Letter generated (Jan 22,1999)

0100-EX-RR-1999 Text Documents

Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc.



                               SWIDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LLP

                                                                                                           NEW YoRK OFRICE
3000 K StReET, NW, SurrE 300                                                                              919 THiRD AvENUE
WasHmnaton, DC 20007—5116                                                                          New YoRK, NY 10022—9998
Teueprions (202) 4247500                            January 22, 1999                                TeLEPHONE (212) 7589500
FacstMite (202) 4247647                                                                              Facsmite (212) 758—9526
        Federal Communications Commission
        Experimental Radio Services
        P.O. Box 358320
        Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5320

                  Re:          Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc.
                               Renewal of Experimental Authorization
                               Call Sign KIZXEE

        Dear Sir or Madam:

                  Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc. ("MTN) hereby submits, in triplicate, its
        Application for Renewal of Radio Station License on FCC Form 405, requesting renewal of its
        experimental authorization to operate 45 Shipboard Earth Stations ("SESs") under Call Sign
        KI2XEE. Enclosed is a check made payable to the Federal Communications Commission in the
        amount of $45.00 as thefiling fee.

                 MTN clarifies that rather than listing specific U.S. domestic satellites with which it
        communicates, its authorization should be designated as permitting communicating with "ALSAT"
        (in addition to the other satellites listed in its authorization). This request is consistent with the
        Commission‘s decision to eliminate its separate satellite policy.‘ A specific list ofthe U.S. domestic
        satellites with which MTN has currently coordinated is available upon request.

                  MTN also reminds the Commission that in July 1998, it requested that its experimental
        authority include communication with satellites owned by New Skies Satellite, N.V. ("New Skies");
        these satellites are in the process ofbeing transferred to New Skies from Intelsat. Specifically, MTN
        respectfully requests that its authorization reflect its intent to communicate with New Skies satellite
        513 (at 183° E.L.) and New Skies satellite 803 (at 338.5° E.L.).

               In addition, on July 25, 1997, MTN requested that the Commission expand its authority
        pursuant to Call Sign KI2XEE to permit operation of 250 SESs. The Commission denied MTN‘s
        request on November 21, 1997. MTN filed a Petition for Partial Reconsideration on December 19,

                1       Amendment to the Commission‘s Regulatory Policies Governing Domestic Fixed .
        Satellites and Separate Satellite Systems & DBSC Petition for Declaratory Rulemaking
        Regarding the Use of Transponders to Provide International DBS Service, Report & Order, FCC
        96—14, 11 FCC Red 2429 (1996).

Federal Communications Commission
Experimental Radio Services
Tanuary 22, 1999
Page 2

1997. The Commission has not yet acted on this Petition. MTN respectfully requests that the
Petition for Partial Reconsideration be maintained under review and consideration, and attaches
hereto a copy of the Petition for the Commission‘s convenience.

           Please date stamp and return the enclosed copy ofthis filing. Should you have any questions
regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

                                                        Very truly yours,

                                                        Helen   Disenhaus
                                                        Nancy Killien Spooner
                                                        Counsel for Maritime Telecommunications
                                                        Network, Inc.

cc:        Dale Hatfield, Chief, FCC, OET
           Douglas Young, FCC, OET
           Julia Waysdorf, Esq.
           Dr. Robert J. Hanson


Document Created: 2001-08-27 20:08:27
Document Modified: 2001-08-27 20:08:27

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