliminary Draft New
   Recommendation—ESV—1, USWP4—9S—31 (Rev. 4), at 15 (Geneva, April 1999)
   (emphasis added) (appended hereto as Attachment 4).

                                            —10 —


          MTN accuses the petitioners of seeking to impede efficient, shared use of the 6

GHz band.*® That is an untoward and unjustified accusation. AAR and CDMS, and

other members of the Fixed Service community, have no objection to shared use of the

band as long as their operations are protected from harmful interference. Indeed, this

willingness to share is exemplified by the coexistence of the FS and FSS in the 6 GHz

band. If the SES proponents and FS operators can reach agreement on the proper

protection standards, then petitioners will have no objection whatsoever to sharing the

band. The problem here is that MTN has commenced widespread commercial

operations pursuant to an "experimental" license prior any consensus having been

reached regarding extremely important protection criteria, including those pertaining to

protection of digital receivers, the adequacy of the 100 km coordination distance for "off

shore" operations, and appropriate criteria for close—in, in—motion operations.*" in light

of the difficult sharing issues here (which, by MTN‘s own admission, are extremely

complex and are yet to be developed), Petitioners respectfully submit that the MTN

"experiment" should be halted until such time resolution of these complex issues has

     is      MTN Opposition at 13.

     e       It is important to note, in this regard, that the Commission has not in the
     past, proposed sharing for dissimilar services, i.e., fixed and mobile.

                                        ~11 —

been achieved. Accordingly, MTN‘s application for renewal of its "experimental"

authority should be denied.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

 SYSTEM                                         RAILROADS
                  .                                             /    |
   /,//*                      /Z                                /    /

Julian L.Shepard                                Thomas J. Kéller _
Michaet M. Pratt                                Michael M. Pratt
Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson           Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson
 and Hand, Chartered                             and Hand, Chartered
901 15th Street, NW. —Suite 700                 901 15th Street, NW. —Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20005—2301                     Washington, D.C. 20005—2301

Its Attorneys                                   Its Attorneys

April 20, 1999

Attachments (4)

Yahoo — MTN and Digital Seas Inter...t Services to Cruise Line Industry

                                                                                              ATTACHMENT 1
          WOO’HNANOEM Home — Yahoo! — Help


          Monday March 1, 4:46 pm Eastern Time

          Company Press Release

          MTN and Digital Seas International Form
          Alliance to Provide Internet Services to Cruise
          Line Industry
          MIAMI——(BUSINESS WIRE)——March 1, 1999——Imagine being able to check
          your E—mail in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean or cruising the Internet from the convenience of your
          cruise ship cabin. Many Internet services are now being offered through new technology developed by
          Maritime Telecommunications Network (MTN), a subsidiary of ICG Satellite Services Inc., and Digital
          Seas International (DSI).

          Passengers and ship personnel can visit the 24—hour Internet Cafe for quick and easy access to many
          services, including Internet access to check hometown news, stock market updates, and the ability to
          send or receive E—mail. Other services, for example, video conferencing, electronic white boards and
          company E—mail, provide major corporations with on—board capabilities never before available. *‘ The
          computer and on—line services offered by DSI are revolutionizing the way cruise lines will do business in
          the future," said Glenn Farrington, president of Digital Seas International.
          About Digital Seas International

          The world leader in cruise ship solutions, DSI is bringing the Digital Age to the cruise industry. A
          privately held company with offices in New York, Alabama and soon Florida, DSI was founded to allow
          the cruising industry to tap into what has become the communication medium of the future, the
          computer and on—line industry. With this in mind the Digital Seas Internet Cafe was born, a computer
          room on board where passengers can stay wired while at sea. The earth is mostly water: somebody has to
          wire it! Visit Digital Seas‘ web site, for more information about the company.
          About Maritime Telecommunications Network

          Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc. (MTN) is the leading provider of C—Band voice, fax and
          data communications to the cruise industry, the U.S. Navy, and to offshore oil and gas platforms around
          the world. MTN also provides ship—to—shore live video and radio broadcast capabilities in C— or
          Ku—Band. Through its Earth Station in Holmdel, N.J., it also offers international satellite voice and data
          services. ICG Satellite Services, Inc. is a division of ICG Communications, Inc., which is headquartered
          in Englewood, Colo. (Nasdaq:ICGX — news). Further information is available on ICG‘s web site located


               Media Contact:
               ICG Satellite Services      Inc.,   Miami
               Nancy Price,    Belkis Castro

 1 of 2                                                                                                           4/2/99 10:19 AM

— Yahoo — MTN Takes Part In Princess... Lines‘ Love Boat National Holiday

           ~WPARHOOLFINANCEs H°e— Yahoo!— Help                                               ATTACHMENT 2

                  [ Business | US Market | By Industry | IPO | AP | S&P | International | PRNews | BizWire ]

           Thursday April 1, 9:27 am Eastern Time

           Company Press Release

           MTN Takes Part In Princess Cruise Lines‘ Love
           Boat National Holiday
           MIAMI——(BUSINESS WIRE)——April 1, 1999——For the 9th year Maritime
           Telecommunications Network, Inc., (MTN), a subsidiary of ICG Satellite
           Services, Inc. has provided enhanced communication services and all of the
           satellite links needed for Princess Cruise Line‘s annual Valentine‘s voyage.

           **The seven—day cruise provided plenty of excitement and fun, and MTN was there to cover it all," says
           Brad Briggs, Vice—President of Sales and Marketing of MTN.

           MTN stepped up its satellite voice, fax and data communications system to offer both live video, radio
           and high—speed Internet access capabilities to over 15 television stations on board the Grand Princess.
           Additionally, MTN provided 24 hour per day C—Band Video uplink, dedicated coordination phones,
           IFB‘s and satellite delivered data services. With a four—person crew, MTN assumed round the clock
           personalized services to the production crews of "*PERRI PRODUCTIONS" of Marina Del Ray, Ca.
           executive producers of all LIVE and taped segments transmitted from the ship.

           This year‘s Valentine‘s voyage sailed on February 8th—14th.

           About Maritime Telecommunication Network

           Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc. is the leading provider of C—Band voice, fax and data
           communications to the cruise industry, the U.S. Navy, and to offshore oil and gas platforms around the
           world. MTN also provides ship—to—shore live video and radio broadcast capabilities in C— or Ku—Band.
           Through its Earth Station in Holmdel, N.J., it also offers international satellite voice and data services.
           ICG Satellite Services, Inc. is a division of ICG Communications, Inc., which is headquartered in
           Englewood, CO. (Nasdaq:ICGX — news).


                ICG Communications, Miami
                Media Contact:
                Nancy Price, Belkis Castro
                305/599—6368 \226 Fax
                Investor Contact:
                Steve Smith

           Related News Categories: computers, leisure/travel, telecom

  1 of 2                                                                                                           4/2/99 10:18 AM

. Yahoo — Maritime On Board Carnival‘s MS Destiny

                                                                                         ATTACHMENT 3
          ~YREHOOILFINANCE: Home — Yahoo! — Help

          Tuesday April 13, 9:08 am Eastern Time

          Company Press Release

          Maritime Telecommunication Network Provides
          Unisys Corporation‘s ‘‘Top Producers‘‘ With
          Floating Office On Board Carnival‘s MS Destiny
          MIAMI——(BUSINESS WIRE)——April 13, 1999——Unisys Corporation is
          committed to their customers. Indeed, it is that strong commitment to good customer relations, which
          Unisys has successfully instilled in their top sales people, that was the driving force behind the one—week
          cruise on board Carnival‘s MS Destiny. Mixing business with pleasure, Unisys converted the card room
          and lounge on board the MS Destiny into an International Communications Center.

          Maritime Telecommunication Network, (MTN) a subsidiary of ICG Communications, Inc., was there for
          the seven—day trip providing a unilateral T—1 connection. Unisys Information Technology Group
          engineered and supported a virtual private network (VPN) via the Global Internet, which kept Unisys‘
          employees in touch with their offices, homes and customers worldwide. "*With MTN‘s help we were
          able to provide an essential and cost effect service to over 900 Unisys‘ sales personnel, executives and
          spouses," said Tom Costello, vice president, Special Events for Unisys.
          MTN provided eighteen telephone, fax and modem lines and kept the circuits alive from 8:00 a.m. to
          5:00 p.m. for daily Unisys usage. * With the state—of—the—art technology available today, more and more
          corporations will find conducting business at sea to be the norm in years to come," said Richard Hadsall,
          vice president of operations of MTN.
          About Unisys

          Unisys (NYSE:UIS — news) is more than 33,000 employees helping customers in 100 countries apply
          information technology to solve their business problems. Unisys solutions are based on a broad portfolio
          of global information services including systems integration, outsourcing, ‘‘repeatable" application
          solutions, consulting, network integration, remote network management, and multivendor maintenance
          and support, coupled with enterprise—class servers and associated middleware, software and storage.
          Headquartered in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, in the Greater Philadelphia area, Unisys had 1998 annual
          revenue of $7.2 billion. Access the Unisys home page on the World Wide Web —
          — for further information.

          About Maritime Telecommunications Network

          Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc. (MTN) is the leading provider of C—Band voice, fax and
          data communications to the cruise industry, the U.S. Navy, and to offshore oil and gas platforms around
          the world. MTN also provides ship—to—shore live video and radio broadcast capabilities in C— or
          Ku—Band. Through its Earth Station in Holmdel, N.J., it also offers international satellite voice and data
          services. MTN and its parent company, ICG Satellite Services, Inc., are divisions of ICG
          Communications, Inc., which is headquartered in Englewood, CO. (Nasdaq:ICGX — news). Further

 1 of 2                                                                                                         4/13/99 9:26 AM

                                                                       ATTACHMENT 4

Radiocommunication Study Groups                                 US WP 4—95—31(Rev. 4)
Geneva, April 1999                                                        March 30 1999


                   6425 MHz (EARTH—TO—SPACE)
     (Questions ITU—R [Doc. 4/13 (or 9/24)]/4 and [Doc. 9/23 (or 4/12)]/9)

The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly,

a)    that the technology exists which permits the use of FSS earth stations on
board vessels in the allocations 3700 — 4200 MHz (space—to—Earth) and 5925 —
6425 MHz (Earth—to—space);

D)    that developmental operations using such earth stations on board vessels
have been conducted for several years;

C)     that operations require considerably less than the full bandwidth in these
FSS allocations and only a portion of the visible geostationary arc;

d)    that to ensure the future growth of the FS the vesselt earth station must
operate with certain operational constraints;

e)     that there are three situations in which frequency coordination with
       vessels having FSS earth stations need to be considered:

        i)                a distance from the nearest point of land beyond which no
                  coordination is necessary;
        it)               when the vessel is in motion within the distance described
                  in i) above and the nearest point of land between the vessel earth
                  station and an FS station; and
        111)             when the vessel is stationary (in port or moored).

** Throughout this attachment the term "vessels" is used to describe all ships whose
   operation near to shore is restricted to operation within designated sea—lanes and
   channels, or stationary vessels.


1      that when a vesset with an ESV earth station operating in the band 5925—
6425 MHz is further than [OC( km] from land, no coordination between it and the
FS is required. Annex 1 defines the basis for O( km], and the ESV E.S.
operating constraints.

2      that for earth stations on vessels, in motion, operating within OX km] of
land the composite coordination area should be determined using the method
indicated in Annex 2;

3      that for the composite coordination area determined in 2 above, the
method in Draft New Recommendation ESV—2 may be used by administrations
for guidance in assessing the interference potential between the indicated type
of earth station and fixed stations in the same band;

4      that the coordination area of an ESV earth station on a stationary vessel
(docked in port or moored at sea) is determined according to the methods
specified in Recommendation ITU—R 18.847.

NOTE — The proposed Recommendation is related to agenda item 1.8 of WRC—
2000. It is intended to address the technical provisions necessary to enable
earth stations located on board vessels to operate in fixed—satellite services
networks in the bands 3700 — 4200 MHz and 5925 — 6425 MHz with regard to
their coordination with other services. Its use will be determined by the results of

                           Annex 1
1. Introduction
     The purpose of this Annex is to determine the distance 3OX indicated in
Recommends 1. It is proposed to use a single distance world—wide, subject to
constraints on the parameters characterizing ESV operations, which is based on
the methodology and examples presented in sections 2 and 3 of this Annex.
The methodology may require further development, and the results of the
calculations presented herein need further confirmation.
       The operation of earth stations aboard vessels (ESVs) which transmit in
the 5.925—6.425 GHz band creates the possibility of interference with receivers
of the terrestrial fixed service (FS) when the ESV is sufficiently close to a
potential victim FS receiver (FSR). However, for any particular situation, there is
clearly a distance out to sea, d.,,, beyond which the possibility of interference
from the ESV is negligible.

       A number of parameters determine ¢,,,, among which are
    the heights of the ESV and FSR antennas,
    the distance of the potentially affected FSR from the coastline,
    the gain of the FSR antenna in the direction of the ESV,
    the effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of the ESV in the direction of the
    e the ESV transmitter power,
    « the horizon gain of the ESV antenna in the azimuthal direction of the FSR,
*   radiometeorological conditions, and
e   the FSR permissible level of interference.

       It is recognized that there could be a great deal of variability in the values
of some of these parameters. However, from the perspective of ease of use,
there is merit in being able to specify a single distance beyond which no
coordination would be necessary given, say, a complete characterization of the
ESV and the potentially affected FSR. (Note: Table 1 in Annex 1 of
Recommendation ITU—R 1$.847 provides the appropriate FS parameters for the
determination of coordination areas. It is useful to note that the permissible level
of interference in Table 1 (of Annex 1 of Rec. ITU—R 18.847) for analog systems
in this band, namely —131 dBW/4kHz, leads to a larger coordination area and it
is employed for that purpose in this Annex.) Then, if an ESV with suitably
constrained operating parameters remains at least d,,, km out to sea from the
coastline, no coordination between the administration operating the ESV and
administrations operating FSRs ashore would be necessary. It is recognized
that while such an approach has the merit of simplicity, it may, in some cases, be
overly conservative.

       This annex proposes a framework for developing a worst case
interference scenario which would yield a single, conservative value of d sea ‘
given a complete characterization of the ESV. Section 2 outlines the
methodology and the Section 3 illustrates the methodology by applying it to an
example ESV.

2. Methodology
       This section proposes a process for setting up a worst case interference
scenario for which d.,, can be calculated through an iterative procedure. The
process is based on the premise that the minimum permissible basic
transmission loss is determined by the characteristics of the ESV, the
characteristics of the potentially affected FSR and the applicable interference
objective(s). The procedure employs the techniques of Recommendation ITU—R
P.452—8 to calculate the basic transmission loss, L,(p) (where p is defined in
Table 1 herein) as a function of the great—circle distance, d, between the ESV (at
sea) and an FSR which is placed in a worst case location and orientation with
respect to receiving interference from the ESV.

       In calculating L,(p), all of the individual interference propagation
mechanisms which can arise are considered, including:

   line—of—sight (LOS),
   LOS with sub—path diffraction,
   diffraction, and

At each value of d, the path losses associated with the individual interference
propagation mechanisms are combined to calculate Lb(p) according to the
prescription given in Rec. ITU—R P.452—8 as discussed in greater detail below.
This is repeated for increasing values of d until the value of Lb(p) exceeds the
minimum permissible basic transmission loss for p percent of the time. If the
calculated distance is less than 100 km, the distance, d;,,, defaultsto 100 km,
the minimum coordination distance.

       Considering that L, (p) increases more rapidly over land than over water,
a reasonable worst case interference situation for the FSR would locate it at the
coastline with the main beam of its antenna pointed out to sea, directly at the
ESV!. This is not an unrealistic situation because many FS microwave links

‘ It is recognised that it may be possible to construct alternative worst case interference

    involve over—water hops (e.g., inter—island service). With regard to the ESV, the
    worst case interference situation maximizes its horizon EIRP in the direction of
    the FSR. The ESV maximum horizon EIRP is based on the maximum transmit
    power, minimum operational elevation angle and the minimum antenna size.
    Furthermore, it is assumed that the ESV antenna azimuth angle is such that it is
    pointed along the bearing from the ESV to the FSR. Additional characteristics of
    the worst case scenario can include the following.

    e Worst month statistics are used for radiometeorological data.
    e No clutter loss is included in path loss calculations.
    These assumptions are made in the calculations presented herein.

            Table 1 and Table 2, respectively, summarize the basic input data, and
    list the sources of the radiometeorological data used in the examples—presented
    in this annex. In order to take into account a range of radiometeorological
    climates, three regions were selected for consideration based on their maximum
    monthly mean values of AN. These are listed in Table 3 and it should be noted
    that they are among the areas with the largest maximum monthly mean values of
    AN in the world.

Table 1 Basic input data and values used herein (after Table 1 of Rec. ITU—R P.452—8).

         Para—       Preferred                    Description                      Values Used
         meter         reso—                                                          Herein
            f           0.01       Frequency (GHz)                                        6.00
            P          0.001       Required time percentage for which                    0.0025
                                   the calculated minimum basic
                                   transmission loss is not exceeded
         P,;.P,        0.001       Latitude of station (degrees)                  See Table 3
         V¥iV,         0.001       Longitude of station (degrees)                 See Table 3
        Agi firg          1        Antenna center height above                    ESV: 40
                                   ground level (m)                               FSR: 300
         Pig: Pirg        1        Antenna center height above mean               ESV: 40
                                   sea level (m)                                  FSR: 300
         G,.G,           0.1       Antenna gain in the direction of the |         ESV: +4.0
                                   horizon along the great—circle                 FSR: +43.0
                                   interference path (dBi)

Table 2 Radiometeorological data and values used herein (section 3.2.1 of Rec. ITU—R P.452—8).

        Parameter                       Description                      Values Used Herein
              AN           Average radio—refractive index             Max. monthly mean
       (N—units/km)        lapse—rate in lowest 1 km of               values per Figure 5 of
                           atmosphere.                                Rec. ITU—R P.452—8.
           B, (%)          Time percentage for which                  Strong function of path
                           AN >100 N—units/km in the                  center latitude p. See
                           lowest 100 m of atmosphere at              Figure 1 herein.
                           the path center.
       N, (N—units)        Sea—level surface refractivity,            Regional values from
                           used only by troposcatter model.           Figure 6 of Rec. ITU—R

             The point incidence of anomalous propagation, 3, (%) for the path center
    location is determined using equations (2) through (4) of Section 3.2.1 of Annex
    1 of Rec. ITU—R P.452—8. Here, under the assumption that the FSR is at the
    coastline, the propagation path is entirely over water. Therefore, d,,, (Iongest
    continuous land (inland + coastal) section of the great—circle path (km)) and d,,,,
    (longest continuous inland section of the great—circle path (km)) of Rec. ITU—R
    P.452—8 are both zero. As a consequence /3, depends only on a and this
    dependence is shown in Figure 1 herein.

             The median effective Earth‘s radius factor k,, is determined for the path
                   _    157
               ® 157 — AN
    where the values of AN used here are given in Table 3, as are the
    corresponding values of k,,. Assuming a true Earth radius of 6371 km, the
    median value of effective Earth radius a, is determined from:
              a, =6371 k, (km).

             It should be noted that the values of k,, shown in Table 3 were used in
    all calculations in this Annex with one exception. As discussed in section 4.3 of

Table 3 Some coastal—region maximum monthly mean values of AN from Figure 5 of Rec. ITU—R P.452—8.
Representative values of @ for indicated locations.

                           Regions                              AN         Fso         P
              USA (East Coast, Norfolk, VA)                     60        1.62)       38.5
               USA (West Coast, San Diego, CA)                  70        1.80        33.5
               India                                            85        2.18        10.0

                                       Point Incidence of Anomalous Propagation, Beta_0 (%)
                    uh                          for a Path That is Entirely Over Water

                                                                            ——Beta_0, d_Im = 0.0 km, d_tm = 0.0 km
       Beta_O (%)


                         0      10     20         30         40            50         60          70         80      90
                                                         Path Center Latitude (deg}

Figure 1 Point incidence of anomalous propagation, /3 (%) , for a path that is entirely over water as a
function of the path center latitude. Note that 3, > 4%.
   Rec. ITU—R P.452—8, the relative values of 3, and p have an effect on the value
   of k which is appropriate for use in the calculation of the individual path loss due
   to diffraction. Specifically, if p < #, as it clearly is here?, then k =3 is the
   appropriate value to use in the calculation of the individual path loss due to
   diffraction. (See section 4.3 of Rec. ITU—R P.452—8.)

          As mentioned above, for each value of d, in order to select the proper
   equation (from Table 5 of Rec. ITU—R P.452—8) for combining the individual
   transmission losses, it is necessary to determine if the radio path is trans—
   horizon. To do so, it is necessary to have agreed—upon typical terminal heights
   and Table 4 proposes some values which are used herein. When the FSR is
   placed at the coastline, the test for a trans—horizon path given in Section 4.1 of
   Appendix 2 of Annex 1 of Rec. ITU—R P.452—8 is easily applied. Using the
   notation of P.452—8, the elevation angle, 2,, to the first "terrain" point, a point on
   the sea surface which is at a range of 22.6 km from the ESV in the direction of
   the FSR, is given by
                             9 2 2 40228 0C uy    3

                                22.6        22e

    2 p = 0.0025% and 8, > 4%

                                                                                         Trans—Horizon and Sub—Path Diffraction Distances (km) vs. Effective Earth Radius Factor k
    Great Circle Distance (km} between a 300 meter ams! FSR at the coastline

                                                                                                          Path is Trans—Horizon I I                                                             k =3.00
                          and a 40 meter amsl ESV at sea

                                                                                                                                                   Path is LOS with

                                                                                                                                                 Sub—Path Diffraction /

                                                                                                                                                 k= 218                                     .

                                                                                                    \ .




                                                                               80                                                                                                                                      —I
                                                                                                                                                                               —&— Trans—Horizon Distance (km)

                                                                                                                                                                               —@—Sub—Path Diffraction Distance (km)

                                                                               60                           +                                                                                      4
                                                                                 1.00                     1.50                           2.00                         2.50                       3.00                  3.50
                                                                                                                                         Effective Earth Radius Factor k

Figure 2 The regions in which a propagation path between a 300 meter AMSL FSR located at the coastline,
and a 40 meter AMSL ESV at sea, is classified by Rec. ITU—R P.452—8 as "trans—horizon," "line—of—sight
(LOS) with sub—path diffraction," and "LOS" versus the effective Earth radius factor k.

      for the ESV antenna height given in Table 4. The test for a trans—horizon path
       compares 8, to 8,, which, for the ESV and FSR antenna heights in Table 4, is
       given by

                                                                                        6,, = 260 _ d x 10 3 imrad.
                                                                                               d                23,
          (8,, is a monotonically decreasing function of d.) The path is considered trans—
          horizon if 0, > 0,,. If the path is not trans—horizon, then an additional test is
          performed to determine if the path is line—of—sight (LOS) with sub—path diffraction.
            Figure 2 shows the regions in which a propagation path between the ESV at sea

Table 4 ESV and FSR antenna heights and corresponding horizon distances.

                                                                                                     Antenna                             Physical                        Radio                            Radio
                                                                                                      Height                           Horizon (km)             Horizon (km),                    Horizon (km),
                                                                                                     {meters                                                       k = 218                         k = 3.00
                                                                                    ESV                 40                                  22.6                             33.4                         39.1
                                                                                    FSR                300                                  61.8                             91.4                         107.2
                                                                                                          Sums:                             84.4                             124.8                        146.3

and the FSR at the coastline is classified by Rec. ITU—R P.452—8 as "trans—
horizon," "LOS with sub—path diffraction," and "LOS" versus the effective Earth
radius factor k for the ESV and FSR antenna heights in Table 4.

3. Example Determination of C..,
       This section presents an example determination of d.,, using the ESV
and FSR characterizations summarized in Table 5. The ESV horizon gain of 4
dBi in the direction of the FSR is representative of what would be obtained if a
2.4 meter diameter ESV antenna were pointed as follows:

e   Elevation angle to satellite: 10 degrees.
e   Bearing to satellite = Bearing to FSR.

       Figures 3 through 5 plot the basic transmission loss L,(p) versus the
great circle distance, d, of the ESV from the FSR at the coastline. In addition to
L,(p), each figure plots the individual transmission loss associated with each of
the following propagation mechanisms: line—of—sight (LOS), LOS with sub—path
diffraction, troposcatter, diffraction and ducting. (To facilitate reproduction of the
results, the data associated with each plot is tabulated in 0.) As might be
expected, L,(p) initially follows the LOS curve, then the LOS with sub—path
diffraction curve, and ends up following the ducting curve as d increases into the
trans—horizon region. It should be noted that increasing (decreasing) the

e   ESV transmitter power density,
e   ESV antenna gain in the direction of the FSR, or
e   FSR antenna gain in the direction of the ESV

by X dB would increase (decrease) the value of L;,,,,, (p) by X dB but leave the
transmission loss curves unchanged. Increasing (decreasing) the interference
objective by X dB would decrease (increase) the value of ;. (p) by X dB, also
leaving the transmission loss curves unchanged. However, changing the height
of either the ESV or FSR antenna would necessitate the recalculation of the
transmission loss curves.


Table 5 Example ESV and FSR characterizations. The ESV characteristics are worst case with respect to
the potential for interference with the FS. The FSR characteristics are from Rec. ITU—R IS.847.

          ESV Antenna Diameter                                         2.4          meters
          ESV Antenna Elevation Angle                                   10          degrees
          Power density at ESV antenna input flange                   —7.0         dBW/4kHz
          ESV antenna gain in direction of FSR                         4.0            dBi
          ESV EIRP density in direction of FSR                        —3.0         dBW/4kHz
          FSR antenna gain in direction of ESV                       43.0             dBi
          Interference power density at output flange                40.0          dBW/AkKHz
          of FSR antenna with zero transmission loss                           '
          Permissible level of Interference                        —131.0          dBW/4kHz
          Required minimum basic transmission loss                  171.0             dB


                                              USA East Coast (Norfolk, VA)

           280        —A—LOS widiff
                      —B—scatter                                                               KA"-‘-(A
           260        ——=—diffraction                      —                            A/Kg
                      —*—ducting                                             Kggc‘

           240        —8—Lb(p)                                      ,,A’AA
                      =Lb(D) Min                       ,A/xfl

     3 220
     _4                                                                                        _Q—E"B‘a
     % 200

           tC         M

                                                                             |__J   J   [   JB    —fL—AS—4|—
           140 1                         M%Illlllllll

           120               +
                 50        100          150          200                 250                300                350   400
                                                 ESV Distance from Coastline (km)

Figure 3 Path loss associated with the indicated propagation mechanisms versus ESV distance from the
coastline for Norfolk, VA (USA). The heavy borizontal line indicates the 171 dB minimum permissible basic
transmission loss which is consistent with a permissible level of interference of —131 dBW/4kHz. The
condition L,, (p) > Cipmin (p) is satisfied at a great circle distance 153 < C <162 km.


                                             USA West Coast (San Diego, CA)

           280        —A—LOS widiff
           260        —#—diffraction

           240         O—Lb(p)
                      *=Lb(p) Min

     S 220
     g 200


                 50        100         150           200               250         300   350         400
                                                ESV Distance from Coastline (km)

Figure 4 Path loss associated with the indicated propagation mechanisms versus ESV distance from the
coastline for San Diego, CA (USA). The heavy horizontal line indicates the 171 dB minimum permissible
basic transmission loss which is consistent with a permissible level of interference of —131 dBW/4kHz. The
condition L,, (p) > Epmin (,O) is satisfied at a great circle distance 152 <d <161 km.



                          —A—LOS w/diff
                  260     —s—— diffraction


                  240     —6—Lb(p)
                          «==~"Lp(p) Min
 Path Loss (dB)





                  140 4                       _Afi T TT                                                C
                                               i   +

                               100           150            200               250         300   350       400
                                                       ESV Distance from Coastline {km)

Figure 5 Path loss associated with the indicated propagation mechanisms versus ESV distance from the
coastline for Southern India. The heavy horizontal line indicates the 171 dB minimum permissible basic
transmission loss which is consistent with a permissible level of interference of —131 dBW/4kHz. The
condition L, (,D) > bpmin (p) is satisfied at a great circle distance 154 < C <164 km.


4. Conclusions Which Could Be Drawn from the Example
       The minimum required basic transmission loss of 171 dB is exceeded at
distances which are less than 165 km in each of the regions examined. These
regions were selected for examination because they have radioclimatic
conditions which result in the lowest over—water transmission losses in the world.
Furthermore, the placement and orientation of the FSR, and the orientation of
the ESV with respect to the horizon and with respect to the FSR, provided for the
highest amount of interference coupling. Therefore, from these results it can be
concluded that

e   if an ESV which fits the description used herein remains at least 165 km from
    the coastline,
e   then an interference level greater than the permissible level of —131
    dBW/4kHz would be induced in FSRs no more than 0.0025% of the time.

Therefore, any administration operating ESVs fitting the description used herein
which limits its Earth—to—space transmission operations to areas at sea beyond
165 km of the coastline is not required to perform frequency coordinations with
FS administrations ashore. If, on the other hand, the ESV administration intends
to approach the coastline within distances which are less than 165 km while
transmitting, then the ESV administration will be required to conduct detailed
frequency coordinations with FS administrations ashore.

       These results are preliminary and will require further confirmation.
Appendix A provides details of the results to facilitate their confirmation.


   APPENDIX A           Data Tables

   This appendix provides the data sets which are graphed in Figures 3—5.

Table 6 Data associated with Figure 3, Norfolk, VA. FSR position: 38.5N, 76.0W.

    ESV Position
                          d       Path Losses Associated With Individual Mechanisms (dB)                    La(p)
Longitude]      ;
             Latitude     [kip)                                                                  PathType
                                                                                                      YP     6 \P
 ({deg W)    (deg N)              LOS      LOS widiff    Scatter     Oiffraction   Ducting
   75.1       38.5        81.3    135.8      135.8           171.8     135.8        163.7    _  LOS         135.8
   75.0       38.5        90.3    136.8      136.8           173.6     136.8        164.9       LOS         136.8
   74.9       38.5        99.3    137.7      137.7           175.3     137.7        165.8    LOS widiff     137.7
   74.8       38.5       108.3    138.6      138.6           176.9     138.5        166.6      Trans        138.5
   74.7       38.5       117.2    139.3      139.3           178.4     139.3        1868.1     Trans        139.3
   74.6       38.5       126.2    140.1      140.1           179.9     140.0        167.9      Trans        140.0
              38.5       135.2    140.7      140.7           181.4     140.7        169.4      Trans        140.7
                         144.2    141.4      155.7           182.8     155.7        169.7      T

   74.1       38.5       171.0    143.1      202.3           186.8     202.2        173.8         Trans     173.8
   74.0       38.5       180.0    143.6      211.5           188.1     211.4        173.8         Trans     173.8
   73.9       38.5       188.9    144.2      218.9           189.3     218.9        175.1         Trans     175.1
   73.8       38.5       197.9    144.6      225.2           190.6     225.1        176.3         Trans     176.3
   73.7       38.5       206.8    145.1      230.6           191.8     230.5        176.0         Trans     176.0
   73.6       38.5       215.7    145.6      235.4           193.0     235.3        177.4         Trans     177.4
   73.5       38.5       224.7    146.0      240.2           194.2     240.1        176.8         Trans     176.8
   73.4       38.5       233.6    146.4      244.2           195.4     244.2        178.1         Trans     178.1
   73.3       38.5       242.5    146.8      247.9           196.6     247.9        179.3         Trans     179.3
   73.2       38.5       251.4    147.2      251.3           197.8     251.3        180.5         Trans     180.5
   73.1       38.5       260.3    147.6      254.5           198.9     254.5        181.7         Trans     181.7
   73.0       38.5       269.2    148.0      257.5           200.0     257.4        182.9         Trans     182.9
   72.9       38.5       278.1    148.3      260.3           201.2     260.2        184.0         Trans     184.0
   72.8       38.5       287.0    148.7      263.0           202.3     262.9        185.1         Trans     185.1
   72.7       38.5       295.9    149.0      265.5           203.4     265.4        186.2         Trans     186.2
   72.6       38.5       304.7    149.4      267.9           204.5     267.9        187.3         Trans     187.3
   72.5       38.5       313.6    149.7      270.3           205.6     270.2        186.1         Trans     186.1
   72.4       38.5       322.5    150.0      272.5           206.7     272.4        187.2         Trans     187.2
   72.3       38.5       331.3    150.3      274.6           207.8     274.6        188.4         Trans     188.4


Table 7 Data associated with Figure 4, San Diego, CA. FSR position: 33.5N, 117. 7W.

    ESV Position        d       Path Losses Associated With Individual Mechanisms (dB)                  Ls{p)
 Longitude{ Latitude    (gm)                                                               PathType     |dB)
  (deg W)   (deg N)              LOS     LOS w/diff    Scatter     Diffraction   Ducting
   118.4      33.5     66.4     134.0      134.0           168.8     133.9       160.1        LOS       134.0
   118.5      33.5     75.9     135.2      135.2           170.8     135.2       161.9        LOS       135.2
   118.6      33.5     85.3     136.3      136.3           172.8     136.3       164.0        LOS       136.3
   118.7      33.5     94.8     137.3      137.3           174.6     137.3       165.1        LOS       137.3
   118.8      33.5     104.3    138.2      138.2           176.3     138.2       1866.1    LOS widiff   138.2
   118.9      33.5     113.7    139.0      139.0           178.0     139.1       166.9       Trans      139.1
   119.0      33.5     123.2    139.8       139.8          179.6     139.8       168.5       Trans      139.8
   119.1      33.5     132.6    140.6       140.6          181.1     140.6       168.2       Trans      140.6
   119.2      33.5     142.1    141.2       157 .4         182.6     157.4       169.8       Trans        7.4

   119.5      33.5     170.4    143.1      204.1           186.9     204.2       172.9       Trans      172.9
   119.6      33.5     179.8    143.6      213.3           188.3     213.3       174.3       Trans      174.3
   119.7      33.5     189.2    144.2      220.7           189.6     220.7       174.3       Trans      174.3
   119.8      33.5     198.6    144.7      226.9           190.9     226.9       175.6       Trans      175.6
   119.9      33.5     208.0    145.2      232.3           192.2     232.3       176.9       Trans      176.9
   120.0      33.5     217.5    145.6      237.5           193.5     237.5       176.7       Trans      176.7
   120.1      33.5     226.9    146.1      242.0           194.8     242.0       178.0       Trans      178.0
   120.2      33.5     236.3    146.5      246.0           196.0     246.0       179.3       Trans      179.3
   120.3      33.5     245.7    147.0      249.7           197.3     249.7       178.6       Trans      178.6
   120.4      33.5     255.1    147.4      253.2           198.5     253.2       179.9       Trans      178.9
   120.5      33.5     264.5    147.8      256.4           199.7     256.4       181.2       Trans      181.2
   120.6      33.5     273.8    148.2      259.4           200.9     259.4       182.4       Trans      182.4
   120.7      33.5     283.2    148.5      262.2           202.1     262.2       183.6       Trans      183.6
   120.8      33.5     292.6    148.9      264.9           203.3     264.9       184.8       Trans      184.8
   120.9      33.5     302.0    149.3      267.5           204.5     267.5       186.0       Trans      186.0
   121.0      33.5     311.4    149.6      270.0           205.7     270.0       187.1       Trans      187.1
   121.1      33.5     320.7    150.0      272.3           206.8     272.3       188.3       Trans      188.3
   121.2      33.5     330.1    150.3      274.6           208.0     274.6       189.4       Trans      189.4


Table 8 Data associated with Figure 5 , India. FSR position: 10.0N, 282.0W.

    ESV Position        d       Path Losses Associated With Individual Mechanisms (dB)                L+(p)
Longitude| Latitude    (kmy                                                              PathTyPe     (4g)
 (deg W)    (deg N)             LOS      LOS w/diff    Scatter   Diffraction   Ducting
  281.3      10.0     76.7      135.3      135.3        171.2       135.3       160.8       LOS       135.3
  281.2      10.0      87.7     136.6      136.6        173.4       136.5       163.3       LOS       136.6
  281.1      10.0      98.7     137.7      137.7        175.5       137.7       164.7       LOS       137.7
  281.0      10.0     109.6     138.7      138.7        177.5       138.7       166.0    LOS widiff   138.7
  280.9      10.0     120.6     139.6      139.6        179.4       139.6       167.8    LOS widiff   139.6
  280.8      10.0     131.6     140.5      140.5        181.2       140.5       168.8      Trans      140.5
  280.7      10.0     142.5     141.3      157.6        182.9       157.6       168.8      Trans      157.6


                                     ANNEX 2

Composite coordination area for earth stations on board vessels in motion
                                    near shore

                       Definition of ESV Coordination Area
                             Within XXX Km of Land

1      Introduction
Earth stations on vessels (ESVs), which transmit in the band 5 925 — 6 425 MHz,
are potential sources of interference for stations in the fixed service operating in
the same band. [Similarly, ESVs are susceptible to interference from :
transmissions by stations in the fixed service operating in the band 3 700 — 4 200
MHz.] This annex describes methods that may be used by administrations to
determine the appropriate coordination areas for ESVs where their operation is
permitted inside CC( km of land the value O( km is described in Annex 1. The
potential for interference within the coordination area can be evaluated using
Rec. ITU—R ESV—2.

The potential interference effects from ESVs can be avoided through frequency
coordination within the coordination area by examining potential interference to
receivers operating in the same frequency band located within the area. The use
of particular frequencies may need to be avoided where the predicted worst—
case interference to FS operations on such frequencies exceeds the
interference criteria specified in Rec. ITU—R ESV—2.

2      ESV operation within [XXX km] of land
When vessels equipped with earth stations operating in the bands 3 700 — 4 200
MHz (space—to—Earth) and 5 925 — 6 425 MHz (Earth—to—space) are operating
within OX km] of land, determination of coordination area is a critical step in
the process to ensure that unacceptable interference does not occur.
Determination of a coordination area requires knowledge of the limits of the
position of the vessel as it approaches land, enters a port or harbour, and
proceeds to the vessel‘s final stationary point at the dock or at anchor. Similar
limitations must be defined for the ESV operations as the vessel leaves its
stationary position in the port and proceeds to the open sea.

Maritime law and the laws of administrations define the requirements for vessel
motion within the sea—lanes and port channels. A vessel larger than 300 gt must
stay within the area known as the sea lanes as it approaches a port. Once inside
a port or harbour, the vessel must follow the port channels to its final stationary
position at the dock or mooring at a pre—designated stopping point. The sea


lanes and port channels are clearly marked on the water with buoys and other
aids to navigation defined under international maritime law. They are also clearly
designated on maritime charts published by local and international regulatory

Once within the sea lanes leading to a port or harbour and the channets within
that port, a vessel may not go outside the marked areas, nor may it stop or
anchor at any point except as directed by the local authorities. These limitations
on vessel motion within OX km] of land define the extremes of position for all
larger vessels, including those equipped with ESVs. These extremes of position
(that is, the government—mandated limits of permissible vessel motion) define the
"operating contour" for all larger vessels operating in a particular port or harbour.

The information defining the maximum vessel operating area within a sea lane or
port channel is readily available from published maps, charts and regulatory
authorities. Identification of this mandatory operating contour, which cannot be
violated by an ESV—equipped vessel, provides the basis for defining the
coordination area and determining the potential for interference within CCX km]
of land.

3      Determination of coordination area
The determination of coordination area is progressed in two stages. The first is
the determination of a set of auxiliary coordination areas. The second is the
development of a composite coordination area from these auxiliary coordination

311     Determination of auxiliary coordination areas

After determining the operating contour for a vessel operating within OX km] of
land, the next step is to determine the coordination area for a representative set
of positions in or on the operating contour. These are the auxiliary coordination
areas. These auxiliary coordination areas are developed by determining the
required coordination distance at a set of azimuth angles. The coordination
distance is the distance from an earth station beyond which interference to or
from a terrestrial station may be considered to be negligible.

Coordination distance can be computed using the minimum permissible
transmission loss methodology contained in several ITU—R recommendations,
including Rec. ITU—R P.452. The determination of coordination distance is
based on the premise that the attenuation of an unwanted signal is a
monotonically increasing function of distance. Since this may not be true when
Rec. ITU—R P.452 is employed for this purpose, special conditions for its
application may need to be developed.


The calculation of an accurate coordination distance requires specific
information about the operating characteristics of the ESV and the azimuth and
elevation of the antenna for the satellite(s) to be used in that particular port. The
operating parameters of the earth station do not change significantly as the
vessel moves from beyond the [XXX km] limit to a stationary position within the
port or harbour and, therefore, a single set of parameters may be used to
compute the minimum possible transmission loss for the entire operating contour
within a specific port. However, the percentage of the path that is over water
varies from 100% over water when the vessel is at the full coordination distance
from the port to almost entirely over land when it is docked in the harbour. As
the percentage of land in the path increases, the coordination distance will

3.2     Determination of the composite coordination area

The coordination area for an earth station on board a vessel (ESV) operated in—
motion within OX km] from the nearest land can be determined using, for
example, the procedures given in Rec. ITU—R P.452 and a knowledge of the
operating contour for that specific port. In addition, it is necessary to identify a
set of break points along the operating contour representing the limits of vessel
position and where the sea—lanes and port channels change direction. The
coordination distance is then computed for all azimuths around these break
points to determine the coordination area for a specific break point. These are
the circled numbers in Figure 1.

The coordination areas computed for each break point can be drawn on a chart
containing the relevant operating contour or generated by a computerized
graphical information system using the same principles. Figure 1 shows an
example of such a coordination area.

In Figure 1 the operating contour is represented by the funnel—shaped figure that
leads from the open ocean into the harbour. The break points of the operating
contour are numbered in a systematic fashion as shown in Figure 1. The
operating contour starts at the minimum distance from shore where interference
to fixed service systems may be considered to be negligible. This would include
islands, man—made offshore structures and peninsulas, if applicable. If the
coastline is highly irregular (i.e., with deviations greater than 10 km within DOC
km] of the entrance to the port), then a series of straight line segments may be
used, each one drawn at [XXX km] from the nearest point of land. This distance
is indicated as XXX km in Figure 1 and it may be determined as described in
Annex 1.

It will often be the case that the XCG( km is greater than the distance from the
shore to the last sea—lane marker, called the outer marker. Beyond the outer
marker ships may proceed in any direction that may be safely navigated.


Therefore, in such cases the operating contour must be extended from the outer
marker to the CCX km] limit in such a fashion as to include all possible routes
that ships with ESV‘s can and will use. Moreover, the limits of the operating
contour thus extended must be clearly marked on the chart so that the limits of
the area considered in the coordination procedure are easily understood.

Figure 1 gives an example of this procedure. In this figure break points
numbered 2 and 9 are the outer markers of the sea—lanes. The operating
contour has been extended to break points numbered 1 and 10. The
crosshatched area outside the limits of the operating contour indicates that the
use of the ESV has not been examined for potential interference in this area.
Therefore, the ESV may not be used if the ship uses an approach route to the
port that is outside of the indicated operating contour.

As mentioned previously, the numbered points along the operating contour are
the break points where the individual coordination areas have been calculated.
Two such example coordination areas are shown at break points number 2 and
4. in both cases the coordination area is larger along the boresight of the
antenna pointing towards the satellite(s) to be used by the ESV. At break point
number 2 the coordination area is mostly over water and, therefore, it is larger
than the coordination area at break point number 4 where the coordination paths
are mostly over land. The extremes of the individual coordination areas are then
joined to form a composite coordination area for the ESV as it moves from
beyond the XXKX km limit to the stationary position in the harbour. (Where
multiple paths exist from the port to the open sea, select the points that enclose
the greatest area (i.e., the points that are the greatest distance from the
channels and sea lanes in the direction of land) so as to be sure to include the
full coordination distance for any possible position of the vessel within the
operating contour.)

The area enclosed by this boundary and the outer boundary line is the
composite coordination area of an ESV for a specific port or harbour.



                             CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      The undersigned hereby certifies that on this 20th day of April, 1999, | caused
copies of the foregoing document to be served by first class mail, postage prepaid to
the following:

                    Helen E. Disenhaus
                    Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
                    3000 K Street, NW., Suite 300
                    Washington, DC 20007
                    (202) 424—7500

                                        Jetinifer A.QNolte

Document Created: 2001-08-15 10:29:21
Document Modified: 2001-08-15 10:29:21

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