Opposition to Petition to Deny/Attachments (April 06,1999)

0100-EX-RR-1999 Text Documents

Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc.


                                        Before the
                           Federal Communications Commission
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

Application of Maritime
Telecommunications Network, Inc.          FCC File No. 0100—EX—RR—1999
for Renewal of Experimental
Authorization Call Sign KI2XEE

To:    Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology                Nfi % & ]‘%

                                                                    *or    %
                          OPPOSITION TO PETITION TO DENY

                                          MARITIME TELECOMMUNICATIONS
                                          NETWORK, INC.

                                          Helen E. Disenhaus
                                          Nancy Killien Spooner

                                          Its Attorneys

                                          SWIDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LLP
                                          3000 K Street, N.W.
                                          Suite 300
                                          Washington, D.C. 20007
                                          (202) 424—7500

April 6, 1999

                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS

Summary                                                                                      11

1.     BACKGROUND                                                                            1

IL.    DISCUSSION                                                                            3

       A.     Petitioners‘ Unsupported Claims of Interference Warrant Dismissal
              of Their Petition to Deny                                                      3

       B.     MTN‘s Experimental Authorization is Vital to Cement its Strong Case
              for Non—interference of Earth Station Aboard Vessel Operations                 5

               1.     Petitioners Inappropriately Attempt to Shift the Burden of Proving
                      Unsubstantiated Claims of Interference to MTN                          6

              2.      In Order to Conduct Joint Experiments with Petitioners, MTN‘s
                      Experimental Authorization Should be Renewed and Expanded              8

       C.     MTN Has Fully Cooperated with the Terrestrial Fixed Service
              Community to Establish Interference and Coordination Standards
              between Shipboard Earth Stations and Terrestrial Fixed Microwave
              Stations                                                                       9

       D.     The Crescomm Order 100 km Frequency Coordination Distance is the
              Appropriate Interim Commission Standard for Shipboard Earth Station
              Operations                                                                    10

II     CONCLUSION                                                                           13

C—BAND SHIPBOARD EARTH STATIONS: INTERFERENCE                                     Attachment A
by Dan Collins, Krishna Sampath, Tom Detrick, And Kam Falkenthal,
Edwards And Kelcey Wireless, L.L.C. (1997)

ENGINEERING STATEMENT OF DANIEL J. COLLINS                                        Attachment B

DATED MARCH 31, 1997                                                              Attachment C


       Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc. ("MTN"), hereby opposes the Petition to Deny

filed by the Association ofAmerican Railroads ("AAR") and Consortium Digital Microwave System

("CDMS") (collectively, the "Petitioners") against MTN‘s application for renewal ofits experimental

authorization under Call Sign KI2XEE. MTN is preparing for the 2000 World Radio Conference

through its ongoing experimental operations utilizing earth stations operated above vessels ("ESVs")

under Call Sign KI2XEE.

       AAR and CDMS allege, without any specific factual allegations, supporting evidence, or

affidavits, that their point—to—point microwave coastal stations have experienced some unspecified

level of interference due to unknown causes at unspecified locations over the course of the last two

years. MTN has always fully cooperated, and resolved, specific allegations ofharmful interference,

and MTN is committed to assisting AAR and CDMS in that regard.

       MTN has also begun discussing with AAR and CDMS the possibility ofjoint experiments

to determine whether ESVs can operate in the same band as terrestrial microwave stations. In order

to conduct such joint experiments, renewal, as well as a limited expansion, ofMTN‘s experimental

authorization would be essential.

       The Commission should not dignify a petition to deny that does not provide specific

allegations of fact or supporting data, documentation, or affidavits from individuals with personal

knowledge. Instead, the Commission should promote advancementof efficient, innovative use of

spectrum, such as ESV service. For these reasons, the Commission should dismiss the AAR and

CDMS Petition to Deny, and grant MTN‘s application for renewal ofits experimental authorization.



       The FCC has granted MTN authority under Call Sign KI2XEE to operate earth stations

operated above vessels ("ESVs") in the C Band. ESVs operate as fixed stations while ships are

docked in port, and conduct mobile operations while ships are moving through established channels

between the high seas and port. MTN‘s experimental authorization was initially granted to its

predecessor—in—interest, Crescomm Transmission Services, Inc. ("Crescomm"), in 1992.‘ Crescomm

and its successors in interest, first Holmdel Telecommunications Group, Inc., and then MTN, have

requested and received periodic revisions to, and renewal of, the authorization issued under Call Sign

KI2XEE. MTN‘s current authorization permits its operation of 45 ESVs.

       In anticipation ofthe 2000 World Radio Conference, MTN has been gathering data in support

of the United States agenda item proposing the permitted operations of ESVs in the Fixed Satellite

Service ("FSS") C Band. MTN, in conjunction with its renewal application filed January 22, 1999,

for Call Sign KI2XEE, again requested expansion ofits experimental authority, for operation of150

ESVs. In the alternative, MTN requested renewal of its experimental authority under the existing

limit of 45 ESVs.

       1       See FCC File No. 3093—EX—ML—92, Call Sign KI2XEE, granted effective Nov.
13, 1992; see also Mobile Satellite—Based Communications Services by Crescomm Transmission
Services, Inc., and Qualcomm Incorporated, Joint Order of the Chief, International Bureau and
the Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology, DA 96—650, 11 FCC Red 10944 (1996)
(hereinafter Crescomm Order).

        2      In January 1997, MTN requested expansion of its experimental authorization from
45 ESVs to permit operation of 250 ESVs. MTN‘s request was predicated on cementing its case
for non—interference ofits service to licensed stations in the C Band. The Commission denied
MTN‘s request, reissuing MTN‘s authorization for 45 ESVs. In December 1997, MTN filed a
Petition for Partial Reconsideration of the Commission‘s decision, again requesting expansion of
its experimental authorization to permit operation of 250 ESVs. The Commission has not yet


       AAR and CDMS have filed a Petition to Deny‘ MTN‘s renewal application for Call Sign

KI2XEE, and an Opposition to MTN‘s Petition for Partial Reconsideration of the Commission‘s

denial ofMTN‘s request for expansion ofits experimental authority to permit operation ofmore than

45 ESVs.* In support oftheir Petition to Deny, AAR and CDMS make the following erroneous, and

hence, unsubstantiated claims: (1) that MTN has not completely made its case for ESVs‘ non—

interference to terrestrial microwave stations; (2) that MTN has not cooperated with the terrestrial

microwave community to ensure interference protection for licensed terrestrial microwave use of

the 6 GHz band; and (3) that the 100 km distance established in the Crescomm Order by the

Commission for coordination between ESVs and fixed earth stations on land provides insufficient

interference protection to terrestrial microwave users.

       The first two claims in the Petition to Deny are completely unsupported by specific, factual

allegations or by affidavits of individuals with personal knowledge, because the claims are untrue.

In fact, in the rare instance where MTN has some facts relating to Petitioners‘ operations in its

responded to MTN‘s Petition for Partial Reconsideration. As stated, MTN then requested
expansion of its experimental license by requesting authority to operate 150 ESVin its
application for renewal of Call Sign KI2XEE.

        3       Arguably, given the apparent absence of a specific FCC Rule governing
opposition to applications for renewal of experimental authorization, petitions to deny do not lie
against such applications. In the event that the Commission chooses to entertain the AAR and
CDMS Petition to Deny, the Petition should be governed by the general standards for petitions to
deny set forth in Section 309 of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C.A. § 309(d).

       4       AAR and CDMS have also filed petitions to deny with the Commission‘s
International Bureau against MTN‘s applications for fixed earth station authority for ESV
operations while ships are docked at 32 specific sites in 17 specific ports. These operations have
been coordinated as fixed earth station operations as required by the Commission‘s Rules, and
the applications are under review by the International Bureau‘s staff. MTN filed its Consolidated
Opposition to Petitions to Deny on March 18, 1999.


possession, MTN‘s information flatly contradicts the position of Petitioners.‘ With regard to the

third claim, concerning the 100 km interference restriction set forth in the Crescomm Order, AAR

and CDMS attempt to reverse a Commission decision issued three years ago pursuant to notice and

comment. As the Petitioners well know, the establishment of a coordination standard between ESV

and terrestrial microwave operations is the subject of careful, considered negotiations and

discussions within the industry.     MTN‘s renewal of its experimental authorization is not the

appropriate forum for review of an issue that is the subject of various U.S. and foreign working

groups preparing for the 2000 World Radio Conference. The AAR and CDMS Petition to Deny is

a weak attempt to make an end run around this open industry dialogue.

        Because Petitioners have failed to establish their claims through specific, factual allegations

and affidavits from individuals with personal knowledge regarding such facts, their Petition to Deny

should be dismissed.


        A.     Petitioners‘ Unsupported Claims of Interference Warrant Dismissal of Their
               Petition to Deny

        As AAR and CDMS acknowledge, MTN has received no unresolved reports of harmful

interference from terrestrial station operators due to its ESV operations. While Petitioners purport

to have received some unspecified levels ofinterference during the last two years at "several" coastal

        *      See Attachment C, Letter from Stacey Cato, Frequency Protection Coordinator for
Micronet Communications, Inc., on behalf of CDMS, et a/., to Tom Detrick, EK Wireless,
Frequency Coordinator for MTN, dated March 31, 1997 (hereinafter, "CDMS Coordination

and port locations due to some unknown cause, such vague claims of interference are completely

undocumented in the Petition to Deny. AAR and CDMS assure the Commission and MTN that an

equipment vendor believes that the equipment is not at fault, but no affidavit, or even simple

correspondence from an equipment vendor, has been produced.

        The Commission, as well as MTN, are expected to take the word ofPetitioners‘ counsel that

some type of interference may have been experienced. Significantly, the Petitioners never actually

assert that the supposed interference was caused by ESVs, or that the interference was experienced

at unacceptable levels. Because AAR and CDMS have not provided any specificity regarding such

claims of interference, including providing the level, time, frequencies, and location that alleged

interference was experienced, MTN is unable to counter the claims, although it stands ready to assist

Petitioners in investigating any documented problems involving unacceptable interference.

       Moreover, it should be noted that the claims of potential interference by CDMS are

particularly empty. CDMS conducts microwave operations in the area of the Gulf of Mexico.

MTN‘s only ESV operations in that vicinity involve the port of New Orleans. When MTN‘s New

Orleans ESV operations were coordinated with microwave users in accordance with the Crescomm

Order, the potential interference limited ESV operations to frequencies simply not in use by

microwave stations in the area. Because there is no frequency sharing between New Orleans ESV

operations and terrestrial fixed service operations in the area, there is no potential interference to

microwave systems in that region. Indeed, the frequency protection agent for CDMS, Micronet, Inc.,

responded favorably to MTN‘s prior coordination notification for fixed and mobile ESV operations

in New Orleans." To the best of MTN‘s knowledge, CDMS‘s operations are limited to the port of

New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico. Thus, where MTN is in possession of the facts concerning

Petitioners‘ allegations, the facts completely contradict the position of Petitioners.

         If the Commission were to permit the denial of applications on the basis of unsubstantiated

allegations, any competing party, at its whim, could obtain the dismissal of an application before the

Commission, simply by filing a self—serving, unsupported petition to deny. For this reason, under

long—established Commission precedent, petitions to deny must allege specific facts, and such facts

must be supported by an affidavit submitted by an individual with personal knowledge regarding

such facts. In the instance where MTN has facts in its possession, the facts negate Petitioner‘s

assertion.   On the principle that petitions to deny must allege facts with specificity, the Petition to

Deny of AAR and CDMS fails, and consequently must be dismissed.

        B.     MTN‘s Experimental Authorization is Vital to Cement its Strong Case for Non—
               interference of Earth Station Aboard Vessel Operations

        Ironically, AAR‘s and CDMS‘s filing of a petition to deny against MTN‘s request for

renewal of its experimental authority proves the point that MTN has made all along: expansion of

its experimental authorization is necessary to establish conclusively that its ESV operations do not

cause harmful interference to terrestrial fixed        service stations.   Petitioners demonstrate the

importance of continuing MTN‘s experimental authorization by: (1) attempting to shift the burden

of proving vague, undocumented claims of interference to MTN; and (2) entering into discussions

        6      See Attachment C, CDMS Coordination Letter (stating, "Our analysis indicates
that no objectionable interference should result from your proposal. Thank you for your
cooperation in acceptably coordinating the above—referenced system with our client.")


with MTN to conduct joint experiments on the effects of ESV operations on 6 GHz microwave


               1.      Petitioners Inappropriately Attempt to Shift the Burden of Proving
                       Unsubstantiated Claims of Interference to MTN

       MTN has conducted an extensive interference coordination program which supports its

conclusion that ESV operations, both mobile and fixed, can be coordinated to protect existing

licensed terrestrial microwave stations in the 6 GHz band." Because MTN‘s ESVs operate at a lower

transmitter power than typical earth stations, not only do MTN‘s ESV operations have ten times lZess

real interference impact than do typical earth stations, they have Zess real interference impact than

typical microwave stations. As a consequence, numerous point—to—point microwave station operators

have successfully coordinated new stations in the areas already coordinated by MTN.

       MTN is fully committed to resolving all documented cases ofunacceptable interference that

might have been caused by ESV operations. However, AAR and CDMS have thus far refused to

provide any specific support for their claims of unacceptable interference. Instead, Petitioners

demand extensive documentation from MTN, documentation that does not exist, far in excess ofthe

information that they might require to correlate instances of actual unacceptable interference with

ESV operations.     Petitioners maintain that because MTN‘s operations under its experimental

        7     See C—Band Shipboard Earth Stations: Interference Analysis Method, Frequency
Coordination, and Microwave Interference Protection, by Dan Collins, Krishna Sampath, Tom
Detrick, and Kam Falkenthal, Edwards and Kelcey Wireless, L.L.C. (1997) (included as
Attachment A). This paper was provided to FCC staff in 1997, including the Office of
Engineering and Technology, as well as to the National Spectrum Managers Association

authorization are secondary in nature, it is incumbent on MTN to prove that over every minute of

the last two years, it did not cause any possible interference to AAR and CDMS.

       Petitioners perhaps come too quickly to the conclusion that if a transitory microwave system

degradation occurs, it must be the result of interference from an ESV operation. Among the factors

missing from Petitioners‘ list ofpossible causes for the alleged interference is the most common one:

propagation anomalies that result in short—term interference from any same band operation—including

other microwave stations and earth stations. The 6 GHz band is currently used by an estimated

10,000 microwave stations and 3,500 earth stations. Moreover, the alleged interference would

probably not have been caused by a "nearby" station, as Petitioners suggest; the greater likelihood,

because of the nature of propagation—related interference, is that the alleged interference source is

100 to 200 miles away from Petitioners‘ stations. Short—term interference ofthis type is experienced

by microwave stations everywhere, including areas such as Kansas.

       MTN concedes that once a documented instance of unacceptable interference is produced,

the burden of proving that ESV operations did not cause the interference shifts to MTN. However,

the Commussion‘s interference policies do not contemplate that experimental license holders prove

that interference has never been caused to any licensed operator, no matter the time frame, channels

used, or continental land mass involved. If the Commission were to require experimental licensees

to complete such an impossible, quixotic task, new radio services or technologies could not possibly

be developed.

                 2.    In Order to Conduct Joint Experiments with Petitioners, MTN‘s
                       Experimental Authorization Should be Renewed and Expanded

       MTN is so committed to establishing that ESV C band operations are a viable, innovative,

and efficient means of utilizing C band spectrum that it is currently discussing with Petitioners the

possibility of conducting joint experiments. Such experiments could be conducted in specific ports

under agreed conditions. To establish such joint experiments, however, MTN would be required to

operate at least 10 more ESVs than it is currently authorized to operate. MTN therefore respectfully

requests that the Commussion expand its experimental licensing authority to permit operation of a

total of 55 ESVs.®

       Precisely because Petitioners claim that unspecified, undocumented instances of alleged

harmful interference have occurred, MTN‘s experiments with ESVs must proceed. At the World

Radio Conference next year, it will be incumbent upon the United States delegation (not just MTN)

to demonstrate the validity of ESV operation in the C band, before the international community.

Thus, it is in the public interest for the Commission to grant, and even expand, MTN‘s experimental


       8       To produce additional data for the World Radio Conference, MTN would require
permission to operate additional ESVs beyond the ten ESVs that it would utilize in controlled
experiments with AAR and CDMS (along with a few of the currently authorized ESVs). Thus,
MTN‘s request for a small number of additional ESVs to conduct joint experiments with AAR
and CDMS is not a concession that additional ESVs are needed to conduct final coordination

       C.      MTN Has Fully Cooperated with the Terrestrial Fixed Service Community to
               Establish Interference and Coordination Standards between Shipboard Earth
               Stations and Terrestrial Fixed Microwave Stations

       AAR and CDMS make the ridiculous, outrageous allegation that MTN is somehow not

abiding by the Commission‘s conditions in the Crescomm Order. This statement, when examined

closely, appears to be reduced to MTN‘s refusal to try to prove, without any guidance or assistance

from Petitioners, that MTN has never, ever, caused any interference to any of AAR‘s and CDMS‘s

coastal stations during an entire two—year period.      The Crescomm Order included no such


       Instead, MTN has complied fully with the letter and spirit ofthe Crescomm Order, to protect

current licensed fixed service use of the 6 GHz band, and to establish, through industry consensus,

an interference protection standard for ESV operations vis—a—vis terrestrial microwave stations.

MTN has been working with the terrestrial fixed service community for years to accomplish these

goals. In particular, MTN has worked with the National Spectrum Managers Association ("NSMA")

to develop frequency coordination and protection standards; NSMA is about to issue an interim

resolution on the issue. For Petitioners to suggest that MTN is not cooperative, and that it has not

abided by the Crescomm Order, is so specious that it necessitates no refutation. Numerous members

of the Commission‘s staff, as well as Petitioners themselves (including their counsel) can attest to

MTN‘s tireless efforts to develop coordination standards to protect licensed terrestrial operations,

both now, and in the future. Moreover, MTN stands ready and able to investigate any instances of

unacceptable interference that are specified in terms of the date, time, frequencies, and location


       D.      The Crescomm Order 100 km Frequency Coordination Distance is the
               Appropriate Interim Commission Standard for Shipboard Earth Station

       Petitioners complain that the 100 km coordination distance referred to in the Crescomm

Order is inadequate to protect terrestrial fixed microwave operations. However, this position avoids

several points: (1) the standards for coordinating microwave stations, and the standards for

coordinating FSS stations, including the coordination distances involved, differ from one another;

(2) the 100 km coordination distance is the standard "default minimum" distance for short—term

interference coordination of FSS earth stations with same—band operations under the Commission‘s

Rules and the International Telecommunications Union ("ITU") regulations; (3) the in—motion ESV

operations were frequency coordinated using the standard short—term interference objective, —131—

dBW/4 kHz, for which the standard coordination distance is the default minimum of 100 km; and

(4) the establishment of an interference objective for ESV operations is the subject of on—going

industry discussions that have not yet reached a conclusion.

       First, by arguing that the ESV coordination distance contour should resemble a "keyhole"

shape, and distances commonly used in coordination between microwave systems, Petitioners reveal

their misapprehension ofthe distinction between the coordination distances used for ofpoint—to—point

microwave stations versus those used for FSS earth stations." In particular, nowhere in the FCC‘s

Rules, the ITU‘s regulations, or NSMA industry recommendations is there any reference to the 400

km and 200 km figures cited in the Engineering Statement attached to the Petition to Deny. As

explained in Attachment B, per an NSMA industry recommendation (not referenced in the FCC‘s

       9        For an explanation of the distinct coordination parameters governing these two
types of stations, see Attachment B, Engineering Statement of Daniel J. Collins.


Rules), the "keyhole" distances associated with 6 GHz microwave coordination with other

microwave systems are 250 miles (within 5 degrees of the antenna boresight) and 150 miles (at all

other angles). In addition, as those familiar with the subject are well aware, the specific coordination

distances used for earth station coordination are calculated using ITU procedures, and the resulting

distances differ for each earth station, depending on its particular technical parameters; thus, there

is no single distance figure, or set of distance figures, applicable to all earth stations.

        The 100 km standard does have current applicability under the Commission‘s Rules; it is the

default minimum coordination distance applied by the ITU under Appendix 28 of the ITU Radio

Regulations, and by the Commuission via reference to the ITU‘s regulations in Section 25.251 ofthe

Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.251 (1998) to the protection a new FSS earth station must

accord to same—band licensed operators. The 100 km coordination distance is also specifically linked

to the standard objective in the ITU‘s regulations (—131 dBW/4 kHz) for the protection ofmicrowave

stations from short—term earth station interference.

         When docked at a specific site in port, ESV operations are indistinguishable from typical

fixed earth stations. ESV operations at fixed sites were coordinated using the standard ITU long—

and short—term objectives (—154 and —131 dBW / 4 kHz, respectively) and the coordination distances

applicable to those objectives."" Thus, if Petitioners intend to claim that the 100 km standard is

inadequate for ESV fixed operations when a ship is docked at a pier, they are in effect maintaining

        10      This issue is the subject of the petitions to deny that AAR, CDMS, and others
have filed against fixed satellite service earth station applications that MTN has filed with the
FCC‘s International Bureau for its fixed ESV operations at specifically coordinated piers in 17
specific ports.


that the Commission‘s Rules under Part 25, and consequently, ITU‘s regulations under Appendix

28, are inadequate.

       The in—motion ESV operations were frequency coordinated using the standard ITU short—term

interference objective (—131 dBW / 4 kHz) and its associated standard coordination distance, 100 km,

as specifically cited in the Crescomm Order. As AAR and CDMS know, MTN has worked

diligently with NSMA to ensure that any coordination standard adequately protects point—to—point

microwave stations while permitting mobile ESV operations in the 6 GHz band. The standard to

which the parties will agree will take into account the fact that newer microwave systems utilize

digital equipment, and that 6 GHz transmissions over water are governed by certain characteristics

that require specific consideration in the establishment of a coordination standard.        MTN‘s

application for renewal of its experimental authorization is hardly the forum for addressing such

complex industry issues that are the subject of numerous on—going meetings, papers, reports,

discussions, and correspondence."‘

        As stated previously, AAR and CDMS do not provide any engineering data or facts to

support their claim that the 100 km standard is inappropriate. Petitioners cannot rely on bare

allegations, without any underlying support, and without an affidavit of an individual withpersonal

        1      For the benefit of AAR and CDMS, MTN has included as Attachment A "C—Band
Shipboard Earth Stations: Interference Analysis Method, Frequency Coordination, and
Microwave Interference Protection, by Dan Collins, Krishna Sampath, Tom Detrick, and Kam
Falkenthal, Edwards and Kelcey Wireless, L.L.C." which discusses appropriate frequency
coordination standards for in—motion ESV operations. A copy of this paper was submitted to the
FCC and to NSMA in 1997, and has been the basis for the on—going establishment of a
coordination standard for ESV operations.


knowledge, to alter a Commission decision that was subject to notice and comment, or to revise

Commussion regulations established pursuant to a rulemaking proceeding.


       AAR and CDMS, by opposing MTN‘s request for renewal ofits experimental authorization,

are apparently seeking to accomplish what they have been unable to achieve in an open, industry

forum: to impede advanced, efficient shared use ofthe 6 GHz band. However, their Petition to Deny

does not include any specific allegations of fact supported by an affidavit from an individual with

personal knowledge regarding the facts.     Where MTN is able to bring facts to light for the

Commission‘s review, the facts contradict Petitioners‘ assertions. For these reasons alone, the

Petition to Deny must be dismissed.

       While MTN is prepared to work with Petitioners by conducting joint experiments and

investigating documented reports of interference, MTN will not stand by while a decade of

innovation and industry cooperation is disparaged or ignored. Because the public interest strongly

supports continued progress and development of new communications services, the Commussion

should grant MTN‘s request for renewal of its experimental authorization and expansion of its

authority to permit joint experiments as in the public interest, and dismiss the AAR and CDMS

Petition to Deny.



                NETWORK, INC.

                By:JMW |AieuGoines
                            ( Helen E. Disenhaus
                              Nancy Killien Spooner

                Its Attorneys

                3000 K Street, N.W.
                Suite 300
                Washington, D.C. 20007
                (202) 424—7500

April 6, 1999


                       ATTACHMENT A

                by Dan Collins, Krishna Sampath,
                Tom Detrick, And Kam Falkenthal,
            Edwards And Kelcey Wireless, L.L.C. (1997)

              ATTACHMENT B


                             ENGINEERING STATEMENT

This Engineering Statement is prepared to accompany the foregoing Opposition to a
Petition to Deny renewal of experimental authorization Call Sign KI2XEE, FCC File No.
0100—EX—RR—1999, held by Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc. ("MTN").

1, Daniel J. Collins, being a duly qualified and experienced telecommunications engineer
doing business at 299 Madison Avenue, Morristown, New Jersey 07962, under penalty
of perjury, do hereby state the following:

I have reviewed: (a) the foregoing Opposition to Petition to Deny; (b) Mobile Satellite—
Based Communications Services by Crescomm Transmission Services, Inc., and
Qualcomm Incorporated, Joint Order of the Chief, International Bureau and the Chief,
Office of Engineering and Technology, DA 96—650, 11 FCC Red 10944 (1996); (c) the
applicable Federal Communications Commission regulations, including Section 25.251
and Section 101.103 of the Commission‘s Rules; (d) the applicable International
Telecommunications Union Radio Regulations and Recommendations; and (e) technical
documents prepared by qualified experts within relevant working groups considering the
technical feasibility of proposed shipboard earth station operations in the 5,925 to 6,425
MHz band.

The following notes are offered to clarify what appears to be some confusion on the
subject of frequency coordination for earth stations as opposed to microwave stations,
and in particular the use of different coordination distances for each type of system.


In discussions on interference—related issues involving C—band satellite earth stations
operated aboard vessels (so—called "ESVs"), there appears to be some confusion about
the application of coordination distance to different types of systems.

The coordination distance around a station is used to identify all other shared—band
systems that should be included in the analysis of potential interference and should be
included in the notification—response frequency coordination process.

The following will explain the different coordination distances used for point—to—point
microwave systems and for satellite earth stations, and will provide references to
regulations and/or industry practice as appropriate.

Point—to—Point Microwave Systems

The following addresses the coordination of point—to—point microwave systems with other
point—to—point microwave systems.

According to FCC Rule Section 101.103(d)(1), "Proposed frequency usage must be prior
coordinated with existing licensees, permittees and applicants in the area ..." (emphasis

added). The phrase "in the area" has existed in the FCC‘s microwave frequency
coordination regulations since July 15, 1971, when prior coordination became a formal

The microwave community — chiefly the former Bell System, Western Union and GTE —
had actually been coordinating proposed frequency use with each other since the mid—
1950s, realizing that such was necessary to avoid interference and system performance
degradation. That community had also set its own standards and procedures for the
analysis of potential interference — including the coordination distance around each
proposed microwave station. Initially, the community agreed to use a radial (circular)
distance of 175 miles. With experience, however, they learned that terrain blockage on
longer paths almost always served to keep interference to acceptable limits. Thus, the
players agreed to modify the coordination distance to 150 miles. By the early ‘60s, with
more experience analyzing long distance interference paths, they agreed to again
reduce the coordination distance to 125 miles. This figure became so engrained in the
minds of frequency coordinators throughout the ‘70s and early ‘80s that many if not most
of them thought the FCC Rules specified that distance. The Rules, as explained earlier,
do not and never did; they say "in the area".          (Note that during this entire period,
individual coordinators or companies may have used coordination distances somewhat
more conservative than the above figures, sometimes applying a larger figure for work in
areas where more mountainous terrain allowed for a greater potential for line—of—sight on
longer—distance interference paths.)

In the late ‘80s, with the large population of microwave stations, some operators began
to notice a small (but significant) number of identifiable interference problems caused by
other microwave stations at distances somewhat greater than 125 miles (and, as such,
which had not been included in the coordination). it was determined that these problems
occurred when two well—separated microwave stations‘ antennas were pointed within a
few degrees of each other (effectively "boresight—to—boresight"). In those circumstances,
the terrain losses on long paths still applied as before, but it wasn‘t sufficient to offset the
fact that there was virtually no antenna discrimination at both the interfering transmitter
and interfered—with receiver. (The reason this problem had not been identified earlier is
that the probability of its occurrence is directly related to the total number of stations in
operation; simply put, it took until the late—‘80s for the population of microwave stations
to reach a point that made very long distance, boresight—to—boresight situations a more
significant probabilistic reality.)

By this time, the National Spectrum Managers Association (NSMA) had been created by
frequency coordinators in the US to provide an open industry forum to address and
resolve technical and procedural issues on an "engineer—to—engineer" basis.                The
mission of the NSMA is to develop industry recommendations to supplement the FCC‘s
coordination regulations to make frequency coordination more effective and efficient.

In 1990, the NSMA issued an industry recommendation (Recommendation 3.90.026,
"Coordination Contours for Terrestrial Microwave Systems"), which changed the long—
held 125—mile radial coordination distance for microwave systems in the following
manner: within five degrees on either side of the main pointing azimuth of the antenna,
the coordination distance is 250 miles, and for all other azimuths the distance is 150
miles. (See illustration on the next page.) This combination results in a "keyhole"—
shaped coordination contour around a microwave station, and this recommendation has

been followed by the industry for nearly a decade now — while the FCC regulations still
say "in the area‘".

                                           main pointing azimuth

                                                                   ........... +/— 5 degrees

                      antenna                                250 mi

                                       150 mi                         (top view)

The coordination of a microwave station (as illustrated above) would include all other
same—band microwave stations within the contour limits of the 150/250—mile keyhole

Satellite Earth Stations

Some satellite services share the same frequency allocations with point—to—point
microwave systems, and because of the potential for interference from one system to
another, coordination is necessary.

Satellite earth station transmitters can cause interference to point—to—point microwave
receivers, and point—to—point microwave transmitters can cause interference to earth
station receivers. The coordination distance around a satellite earth station, however, is
not a single number or standard set of numbers, as has been the case with microwave
systems, nor is earth station coordination distance a parameter that has been set by
industry practice and agreement.

The coordination distance around an earth station is determined via its particular
technical parameters (e.g., transmit power, antenna gain along the horizon) and
application of a mathematical analysis in the regulations of the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU).          (Note that until recently, the FCC‘s Part 25
regulations echoed the related ITU regulations, but since have been replaced by a
simple directional reference to the applicable ITU regulations.)

The distance is a result of a complex calculation that applies ITU—specified microwave
interference objectives and modeled technical parameters, and the earth station‘s

particular technical parameters, to determine the necessary path loss to make the
calculated interference acceptably low. Then, because path loss is a function of path
distance, the calculation converts the result to a minimum coordination distance.

This calculation is repeated for all azimuths around the earth station, because the earth
station antenna gain along the horizon is not uniform. The result of mapping the
necessary coordination distance at all azimuths around an earth station results in a
"coordination contour" that is typically egg—shaped, as illustrated below.


                                                          primary pointing azimuth

The coordination distance at any azimuth is represented in this iflustration by the
distance from the earth station to the edge of the contour drawn around it The
coordination of an earth station would consider all of the microwave stations within the
described coordination contour.

Depending on the technical parameters of the earth station, the coordination distances
at different azimuths may range as high as several hundred kilometers, and the ITU has
specified a "default minimum" of 100 kilometers (applicable to those cases where the
technical calculations result in a figure less than 100 kilometers).

Closing Notes

A microwave station may receive interference from (or cause interference to) another
microwave station or an earth station; however, the methods used to calculate
coordination distances and the particular distances used in microwave system
coordination and earth station coordination are different (as are the interference
protection objectives used in each case).

In all cases but one, the determination of which other particular stations to include in a
coordination effort depend on the coordination distance associated with the station being
coordinated. For microwave coordination with other microwave stations, the 150/250—
mile "keyhole" contour is used. Similarly, when an earth station is being coordinated
with shared—band microwave stations, the earth station‘s coordination contour is used.

The one case that is different involves the coordination of a microwave station with
shared—band earth stations.    In that case, the determination of the particular earth
stations to include in the analysis depends on whether the microwave station is within
the coordination contour of each individual earth station in the area. This is the only
case in which the determination of stations to include depends on the coordination
contours of the stations being coordinated with, rather than a coordination distance
associated with the staion being coordinated.

Daniel J.  ins
VP — RF@éAnning and Engineering
Edwards and Kelcey, Inc.

ApRriL_S, 995

                      ATTACHMENT C

                LETTER FROM STACEY CATO,
                   DATED MARCH 31, 1997

COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                             March 31, 1997

     EK Wireless
     299 Madison Avenue
     PO Box 1936     .
     Morristown, New Jersey 07962—1936

             NEW ORLEANS, LA
             YOUR PCN DATED:    MARCH 12, 1997
             MICRONET FILE NO.: 9707304
                                SOUTHERN NATURAL GAS CO. — TRANS. DEPT
                                CONSORTIUM DIGITAL MICROWAVE SYSTEM
                                CELULTEL OF BILOXI, INC. C/O CENTURY
                                  CELLUNET, INC.

     Dear Coordinator:

     We have conducted an interference analysis of the above referenced proposal
     against all of our client‘s existing and prior coordinated systems and earth stations.

     Our analysis indicates that no objectionable interference should result from your
     proposal. Thank you for your cooperation in acceptably coordinating your above
     referenced system with our clients.


                                                Frequency Protection Coordinator

           720 Avenue F, Suite 100, Plano, TX 75074   5 (972) 422—7200 ® Fax (972) 422—1900

                                   CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Valerie Gilbert, hereby certify that on this 6" day of April, 1999, copies of the attached
Opposition to Petition to Deny has been sent via first class U.S. mail, postage pre—paid, to the

Thomas J. Keller
Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson
       and Hand, Chartered
901 15" Street, NW., Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20005—2301

Julian L. Shephard
Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson
       and Hand, Chartered
901 15°" Street, N.W., Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20005—2301

                                                             Valerie E. Gilbert

Document Created: 2001-08-15 10:17:55
Document Modified: 2001-08-15 10:17:55

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