USCG Approval

0488-EX-PL-2014 Text Documents

Marine Exchange of Alaska


                                                                                                                             Digitally signed by ARROYO.JORGE.

                                                                                                                             DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government, ou=DoD,

By CGNAV at 5:46 pm, Apr 25, 2014           APPROVAL PERIOD 05.15.2014 to 03.31.2017                        N.1183487155
                                                                                                                             ou=PKI, ou=USCG, cn=ARROYO.JORGE.
                                                                                                                             Reason: I am approving this document
                                                                                                                             Date: 2014.04.25 17:45:55 -04'00'

AIS ATON Details

Applicant Details                Owner                                  Operator (if different)

             Contact Name        Bill Benning                           SAME

                         Title   Chief Technology Officer

               Organization      Marine Exchange of Alaska (MXAK)

                                 1000 Harbor Way
                   Address       Suite 204
                                 Juneau, AK 99801

               Office Phone      907-463-3937

               Mobile Phone      907-321-1832


                E-Signature      William D Benning

Attributes of the Physical AIS AtoN Station
Seller,                          L-3 PROTEC D                           Provide the Seller, Make, Model & Date of (IEC 62320-2) Type
Make, Model &
                                 SW rev.1.4A - AIS ATON                 Certification of the station.
Date of Certification

                                                                        Denote how the station will be configured, i.e.: (1) standard
                                                                        presentation interface (PI) sentences (i.e. IEC 61162 series); (2)
                                                                        standard AIS AtoN configuration messages; and/or (3)
Configuration method             1, 2, and 3
                                                                        proprietary sentences or binary configuration messages; and,
                                                                        whether via the AIS VHF Data-Link (VDL) and/or by other means.
                                                                        Denote the message(s) in the ‘Additional Comments’ section.

                                                                        Denote AIS AtoN station type & whether dual or single channel
AIS AtoN Station Type            Type III dual channel
                                                                        (see IALA A-126). Default: Type III, dual channel.

UTC synchronization              Direct                                 Denote direct, indirect or semaphore (Types 3). Default: Direct

                                                                        Denote transmit power if defined by manufacturer. Default: 12.5
Transmit Power                   12.5 W

Transmitter capability           Type III                               Denote (Type I and II only). Default: Type III

Receiver availability            7x24                                   Denote receiver on times. Default: Not applicable.

                                                                        Denote main (i.e. electric utility, on-site generator, solar panels,
                                 Battery, UPS, charged from grid or
Power Source                                                            rechargeable battery) and auxiliary (i.e. none, universal power
                                 solar panels – dependent on location
                                                                        supply, back-up generator) power source.

                                                                        If applicable, provide all MMSIs in the chain & the neighboring
Chaining                         N/A
                                                                        stations (parent and child) to this station. Default: Not applicable.

Message 21 content

Parameter                        Values     (if other than Default)     Comment / description

Maritime Mobile Service
Identity (MMSI)
                                 ASSIGNED BELOW | 9930320xx             To be provided by USCG, upon Aton approval.

                                 See Below Under Additional             Denote 20 characters AtoN Name; & additional 14 characters
Name of AtoN
                                 Details & Concept of Operations        may be added by using the Extended Name parameter.

                                                                        Denote the nature and type of AtoN (per IALA Buoyage System);
                                                                        see IALA A-126; Type Codes” 0-31. Note not the same as AIS
Type of AtoN                     Code 1- Reference Point
                                                                        ATON Station Type (i.e. Type I/II/III). Default=0=Type not

                                 Lat:                                   The latitude and longitude WGS84 position where the Physical
Broadcasted [physical                                                   AtoN Station will broadcasts from; MUST BE expressed in 1/10
station]                                                                000 of a minute of arc (i.e. 31.000001’N, 121.000001’W).
position                         See Below Under Additional             For Virtual ATON Stations, provide positions, type & name in the
                                 Details & Concept of Operations        Additional Detail section.

* Approval is conditional upon broadcast authorization by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC); and,
  may be may revoked at anytime. The owner/operator shall cease broadcasts immediately if the station is not
   operating in accordance with the parameters set forth in this application; and, shall notify

                                      APPROVAL PERIOD 05.15.2014 to 03.31.2017

Dimension / Reference for
                              A=B=C=D=0 [Ref. Point]

                                                                          0 = Undefined (default); 1 = GPS; 2 = GLONASS; 3 = Combined
                                                                          GPS/GLONASS; 4 = Loran-C; 5 = Chayka; 6 = Integrated
                                                                          Navigation System ; 7 = surveyed; 8 = Galileo; 9-14 = not
Type of electronic position
                              7= Surveyed Position                        used;15 = internal DGNSS. Default=7=Surveyed Position. For
fixing device (EPFS)
                                                                          fixed AtoN & virtual AtoN, the charted (surveyed) position should
                                                                          be used. The accurate position enhances its function as a radar
                                                                          reference target.

Off-position indicator /                                                  If a floating aide, denote off-position threshold value (in meters);
                              0 = On Position
threshold                                                                 see IALA A-126. Default=0=On position.

                                                                          Denote status indicators available on the AtoN; see IALA A-126.
AtoN status                   0000000
                                                                          Default=0000000=Not specified.

                                                                          Denote whether EPFS RAIM capability. Default=0=RAIM not
RAIM capability               N/A

                                                                          Denote station operating mode: 0 = Station operating in
Assigned mode flag            0                                           autonomous & continuous mode = default; 1 = Station operating
                                                                          in assigned mode. Default=0=Autonomous & continuous.

Transmitted messages, Access Mode & Reporting Rate

Denote each message that will be transmitted, i.e. 6, 8 (include DAC & FI, if assigned, 12, 14 (include the pre-formatted text in the Details
section below), etc.
Denote the Reporting Rate for each message. Message 21 transmission is required every 3 minutes alternating on AIS1 & AIS2; denote if
message 21 reporting rate is different.
Denote the Access Mode for each message: FATDMA, RATDMA, and/or CSTDMA. If FATDMA denote the configured assigned slots or the
need for the USCG to provide such (which requires that a USCG Base Station is available in the intended area to reserve such slots).

Msg#/DAC/FI                   Access Mode                                 Reporting Rate (indicate whether alternating channels)

21                                                                        Default: RATDMA, every 3 minutes, alternating on AIS1 & AIS2

8: DAC 367, TBD
                              RATDMA                                      Not to exceed 20 slots every minute, alternating on AIS1 & AIS2

8: DAC 367, FI 22
                              RATDMA                                      Not to exceed 20 slots every minute, alternating on AIS1 & AIS2

8: DAC 001, FI 31
                              RATDMA                                      Not to exceed 20 slots every minute, alternating on AIS1 & AIS2

8: DAC 367, FI 29
                              RATDMA                                      Not to exceed 20 slots every minute, alternating on AIS1 & AIS2
Linked Text

Additional Details & Concept of Operations
Indicate how & who will be configuring, deploying, monitoring, maintaining & using the station. Its concept & period of operation, etc.

Deliver near real time weather information from multiple weather sensors to multiple AIS AtoNs for
transmission over AIS VHF Data Link (VDL) using AIS Message 8. The weather senor (AIRMAR Weather
Station; 150MX) outputs apparent wind, true wind, barometric pressure, air temperature and heat index
temperature in NMEA 2000 and NMEA 0183 data format. These data will be formatted in DAC 367, FI 33
Environmental and DAC 001, FI 31 Environmental Msg. 8 for transmission via AIS AtoN. Message 21
identifying the AtoN will be transmitted as required.

* Approval is conditional upon broadcast authorization by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC); and,
  may be may revoked at anytime. The owner/operator shall cease broadcasts immediately if the station is not
   operating in accordance with the parameters set forth in this application; and, shall notify

                                    APPROVAL PERIOD 05.15.2014 to 03.31.2017

Through the CRADA (MXAK/USCG), geographic notice and Message 21 for virtual AtoN will be transmitted.
Geographic Notice will consist of one or more of the following: Caution: Protected Habitat, Restriction: Entry
prohibited; Caution; Fishery – nets in water or Cluster of Fishing Vessels; Environmental Caution: Hazardous
sea ice. Before transmitting a virtual AtoN using Message 21, MXAK will apply through USCG District 17 for
proper authorization to create a new aid. If additional text information is required, DAC 367 FI 29 – Linked
Text message will be used.

MMSI        Aton       Coverage                                                 Antenna          Antenna     Expected
                                       Latitude    Longitude     Site Sponsor
9930320xx   Name       Area                                                     Structure        Height      Deployme

                       Arctic                                                   Quonset hut
07          Barrow                     71.32737    -156.680862   MXAK                            35ft AGL    July 2014
                       Ocean                                                    roof structure

            Prudhoe    Arctic
06                                     70.222023   -148.419472   MXAK           Comm             100ft AGL   July 2014
            Bay        Ocean
                                                                                2 Story
05          Wales                      65.605185   -168.085647   MXAK           building mast    35ft AGL    June 2014

04                                     53.919214   -166.509105   MXAK           Comm             30ft AGL    June 2014
            Harbor     Bering Sea

                                                                                2nd story
03                                     61.238839   -149.889115   MXAK           building mast    35ft AGL    May 2014
            ge         Cook Inlet
01          AtoN                       58.285547   -134.389863   MXAK           Trylon Tower     50ft AGL    April 2014
            MXAK                                                                2 story
02          AtoN       Cook Inlet      59.60206    -151.417436   MXAK           building mast    35ft AGL    March 201
            2/Homer                                                             mount

* Approval is conditional upon broadcast authorization by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC); and,
  may be may revoked at anytime. The owner/operator shall cease broadcasts immediately if the station is not
   operating in accordance with the parameters set forth in this application; and, shall notify

Document Created: 2014-04-25 17:46:58
Document Modified: 2014-04-25 17:46:58

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